Don't Kiss Your Brother's Sworn Enemy (Don't Kiss! Series Book 1)

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Don't Kiss Your Brother's Sworn Enemy (Don't Kiss! Series Book 1) Page 6

by Elle Gonzales

  Wait. Does this mean they're back together? If that's the case, then Jake and I don't have to do anything anymore. They're practically doing the work for us.

  “Well, what do you know?” Jake chuckles beside me. “Looks like our job here is done.”

  “Yeah,” I say with a small smile. “They don’t need us anymore.”

  But why does that make me feel a little sad? I should be happy for Harper. Even though we haven't resolved our issues yet, she's still my best friend. Maybe because despite the fact that I'm pissed at her, I still wanted to help her get Kirby back. And seeing her do it on her own makes me feel a little useless.

  Or maybe because this means that I officially don't have to spend time with Jake anymore.

  Swallowing hard at that thought, I start to take a step back but something stops me. That's when I realize I’m still holding Jake’s hand.

  Cheeks reddening, I drop it. “Sorry, I didn’t realize—”

  “I didn’t mind.”

  I snap my head up, my eyes meeting his gaze. His very serious gaze.

  My heart starts to pump harder in my chest as our eyes remain locked.

  Something's happening here. Something I never even considered to be a possibility. Something that should feel totally outrageous...but doesn't. Something that I have no idea how to handle. If it's even a good idea to explore.

  But I'm rooted to the spot as he takes hold of my hand and steps closer, still holding my gaze captive.

  Nervously, I wet my bottom lip with my tongue.

  For some reason, his gaze darkens at the gesture. His Adam's apple bobs in his throat, and when he speaks, his voice seems a little raspy. "Callie, I—"


  I go still, my eyes flaring wide. I quickly pull my hand away and turn to see a pissed off-looking Cole.

  Crap. Here we go again.

  "What the heck are you doing here? And why are you with this douche canoe again?"

  "Hey, leave her alone, man. She's not doing anything wrong."

  Cole's nostrils flare as he snaps his head to Jake. "You really need to back off."

  Jake squares his shoulder. "You're the one who needs to back off, Pruitt. Not me. Stop harassing your sister."

  "Oh my God." I roll my eyes before inserting myself between them and pushing at their chests. "Can you guys chill out?"

  Cole opens his mouth to respond when a female voice interrupts us.

  "Cole? What's going on?"

  It's Zoe Reynolds, and there's a puzzled look on her face as she watches the scene in front of her.

  Blinking, I turn to my twin, who suddenly looks sheepish.

  Wow. I was so not expecting this. But it’s a welcome interruption just the same.

  I turn back to Zoe with a smile. "Nothing. Cole's just asking if Jake can take me home." I shoot my brother a discreet glare, silently telling him to play along. It’s for his own sake anyway.

  "Oh." She pulls her bottom lip between her teeth. "I guess I'll just wait for him inside." She gives Cole an expectant look.

  Cole just stares at her. From the corner of my eye, I see Jake nudging his side, prompting him to clear his throat. "Yeah. I'll, uh, be there in a minute."

  Smiling shyly, she nods and heads back to where she came from.

  Cole gapes after her before turning back to us, his eyes glazed with awe. "Did she just say she'd wait for me?"

  "Yeah, dude, she did. So, what's it gonna be? Are you going to continue being a jerk to Callie or are you finally going after the girl you like?" Jake lifts his brow in a clear challenge.

  Cole stares at him, giving him a wary look. "Aren't you into her?"

  "Not at all."

  "I've seen you flirting with her in the cafeteria."

  Jake just shrugs. "I flirt with a lot of girls. Doesn't mean I like them." A smirk pulls up at the corners of his lips. "Besides, I only do that to piss you off."

  A small laugh bubbles out of me. Why am I not surprised to hear that? In fact, that’s always been my theory. Turns out, I’m right.

  "There's only one girl I like," Jake says softly, his eyes shifting to mine, causing me to suck in a breath.

  Is he...talking about me? Is he saying that he likes me? As if on cue, Harper's words cross my mind. “You know he has a thing for you, right?”

