Ized- the Ancestors

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Ized- the Ancestors Page 13

by Esther Barvar

  Lord Kairos stared astonished at his son. »Are you sure, Adar? Are you ready for the vow?«

  Adar smiled thoughtlessly. Yes, he was only twenty-seven and, according to Ized’s traditions, too young for a warrior to make a firm commitment. But not for him, he was sure of that as well. Between him and Maioshan, there was more, much more than he was able to explain.

  Nevertheless, he tried to describe to his father how he felt. »I am ready because she is the right one for me. I think it is her scent. It calms my inner beast, and at the same time, it excites me. I have never felt so balanced as in her presence. You also know the urge, the longing into the distance?« he asked.

  Lord Kairos nodded. »Is there a warrior who does not know the urge?« he asked back. »It is ours, always with us, all our lives.« »Since she is mine, it is different for me. The urge is no longer in me. It simply no longer exists. There is nothing there anymore that draws me into the distance. When she is with me, I am happy. And if I had to die in her arms, I wouldn’t regret it.«

  Lord Kairos listened to the words of his son. What Adar described was something only a few warriors could reach in a relationship. Not even he could claim that the urge to move out had faded, and he had truly loved his wife. »You are young, very young, but what you feel shows me that she is the woman with whom you will be happy. So I will be your best man with joy. When will it take place, Adar?«

  »I will ask Lord Befen and must rent a room for the honeymoon. Then I will tell you when it is time.«

  Lord Kairos rose. »Tomorrow, I will be at the border again for three days. I have to bring a new troop of warriors to the garrison at the Wide Stream and pick up the troop currently stationed there. I can’t organize a replacement for this. After that, however, everything can be arranged according to your wishes.«

  Adar nodded understandingly. »Well, then in about five days, if it’s all right with you, and there should be a room available in the tavern.«

  Lord Kairos also smiled and nodded. Adar seemed impatient, seemed to be in a hurry. Driven by this inner unrest, Adar said goodbye to him. He set out to teach Lord Befen as well. Shortly afterward, he stood before his fatherly friend. His eyes sparkled with happiness as he told him of his wish and asked him to hold the ceremony. Befen was fascinated by Adar’s determination. He was more than a usual warrior. How consistently he managed to keep his inner drives under control almost all the time. Now he had already found the woman he wanted to live with.

  »Tell me when you are ready for the ceremony. I’ll be happy to help you.«

  »I will tell you as soon as I know when a room is available for us, for the wedding time. Befen, I want a minimal ceremony. Just you, my father and the best man of Maioshan. I will ask her who it should be.«

  Befen smiled. Adar had always been simple and inconspicuous. He should have his will. No one would know anything about him.

  Adar visited Lord Mor and inquired about these particular houses. He looked at him in amazement but willingly told him about the places. When Adar got the information, he saddled a horse in the stable and set off to visit the nearest house. It was only a few riding hours away. Since the rooms were free, he attended them and rented a living unit consisting of a large room with an adjoining bathroom. In front of each closed housing unit, there was a small, lockable anteroom with a table and a shelf.

  The landlord explained the meaning of the anteroom. This room was there to protect the servants. A well-stocked tray was placed there for meals. That did not disturb the couple in any way. Only then a soft ringing sound in the guests‘ room. The couple could get the food and drinks and later leave the used items in the anteroom. Thus the employees were not exposed to any danger.

  Each magician lived through the intensive phase at the beginning of the marriage. During this time, all men in his vicinity were endangered. Because every man was a potential competitor, who threatened the descendants of the magician, the newlyweds could not allow this to happen because the magician needed descendants. Only if after several days, the probability was high to have begotten a descendant, the intensive phase diminished slowly, and with it also the danger sank.

  Adar found the solution to the problem useful. No matter how long the intensive phase lasted, no one was endangered. Neither did the couple leave the unit during this time, nor did a man enter. Everything could be done with the help of the anteroom. If the couple were missing something, wood for the fireplace, candles for a romantically lit evening, or bath towels, a short written note would suffice. The wishes were fulfilled immediately.

