SJWs Always Lie

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SJWs Always Lie Page 20

by Vox Day

  “Excellent speech. One thing that shines through is that there's more to inclusivity than simply not being exclusive. I'd like to think that SFWA as a professional organization can be a safe space for its members, and this incident certainly adds weight to the arguments that SFWA isn't, currently, such an environment. Is this time to re-visit the question of a code of conduct again?”—Charles Stross

  Jemisin's attack on Mike Resnick, Barry Malzberg, and me was directly linked to in the official SFWA discussion forums by several SFWA members. This is significant for reasons that will shortly become clear. I responded with the following post, to which I linked using the @sfwaauthors feed on Twitter.

  NK Jemisin is publicly lying about me and a few other things in Australia as she blithely advocates the continued self-destruction of science fiction.

  Let me be perfectly clear. I do not describe myself as a "misogynist, racist, anti-Semite, and a few other flavors of asshole". Jemisin has it wrong; it is not that I, and others, do not view her as human, (although genetic science presently suggests that we are not equally homo sapiens sapiens), it is that we simply do not view her as being fully civilized for the obvious historical reason that she is not.

  She is lying about the laws in Texas and Florida too. The laws are not there to let whites “just shoot people like me, without consequence, as long as they feel threatened by my presence”, those self-defense laws have been put in place to let whites defend their lives and their property from people, like her, who are half-savages engaged in attacking them.

  Jemisin's disregard for the truth is no different than the average Chicago gangbanger's disregard for the traditional Western code of civilized conduct. She could, if she wished, claim that privileged white males are responsible for the decline of Detroit, for the declining sales of science fiction, even for the economic and cultural decline of the United States, but that would not make it true. It would not even make it credible. Anyone who is paying sufficient attention will understand who is genuinely responsible for these problems.

  Unlike the white males she excoriates, there is no evidence to be found anywhere on the planet that a society of NK Jemisins is capable of building an advanced civilization, or even successfully maintaining one without significant external support from those white males. If one considers that it took my English and Irish ancestors more than one thousand years to become fully civilized after their first contact with advanced Greco-Roman civilization, it should be patently obvious that it is illogical to imagine, let alone insist, that Africans have somehow managed to do the same in less than half the time at a greater geographic distance. These things take time.

  Being an educated, but ignorant half-savage, with little more understanding of what it took to build a new literature by “a bunch of beardy old middle-class middle-American guys” than an illiterate Igbotu tribesman has of how to build a jet engine, Jemisin clearly does not understand that her dishonest call for “reconciliation” and even more diversity within SF/F is tantamount to a call for its decline into irrelevance. Nor do the back-patting Samuel Johnsons wiping their eyes and congratulating her for her ever-so-touching speech understand that.

  There can be no reconciliation between the observant and the delusional.

  The SJWs in SFWA promptly went berserk. This was more than a challenge to their Narrative, it was a direct assault on one of their most sacred totems! Their problem was that I had not violated any rules of the organization in exercising my right of free speech to defend myself against Jemisin's false accusations on my own blog, so they produced an 80-page report that spent more time analyzing things other people said on other sites than it did about anything to do with me and tried to justify their attempt to expel me from the association on the basis of a single tweet made on an unofficial Twitter account. Ironically enough, I had absolutely NOT done what many other members, including the president-elect and two other board members, had done, which was to attack or link to an attack on a fellow member in a space “sponsored by SFWA, including but not limited to the SFWA discussion Forums, the SFWA website, the Nebula Awards Weekend, and the SFWA suite”.

  This was easy for me to prove, as the Twitter terms of service made it clear that the Services belonged to Twitter while the Content of the tweet belonged to me. SFWA neither sponsored nor controlled @sfwaauthors or its content as @SFWA was the official account controlled by the association.

  The report was so ineptly constructed, and so embarrassing to SFWA, that when I made it available to the public along with my 34-page response taking it apart section by section, the association's Operations Manager filed a DMCA takedown notice with me and with my ISP in order to bury it.

  Kate Baker

  Date: August 19, 2013, 3:52:59 PM CDT

  Subject: DMCA Take-down Notice - Request

  Requester: Kathryn Baker - Operations Manager SFWA

  Organization: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America

  On Behalf of Copyright Holder: Matthew Johnson - Regional Director - SFWA

  Work infringed - SFWA_report.pdf

  Title: Evidence regarding the complaints made against Theodore Beale

  Report to the Board of Directors of SFWA

  Matthew Johnson

  Canadian Region Director

  Referring piece: This is an internal and private document written by Matthew Johnson. No one has been given permission to post,copy, edit the report/article in parts or in whole. We ask that you work in accordance with DMCA take-down procedures to remove the copyrighted piece from the link above.


