Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days

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Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days Page 14

by Tomoco Kanemaki

  Xion finished her sea-salt ice cream and took a deep breath in satisfaction. “Mm. That was yummy.”

  “Was it? Roxas doesn’t seem to like his,” Axel teased, noting that Roxas was the only one with any ice cream left.

  “I’m savoring it. Xion treated us. I’m not going to scarf it down in two seconds.” Roxas contemplated the single bite left on his stick.

  “But she was only supposed to treat me.”

  Axel was just needling him, but Xion replied sincerely, “No, I wanted to thank both of you.”

  The train blew its whistle in the distance.

  “I hope we’re always together like this,” said Roxas.

  Xion nodded. “Yeah… Me too.”

  Axel scratched the back of his head. “What’s gotten into you two?”

  “I just…want these days to last forever,” Roxas murmured, slow and pensive. “Hanging out after the job’s done, eating ice cream, watching the sunset…”

  Axel peered at his profile as he did just that. The sunset’s glow touched Roxas’s face and Xion’s with warm red.

  “Well, nothing lasts forever,” Axel mumbled, looking off to the side again. “Least of all for a bunch of Nobodies.”

  At that, both of their expressions fell.

  Seriously, you two? You’re always grinning or getting bummed out…just like real live people with hearts. Axel exhaled and gathered some words. “But, you know, hanging out every day isn’t the only thing that matters. We’ll still have one another, even if that changes.”

  “Really?” Roxas perked up.

  “Yeah. As long as we remember one another, we’ll never be apart. Got it memorized?”

  Roxas grinned. “Who are you, and what have you done with Axel?”

  “Hey! I tried, okay?” All that effort to cheer them up, and they just turned it into a punch line. Chagrined, he looked away.

  Xion burst into giggles, and then, as if it was contagious, Roxas started laughing, too.

  “Oh, c’mon, it’s not that funny!” Axel scolded.

  They paused, looked at each other, and giggled again.

  “I don’t know why I put up with this…”

  “But, I mean…it just didn’t sound like you, Axel.” Xion could barely hold in laughter long enough to get the words out.

  A wish that they could always be together—was longing for the impossible. But at least they could always remember one another.

  And yet…if that wasn’t to be, either, what could they do?

  Chapter 2


  THE MOON HUNG IN THE SKY OUTSIDE THE WINDOW, a great glowing heart. Sprawled in bed, Axel stared at it without really looking, idling the time away before he had to leave on a mission.

  “We will conquer hearts and make them our own. Hearts shall never again have power over us.”

  For the past few days, he had been mulling over what Xemnas could have meant by that speech.

  Hearts having power over them? What was that about?

  Whenever Axel was whiling away the hours by himself, that phrase kept bouncing around in his head. He didn’t know what was so compelling about it. Did the other Nobodies think about stuff like this?

  Hearts, emotions… He couldn’t stop thinking about where it all came from. He chewed over the possibilities, coming up with theories. Since when had he been a philosopher?

  But he did know the answer to that question. And he was probably just pretending he hadn’t realized it.

  These thoughts had been occupying him ever since Roxas had joined the Organization—or rather, Roxas and Xion.

  Those two had lobbed so many questions at him as they grew as Nobodies. Was it just their curiosity that had him thinking so much? But it hadn’t started when they joined the Organization. It was after he’d gotten to know Xion, after Castle Oblivion.

  Whatever the catalyst, he had to acknowledge that something in him was different. The old Axel wouldn’t have wondered about all that.

  He was changing. But why?

  His train of thought rambled on until suddenly he felt someone else with him. Irritated, he sat up. “Ever heard of knocking? You should try it sometime.”

  Saïx was standing there beside his bed. Axel decided not to look at him and focused on a random point on the wall.

  But Saïx made no sign of caring one way or the other. His voice was as dispassionate as ever. “Tell me what Xion has been doing.”

  “How should I know?” Axel retorted. “It’s not like I follow her around all day.”

  “But you do seem close.”

