Ized- the Ancestors

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Ized- the Ancestors Page 15

by Esther Barvar

  »I’ll organize that, father.«

  Carbacan smiled at him. His son understood him. In any case, they should make their picture of Lord Adar and Maioshan.

  Belenus wrote an invitation and sent a messenger to Lord Adar. Adar was astonished to be invited to the king, but he accepted the invitation.

  At a small snack, Carbacan spoke openly about the magic of women and the concerns he had. But he also affirmed to support the Supreme Lord Abarta in his decision. Maioshan also explained here the peculiarity of the magic of the priests. The king and his son listened to her with fascination. He explained, if her magic could not be discovered, one could also assume that it did not exist.

  Maioshan smiled as she signaled her willingness to refrain from using magic.

  After the couple had left, Carbacan sat with Belenus over a cup of wine for a long time. Both were impressed. Maioshan was a wonderful young woman, and Lord Adar seemed to love her very much. Both the king and his son had felt the calming influence she exerted on the warrior. Her presence alone tamed his restless and threatening temperament. In the presence of a warrior, ordinary people often felt uncomfortable. That was due to their unique charisma. A warrior had something of a predator. That evening he didn’t notice any of it in Adar. Carbacan remembered the irritation that Lord Adar had still radiated in the hunting lodge.

  »How great her influence on him is, father. That was impressive. I now understand what you meant when you told me the magicians were different from us humans. Never before have I felt that so clearly. But have you ever seen a man of such beauty?« Belenus wanted to know about his father in astonishment.

  »I have already heard of his beauteousness and have seen him in the hunting lodge, my son. But have you ever heard that a warrior had bound himself that young?«

  Belenus shook his head. »We’ll keep an eye on them, I suppose?«

  »It will be interesting to follow their path together.« Carbacan smiled at his son. »Magicians are a little strange in some ways.«

  In the next meeting, Lord Abarta enlightened the magicians about the departure of his granddaughter. As far as it was important for the community, he announced the situation:

  Mehit had fallen in love with Lord Adar and wanted to discredit him by attacking his guest. Since her behavior put her life in danger, he found it necessary to send her away.

  No one found it unusual for a girl to fall in love with the young lord, as Adar was one of the city’s most sought-after bachelors. And so no one was surprised by the decision of the Supreme Lord.

  Because the seekers also confirmed that they could not find any signs of magic in Maioshan, the unrest subsided. Over the next few days, the suspicious glances also ceased.

  Befen invited Maioshan on the day of the meeting. Over a cup of tea, he explained to her the peculiarities of marrying a magician: »Maioshan, it is my duty to ask you something. Do you know the intense phase of a magician? I ask because it seems to me that your magic is very different. Even if you’ve been married before. There is a possibility that you are not aware of this particular phase that a magician of our people is going through.«

  She frowned and seemed confused. »Intense Phase? Please enlighten me.«

  Befen nodded. He had almost thought so. It became increasingly clear to him how different magic could be. »Well,« he continued, »The intensive phase begins shortly after the marriage. The magician is driven into instincts. Everything in him urges him to conceive a descendant with his wife. After the wedding, Adar will concentrate more and more on you. No man is allowed to be near you and thus may pose a danger to his descendants. Adar would kill him mercilessly. He will warm the bed for you again and again, for his seed must bear fruit in you. In that time, he will not be able to tolerate clothes on you. He will take care of your physical well-being and guard your sleep. But he will only find rest again at the end of the intensive phase. All the time, he watches over you. It is an exhausting time for both partners. Usually, the intensive phase lasts three to four days, and a child springs from it. When he finds sleep again for the first time, this phase is over. It is essential to be careful for a few more days, at least he will always stand in front of you in the presence of other men, maybe he will growl at the others too. But otherwise, the remaining days of the wedding time are pleasant for the couple.«

