Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria

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Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria Page 61

by Julia P. Gelardi

  York: Routledge, 1999.


  Interview with Dmitri Likhachev in The Last of the Czars: Part Two—The Shadow of Rasputin, The Discovery Channel, 1996.


  Achilleion, 211

  Adolf zu Schaumburg-Lippe, Prince, 25

  Afghanistan, 41

  Aimone, Duke of Aosta, 384

  Akershus, 369

  Alba, Duke of, 379

  Alba Julia, 307

  Albert I, King of the Belgians, 170

  Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, Prince Consort of England, 67, 101

  death of, effect on Victoria, 238

  Albert Victor, Prince of England (“Eddy”), 3, 39–41

  death of, 41

  Alcoholics Anonymous, 347

  Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia (son of Peter II), 293, 357, 384

  Alexander, Grand Duke (“Sandro”), 239, 245, 252, 253, 344–45

  Alexander, Prince of Battenberg (“Drino”), 18, 375

  Alexander I, King of Greece, 193, 261, 263, 264, 265

  birth of, 27

  death of, 293–94, 297

  liaison with Aspasia Manos, 292–93

  as ruler, 291–92

  Alexander II, King of Yugoslavia, 308, 352–53

  assassination of, 353

  Alexander II, Tsar, 6, 142

  assassination of, 108

  Alexander III, Tsar, 38–39

  anti-German feeling of, 42

  death of, 54–55

  Alexander Palace, 68, 259

  Mauve Room, 97–98

  Alexander the Great, 179

  Alexandra, Princess of Greece (daughter of Alexander I), 298, 309–10, 357, 384

  Alexandra, Princess of Saxe-Coburg (“Sandra”), 6

  Alexandra, Tsarina of Russia (Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt; “Alicky”), 16, 17, 24, 28, 90, 106–7, 169, 235–36, 246, 252, 255, 259, 265, 269

  advises Nicholas II on rulership, 117–18, 237, 240, 241–43, 244–45, 256–58

  aids the Russian cause in World War I, 205–7

  beauty of, as child, 17

  bones of, reburial of, 385

  character flaws of, 245

  charity work of, 190–91

  childbearing of, 62–63, 84, 85, 93–94, 112

  childhood of, 5–6, 7–8, 12–13

  confidantes of, 67, 120–22, 173–74

  coronation of, 68–70

  courtship of, 38–46, 50–55

  destroys letters and diaries to prevent revolutionaries from seizing them, 258

  Alexandra, Tsarina of Russia (continued) encouragement to Nicholas II to be autocrat, 237

  execution of, 270–71

  feeling for the Russian people, 99–100

  first meets Nicholas, 17

  girl children born of, 84, 85, 93–94, 112

  grief over Rasputin’s assassination, 253

  intellectual interests, 243

  love for Russia, and worry about, 108

  marriage of, 55–57

  at outbreak of World War I, 200

  people’s hatred of, 217, 222, 240

  and Rasputin, 173–78

  religious convictions of, 98, 99–100, 110

  retreat from public life, 101

  Russian patriotism of, 239–40

  strict morals of, 66–67, 109–12

  support for Nicholas II’s abdication, 257–58

  suspected of being pro-German, 235, 239–40

  as tsarina, her discomfort as, 58–59, 65–67, 93–94, 97–101, 109–12

  views on royal marriage, 192–93

  visits Queen Victoria, 72–73

  war work of, tending the wounded, 114, 185–86, 221–23

  Alexandra of Denmark, Queen Consort of England, 3, 4–5, 8, 41, 56, 77–78, 102, 169, 284, 300

  death of, 315

  Alexei I, tsar (father of Peter the Great), 115

  Alexei Nikolaevitch, Tsarevitch, 115, 187–88, 256, 257, 259, 268, 385

  birth of, 115

  death of, 270

  hemophilia of, 120–22, 172–78, 217–18

  Alfonso, Infante (“Ali”), 232

  Alfonso, Infante of Spain (Prince of the Asturias; Count of Covadonga; “Alfonsito”), 332, 334, 340, 342, 344, 373

