Zera_Dawn Of The Redborn

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Zera_Dawn Of The Redborn Page 10

by Lorenzo Lionheart

  “AiLeen are you okay?” Axyl said, holding her up.


  She may be out for a while. You shouldn’t have went there. What were you two thinking?” Axyl was scowling at Bakari, who had went silent. “Since the fire is out, we aren’t protected anymore. We will need to set up a perimeter to make sure they aren’t coming back.

  “Get up! We don’t have time to sit here and soak in misery” Axyl shouted, yanking on Bakari’s shirt and lifting him up off the ground, “What's done is done. We have to worry about the now.” Bakari fell back down. This irritated Axyl. He dropped his sword and picked Bakari back up with both hands, slamming him up against the wall. “Listen to me! You said you wanted to accept the responsibility of becoming king! Well, this is a part of that responsibility. There are going to be good moments and there are going to be bad moments like this. How can you expect followers to follow you if this is how you react in tough situations?” Axyl stared at Bakari and threw him to the ground.

  Bakari took his words into consideration as he rested there, laying on the ground. He was thinking about Nova, Kas, and now AiLeen. These were all people hurt by his decisions. He was doubting himself. Axyl was running back and forth, trying to block off the entrance. Bakari noticed a Croc running towards Axyl while Axyl’s hands were full and his sword was still on the floor next to him. He quickly grabbed the sword, and morphed into his Vakin side, piercing the Croc’s skin. His snarl was powerful as he pulled the sword out from the Croc, letting its body fall.

  “I’m sorry. I accept my decisions from here on out.” Bakari handed Axyl his sword. “You’re better than me with this. Let me do the manual labor. Just tell me what needs to be done.” Bakari said, taking the ropes and other items from Axyl.

  Axyl seemed surprised, trying to think of what was going through Bakari’s mind when he said that. This was the first time that Axyl believed that Bakari was actually taking this seriously. He even changed and kept his form up. Axyl pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind because he had a task ahead of him. He started explaining to Bakari what he needed him to do to set up their defensive perimeter. Bakari was following everything to a tee and didn’t ask any questions, showing that he didn’t always have to lead, but he could follow.

  “Now we wait. We are trapped until she wakes up, then we can retake the mountain. Her flame kept this mountain protected, but we don’t know how many more Crocs are out there. They don’t know how many of us are in here so it will be a waiting game to see which one of us gets curious.” Axyl hesitantly walked to the entrance and grabbed the dead Crocs body, slowly picking it up and pushing it out of the entrance to see what would happen. Instantly, a couple of arrows pierced its body along with some flames. “Well, I guess we know there's some people waiting to kill us from a distance.” Axyl laughed, trying to get Bakari to loosen up. “They won’t come up here. It's all a mental game so don’t let it get to you.”

  “It isn’t getting to me anymore. Like I said, from here on out I will stick by my decisions.” He smiled, holding in his pain. Looking at everything as a whole, he was determined to take it all on his shoulders.

  Another Croc came in during their moment, but Axyl quickly got rid of him. Crawling towards the entrance, Axyl noticed that a swarm of Crocs were moving closer and closer every time they killed one. They were testing the limits of their parameters. Every time Axyl killed a Croc, they would move closer to see how long it took before another would die. They noticed no one was dying until they got near the entrance of the cave, so they kept pushing forward.

  “This is going to get bad if she doesn’t wake up soon. Be prepared for anything, Bakari.” Axyl said, watching the approaching Crocs move slowly towards the entrance. “When they get closer, pull that rope that I had you set up. It will activate one of the traps I set up when we first got here. Just wait on my mark, okay?” Axyl told Bakari. Bakari nodded.

  Moments passed as Axyl watched them approach cautiously. They were quiet but relentless in their approach. A few kept splitting from the group to try to enter the cave, Axyl would take them out easily every time.

  “NOW!” Axyl yelled as the Crocs were just a few feet from the entrance.

  Bakari yanked the rope as fast as he could looking to Axyl for acknowledgment Axyl just nodded back, looking out of the entrance at the aftermath of the Crocs being slaughtered by a blade Axyl had put at the tip of the mountain a few days ago. As he looked, he noticed a few bodies still moving down the mountain and decided to pursue them so they couldn’t go back and warn any of the remaining Crocs.