  Maioshan seemed a bit insecure. »Thank you, Lord Befen. I am glad to have been described this intensive phase. So I can adjust to it. A behavior as you describe it, so such an instinctive action is unknown to me to such an extent. I know the fixation of my first husband, too, but not in the intensity as you describe it. But now I can understand Adar’s behavior and act with caution.«

  Maioshan said goodbye to Lord Befen. Thoughtfully she returned to Adar. Magic had changed. What Lord Befen had told had never been so pronounced in her country. Although the magicians here must be the descendants of the magicians who had fled her land. She had witnessed the beginning of the flight waves when the Red began to hunt mages. What had caused such a dramatic change? Surely Dagon had also cared for and loved them excessively, but other men had never been in danger.

  The mages in Ized were more extensive than those in Emeishan, and their skin had a light bronze tone, like that of the human population. Both peoples had mixed. Therefore, there were always children with magical potential in the community. Adar had told her about the seekers who went out every year to find the boys carrying magical heritage. Perhaps even the magic of the women become dangerous so that they had to be forbidden here in Ized.

  She found it particularly strange, however, that the magicians here no longer knew what a priest was since there was one in each of them. But perhaps it was also better not to know anything about that kind of power. Maybe it was better not to awaken the elemental power within. Then the magician’s life clock ran off. When the magician died, the second soul died with him. So she could not become a danger, as it had happened with the Red. The Red had killed thousands and thousands. Priests, magicians, and also humans, without any consideration.

  It seemed as if the time of the priests was over. Maioshan shook her head. The Red had to be defeated. The time of the priests could not end yet. Not as long as the Red existed.

  Adar and Maioshan went to see a dressmaker who made festive clothes. Maioshan liked a long dress with delicate silver thread on the top and skirt hem. Adar bought it and a dark suit that suited him perfectly.

  On the agreed morning, the two were already in the bathhouse before sunrise, had breakfast together, and get dressed. Then they hurried hand in hand to the residence of the Supreme Lord.

  The few people they met looked after them in amazement, for no one had heard of this marriage. Of course, the rumor made the rounds through the neighborhood within a short time. Many knew the attractive magician, and Maioshan was also known to all because of her lighter skin color.

  The servant of the Supreme Lord opened the door and led them to the study on the ground floor. There they were already expected. The witnesses had arrived shortly before. The couple stood in front of Lord Befen. At Adar’s side stood his father, and next to Maioshan stood the Supreme Lord.

  Lord Befen took the hands of the two young people to speak the traditional words with which marriage was entered into in Ized. »Adar and Maioshan. You stand before me today to walk the path of life together. So give your vows before the witnesses, Lord Abarta and Lord Kairos.«

  Befen handed Adar the smaller of the rings with the black jewel that Maioshan had worn on the chain. »Lord Adar, warrior from Ized, I ask you. Is it your free will to marry Lady Maioshan, priestess of Emeishan? Then you give the ring as a sign of love and speak your vow.«

  Adar kneeled before Maioshan. His voice was firm and secure when he gave her his promise: »It is my free will to marry you, Maioshan. You are the woman I desire with all my heart. I will love you, honor you, and protect you as long as I live. You are my one and only«. With it, he put the ring on her finger and rose again.

bsp; Now Lord Befen Maioshan handed over the other ring. »Lady Maioshan, priestess of Emeishan, I also ask you. Is it your free will to marry the warrior, Adar? Then give him the ring as a sign of love and speak your promise.«

  Maioshan also kneeled before Adar. Her voice was also firm and clear: »It is my free will to enter into marriage with you. Adar, you are the man who owns my heart. You are my life, and I will love you, honor you, and always be there for you as long as I live. You are my one and only«.

  So she pushed the ring over Adar’s finger and rose. Both laid their hands on which the rings stuck together.

  Lord Befen grabbed the white cloth with the beautiful golden threads. That was traditionally made for each pair. It was a symbol of love, happiness, loyalty, and a long life together. On festive occasions, the married women often wore it as a stole. With the marriage and the possession of the shawl, the women in Ized were addressed as a lady. Befen laid it over both hands.