  birth of, 149–52

  death of, 374

  hemophilia of, 162, 317, 334

  marriages to commoners, 371, 374

  Alfonso, Prince of Spain (son of Jaime), 376, 383

  Alfonso, Prince of Spain (son of Juan), 375, 378

  Alfonso XII, King of Spain, 29, 164

  Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 170, 229, 306, 337–41, 383

  aids prisoners of war of all nations in World War I, 230–31

  assassination attempted, 161

  birth of, 30

  courtships of, 123–31

  death of, 374–75

  in exile, 344–45

  health, 337

  illegitimate children of, 233

  infidelities of, 168, 233, 295, 335

  later years of, 371–74

  leaves Spain without abdicating (1931), 340–41

  marriage of, and bomb outrage, 139–44

  married life of, 163, 165

  not taking sides in World War I, 227–28

  risk-taking behavior, 125

  separation from Ena, 345, 372–73

  sports and pastimes of, 233–34

  visit to England, 113

  visit to Fascist Italy, 315

  Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh (Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), 6–7, 12, 14–16, 31

  Alfred, Prince of Saxe-Coburg (son of Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh), 15

  suicide of, 89

  Alice, Princess of Albany, 84

  Alice, Princess of Battenberg, 180

  Alice, Princess of Great Britain (Duchess of Hesse-Darmstadt), 5, 7–8

  tragic death of, 8

  Alice, Princess of Greece, 180

  Allies. See World War I; World War II Amalienborg Palace, 77

  American people, Marie of Romania’s high opinion of, 326–27

  Anastasia (“Stana”), Princess of Montenegro, 94

  Anastasia Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, 187, 192, 259

  birth of, 93

  death of, 270

  Anderson, Anna, 187

  Andrew, Prince of Greece, 236, 262, 306

  Ankara, 300, 302

  Anne, Princess of Bourbon-Parma, 384

  Anne Marie of Denmark, Queen Consort of Greece, 384

  anti-Catholicism, 128

  Anti-Tuberculosis League, 295

  Anton, Archduke of Habsburg-Lothringen, 336, 352

  Antonescu, Ion, 384

  Anual, 294

  Appleton House, 71, 102, 314

  Argetoianu, Constantin, 365

  Arlington National Cemetery, 323

  Armistice Day, 279

  Asia Minor campaign, 208, 299–303

  Astor, Nancy (Nancy Shaw), 104–6, 156, 282, 399n. Astor, Pauline, 103–4

  Astor, Waldorf, 109, 154, 282, 363

  friendship with Marie of Romania, 103–6

  Astor, William Waldorf, 103

  Asturias, Prince of the, 151

  Ataturk, 299–300

  Athens, 21, 261–62, 264, 303–4

  Allied bombardment and occupation of, 246–49

  atrocities and massacres, 255, 302–3, 373

  Augusta, Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 134, 147

  Augusta of Weimar, Empress of Germany (married to Wilhelm I), 9

  Auguste Viktoria of Schleswig-Holstein, Empress of Germany (married to Wilhelm II; “Dona”), 25–26

  Austria, anschluss with Nazi Germany, 363

  Austria-Hungary 202, 203, 205, 207, 214, 214, 274

  collapse of, 278

  starts World War I, 199

  Averescu, General Alexandra, 278, 327

  Axis. .See World War II Baha’i religion, 349

  Balcic, 352, 365

  Balfour, Arthur, 256

  Balkan League,

  Balkan Wars First, 180

  Second, 183

  Balkans, 201, 202

  Balmoral, 7, 72

  Baltic Fleet, destruction of, 115–16

  Baltic Sea, 216

  Baltic states, 268

  Banat, 283

  Barcelona, revolutionary actions in (1909), 160–61

  Barthou, Louis, 353

  Battenberg family, 18–19, 28, 74, 125, 126, 266

  morganatic blood in, 113

  Battle of Anual, 294

  Battle of Mukden, 115

  Battle of Plevna, 307

  Battle of the Marne, 204

  Battle of Tsushima, 115–16

  Beatrice, Princess of Great Britain (married Henry of Battenberg), 131, 138, 142, 151, 162, 228, 338

