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Forbidden Valentine: A Forbidden Novel

Page 12

by J.C. Valentine

  Saturday night, seven, located at his home in a fancy, gated community where his house backed up to a golf course, so they had more than enough space for entertaining.

  Dread trickled into his veins. Parties weren’t really his scene. Not anymore anyway. There would be a ton of people there, and, no doubt, every one of them would be drinking. He didn’t want to deal with that, but he’d already committed to going.

  Calling up Dani’s number, he took a page out of his brother’s handbook and texted her the time and date and told her he wanted her there. If he had to stomach an evening of rubbing elbows with the administrative elite, then he was going to do it with her by his side.

  Hopefully, she was still out shopping with her mother so she could pick up something appropriate to wear to the event.

  His phone vibrated in his hand, and when Ransom looked down to see who was calling, he wasn’t surprised to see Dani’s name on the screen.

  “Hey, babe.”

  “Was that supposed to be some kind of invitation you just sent me?”

  He grinned, leaned back in his chair, and kicked his feet up on the edge of the desk. “To a dinner with some colleagues, yes.”

  “I didn’t see any question marks in there. So am I to assume that you were asking, or were you telling?”

  “A little of both?”

  She made an annoyed sound he’d heard women make when sucking their teeth and smacking their lips. It reminded him of a Velcro wallet he had as a kid, the tearing sound nearly identical.

  “I’m telling your mother next time I see her.”

  “You’re already planning when you’ll visit my family again? I like it. Tell me, what else do you see in our future?”

  This time she growled her irritation. “Between you and my mother, I’m going to be bald by the end of the day.”

  “I’ll buy you nice wig. Then you won’t have to worry about me messing up your hair when I fuck you.”

  “Lord, give me patience,” she muttered under breath.

  “How’s shopping going?”

  “Badly, but thank God we’re almost done. I’m going to need a spa day after this. Can you believe she’d trying to get me to make up with my sister? After what that heifer pulled with Mark, she can forget it.” She huffed. “So, what do I need to wear to this thing?”

  “It’s semi-formal. Dress, not a ball-gown.”

  “Fine. I’ll see what I can find. Is there anything else you’d like me to pick up while I’m out, sire?”

  Oh, her attitude was something to be savored. He’d bet she didn’t have any idea the kind of affect she had on him when she was being stubborn. Instead of finding it unattractive, he found her to be irresistibly sexy. “How about a ball gag? It’ll help keep the noise down when I take you from behind, and it’ll come in handy when you’re being mouthy.”

  She laughed outright and the joyful sound of it reached every cell in his body, making him wish she were standing right in front of him so he could bend her over the desk and show her how thoroughly she undid him.

  Sobering, she said, “Okay, I’m hanging up now. You’re lucky I’m so nice,” she added. “Any other man would be feeling my boot up their ass for speaking to me like that.”

  “You like it, don’t try to deny it.”

  “Good-bye, Ransom,” she singsonged.

  He hung up with a smile on his face and a lightness in his chest that only she could provide. Oh yes, he was definitely in love.

  By the time he arrived home that night, Ransom was desperate to see Dani’s gorgeous face. So far they’d spent two nights in each other’s arms, and during that time they’d had sex countless times. He’d never been so lost in a woman before.

  Not even Josephine.

  It was a true revelation considering, at one time, he’d thought he’d never get over her. His mood hung in a strange in between as he prepared dinner. On the one hand, he was beyond happy to have found someone as special as Dani, someone who could reach inside of him and erase all the hurt and pain that he’d thought would always haunt him. On the other hand, he felt like a fool because of all that he’d put himself and his family through.

  Josephine wasn’t his. Never was. And his mother was right. He’d eventually found the right girl for him.

  He was wrong to believe that, because he had a twin, that they’d be forever bound to love the same woman. The universe had certainly proven him wrong.

  His mother was going to have a field day when she heard about this.

