SJWs Always Lie

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SJWs Always Lie Page 16

by Vox Day

  Strategy 1: Build alternative institutions.

  The long, slow, and insidious process of invading an institution and gradually taking it over, before steering it to serve one's own ends is not something that comes naturally to the normal, honest individual. The amount of deception involved, combined with the patience required, means that simply recreating the SJWs' long Gramscian march through the institutions of the West is not a practical solution. A better strategy, and one that is far more in line with our strengths, is building alternative institutions that will compete with the SJW-infested ones. This is a winning strategy due to the aforementioned Impossibility of Social Justice Convergence; their institutions have to serve the interests of social justice first, whereas our alternative institutions can focus solely on their primary function.

  Of course, it will be absolutely vital to design safeguards into these institutions in order to keep SJWs out, the most powerful of which is a decentralized structure. One example of this is homeschooling, which is the rapidly growing institution that is competing very effectively with the SJW-infested traditional education system, so much so that the state of North Carolina recently announced that more children are being homeschooled than attend private schools; the number of North Carolina homeschoolers has increased 27 percent in just the last two years. Due to its intrinsically decentralized structure, homeschooling is a much more antifragile, much more SJW-resistant alternative to public schools than the private schools are, which is one reason that it is exploding in popularity around the world.

  Homeschooling is the most important of these alternative institutions that will bring about the end of the SJWs in the long run, but there are many other cultural institutions that desperately need alternatives as well. Wikipedia is at the top of my personal list, as it is both extraordinarily influential and exceedingly vulnerable. It is influential because it is the first place that practically everyone in the media begins their research. It is vulnerable because as an open-source project its current offering can easily be forked, and because its SJW affiliation is maintained by a mere 562 volunteer admins, half of one percent of whom are camped on my page.

  Considering that as Supreme Dark Lord of the Evil Legion of Evil, I already have more than 430 Vile Faceless Minions at my beck and call, developing a machine language-enhanced alternative that is focused on providing all the true and relevant facts to the public rather than pushing the SJW Narrative across a wide range of subjects is a perfectly viable project. While it is true that past attempts to set up alternatives to Wikipedia have repeatedly failed, that does not mean that the task is impossible, and indeed, logic strongly suggests that someone will eventually succeed at creating one.

  There are many other viable opportunites to create alternative SJW-free institutions as well. Technology is creating opportunities for disruption in many institutions. For example, Khan Academy is disrupting elementary and high school education while MIT's OpenCourseWare shows how higher education can be disrupted. It will take time, but the inability of the SJW-infested institutions to perform their primary functions means that the development of these alternative institutions is inevitable.

  Strategy 2: Reject their ideals.

  Prior to the fall of Communism and the publication of the Black Book of Communism, which chronicled that bloody ideology's dreadful body count, it was common for people to say that communism was a beautiful ideal; it merely wasn't implemented properly. This was complete nonsense, of course, primarily driven by ignorance combined with a desire to avoid conflict with the Left without actually accepting its tenets.

  In like manner, many people opposed to the lunatic behavior of the SJWs still mouth platitudes in support of the social justice ideals they profess. This is also a mistake. The way the core SJW tenets supposedly operate in theory are so observably divergent from reality that social justice could reasonably be regarded as a single massive experiment demonstrating the cognitive bias of individuals who erroneously believe themselves to be superior on the basis of a mistaken belief in their own competence, a bias known as the Dunning-Kruger effect.

  Consider the four primary ideals of social justice: Equality, Diversity, Tolerance, and Progress. They are not even remotely complementary, as Equality and Diversity are mutually exclusive as well as standing directly in the way of Progress. How, for example, is Britain going to progress in any way when the results of the British embrace of equality and diversity have caused the average IQ of its 14-year-olds to fall two points from 1980 to 2008? Similar dyscivic effects have been observed in Denmark and in Australia. Indeed, how is the world going to make any progress if a scientific study published by the University of Hartford is correct and the average global IQ drops 8 percentage points in the next century? Social justice is not merely a mirage, it is an intrinsic self-contradiction.

  The truth is that there is no such thing as equality. It does not exist in any physical, material, legal, philosophical, or spiritual sense. One might as usefully attempt to direct the entire efforts of a society's people and institutions towards the well-being of unicorns and fairies. As Martin van Creveld writes in Equality: The Impossible Quest, “Equality is a dream. When we keep in mind the costs that dream demands, the contradictions to which it inevitably leads, and the horrendous amounts of blood that are so often shed in its name, we would be wise to ensure that the quest for it does not become a nightmare.”

  Or better yet, abandon it altogether.

  As for diversity, it is an intrinsic force for societal upheaval and collapse; as Chateau Heartiste has aptly stated the equation, Diversity + Proximity = War. And as was already pointed out in Chapter Six, Robert Putnam's “E Pluribus Unum: Diversity and Community in the Twenty-first Century” explained how diversity destroys communities by weakening trust, and reducing social capital and engagement levels within them.