  Axel considered why Saïx would be so interested in Xion. He already knew what made Roxas special—namely, being the Keyblade master’s Nobody. But he still had no definite answers as to what might set Xion apart. And while he wouldn’t mind having some, he was certain of one thing: Asking Saïx for answers was an exercise in futility.

  He wouldn’t give any, either. He got up to face Saïx. “What, so I’ve gotta rat on my friends to you? Get out of my room.”

  On the topic of things that had changed, his relationship with Saïx had, too. Axel thought it must have changed a bit since he started hanging out with Roxas and Xion. Although he couldn’t have said exactly what about it was different.

  “You and Xion will be working together on your next mission,” said Saïx.

  “Well, thank you, sir, for coming all this way to tell me.” Axel went to the mirror and started to fix his hair.

  Saïx glared at Axel’s reflection, their eyes meeting in the mirror. “We’ll also need you to go back to Castle Oblivion.”

  Axel turned to look at him directly, his lip curling. “We? So that came from our fearless leader, did it?”

  Saïx, of course, didn’t answer that. “The castle hasn’t given up all its secrets. And there is one in particular that Lord Xemnas—”

  “You mean that chamber again?” Axel interrupted, turning back to the mirror. “We turned the place inside out and upside down. If it’s there, we’re not gonna find it by just looking.”

  The all-but-permanent scowl on Saïx’s face relaxed just a bit. “Then let me give you another incentive. Naminé isn’t the only one who can trace her beginnings to Castle Oblivion. Xion came from there, too.”

  He paused, but Axel gave him no response.

  “Two of your favorite people,” Saïx went on. “Still think another visit is a waste of time?”

  There it was, the dangling bait. To bite without making Saïx work for it would be so boring. Axel snorted and spun to face him again.

  “Sounds like you’re the one who’s so interested in Castle Oblivion.” He stepped forward and past Saïx, out of his line of sight. “Let me guess… That chamber will tell you everything you want to know about Xemnas’s true agenda. Is that about the size of it?”

  Still facing away, Saïx replied, “The Chamber of Repose and the Chamber of Waking… There is something Xemnas isn’t telling us about his plans. The missing chamber, the Chamber of Waking—it holds all the answers.” Then he turned to fix a level stare on Axel. “Those answers will give us the upper hand—and then we can worry about our own plans.”

  Yeah, I know. Our plans. That part won’t change.

  Axel let out a breath. “Look, I knew Vexen and Zexion would cause trouble for you. That’s why they’re not around anymore.”

  That sounded more like he was justifying it to himself, Axel thought. Their lack of hearts didn’t render their actions meaningless. It wasn’t as if they never thought carefully or acted without objectives in mind. Humans and Nobodies alike would pursue their own purposes.

  “The dirty work doesn’t bother me,” Axel went on. “You just make for the top.”

  There was nothing false in that, and he looked Saïx in the eye as he said it. Saïx stared hard back at him.

  Right. We have our own agenda.

  Saïx spun on his heels. “You’ll have a solo mission in Castle Oblivion. Expect the orders soon.”

  With that, h
e was gone.

  Left alone in his room, Axel clenched his fists and then stalked out after Saïx.

  Xion went to the lobby, but Roxas wasn’t there yet. She stared out the window.

  “See anything interesting out there, Poppet?” Xigbar patted her on the shoulder.

  Meanwhile, Axel plopped down on the sofa and pretended he wasn’t listening in.

  Xion turned to look up at Xigbar. “Just Kingdom Hearts.”

  “Is it all that interesting?”

  “It’s kind of pretty.”

  Xigbar let out a low chuckle.

  Axel didn’t see what Xigbar found so entertaining about that reply. But then he could never quite follow what he was thinking.

  Xion looked rather confused herself. “What’s so funny?”

  “Oh, nothing—you’re just making so much progress.” Xigbar kept laughing, as if there was an uproariously good joke in it somewhere.

  They hadn’t gone on a mission together since Xion got her Keyblade back. But his reaction stung a little. If she was making progress, what had him in stitches like this?

  Demyx poked his head in between them. “Heya, what am I missing? Somebody tell a funny story?”