  death of, 375

  marriage of, 17–18

  widowhood of, 73–74

  Beatrice, Princess of Saxe-Coburg (“Bea”), 6, 232, 332, 342

  Beatriz, Infanta (Princess of Civitella-Cesi), 168, 316, 334

  Belgium, 199

  Bennett, Margery, 349

  Benson, E. F, 243–44

  Berenguer, Damaso, 338

  Berlin court, 9–10

  Bernadotte family, 132

  Bessarabia, 278, 281, 283

  Romania’s desire for, 202–3

  Bialowieza, Poland, 99

  Bibesco, Marthe, 154, 205, 215

  Bibesco family, 154

  Bigge, Sir Arthur, 83

  Bismarck, Otto von, 4, 11, 19

  Black Week, 86

  Blasco Ibanez, Vicente, 234

  Bloody Sunday (January 22, 1905), 107, 116

  Boehme, Jakob, 243

  Boer War, 86, 256

  Bolsheviks, 117, 269, 270–71, 275, 359–60

  propaganda in other countries, 278, 285

  seize power, 267

  Boris, Grand Duke, 70, 88, 112–13

  Botkin, Dr. Eugene, 172, 173, 253, 259, 268, 271

  Botkin, Gleb, 253, 268

  Bourbon, Spanish House of, 123, 139, 162, 380

  Boyd Carpenter, William, Bishop of Ripon, 53, 84, 94, 98, 142, 151, 162, 177, 178, 223

  Boyle, “Klondike” Joe, 275–77, 278, 281, 282, 285, 286, 312–13, 325

  Bran Castle, 312, 331, 352

  Brandram, Lady Katherine (Princess of Greece), 20, 27, 95, 182, 193, 237, 246, 303, 318, 348, 357, 359, 384

  Brandram, Major Richard, 384

  Brasov, 312

  Bratianu, Ion, 154, 188, 207, 209, 278, 281–82, 320, 328

  Bricka, Mme, 63

  Brindle, Monsignor Robert, Bishop of Nottingham, 128, 129

  British Empire, rivalry with Russia, 41

  Brown, John, 238–39

  Brusilov offensive, 218

  Buchanan, Sir George, 239, 242, 244

  Bucharest, 47, 280

  bombing raid on, 218

  fall to Germans, 220

  licentious life of, 75

  Royal Palace in, 47

  salons of, 60–62

  Buchman, Dr. Frank, 346

  Buckingham Palace, 282

  Buftea, 219

  Bukovina, 278, 283

  Bulgaria, 179, 183, 201, 202, 216, 218, 278

  threat to Greece from, 202

  bullfighting, 169

  Biilow, Bernhard von, 133

  Buxhoeveden, Baroness Sophie, 186

  Byelorussia, 268

  Bygdoy estate, 148

  Byzantium, 182–83, 262

  new, dream of, 262

  Callimachi, Princess, 154

  Cambridge, Duke of, 34

  Cantacuzene, Zizi, 78, 87

  Canterbury, Archbishop of, 128

  Caraiman, Carol (pseudonym of Carol II), 323

  Carisbrooke, Marchioness of, 342

  Carisbrooke, Marquis of (formerly Maurice of Battenberg), 266

  Carl, Prince of Denmark. See Haakon VII, King of Norway Carlists, 169, 391n.

  Carlos, Don, 391n.

  Carlos I of Portugal, assassination of, 161

  Carmen, Maria del, 383

  Carol I, King of Romania, 32–34, 37, 87, 184

  death of, 204–5

  intention to join Central Powers in World War I, 203–4

  relations with Marie of Romania, 47–49, 88, 155

  work habits of, 60

  Carol II, King of Romania, 76, 184, 305, 315, 323, 328, 336, 384–85

  birth of, 49

  breakdown of marriage with Helen, and divorce, 307–8, 328–29, 332–34

  courtships, 188–92

  deserts his regiment, 277–78

  desire to reclaim place as heir, 327

  liaison with Elena Lupescu, 302

  liaison with Zizi Lambrino, 277–78, 285–86

  marriage to Helen of Greece, 297–98

  maturing of, 256

  persecutes his relatives, 346, 350–52, 362, 364–65

  plot to seize throne, 329–30

  removed from line of succession (1925), 321

  renounces Helen for Lupescu, 319–21

  tyrannical rule of, 333–34, 336, 354–55

  upbringing of, 86–87, 188–89

  usurps throne from his son Michael, 331–32

  Carroll, Colonel John H., 326

  Castellani, Dr. Aldo, 362–63

  Catherine Palace, 221

  Catherine the Great, 68

  Catholic Emancipation Act, 128

  Catholicism. See Roman Catholicism Central Powers. See World War I Chamberlain, Sir Austen, 316