  Adar reserved the room for the usual three weeks. He paid in advance for the room and the food for the whole time. Then he made his way back to Farsie.

  The closer he came to Farsie, the more a strange restlessness came to him and made him growl. Something wasn’t right at all. He couldn’t explain why. But the closer he came to the city, the stronger the feeling became. So he drove his horse to be back as soon as possible.

  As he entered the gate of the quarter, he felt a penetrating restlessness that seemed omnipresent. The feeling pervaded the entire neighborhood. People put their heads together, whispered as soon as they saw him. Many gave him a worried look. The strange behavior made Adar even more nervous. An uncomfortable feeling overcomes him that the general tension might have something to do with him.

  He handed the exhausted animal over to the first servant who met him and hurried to the house where he lived.

  Adar stepped into his rooms and remained as if petrified. He snarled, and his hand grabbed the dagger in his belt. Here, too, the air seemed impregnated with a nervous, aggressive tension. The danger was almost tangible.

  In addition to Maioshan, Lord Befen and Lord Abarta were also in his living room. Maioshan stood with folded arms at the window and stared out. She seemed upset. The sound of the door opening moved her to look around. Her golden eyes were sparkling angrily. Adar had never seen her outraged like that. His protective instinct awoke immediately. He hurried over to her while he kept an eye on the two magicians. Lord Abarta and Lord Befen stood by the seating group and seemed to have spoken to each other. Now they remained silent.

  Abarta seemed to have a heavy load on his shoulders. After changing a view with Lord Befen, he began to explain the unusual situation: »Adar, it’s good to have you back. You need to talk to your fiancee and bring her to her senses. She has to understand our approach. If she is not willing to transfer her powers into the sphere of forces, we will have to force her to do so.«

  »Reason? Derive powers? Forcing? What are you talking about? What kind of powers?« Adar did not understand what they wanted from him or even from Maioshan. But he felt the bloodlust approaching, and the subliminal growling in him became more pervasive.

  The Supreme Lord breathed deeply and declared: »When you were gone, there was an unpleasant incident. Maioshan … she is a magician. She hurt Mehit with a power spell. She must go to the power ball. Otherwise, she will kill you one day with her cursed magic. I’m surprised it hasn’t already happened. Only if she transfers her powers into the sphere of powers she will no longer be a danger. It must take place and best of all tonight, Lord Adar.«

  Adar turned to Maioshan. He took her hands in his, stared at her. He felt for magic. Then a smile scurried over the trains, and he shook his head with relief. He couldn’t feel anything magical in her.

  »I don’t believe you. Mehit? Is she supposed to have attacked Mehit of all people? Besides, she would never harm me. You’re not a magician, and you don’t know black magic, are you?« he asked her anyway. »I never even noticed the spark of magical potential in you. And even now, there is no magic to be felt. It must be a mistake.« He shook his head. In the next moment, he stood in front of them, protecting himself and watched the two men aggressively.

  She stepped behind him, leaned her head against his back, and embraced him from behind with both arms. »I tried to explain it to them, but they don’t want to understand. The two are just narrow-mi
nded and stubborn.« Her voice was still angry, but her embrace was tender. She leaned confidently against him.

  »What did you explain to them, my love?« he asked while keeping a watchful eye on both men.