  Tolerance is little more than a cloak for SJW entryism; if the SJWs truly believed in it as the ideal they profess then surely they would practice it themselves. They don't even pretend to do so, and neither should we.

  And finally, regarding Progress, one must ask oneself the question, progress towards what? Since the true SJW answer is towards more socialism, more speech policing, more thought control, and more SJW control of society and its institutions, then the answer must always be no, Hell no, not at any price!

  Our ideals of Truth, Liberty, and Justice are not only sufficient, they are considerably superior to the nonsensical ideals of social justice. The ideals of social justice are not virtues, they are evils in disguise. Reject them without hesitation, reject them without apology, and reject them in their entirety.

  Strategy 3: Defund and destroy their propaganda centers

  While homeschooling is effectively, if gradually, removing millions of children each year from the SJW brainwashing factories more commonly known as the public schools, even those children are still subject to a barrage of SJW propaganda from Disney, Nickelodeon, the advertising industry, Hollywood, the news media, and other information centers.

  Who makes these things possible? You do. I do. It is the see-no-evil support of us, the non-SJWs, who fund the cultural dominance of the SJWs and make it possible through our entertainment choices. We are financially forging our own chains!

  And we know beyond any shadow of a doubt, we have conclusive evidence that our dollars matter. The SJWs desperately wanted to shut down Chick-Fil-A. They thought they had successfully shut down Duck Dynasty. But the market power of the Christians who supported those two non-SJW entities was too great for the SJWs to resist. Mel Gibson's Temptation of the Christ was a massive success despite the fact that the Hollywood establishment hated it and denied it conventional distribution. Mike Judge's Idiocracy, which may be the most politically incorrect film ever made, was denied distribution but has gone on to earn 20 times more in DVD rentals than it did at the box office.

  Now, I'm not advising the formation of another Moral Majority or Parents Music Resource Center. Both of those orga
nizations lost the public relations battle and completely failed in their objectives. But that was BGG, Before #GamerGate, and the lessons that #GamerGate has learned in slowly strangling Gawker Media and denying it advertising revenue can be applied equally effectively by other groups that are opposed to the SJW propaganda flooding Western culture.

  The most important lesson of #GamerGate in this regard is that everything starts with you. There is a saying in #GamerGate that invariably confuses outsiders, “I am the Leader of GamerGate”. This is a inside joke, because we have no leaders, we reject the very concept of leaders, and if anyone were to seriously try to put himself forward as a leader everyone would mercilessly mock him as a shill. But it's more than a joke, it's also a form of encouragement, because what it is also saying is “I am the Leader of GamerGate and so can you!”

  In #GamerGate, no one gives any orders. No one tells you what to do. You're just expected to look around, see what needs doing, and then do it. No one made Milo, Mike, and me the leaders of #GamerGate in Paris, we just decided to do it; now we're looking at holding another one in Barcelona because Kukuruyo and some Spanish GamerGaters are interested in arranging a meetup there.

  So don't wait for anyone else to do anything. Talk to a few friends. Kick around a few ideas. Send a few emails. Create a few Twitter memes and see if the spark happens to catch anyone's interest. Don't expect your target to come tumbling down, just start the process. Whether you succeed or not – and remember, #GamerGate has had far more abortive ops and ineffective failures than successes—the point is that you have taken a stand and you have struck a blow. And because you have done so, someone else will do so as well. It's impossible to know which one action will turn out to be effective, just as it's impossible to know which straw will be the one to snap the camel's back. But you do know this: the only action that is completely ineffective is the one that is never taken.

  Because SJWs are primarily dependent upon other people's money, that is a weak point that should always be your first target. Dig to discover where they are obtaining their money, then focus your efforts on the funding source to cut off the flow of funds to them. Sometimes this will require political pressure, as many SJW institutions receive state, local, or federal government funds. Sometimes private pressure and a persuasive word in the ear of the relevant executive will suffice. But regardless, remember, every journey requires an initial step, and no one can take that first step except you.

  Strategy 4: Deny them employment.

  This is the strategic element that will likely prove most difficult for even the most serious anti-SJW to accept, but it is a necessary one. Remember, turnabout is fair play and striking back in kind is justice. This is a cultural war, not a garden party, and one of the primary reasons truth, liberty, and justice are being systematically eradicated from our society is that their defenders are unwilling to take the cultural war seriously or take out the enemy's soldiers. Make no mistake, that fat little middle-aged woman who potters around the organization making herself indispensable as she issues those seemingly harmless little homilies about diversity and equality is your enemy, and she will not hesitate to destroy your livelihood if given the opportunity.

  It is entirely common for non-SJWs to need to keep quiet about their politics, about their religious faith, and in some cases, even about their identities in order to keep their jobs. I don't have a single game credit to either my given name or my best-known pen name since 2007 because the game companies with whom I work prefer to avoid the inevitable flak they will take from SJWs within and without the company simply for hiring me. It doesn't cause me very much trouble because I have a long history and a lot of personal connections in the industry, but younger, less-experienced non-SJWs can be much more easily black-balled.