  “I’ll be back. I need to get them before they get away.” Axyl threw a dagger in Bakari’s direction, “Defend yourself!” He ran out the entrance in pursuit of the Crocs.

  Bakari caught the dagger as he watched Axyl run out, letting out a snarl. Fighting wasn’t Bakari’s strong suit but hanging out with Axyl for the last few days he had learned a few fighting moves. He also had Avi there with him so he wasn’t too worried. Walking over to AiLeen, he held her in his arms to check on her breathing. AiLeen, why must you always over do it and try so many new things? He thought to himself as he held her.

  Axyl ran back in with blood all over his fur. “One of them got away; I’m going to reset the trap so be prepared for round two,” he said, walking right back out of the cave. Bakari could hear more footsteps running up the mountain. “Axyl?” he asked without receiving a response.

  Setting AiLeen down, he clenched the dagger in his hand and stood at the entrance, waiting for the unknown runner to get closer. Oncein his sight, he could see the eyes of the Croc. He stepped out, trying to stab him in the chest but this Croc was better than Bakari at fighting. He dodged the attack, kicking Bakari into the mountain, knocking the wind out of him and causing him to drop his dagger. The Croc yanked Bakari off the ground and wrapped his hands around his neck. “Droga will be pleased with me,” he mumbled in Bakari’s ear as he kneed him in the stomach multiple times.

  Bakari shouted in pain and agony because he couldn’t wiggle free from the Croc’s grip. Think beast… think beast… instinct… instinct… survive! Bakari kept repeating over and over in his head as he tried to let instinct get him through this fight. Finally as he got closer to losing consciousness, his will to survive kicked in. He bit the Croc’s arm as hard as he could causing its warm blood to rush into his mouth. The Croc let go, screaming in pain.

  When the croc stumbled backwards, Bakari quickly moved forward, clawing him over and over. He then went in and bit him one more time, letting out the animal in himself. Finally, he clawed him off the tip of the mountain. As he did that, he noticed another Croc hiding in the distance. He swiftly ran inside the cave where AiLeen was at by herself. Bakari moved as quickly as he could to go in and protect AiLeen. Not only was she his friend, but she was also the way they were going to get off the mountain.

  Once inside, the Croc was leaning over AiLeen’s body, checking to see who it was. Bakari instantly jumped on his backside, clawing and biting at him just as he did the other Croc. The Croc stood and walked backwards as fast as he could with Bakari on his back, slamming him into the wall. Bakari was relentless and didn’t let go. All he had on his mind was protecting AiLeen, just as she would have protected him. He yanked the Croc’s sword from his side and tried to stab him in the chest. The Croc knocked it from his hand and finally threw Bakari from his back.

  Not saying anything, the Croc cracked its neck while staring at Bakari with demeaning eyes. To Bakari, it was like looking death right in its eyes. Yet he still stood to protect his friend. He let out a vicious growl as he stood over AiLeen. The Croc just smiled, then rushed Bakari. The Croc mercilessly banged Bakari’s head against the walls of the cave, nearly knocking him unconscious.

  “No use in fighting back. We will over take this mountain soon enough. As soon as they find out its only you in here, they will wonder how so many of our brethren died. Had to be because of this witch. It couldn’t have been because of you.” The
Croc said in a raspy voice.

  “Get him, Avi!” Bakari commanded.

  She came out quickly, jumping on the Croc’s back and sinking her fangs into his neck, biting down as hard as she possibly could. The Croc let go of Bakari as he started pulling at Avi, trying to make her let go. Bakari took this opportunity to run to the entrance and grab the dagger he had dropped. Rushing back inside the cave, Bakari kicked the Croc in the chest and glared as he stabbed him.

  “We will make it out of here whether you want us to or not. I still have people to save.” Bakari said as he watched the life leave the Croc who was falling from the stab wound to his chest. “Good job, Avi.” Bakari said, grabbing his dagger from the Croc and limping back to the entrance. He checked to see if he could hear Axyl or anyone else coming. He didn’t see anything so he retreated back to where AiLeen was deep inside the cave. Avi took her spot next to AiLeen, laying right beside her. “She’s going to be okay Avi.” Bakari tried to reassure her as best he could. He wasn’t really sure himself if she would pull through, but he didn’t want Avi worrying.