  »In my country, there is no black magic among women. We are born, and our magic is awakened, but all mages of my country have the task to heal. And that’s what they do.«

  Adar now froze inwardly. His body was tense. Maioshan did not seem to notice it. She further explained what Abarta and Befen did not want to understand: »The few female magicians who still exist are healers, while our men are warriors. In my country, there are only healers and warriors. The healers of our people would never kill anyone. It is against our nature. But when Mehit attacked me with a dagger, I had to defend myself. So I used magic. Yes, I fought back with a power spell so as not to hurt her harder and to protect myself. I didn’t carry a weapon with me to defend myself, and a fire spell would have caused her severe burns. Also, I never learned how to wield or fend off a dagger. What do you think I should do? Should I get stabbed by her? Because that was her intention. She attacked me like a fury when she met me in the park. No one hastened to help me because there was no one there. I kept her off me like a reflex with a power spell. But I haven’t been a magician for quite some time. A long time ago, I took part in a ceremony and became a priestess. My first duty is to protect the rings and the land from the Red. The rings that we both wear. I defend them with my life and my strength until the ringbearer appears who liberates our nation. Since you wear one of the rings, I will also protect you with my magic. If I would give up my powers, I would no longer be able to fulfill this task. But the rings are the only hope for our country, but they are not allowed back there at the moment. Because then everything would be lost. I no longer have the strength to protect them from the Red. The last fight almost killed me. The Red is getting stronger from year to year«.

  While she was talking, Adar’s gaze became more and more thoughtful and darker. A terrible cold ran through the young man. She was a magician!

  Why didn’t he notice? But now he saw it clearly before his eyes. The few times he had warmed her bed! He should have noticed it! She growled during intercourse!

  »Why did you lie to me?« he wanted to know.

  »I did not lie to you, Adar. Never!« she hissed angrily. She let him go and stepped back from him. Adar turned around and looked into her wildly sparkling eyes. She again crossed her arms in front of her chest.

  Why didn’t he want to understand her, either?

  »I have never been asked if I am a magician. But even if I had been asked the question, I would have denied it. Because I am a priestess. That is something different. Since I agreed to take this step, my life and my magic have changed. A priest is the guardian of the two souls. I am no longer a magician. It can never be again because the Brown has become a part of me through the ceremony!«

  »Why didn’t you explain it to me?« he asked, giving in without understanding what she was explaining to him. He slowly walked towards her and tenderly embracing her.

  She pushed him away with both hands. »Would that have changed anything? Look at them.« She pointed with one hand at the Supreme Lord and the Administrator. »They are stubborn and bored,« she returned irritated. »And you? Not even you believe me.« Now she pointed with her chin at him. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and opened them again. »But I am different, I trust you. Nevertheless, we have strict laws here. A woman is not allowed to master magic. I will protect you and the rings as well, always,« he promised her.

  »You are not a priest,« she hurled towards him. »How will you protect me against the Red if you are not a priest? Besides, you are not always with me. Without my magic, however, I can no longer fulfill my task. What would have happened if I had not been able to defend myself? Mehit would have killed me. I will not give up my magic. It is a part of me. It is the only weapon I have against the Red. If you take it from me, you kill something inside me. But apart from the fact that I won’t allow it, how can you take something from me that you don’t notice?« she asked with a firm voice.

  Adar looked up, surprised, smiled, and made his decision. Then he turned to the two magicians, who still seemed troubled. Meanwhile, he was seized by an ice-cold rage that he had seldom noticed before. »So it’s true that Mehit attacked her again?« he wanted to know from the men. There was a dangerous undertone in his voice. Abarta puffed loudly and audibly. »There was no one near the two women who could confirm one or the other version. Mehit claims that Maioshan had ambushed her to force her to keep her hands off you with a power spell. But why would your companion do such a thing? And after what I’ve already experienced here with you for her sake, Mehit’s explanation seems quite unbelievable to me. But their statements are not the problem, Adar. Maioshan is a woman, and so she’s not allowed to master magic. That is law in Ized.«