  Suddenly, it all makes sense. His cocky assumptions. His loaded stares and words. His gentlemanly behavior...

  And Cole's own words: "Whatever you're thinking, it's never going to happen."

  How could I've been so clueless?

  "I kind of figured that out," Cole says with a scowl. "There's no stopping you, is it?"

  "Nope." Jake's gaze is still fixed on me even as he answers my brother.

  My cheeks heat up as I hold his gaze, making him smirk a little.

  I hear Cole blow out a breath before muttering, "Why did I even bother?" Then he's heading off without another word—probably to go find Zoe—leaving me and Jake alone.

  "Guess your brother likes me now."

  I'm pretty sure he's no longer included in Cole's hate list. But liking him? "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

  That has him laughing out loud.

  Chapter 12

  A smile is plastered on my face as I take out my books from my locker.

  I woke up in a good mood today. I wonder why.

  Lie. Of course I know why. I'm just not sure I'm ready to admit it to myself yet.

  I mean, should I allow myself to explore this new thing with Jake? Not that he said anything about it last night. Aside from implying that he likes me in front of Cole, that is—and Cole implying the same.

  But what does this mean for me? Do him back? Do I feel something for him too? I don't think I've allowed myself that question last night. I just started seeing him in a different light, after all.

  Now more than ever do I wish that Harper and I are on good terms. She's used to this thing. She knows, of all people, how to navigate it. She'll advise me how to handle it.

  For a moment, I'm assaulted by the urge to find her and apologize. To give it another try. But I need to stand firm. I've already done my part. It's up to her now.

  But knowing how stubborn she is…

  "Hey, can we talk?"

  Closing my locker shut, I whirl around to find Harper herself standing a few feet away. Like my thoughts just brought her in front of me.

  Did she say she wants to talk?

  Hugging my books to my chest, I give her a cautious look. "Sure."

  "I don't know how to start this," she laughs awkwardly. "You probably hate me now. Not that I can blame you."

  A deep frown creases my forehead. "Why would I hate you?"

  "For being a total butthead." Her lips twitch at the last word.

  Harper and I love watching movies from the eighties and nineties. We got it from our moms who always played films from those decades when we were kids and having playdates. We've watched the Back to the Future trilogy a million times that it’s become natural for us to use references from the movies.

  It’s just one of the many things I’ve missed doing with my best friend. And if the look on her face is any indication, I’m not the only one feeling sentimental.

  Suddenly, my annoyance over her behavior flies out the window. I've never been one to hold a grudge anyway.

  My lips curve in a small smile. "You're not the only butthead here."

  Harper laughs again, not at all awkward this time, then flings her arms around me. "I'm so sorry."

  Tears well in my eyes as I hug her back. "I'm sorry too."

  "Ugh. I missed you, girl.”

  “Same,” I laugh, happiness blooming in my chest at reconciling with my best girl. “Let’s not fight again, okay?”

  “I agree. Let’s not.” She pulls away, her teary smile mirroring mine. “Seriously, how on earth can Kara and Marie manage to do it?”

  Hooking my arm through the crook of hers, I lead her away from the lockers. “I think that will for
ever remain one of life’s mysteries.”

  A loud laugh spills out of her, drawing attention from the students littering in the halls. Which we simply ignore.

  “So, I saw you and Kirby at Knox’s party last night. I guess I shouldn’t ask if you guys are back together,” I tease.

  Not that the possibility of it being a one-time thing is already out of the question. She did make out with him before dumping him, after all. But based on her suddenly dreamy expression, my assumption is correct.

  “I don’t even know why I broke up with that boy in the first place. What the heck was I thinking?”

  “Well, clearly, you weren’t thinking at all,” I scoff. “But it’s all behind you now, right? You got back together. That’s what’s important.”

  “Yeah,” she giggles. “Hey, did you know that it was Jake who talked Kirby into getting back together with me? That’s what Kirby told me anyway. Who would’ve thought, right? I mean, I thought he hated me or something for using him to make Kirby jealous.”