  “We were just saying how Poppet here is so much better at her job than you are,” said Xigbar.

  “Huh?” Demyx shrugged. “I don’t get it.”

  Finally, Saïx intervened. “Xion.”

  She looked up and scurried to him, while Axel took the opportunity to get up from the sofa.

  “You’re working with Axel today,” Saïx told her. “Don’t dally.”

  “With Axel?” Xion turned to the Nobody in question.

  Axel nodded jauntily. “Yup. We’re partners now.”

  “Well, as long as you stay out of the way.”

  “Excuse me? That’s my line.”

  Saïx watched their banter with a withering glare, which actually cut Axel’s laughter short. Xion noticed, too, and quickly assumed a more professional bearing.

  In an attempt to break the suddenly oppressive mood, Axel asked Saïx, “Anyway, where’s Roxas off to today?”

  “He and Xigbar will be taking a look at another new world.”


  There had to be some purpose to Saïx’s directives. He didn’t just pair up members at random. Partnering Axel with Xion and Xigbar with Roxas was part of a plan.

  Axel couldn’t think of what it was at the moment, though. And he didn’t even know whether Saïx meant to keep it secret or whether his lips were sealed on someone else’s orders.

  “Get to work,” said Saïx before anyone could start any more banter.

  “Yeah, yeah.” Axel turned his back on Saïx and walked into the Corridors of Darkness.

  Why do I feel so out of it? Roxas thought as he headed for the Grey Area.

  Lately, he was dreaming a lot.

  Not that the dreams told him anything. Maybe they were full of wide worlds opening up before him, but when he woke, he remembered only the vaguest impressions. And then even those were wiped away as he got out of bed, replaced by the weariness of a restless night.

  “Dude, where have you been?” Demyx greeted him in the lobby. “Team Axel already shipped out.”

  “Team Axel?” Roxas repeated foggily.

  “Yup, he and Xion are teamed up for the day. So they only have to work half as hard. Must be nice…”

  That was a little unusual, Roxas realized. Xion and Axel weren’t often assigned to work together.

  “You get to work with me today, Tiger,” another voice broke in.

  That would be Xigbar with the weird nicknames. This was even worse than before. “Could you not call me that?” Roxas complained.

  Xigbar barked out a laugh. “You prefer ‘kiddo’? Or would you rather be Poppet Two?”

  Right. “Poppet” was Xion. What is up with him and nicknames? Roxas wanted to ask.

  “We’re off to explore a new world together! Let’s get moving, Tiger,” said Xigbar, clapping an arm around his shoulders.

  Roxas was not exactly eager to get to work with someone so irritating, but it was work. It didn’t have to be fun. He squirmed away from Xigbar and went to ask Saïx about the mission.

  Axel and Xion’s mission took them to Twilight Town. It was an entirely unremarkable task for either of the Keyblade-wielding kids: Destroy the Heartless around town and collect the hearts. Axel’s role was simply support.

  Climbing up the steps of the back alley, they encountered plenty of Heartless, which all met a rapid end on Xion’s Keyblade. The hearts floated up into the sky.

  Watching her skill, one would never guess she’d spent any length of time unable to use the Keyblade. She was as good as Roxas—possibly even better.

  Axel didn’t understand why he’d been assigned with Xion at this point. The Heartless were certainly out in droves, but she didn’t need his help, from the look of things.

  Xion turned to him. “That should be all of them over here, I think.”

  “Hey, you’ve gotten pretty good at this.” Axel shook her hand.

  “Huh? What’s that for?”

  “What? I’m just commending your hard work.”

  “Can you not be so weird about it, then?” She laughed.

  Suddenly, Xion’s face went hazy in Axel’s vision. He rubbed his eyes. What was that…?

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Uh, nothing…”

  For an instant, he thought he’d seen Naminé.

  Xion already looked like her but not completely identical. Their hair wasn’t the same color. But just now—just for that split second—Xion’s hair had turned blond, like Naminé’s. What was going on?

  “…Axel?” The concerned face was definitely Xion’s.