  »May the cloth of love always accompany you and give you happiness and long life together. Lord Adar and Lady Maioshan, the covenant is now made, and you are husband and wife«.

  Adar took the cloth, grabbed both ends. Then he threw it over Maioshan’s head, obeying traditions so that it lay on her shoulders. He pulled her possessively close to himself and gently gave her the kiss that sealed the promise.

  As Lord Befen, Lord Abarta, and Lord Kairos congratulated the young couple. It became loud in the lobby. Shortly thereafter, it knocked, and the servant stuck his head in. »Forgive me, Supreme Lord. Lord Reito, the High Lord of Warriors, is here. He insists on speaking with you.«

  Lord Abarta lowered his head in agreement, and the servant opened the door completely. Reito stormed past him. »Forgive my intrusiveness, Supreme Lord.« He faltered, twisted his eyes, and groaned. »So it’s true. Why, by the Waves of the Wide Stream, doesn’t anyone give me a message so I can remove him from the duty roster?« He seemed remarkably angry. His tone, however, was in no way appropriate here in the residence of the Supreme Lord.

  Accordingly, Abarta raised both eyebrows disapprovingly. »Moderate yourself, Reito. It’s also enough if you do it now,« he explained cuttingly. Then he explained coldly why the superior had not informed him. »Lord Adar wanted a wedding in the smallest possible setting. That was the only way to fulfill his wish. No one, except the Administrator and the best men, knew anything about it.«

  It became remarkably quiet. Lord Kairos communicated with Lord Abarta by a glance and then turned to Reito. »If you have trouble replacing him because there are too few warriors you can assign me instead of my son, let me have his duties for the next three days. I will gladly take them over for him. The remaining days I am on the way for the garrisons. Then you will have to fall back on someone else. That should be possible for you until then.« There was an unspoken threat in Lord Kairo’s offer.

  Abarta’s eyes sparkled wild when he agreed. »The remaining days Lord Adar is on duty, Lord Befen and I will step in for him if it should overtax you to find a replacement until then. But I think you’ll be able to adjust the roster immediately.«

  Lord Reito suddenly turned pale. The criticism he had received from the two older magicians made him cautious. »Supreme Lord, of course, it will be possible. It would only have been nice if I had found out earlier, then planning would have been easier. Sorry, I didn’t want to embarrass Lord Adar. It’s probably the usual three weeks?«

  Lord Abarta nodded. »Of course it’s the usual three weeks,« he confirmed, still undercooled.

  Reito bowed, muttered some hearty congratulations, and left the room.

  »Excuse this superfluous incident, Lord Adar. Don’t let it spoil your day. Enjoy the marriage time with your wife. Duty rosters do not need to interest you for the time being.« Abarta nodded friendly to Adar.

  In the meantime, he growled subliminally and stared at the closed door through which Reito had just left the room.

  Stable boys had prepared a coach. The servants of the Supreme Lord brought the couple’s luggage. A saddled horse was ready for Lord Adar. One of the stable boys acted as coachman and would later bring the vehicle back to Farsie. At the end of the marriage period, it was his job to pick them up from the tavern.

  With the carriage, the journey to the tavern lasted longer than with horses, because they were dependent on the developed ways. So they only arrived when the day was already well advanced.

  Adar felt a rising restlessness in himself, which he could still control. He noticed how much he wanted to be near her, touch her, protect her. He looked at the coachman, with mixed feelings. He felt anger rising against him, which he could only suppress with difficulty, but he knew that the man only fulfilled his task.

  Adar rode close to the carriage and took a look at it again and again. As soon as they arrived at the tavern, the young bride and groom were quickly taken to the rented room. Their luggage was also stored there. In the middle of the room stood a huge bed. A warming fire was already flickering in the fireplace. In a niche, wood was stratified that would last several days. In front of the fireplace lay a large, dark bearskin. A few massive candelabras illuminated the room, and there were more candles for them on a shelf.