  I suppress a smile, knowing the truth behind it.

  I plan to tell Harper all about it, but not today. I’ll let her enjoy her rekindled romance with Kirby for now. There’s no hurry for her to know anyway. I’m just happy that she’s back with him and we’re back to being the best of friends. Not that we ever stopped.

  “Jake never hated you. He was even amused when I told him.” And thought that I did it because I was into him. But I keep that information to myself. Just one of the things I’ll tell her in the future. “Hey, can I ask you something?”


  “Did you talk to me because you and Kirby got back together?” I'm not mad, I just want to know.

  “Not at all.” Her look turns sheepish. “I’ve wanted to talk to you for days now, I just don’t know how to approach you. You’ve apologized a thousand times and I’ve ignored every one of them. I couldn’t blame you for being mad at me. I was so stupid for getting angry with you. You were right to tell Jake what I was up to. It was wrong of me to use him, and even more wrong for me to take my frustrations out on you. Sorry, Callie. You didn’t deserve any of it.”

  I smile and squeeze her arm to tell her it’s fine. That everything’s cool now. We patched things up and that’s what matters.


  Harper is conversing animatedly with Kara and Marie while we wait for our teacher. Earlier today, when they saw us walk into the cafeteria with our arms linked, they teased us relentlessly. But we both know they're happy for us. They didn't even argue with each other the whole time. I count that as a bonus.

  Now, the three of them are talking and gushing about Harper’s reconciliation with Kirby. Since I already know about it—and had my own fair share of gushing—I’m not paying attention.

  Instead, I’m reading a recently-released young adult novel in my kindle. But the truth is, even though my eyes are rooted to my e-reader, my focus isn’t really on it. It’s fixed on the door, specifically on the boy who just walked in.

  My palms start to sweat, and I can feel my heartbeat going faster. Is this going to be a thing with Jake from now on? That I'll always have these reactions whenever I see him? Like I have an intense crush on him? No, scratch that—like I'm crushing on him again?

  Is that really what I feel?

  Ugh. It's like freshman year all over again.

  "This is not good. This is so not good," I groan under my breath.

  "You saying something, Mouse?" I sensed him before I even heard him. It's hard not to when I'm hyper-aware of his presence lately.

  "Nothing. I was just reading out loud." My cheeks are beet red and I can't even look at him.

  So not good.

  He chuckles softly. "Back to reading bodice rippers, I see."

  Not wanting him to think I'm being weird, I finally glance up and scowl at him. "I told you, I don't do that anymore. And again, it only happened one time."

  He gives me one of his annoyingly gorgeous smirks. "Keep telling yourself that, Mouse."

  I simply make a face, then pretend to go back to reading.

  What else am I supposed to say to him anyway? Ask him what he meant at the party?

  But I don't want to appear too eager. I want him to say it without any urging from me. I mean, it was him who basically made some sort of declaration. So all I have to do is wait.

  But to my disappointment, he doesn't bring it up. He just lets me "read" in peace until Mr. Harrison shows up.

  "What's wrong? You look bummed out," Harper comments when the class ends and everyone filters out the door.

  Oh, I'm definitely bummed out. Because the guy I've been waiting to say something to me is now heading out of class. And he didn't say anything at all.

  "Nothing. I just forgot to do something." I force a smile and gather my stuff, hoping Harper won't press the issue.

  Keeping my head down, I follow my friends out into the hall, intending to head to my locker to deposit my books and get the one for my next class.

  But Marie's words stop me on my tracks and make me snap my eyes up. "Hey, is Jake Wilson seeing Jenna Simmons?"

  "What? I had no idea." Harper turns to me. "Cal, did you know this?"

  "No," I whisper, my eyes rooted to the scene a few meters away.

  Jenna is leaning against her locker, and Jake is standing in front of her. His hand is on her hair and she's smiling up at him, adoration written all over her face. It's not just her. It's him too. He's flashing her one of his charming smiles.

  I thought wrong. He wasn't talking about me last night. He was talking about Jenna.

  The realization hits me like a punch to the gut, bringing tears to my eyes.