  Kathryn Baker, Operations Manager - SFWA

  SFWA's attempt to bury it notwithstanding, you can read considerably more about the report and my detailed response to it at if you wish. To this day, SFWA has neither publicly nor privately asserted that I was actually expelled from the organization, only that the SFWA Board voted unanimously for my expulsion. And while it is true that the SFWA Board vote took place, the fact is that no membership vote on the matter ever did, as required by the Massachusetts state law, specifically, Part I, Title XXII, Chapter 180, Section 18.

  No member of such corporation shall be expelled by vote of less than a majority of all the members thereof, nor by vote of less than three quarters of the members present and voting upon such expulsion.

  In any event, those are the simple facts of the matter. SJWs always lie. I don't.

  Books by Vox Day


  SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

  The Irrational Atheist: Dissecting the Unholy Trinity of Dawkins, Harris, and Hitchens

  The Return of the Great Depression

  Riding the Red Horse ed. with LtCol Tom Kratman


  A Magic Broken

  A Throne of Bones, Arts of Dark and Light Book One

  A Sea of Skulls, Arts of Dark and Light Book Two (2016)

  The Wardog's Coin

  The Last Witchking

  Summa Elvetica: A Casuistry of the Elvish Controversy

  The Altar of Hate

  The War in Heaven

  The World in Shadow

  The Wrath of Angels


  QUANTUM MORTIS A Man Disrupted by Steve Rzasa and Vox Day

  QUANTUM MORTIS Gravity Kills by Steve Rzasa and Vox Day

  QUANTUM MORTIS A Mind Programmed by Jeff Sutton, Jean Sutton, and Vox Day

  Rebel Moon by Bruce Bethke, and Vox Day


  Astronomy and Astrophysics by Dr. Sarah Salviander

  A History of Strategy: From Sun Tzu to William S. Lind by Martin van Creveld

  Equality: The Impossible Quest by Martin van Creveld

  On War: The Collected Columns of William S. Lind 2003-2009 by William S. Lind

  Four Generations of Modern War by William S. Lind

  Transhuman and Subhuman: Essays on Science Fiction and Awful Truth b
y John C. Wright

  SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police by Vox Day


  Riding the Red Horse Vol. 1 ed. Tom Kratman and Vox Day

  There Will Be War Vol. I ed. Jerry Pournelle

  There Will Be War Vol. II ed. Jerry Pournelle


  Awake in the Night by John C. Wright

  Awake in the Night Land by John C. Wright

  City Beyond Time: Tales of the Fall of Metachronopolis by John C. Wright

  Somewhither by John C. Wright

  Big Boys Don't Cry by Tom Kratman

  The Stars Came Back by Rolf Nelson

  Hyperspace Demons by Jonathan Moeller

  On a Starry Night by Tedd Roberts

  Do Buddhas Dream of Enlightened Sheep by Josh M. Young

  QUANTUM MORTIS A Man Disrupted by Steve Rzasa and Vox Day

  QUANTUM MORTIS Gravity Kills by Steve Rzasa and Vox Day

  QUANTUM MORTIS A Mind Programmed by Jeff Sutton, Jean Sutton, and Vox Day

  Victoria: A Novel of Fourth Generation War by Thomas Hobbes


  One Bright Star to Guide Them by John C. Wright

  The Book of Feasts & Seasons by John C. Wright

  A Magic Broken by Vox Day

  A Throne of Bones by Vox Day

  The Gladiator's Song by Vox Day

  The Wardog's Coin by Vox Day

  The Last Witchking by Vox Day

  Summa Elvetica: A Casuistry of the Elvish Controversy by Vox Day

  The Altar of Hate by Vox Day

  The War in Heaven by Theodore Beale

  The World in Shadow by Theodore Beale

  The Wrath of Angels by Theodore Beale


  The Programmed Man by Jean and Jeff Sutton

  Apollo at Go by Jeff Sutton

  First on the Moon by Jeff Sutton


  A Magic Broken, narrated by Nick Afka Thomas

  Four Generations of Modern War, narrated by William S. Lind


  Särjetty taika

  QUANTUM MORTIS Un Hombre Disperso

  QUANTUM MORTIS Gravedad Mata

  Una Estrella Brillante para Guiarlos

  QUANTUM MORTIS Um Homem Desintegrado

  QUANTUM MORTIS Gravidade Mortal

  Uma Magia Perdida

  Mantra yang Rusak

  La Moneta dal Mercenario

  I Ragazzoni non Piangono


  QUANTUM MORTIS Der programmierte Verstand

  Grosse Jungs weinen nicht

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