  As he sat there in silence trying to listen for anything, he finally heard some slow footsteps coming back into the cave. He crouched down trying to listen for who it was, then heard Axyl’s voice.

  “It’s me…” he said, just louder than a whisper.

  Bakari finally saw him. He was limping and bloody when he walked back in.

  “Are you okay?” Bakari asked.

  “I will suffice, but the trap is back up and running. Hopefully they don’t make a move now or I might really be in trouble. “Axyl said, coughing up blood.

  “As soon as AiLeen wakes up, she will heal you and you will be fine.” Bakari smiled as he looked Axyl in his eyes.

  He heard more footsteps coming up the mountain. He felt Axyl tense up, and rush back to his feet, withdrawing his sword again. The running footsteps disappeared, and two Crocs appeared in the entrance of the cave. Axyl let out a loud growl when he saw them.

  “You’re Axyl? The royal guard?” A Croc laughed.

  “He can’t be, he seems so weak.” The other said, looking at the wounded Axyl.

  Axyl said nothing as he stood there with his sword pointed at them, waiting for them to make the first move. Bakari and Avi watched as the group was at a standstill waiting for each other to move first. Axyl let out another growl, beginning to walk first, but the moment he moved he winced in pain from his leg. The Crocs noticed this and they came rushing at him in an instant. One of them went to the right and the other to the left, trying to take Axyl from both sides. Even though he was in pain and wounded, it didn’t seem like it bothered him. He kept his calm demeanor. They rushed in from both sides, and Axyl went for the one on the right while the one on the left diverted his attention to Bakari.

  “If we kill him, our names will go down in the history books as the ones who helped Droga directly rid anyone of who could challenge his claim to the throne.” He said as he knocked Bakari to the ground.

  Axyl looked back, trying to see what was happening with Bakari, and in that instant he was stabbed in the side by the Croc he was fighting. Letting out a loud roar, Axyl grabbed the blade, pulling it back out as the Croc was trying to push it back in. Once he snatched it out, he and the Croc fought over it and Axyl finally impaled him with it. Now he turned his attention to the one fighting Bakari. “You were saying?” Axyl said as he was panting trying to keep conscious and protect Bakari at the same time. Moments passed and Axyl was just about done. He knew he couldn’t fight anymore but he couldn’t give up since he had to protect Bakari.

  “Who said it wouldn’t be easy?” The Croc said, looking back and forth between Bakari and Axyl. He kicked Bakari back down. Avi came back up, trying to bite him but he grabbed her by the neck and viciously threw her to the ground. She cried in pain as he stomped her unconscious. Walking over to Axyl, he was still panting and standing, still not moving. The Croc grabbed the top of his head and thrust it into the wall. He let out a slight laugh as he abused Axyl. “ Time to show you to the horde,” he whispered to Axyl as he viciously kneed him in the stomach, knocking all his wind out and dragging him outside. “THE MOUNTAIN IS OURS!” he yelled to the wilderness. Bakari heard a lot of movement, and cheers outside as he announced it.

  “Now that knocked the wind out of me… maybe I over did that just a bit.” AiLeen said, waking up with her eyes closed, not noticing her surroundings. “What is this?” she finally opened her eyes seeing Avi on the ground and Bakari all bloody and wounded. “A lady sleeps for a few minutes and this is what happens?” Getting angry, she snapped her finger to make her staff come to her hands. AiLeen slammed her staff to the ground, emitting the light back throughout the cave. The Croc holding Axyl quickly turned around as he saw the cave light up and, as he did, AiLeen was already behind him. “I think you have something of mine.” She said, looking at the wounded Axyl in the Croc’s hands.

  The Croc let Axyl fall to the ground as he tried to attack AiLeen, who in turn touched his head, sending him floating off the top of the mountain. “Be gone.” She said, waving her hand removing her floating spell from him and sending him dropping to the ground. “See what happens when I leave you alone just for a few moments? You go finding trouble.” She scolded Axyl as she floated him back to the pod. She entered the cave, and floated Bakari and Avi to pods also. Before she healed them, she placed the flame from her staff back into the middle of the cave. She heard the movement of all the Crocs rushing up to the top of the mountain as she did it.