  And make no mistake, they are being black-balled by SJWs in the industry. Leigh Alexander of Gamasutra and Laralyn McWilliams, the Chief Creative Officer at The Workshop Entertainment, publicly threatened one young developer's career for defending what Alexander called “sexist argument” in May 2015. Nor was that the only example chronicled by DeepFreeze.

  The problem is that when SJWs are actively seeking out those who challenge their Narrative and disemploying them or preventing them from getting hired while non-SJWs blithely permit SJWs to freely enter their organizations, the outcome is both predictable and inevitable. The only way to reverse the trend is to actively start SJW-hunting, using every available legal means to disemploy them. Remember, while race, sex, age and sexual orientation are protected classes, political affiliations are not. Attempts by Republicans and conservatives to sue universities have repeatedly failed, despite massively incongruous hiring patterns that violate the statistical standards of disparate impact far more greatly than is normally required to interest the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

  So, once you've discovered that a co-worker or an employee belongs to a political party that indicates SJW sympathies, or has a COEXIST bumper sticker, or regularly utilizes language that indicates he is an SJW, arrange to have him jettisoned at the earliest opportunity. Don't let any misguided sympathy hold you back; in the long term it is literally a case of you or him. Rest assured, jettisoning you won't cause an SJW to lose any sleep at all; quite the contrary, it's the sort of thing he will brag to his friends about for years. You don't need to take any sadistic pleasure in hunting SJWs (although you may well develop a taste for it), but you do need to do it nevertheless in self-defense of your own career.

  Strategy 5: Restrict their speech.

  This is much more easily accomplished than it sounds. A little shake of the head and a few disapproving clicks of your tongue every time an SJW buzzword is utilized will suffice to cause most SJWs to retreat. Most people in general seek the approval of others, and SJWs tend to be more desperate to gain approval than most. In fact, many people who appear to be SJWs probably aren't genuine SJWs, it's only that they think they need to parrot the SJW-speak that is the cultural sea in which they swim in order to win the approval they are seeking. So flip the script on them. Every time someone is blathering on about the need for more of this in that, or about inclusiveness, diversity, or equality, communicate disapproval and rejection to them. You don't need to argue or start an argument, as non-verbal communication is often the most effective response. Fold your arms, look up at the sky and avoid their eyes, sigh heavily, and refuse to provide them with any conversational encouragement. The aim should be to convey the attitude that you're simply waiting for them to stop pestering you and go away.

  And when they finally summon the nerve to ask you why you're not interested in listening to them, ask them, in an incredulous tone of voice, if they actually believe any of that nonsense. Two times out of three, they'll deny it. That's the rhetorical advantage we have vis-a-vis the SJWs; our rhetoric is actually in line with objective, observable reality. Theirs is not. They have to lie because their worldview is in direct conflict with the world as it actually exists.

  You should no more pretend to take seriously an SJW lying to you about equality or any other SJW tenet than you would if he was telling you about the giant pink elephant that he rode to work that day. In fact, treat any SJW assertion in exactly the same way you would a claim about a commute by pink pachyderm, with disbelief and ridicule. While the hardcore SJW will only retreat and wait for an opportunity to attack you, less committed SJWs and those who are only parroting the party line out of fear or habit will rapidly abandon it.

  Eventually, it will become as problematic to speak positively about diversity as it is to praise racism now, and it will sound as ludicrous to claim a belief in equality as it would to assert one's opinion that there is, in fact, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  Strategy 6: Keep them out of your organizations.

  I touched on the importance of keeping SJWs out of your organization in the section of the previous chapter that dealt with securing your base, but I didn't go into any detail describing how to do it. But if your goa
l is to prevent your organization from being infiltrated by SJWs over time, your approach will have to be structural, objective, and resistant to change. Relying upon individuals will always fail, sooner or later, because individuals are replaced and SJWs are known to be good at concealing their true ideals until they reach positions of power.

  Robert Conquest, the great anti-Communist historian, articulated three laws of politics, two of which are relevant here.

  Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing.

  The simplest way to explain the behavior of any bureaucratic organization is to assume that it is controlled by a cabal of its enemies.

  In light of these two political laws, it seems advisable to look at two institutions that have proved considerably more resistant to infiltration and cooption than most, the Roman Catholic Church and the U.S. Army Rangers. We can also see, on the basis of the relative weakening of their resistance in recent years, what elements proved more important than others in permitting them to resist infiltration.

  In the case of the Catholic Church, the extreme level of commitment required—lifetime celibacy—the length of the notiviate, and the time it takes to reach a position of authority, combined with the existence of a written text defining the organization's purpose, helped keep the Church from being coopted by its enemies, despite the many attempts by kings and emperors to do so over the centuries. Not until the Second Vatican Council, a revolutionary council that led to a widespread series of changes which dramatically weakened the Church as well as changed its orientation, did the Church begin to fall to its infiltrators. And while I am neither a Catholic nor well-versed in the details of Church history, when one examines the long list of post-Vatican II changes compiled by, a few tend to leap out immediately.


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