  Near the window stood a table with two chairs where the guests could dine. A servant placed covered plates, a bottle of red wine, a carafe of water, and two cups on the table and put the tray on a chest of drawers intended for the guests‘ clothes. Then he looked down and left the room. Now the two spouses were finally alone.

  Adar carefully inspected both rooms, which were theirs for three weeks now. He opened the second door, which led into the spacious bathroom. Although he growled with impatience, the warrior did not want to be surprised by anything. He locked the entrance to the anteroom. Now he turned around and closed his eyes. He raised his head a little and sucked in her scent with trembling nostrils. Involuntarily he bared his teeth and growled.

  While Adar was still leaning his back against the door, Maioshan stood in the middle of the room, right in front of the fireplace, nervously watching what he was doing. He seemed different than usual, somehow possessive. Adar pushed himself away from the door and slowly came over to her. The dress suited her perfectly, but it bothered him. She was wearing too much.

  »Finally mine,« he whispered hoarsely with desire. The closer he came to her, the more intoxicating her scent was for him. The whole room was full of his quiet growling. He embraced her, and his hands slid over her back, opening the hooks with which the dress was closed. As it opened down to the hip, he slowly pushed it over her shoulders. Finally, it slipped to the floor. Adar trembled as she stood in front of him in her tender undergarments. He pushed her over to the bearskin and gently pushed her down. How gorgeous the light skin looked in the glow of the flickering fire. He enjoyed the sight and trembled again. Within seconds he was undressed.

  Then he lay half above her. His lips looked for every free spot of her skin. She trembled under the gentle touches of his mouth and demanding hands. Impatiently growling, he tore the remaining garments that still covered her body and then penetrated her. Both melted together and growled in ardent desire.

  The waves of excitement carried them away. They trembled to groan as the orgasm brought them salvation.

  Again and again, he took her. In bed, on the bearskin, and in the bathroom, he loved his wife. In between, she slept in his arms from exhaustion, while he watched her sleep in silence and quietly growling. He cared for her physical well-being, brought her food and drink, fed her while he hardly ate or slept.

  On the evening of the second day, Maioshan whispered to him that she had received a son from him. He looked silently down at her, smiled, growled, bared his teeth, and took her again, again, and again.

  All the time, he seemed to be in a fever. His body temperature was unnaturally high. Then, after three days and three nights, the heat subsided, and he finally fell asleep. But even in his sleep, he sought the closeness of her body.

  Maioshan was happ
y when he finally slept. As soon as he had slept one night, the intensive phase was over, and the time of tenderness would dawn for both partners. That’s how Lord Befen had explained it, and that’s how it was. They often loved each other, and they loved each other hot. Still, now he was much more considerate of her needs, wanted to see happiness and contentment in her eyes. It was a wonderful time for Maioshan. She had not thought it possible to ever experience such pleasure again in her long life.

  When they returned to the city after three weeks, they moved into a room suitable for families with children. Lord Befen had organized it. Their possessions were already there.

  Four - The Nights of Fire

  Nine months later, Befen came to the gate. Adar’s duty lasted another two hours. It snowed, and a thin white coat covered the many footsteps on the streets. Winter did not want to give way to spring this year. It was still terribly cold, and the sun didn’t have enough power to melt the snow during the day.

  »Go home, Adar. Lord Sors sent me a message. It won’t be long now. You should hurry so that you can make it in time.«

  Adar stared at him questioningly: »Why should I hurry and what won’t take much longer, Administrator? I still have two hours on duty here.«

  »I take over the duty, Adar,« Befen decided.

  Adar’s confused look made the Administrator grin. Adar had hurried in the morning and didn’t even know what it was about. Maioshan’s labor had begun during the morning. Lord Sors had been visiting her regularly for several days to accompany the pregnancy. So also on this day. Since the contractions came periodically, Sors had informed Lord Befen with the help of a messenger. He asked him to take care of the expectant father.


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