  So what had just happened?

  Axel laughed off his confusion, rubbing his head. “Musta taken a hit from a new spell.”

  “Are you okay?” She still looked worried.

  “Don’t worry about it. Let’s go find the next batch of hearts.”

  “If you’re sure you’re all right…”

  “Sure as I’ll ever be. C’mon.” He started walking.

  “Hey, wait.”

  Xion’s footsteps followed him, and when he looked back, she was still the girl he knew.

  Nothing had changed. His mind was probably playing tricks on him because of the similarities between Xion and Naminé. He shouldn’t let it bother him.

  “Time to take care of business,” Axel called, summoning the chakrams to his hands at the top of the stairs.

  The station plaza was crawling with Shadows.

  “Right.” Gripping the Keyblade, Xion charged into the swarm.

  A world new to them opened up beyond the blaze of light. Roxas stepped out of the Corridors of Darkness, blinking as he looked around.

  The place was a little reminiscent of Agrabah, with great stone buildings towering over dry dusty earth. It was called the Olympus Coliseum.

  “Okay, let’s take a look around and get back in time for dinner,” said Xigbar with a glance back at Roxas.

  “What are we looking for?” Roxas wondered. Knowing it was a recon mission didn’t tell him exactly what they were supposed to investigating.

  “Whatever there is to see. Who knows, maybe new recruits.”

  Roxas had not expected that reply. After a moment, he asked the question it begged. “Such as? What are the requirements?”

  “Well, you know about Nobodies, don’t you?”

  As Roxas tried to think, Xigbar forged ahead with explaining anyway. “If someone with an especially strong heart falls to the darkness and turns into a Heartless, sometimes you get Nobodies, too. Take the strongest of them, and bam, you get the Organization.”

  At least half of that was new to Roxas. “I didn’t know we were all such a big deal…,” he thought aloud.

  “Heh. As if. You and Xion are the big deal, you know. Cream of the cream of the crop.”

  “What?” H
e didn’t quite follow. Axel had suggested something like that—but not exactly. This explanation sounded a bit different. He had another question on the tip of his tongue, but at that moment, some Heartless showed up to interrupt them.

  “Oops, guess that’s it for our watercooler chat.” Xigbar gripped the Arrowguns. “Better get to work, Roxas.”

  A second behind him, Roxas readied the Keyblade and lunged for the Heartless.

  The cannon-like creatures were a pain, but with Xigbar backing him up, he managed to take them down without too much trouble.

  Xigbar’s prowess was no joke, Roxas thought, as he let the Keyblade wink out and caught his breath.

  “Hey, there you are! I’ve been waitin’ for ya!” called a rough, unfamiliar voice.

  “Huh?” Roxas turned to see a short person—or an animal? Despite his small stature, he had big horns.

  “What took you so long? I got everything set up! C’mon, hop to it. No time to waste if you wanna be a hero.”

  “Um, but I’m not—”

  The small man cut him off with a knowing look. “Save your breath, kid, I know all about it. Herc said you got potential, and from what I just saw, he wasn’t wrong. The name’s Phil. I don’t coach just anybody, so I hope you came ready to sweat.”

  Herc? Phil? Roxas had never heard of them. Phil walked in a circle around him, taking his measure, and finally pinched his arm through his coat.

  “Ow! Hey, what gives?”

  Phil made a satisfied noise. “Looks like Herc found me a new trainee with some muscle on him. Heh-heh, this is gonna be fun!”

  “Trainee? Look, you’ve got the wrong guy. We’re just…” How do I get out of this?! Roxas turned to his partner for the day—or where he had been standing. “Xigbar?! Where’d you go?”

  There was no Xigbar to be seen.

  “Your fighting’s better than your standup routine, kid,” said Phil. “You got a name?”

  Bewildered, he just answered honestly. “Uh…Roxas.”

  “All right, Roxas, lemme just go double-check the training equipment. Meet me in the Coliseum when you’re ready—and it better be soon!” Phil scurried into the lofty stone temple, leaving Roxas staring after him in confusion.


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