  But there still remained the matter of him and Rebel. He knew their estrangement was putting a strain on their family, and he couldn’t see letting it continue when there was nothing left to be angry over.

  A part of him wanted to jump in his car and race over just to tell him that, but an illogical part of him wanted to set the idea aside and hold onto the grief a little longer. Besides, Dani was due to arrive any minute and he wasn’t about to miss a second alone with her.

  So Ransom cooked, and by the time Dani arrived, the only thought on his mind was feeding his woman, undressing her, bathing her, and making love to her all night.

  So that’s exactly what he did.


  HOURS LATER, LYING IN bed, fully sated and in each other’s arms, Dani traced little circles across his chest. Her soft touch lulled Ransom into a light sleep, his own fingers tracing her spine slowing as his concentration waned.

  “So do you want to tell me what was on your mind earlier?”

  “Hmm? Oh, nothing. Just been a long day.” He yawned, hoping she’d let the topic rest. As hard as he’d tried to bury his thoughts of his brother, he still found it a distraction at random points throughout their romantic evening together. And Dani was astute enough to pick up on it.

  She hadn’t commented on it then, and he was hoping that after four orgasms she would forget about it completely, but apparently, and much to his chagrin, she hadn’t.

  “Seemed like more than that to me. Want to talk about it?”

  “It’s late.”

  “I’m not tired.”

  “That’s not possible,” he said smugly. “I fucked you until your body went limp. You should be sleeping clear into next week right now.”

  “You made love to me, and it was beautiful,” she corrected him, “but I don’t have the crash and burn ability like you men do. I’m wide awake. So talk to me. Tell me what was bothering you, and maybe I can help fix it.”

  He sighed, sensing that she wasn’t going to give up until he’d bared his soul. “I was thinking about my brother.”

  “Do you miss him?”

  “I don’t know. There’s a lot of shit I have to sort through before I can say one way or another, but I do know that I need to talk to him.”

  “About Joe?”

  He appreciated that she didn’t refer to Josephine as Rebel’s wife but just as someone he knew. Even though that was the case, and he no longer saw his future entwined with hers, it still stung a bit to be reminded of it.

  Being burned, no matter the outcome, was never something a person truly got over. The hurt dug too deep. Left scars.

  But Dani was making it better. Had made it better. He kissed her forehead in silent thanks. “About everything,” he answered.

  “He misses you, too, just so you know.”

  “And how would you know that?”

  “Because I saw him, at the party. The way he watched you when you weren’t looking? It reminds me of the way you looked tonight. You’re both hurting, and it makes sense since you’re twins. You have a bond that no one can break. You need each other, even if you are both stubborn as mules.”

  Ransom chuckled. “Stubborn am I? Isn’t that a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?”

  “I never said I wasn’t stubborn. At least I own it.”

  “Oh, I own my mulish side. Have to, considering my own mother has spent every day of my life telling me so. And now you.” He lightly pinched her round bottom, earning a startled squeak from he

  “The more I learn about your mother, the more I like her. I might have to make a return visit just so I can learn all your secrets.”

  “Can’t. She’s been sworn to secrecy.”

  “I’m sure I can bribe her. She wants more grandbabies, right?”

  Ransom’s eyes flew open and he twisted his head to look at her. “What are you going on about? Babies? Is there something you’re not telling me that I should know?”

  “What? No! If you’re asking if I’m pregnant, I’m totally not,” she said vehemently. “But…don’t you want kids some day?”

  He hadn’t given it a lot of thought, per say, but now that he was forced to consider the possibility, he guessed he’d always just assumed he’d have a family one day. But then his world crashed and burned and the idea had flown right out the window. It seemed pointless to consider a family after that…until now.

  Scratching his chin, he asked, “With you?”

  Her mouth dropped open and she gasped. “Jeez, try to contain your enthusiasm why don’t you!” Shooting him the evil eye before rolling away, she curled around her pillow, giving him her back.