  “Never send men to do a woman’s job. They will never get it done” she said, slapping her forehead.

  She gripped her staff with both hands tightly. She started shouting words as the light emitted from her body and she summoned a large amount of magick. “May the protections of the flame return.” She finished as the flame grew sporadically. You could hear Crocs falling from the mountain as she put the barrier back over the cave. This would put them back on the outskirts on the mountain if they were perceived as an enemy of AiLeen’s. She walked back towards Bakari, Axyl, and Avi and began her preparations for healing.


  Finally waking up, Bakari got out of his pod. He looked around very not seeing anyone in the cave. Where is everyone? He walked to the entrance to see if he would could anyone. AiLeen and Avi were playing right outside the entranceway. “Hey ladies.” Bakari said, waving to them both.

  “I see you’re finally awake, sleeping beauty.” AiLeen said.

  “How long was I out?”

  “Just a few hours. Not too bad like last time. But now that you’re up we should probably get to business. We’ve got a girl to save, right? So what's the plan for saving your girlfriend?” AiLeen said with a straight face, looking at Bakari.

  He hadn’t had his mind on Nova with everything that unfolded yesterday. He was just worried about surviving.

  “We do need to save Nova, I’m sure Axyl will help us come up with a plan.” Bakari said, ignoring the fact that AiLeen called her his girlfriend. “By the way, you're sure my friend Kas will be safe with that Hunter woman?” he asked.

  “Oh, I'm very confident in her ability to keep your friend safe. Not a lot of people go toe to toe with Droga and survive and, as you can see, she more than rightfully held her own.” AiLeen said, smiling.

  “Who is she?” he asked curiously.

  “Ummm, well…” she started.

  “He is safe. Let's worry about the Nova girl. Droga will kill her if you don’t show up. Since she’s your friend, I'll let you handle this how you see fit.” Axyl said, dropping an arm with a note inside the hand.

  “What’s this?” Bakari asked, looking at the bloody hand that Axyl had dropped on the ground.

  “This is Droga’s message to you letting you know that if you don’t meet him, this will be your friend’s arm.”

  Bakari’s heart felt like it jumped through his chest when Axyl said that. “How do we know where she is?” he asked

“He said it in the note. You are to meet him at the abandoned manor out in the dense forest. Come alone or he will kill Nova. You have until tomorrow. It also stated ‘P.S if you don’t come he will kill her anyways and come after you next.’” Axyl shook his head at how twisted Droga was.

  “We need a plan to get her… What can we do?” Bakari said, looking back between Axyl and AiLeen.

  They both looked back at him quietly. “Again, this is your call.”

  “He wants me to come alone so he can kill me… Wait…” he started as thoughts began rushing through his head. “Don’t the Hunters have cloaking technology? I remember you took a long time to notice they were even near us.” Bakari asked Axyl.

  “Yeah, what of it? If they move too much, I will smell them. Or if they get too close, it just helps them track me but not get to close to me.”

  “Hmm, We will need their help.” Bakari said with his paw under his chin.

  “How do you suppose we do that?” AiLeen asked.

  “Could you get your friend to help us?” Bakari asked, talking about the one that helped save Kas.

  “She’s more of a come-and-go type of person. It's not easy contacting her. I wouldn’t start the plan off with her but I can almost guarantee she will show her face again.” AiLeen said, looking at Axyl.

  Bakari thought real hard, and came up with something. “I think I have someone that can help but it will require us going back to the dorms for real this time, not as our shells.” He said, looking at AiLeen.

  AiLeen looked at Axyl, who gave a nod. Bakari filled Axyl in on what he needed to do, while AiLeen was in the cave grabbing some items for the trip to Bakari’s dorm.

  “This is your plan? I hope you can trust her.” Axyl said, walking in the cave to grab his sword.

  “Okay I have everything, but I must warn you. I don’t have enough mana stored to make a portal back here once we get to your dorms, seeing how far of a distance it is. So once we are there we are there for real and there won’t be any quick escapes from me. Are you okay with that?” AiLeen asked Bakari as she walked out of the cave.


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