  Adar was furious: »Why can’t she do it? She didn’t harm anyone. No one has had the slightest hint of her magic yet. None of the seekers felt anything. I didn’t notice it either, although I was always with her. Not even now, when I was looking for it, I could discover something. We have been together here in my rooms for weeks. It was never dangerous for me. Neither for Lord Befen nor Lord Sors. So it must be a different kind of magic. Maioshan comes from another country. Perhaps her magic is indeed different. Maybe there is no black magic there that makes our women dangerous. She has never done anything to me, and she will never do anything to me.« Adar convinced that Maioshan would never harm him. Befen kneaded his hands restlessly and nervously. »I must confirm he is right, Lord Abarta. She never did anything to endanger him or any other inhabitant of Ized, except for Mehit today. And as for the power spell against Mehit … I think Maioshan is the more credible of the two women here.«

  Abarta gesticulated wildly. »I see that just like your Befen, but she’s a woman who can practice magic, a magician.«

  Adar listened, and a hopeful smile shrugged across his face. He vehemently contradicted the Supreme Lord: »No, she is not a magician. She is a priestess! A priestess in a foreign country.«

  »She can practice magic. He who masters magic is a magician. No matter what she is may call it in her country. The woman is a magician according to our laws,« Abarta countered.

  »She comes from a foreign country, and her magic is different. May we tell a woman of a land unknown to us how and what she should be? In her country, she is a priestess and not a magician.«

  Abarta puffed, and drove to Adar: »If she becomes your wife, she is a woman of Ized. At the moment of the ceremony, she is under our jurisdiction and our constant protection,« the Lord sharply contradicted him.

  Adar groaned, turned to Maioshan, and wrapped her tightly. He pressed his face into her hair. He loved her, after all. Was he not allowed to marry her now because she mastered magic, and in case of marriage became an Ized woman? She noticed how upset he was. Lord Abarta’s last sentence seemed to have struck him.

  Adar breathed heavily, but he knew what he wanted. He knew what he really wanted. He would never leave her side again. »By the Waves, if that is the case, then I will go away with her, back to her country. If she cannot live here with me as she is, if she has to go to fulfill her task, then I will not stay here either.«

  Now Befen drove up. »No,« he pushed out. »That is not possible. We cannot lose one of our most powerful magicians. Your potential is too important for our country! Magicians like you are the hope, the future of Ized, Adar. You cannot; you are not allowed to go!«

  Adar let Maioshan out of his hug and positioned himself again to protect her. He lowered his head, ready to attack. Unconsciously he clenched both fists. His eyes were dark, and his voice rough but determined. He would not allow anyone to approach her to take away her magic. She needed her magic to defend the rings, and he would defend her. Against anyone who wanted to hurt her. He was determined to do so. »No, Befen, she belongs to me and I to her. I will always belong to her. I can no lon
ger live without her, and I do not want it at all. My decision has been made. Either she will stay with me as she is, or I will leave our country with her. Maybe it is even better if I go. Then Mehit can go the right way again and also find her happiness.«

  Befen let himself fall into one of the chairs with a moan. In blatant resignation, he shook his head. It was clear to him that Adar would make his statement real.

  Lord Abarta was watching Befen in astonishment. Never before had he seen this dominated man so stunned. Then he looked at Adar in his determination. Even in this situation, Adar thought of what was suitable for another. Another who wanted to harm him. For it was all too clear to him why his granddaughter had attacked the stranger because Adar loved Maioshan and not her. Mehit was jealous and wanted the man for herself, to own him, and she was entitled to any means to get him. He remembered what a significant step Adar had been willing to take to protect his, Abarta’s honor.

  Today the situation was different. Mehit lived dangerously and did not even see the danger. She was no longer acceptable if she used such methods. Her behavior challenged the bloodlust of the warrior.

  And Abarta recognized the full extent of what Befen saw in the young magician. When he realized the final consequence, he turned pale. He swallowed because he realized that this young man was prepared for the time after his death. Then a hopeful smile scurried over his face. Who of the former Supreme Lords ever got the chance to meet his potential successor?

  In twenty or thirty years, Adar may have been just the man to run the country. Abarta was old, had a long and fulfilled life behind him. But twenty, thirty years he could still live, maybe longer. And at this time, Adar would mature. Guided and formed by Lord Befen.


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