  Ransom was left staring at the back of her head, wondering what the hell had set her off. “What did I say?”

  Her head jerked with every angered word spoken. “What did I say?” she mimicked. “As if you don’t know!”

  Throwing his hands up, he shouted, “I don’t know! Why do you think I’m asking?” Was it wrong that he found this funny?

  “Are you laughing at me?”

  Carefully and quickly, Ransom smoothed his expression and worked the smile from his voice before he spoke. Redirecting them back to the issue at hand, he explained himself. “All I asked was if you meant having kids with you. How was that offensive in any way?”

  She sat up fast, rounding on him, her hair wild from making love and her face flushed from her fury. She was like Athena in the flesh—brilliant and awe worthy. He had the absurd urge to bow in the face of her glory.

  But she’d probably smack him, so he stayed put.

  “It’s the way you said it. As if the very thought of having a family with me was repugnant.”

  “Are you kidding?” Ransom moved to his knees before her, uncaring that the sheets had fallen from his waist to revel his renewed desire, thereby likely destroying any point he was about to make. “If I were to have kids with anyone, I couldn’t imagine a more perfect person to have them with.” She scoffed, disbelieving. “Name another woman more nurturing and caring than you.”

  “What about Josephine?”

  The question hit him square in the chest, and Ransom sat back, staring at her. “That’s a low blow, Dani.”

  “Is it?” she challenged. “It wasn’t very long ago you were drinking yourself half to death because she chose Rebel over you. Now you want me to believe that you’ve moved on so much that you can see having a family with me?”


  “Why? What could have possibly changed so much that you can honestly sit here and say that you don’t still want a future with her?”

  Hating her tone, Ransom’s jaw clenched. “You,” he said firmly. “You’re what changed.”

  “I haven’t done a thing besides holding you to your promise of not drinking anymore.”

  “That’s only a small part of it. You’re mine now, remember? I claimed you. That means something.”

  Her expression twisted with pain, sending his stomach into a freefall. “You’re right, it does mean something,” she said softly, her chin beginning to tremble. Which scared the hell out of him. “I’m just afraid that it means far more to me than it does to you.”

  Ransom wanted to reach for her, badly, but he didn’t dare. He sensed that whatever this was about, it was going to get worse before it got better, and the last thing he wanted to do was fracture the fragile moment and send her running.

  “That’s not possible, Dani. Look at me,” he said, forcefully gripping her chin and turning her face so she had no choice but to meet his eyes. “It’s not possible.”


  “Because you gave me something special that no one has ever given me before. You thought enough of me, trusted me enough, to give that to me. I don’t take that lightly.”

  Her eyes narrowed and she pushed her face toward him, her strength and determination terrifyingly impressive. “Why?” she hissed.

  His heart skipped. “I don’t understand what you’re asking.”

  “Yes, you do. You know exactly what I’m asking,” she accused. “Now tell me why. Why isn’t it possible for it to mean more to you if I belong to you than it does to me?”

  Ransom’s lungs constricted and his tongue stuck to the roof of his suddenly dry mouth.

  She huffed a humorless laugh. “You can’t say it, can you? You can’t because you know it’s not true. You’re still in love with her. That’s why you can’t go talk to your brother, isn’t it? Because you know you’d be lying if you said you forgave him. Because you still. Want. Her.”

  Her cruel laughter was saturated with such profound pain that Ransom would have been brought to his knees if he were standing. Fat tears rolled down her cheeks as Dani threw back the blankets and extricated herself from his bed. He sat there, powerless in his guilt and lost in his struggle to sort the truth from the lies, that all he could do was watch her struggle to get dressed.

  Was she right? Was his reluctance to see Rebel, his easy willingness to delay a visit, a direct result of his lingering feelings for Josephine?

  The answer was immediate: No.

  There was no question in his mind that Dani was wrong. About everything.