  "Can we go? We're going to be late for class." I manage to keep my voice steady, but just barely. Turning on my heels, I walk to the opposite direction, unable to watch Jake and Jenna any longer.

  "You know, I've been wondering why he bothered to help me and Kirby," Harper muses. "I think I found out just now. He's into Jenna. Kirby had been fake-flirting with her to make me jealous, right? I knew that because the jerk admitted it to me." But she sounds pleased, not angry. "I guess Jake wanted him out of the way."

  I clench my fists. Is that really true? Jake didn't help me because he found my issues entertaining—and because I pestered him into doing so. He helped me because there was something in it for him.

  And the something turned out to be someone. Jenna.

  I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I thought he liked me. I made the most stupid assumption.

  Aren't you glad you didn't bring it up?

  Oh, I'm definitely glad. I just saved myself the humiliation I could've endured.

  Congratulate yourself. You just dodged a bullet.

  But why don't I feel like celebrating?

  Chapter 13

  I haven’t seen Jake with Jenna after that. But it doesn’t matter. I learned the truth.

  Jake isn’t interested in me. Jenna’s the one he wanted all along.

  I hate that I’m so affected by that revelation. I keep telling myself that it’s better this way. Jake loves to be around girls, and I don’t think I can handle the jealousy and insecurity that come with that.

  Seriously, I’m better off.

  If only I weren’t feeling miserable about it.

  How did this even happen? One moment, I was content being single and not pining after someone. Then the next thing I know, I was moping over a boy. And it’s Jake Wilson, of all people.

  My brother's sworn enemy.

  Only not anymore. Cole has officially moved on from his years-long resentment toward Jake. Maybe because Jake admitted that he wanted nothing to do with Zoe. But I'm thinking it's due to the fact that Cole is too happy dating Zoe to care about Jake anymore.

  Good for both of them, I guess.

  As for me, well, I'm currently checking the time on my wrist watch and glancing around the hall every few seconds. I’m waiting for Mr. Harrison to show so I can finally enter his class.
When lunchtime ended, I told the girls to go on without me, lying about getting something from my locker so they wouldn’t have any questions.

  I don’t even know what to tell them. Not that I’m planning to tell them anything. I don’t think I can take their pitying looks. I don’t want them to see me as one of Jake’s hopeless fangirls.

  And it would show if I hung around Jake long enough. That’s why I’ve been kind of, sort of distancing myself from him. Why I’m standing outside, instead of sitting patiently in class, waiting for our teacher to show up.

  To prevent Jake from talking to me. Which he always does. I guess because we’re “friends” now. Not that he didn’t talk to me before. Fine, he always talks to me. That’s why I’m doing this. I can’t be around him while I’m feeling this way. Like he’s hurt and betrayed me.

  Ugh. How pathetic.

  I’ll move on from this. Just wait. I just need it to happen fast so things can get back to the way they were.

  A couple minutes later, Mr. Harrison appears around the corner.

  Sighing out a relieved breath, I make my way inside the class, knowing he's right on my heels.

  I claim my seat just as our teacher walks in, making me let out a small, victorious smile. A smile that doesn't escape Jake's attention.

  I can feel the weight of his eyes on me, but I ignore him, pretending not to notice his stare.

  He keeps darting glances my way the rest of the class, all of which I don't bother to acknowledge. I could’ve succeeded at pretending, if not for the annoying blush on my cheeks.

  So when the class finally ends, I quickly pick my stuff up to make sure that I'm one of the firsts to get out. This way, he won't be able to corner me. Not that he has any reasons to do that—but just to be safe.

  I think I hear him call my name as I rush out the door, but I don't dare to check over my shoulder. Instead, I quicken my strides to get out of the room fast. But I can still hear him calling me. Ugh. What does he want?

  But then the voice is starting to sound like a girl’s, not a boy’s. Wait, is it Harper? Is she the one actually calling for me?

  Sure enough, when I stop and turn around, I see my best friend practically running toward me. She's panting when she stops in front of me. "What on earth was that about? Why did you run out of class? I've been calling after you!"


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