  In her haste to put her pants on, Dani stumbled and fell, her hip colliding with the mattress. It was all Ransom needed to spur him into action.

  Lunging, he caught her around the middle and hauled her backward across the bed. Her arms and legs flailed and she screeched her protest, but Ransom had her flat on her back and was lying on top of her in less time that it took to blink.

  Boxing her head in with his hands, getting in her face, putting them nose to nose, he made sure she was going to hear every word he had to say.

  “No talking,” he commanded. “Just listen.”

  She looked as if she wanted to argue, but her mouth snapped shut.

  “You’re wrong. I’ve known since the first night I slept in your bed that you were it for me. But if I’m being truly honest, I think it might have fallen for you the moment I laid eyes on you in that bar. You weren’t the first woman to catch my eye, but you were the first to catch my attention.”

  “What’s the difference?”

  “The difference is that any woman can catch a man’s eye. All she needs is a pair of tits and a soft place to stick it,” he said crudely, knowing it would only piss her off more. But he wanted her angry, so when he told her his reason, she would feel the truth of it down to her marrow. There would be no more questioning his motives. All that would be left was trust. “But you were different. For the first time since I could remember, I stopped thinking about Joe and everything that could have been but wasn’t, and I saw what was in front of me. I saw you, Dani. It took me some time to accept it, to let go of the past, but I have. For you.

  “I can live without you, Dani, but what’s more is I don’t want to. You make every day easier. For the first time in a long time, I’m looking forward to tomorrow instead of dreading it. Because of you, I no longer look in the mirror and hate what I see. You’ve fixed what’s broken inside of me. How can I not love you?”

  Utter stillness swallowed the room as the two of them lay there, locked in each other’s eyes. Ransom had laid himself bare before her, and now all he could do was hope she still cared enough to accept him.

  But the silence was killing him.

  “Speak to me, Dani. Tell me you heard all that. Tell me you love me, too. Something, just don’t leave me hanging.”

  That’s when she unleashed every single emotion
she’d been holding inside. Her whole body rocked with sobs and she dissolved into tears. Unable to stomach her sadness, Ransom wrapped her in his arms and just held her.

  He didn’t know how long they laid like that. Enough time for Dani’s tears to fade and come back several times before they finally dried up for good, leaving only hiccups behind.

  Retrieving toilet paper from the bathroom, Ransom handed her the strip of tissue and climbed back into bed beside her, draping his arm over her shoulder and tucking her hair back behind her ears so he could continue to monitor her mottled red face.

  “You don’t know how much I needed to hear that.” She sniffled, wiping her eyes then nose dry. “I had hoped, but I thought I stood a bigger change of having my heart broken than you ever returning how I feel about you. And I was trying to resign myself to the day when I’d have to walk away.”

  “How do you feel about me?”

  Her bloodshot, puffy eyes lifted to his. “Isn’t it obvious? Of course I love you.”

  She said it as if it were a given. Something that he should have known long ago. It made his heart soar to hear it. Ransom grinned. “Good, then that makes this much less awkward.”

  She laughed, sniffled, and then laughed again before sobering. “I think you need to get that visit to your brother out of the way sooner than later. Tell him where you stand so you can put this mess behind you and move on.”

  “I agree.”

  “And I think Joe needs to be there to hear it, too.”

  Stroking a hand down her long, silken fall of hair, Ransom nodded. “Agreed. She needs closure just as much as he and I.”

  Her breath shuddered and she sniffed again. “Since we’re being honest, I think I should tell you that the reason I want you to tell her too is because I don’t want there to be any questions left. I want everyone to know that you’ve moved on.” Her strained eyes met his. “With me.”

  “Trust me, by the end of the day tomorrow, everyone is going to know you’re mine.”


  DANI COULDN’T STOP SMILING, even though she was majorly stressing. Ransom hadn’t lied when he told her everyone would know she was his. Apparently, after they’d parted ways that morning, he’d begun a campaign of announcing their relationship to the world.


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