  Charlotte of Prussia, Princess (“Charly”), 9, 33, 61–62

  Cheka, 270

  child rearing, English style of, 234

  childbirth, use of chloroform in, 49

  Christiana, Royal Palace in, 146

  Christianity, 348

  Christopher, Prince of Greece, 235, 263, 292–93, 296, 303, 309, 356

  Church Association, 127

  Churchill, Winston, 282, 399n.

  Civil Directory (Spain), 336

  Clemenceau, Georges, 281–82

  Cliveden, 103

  Coburg, 14, 38–39, 45, 49, 87–88

  Cochin, Denys, 212

  Cochrane, Colonel and Lady, 141

  Cochrane, Hilda, 293, 318, 358, 359

  Codreanu, Corneliu, 352

  Cole, the Reverend R. W., 329, 347–49, 357–58

  Collier, William Miller, 139

  Coloma, Padre Luis, 233

  Communism, 359–60, 384

  conjugal rights, 36

  Conroy, Sir John, 14–15

  Constantine I, King of Greece, 71–72, 195, 208, 235–36, 246, 247, 292, 297, 383

  abdication (1922), 303

  assassination attempt, 236–37

  birth of, 20–21

  campaign in Turkey (1921), 300

  death of, 306

  effect of Russian Revolution on position of, 260

  flees Greece (1909), 158

  ill health of, 305–6

  infidelities of, 181

  marriage of, 21–22

  military achievements, 80–82, 157, 179–80, 182

  return of (1920), 295–96

  and Sophie, prophecy of, that Byzantium would be restored, 182–83

  suspected to be pro-German, 210–11, 212–13

  threatened by Wilhelm II at start of World War I, 201–2

  Constantine II, King of Greece, 384

  Constantine XI Palaeologus, 262

  Constantinople, 22

  fall of, 262

  Coolidge, Calvin, 324

  Copenhagen, 76

  Corbani, Aldo, 376

  Corfu, 211

  Cotroceni Palace, Bucharest, 75, 103, 205

  Crete, 79

  union with Greece, 157

  Crimea, 190

  Cuba, 123

  Curtea de Arges, 211, 328, 365

  Curzon, Lord, 282, 286, 298

  Cyril, Grand Duke, 108

  Czernin, Count Ottokar, 155–56, 214

  Dacia (Roman province), 307
  Dardanelles campaign, 208, 210, 216

  Darmstadt, 5, 7, 24, 50

  Dato, Eduardo, 294

  de Bunsen, Lady, 138

  deBunsen, Sir Maurice, 84, 141, 142, 161

  de Schelking, Eugene, 192

  Dehn, Lili, 66, 67, 187, 257, 258, 259, 266

  del Carmen, Maria, 383

  Denmark, 9, 230

  arrival of Charles and Maud in, 72

  weather of, 76

  diphtheria, 8

  Disraeli, Benjamin, 8

  Dissesscu, Aristitza, 327

  divorce, 108

  Dmitri, Grand Duke, 250–53

  Dobruja region, 275, 283

  Doletti, Joana, 350, 362, 363

  Doom, 356

  Dostoyevsky Fyodor, 136

  Duca, Jean, 352 “Ducky”. See Victoria, Princess of Saxe-Coburg Duma (Russian Parliament), 118, 119, 242, 244

  Eastbourne, 261

  Eastern Front, 205

  Eastwell Manor, 6

  Edinburgh, Duchess of, 40

  Edward VII, King of England (Prince of Wales), 19, 71, 127, 149, 194

  coronation of, 102

  court of, 110–11

  death and funeral, 169–70

  infidelities of, 4, 110–11

  as Prince of Wales, 3, 4, 19

  reign of, 102

  view on Ena’s marriage, 128

  view on Norwegian throne offer, 132–35

  Edward VIII, King of England (“David”), 360

  abdication, 361, 367–68

  Edwardian era, women of, 111

  Egerton, Edward, 81

  Ekaterinburg, 269–71, 385

  El Escorial, 342

  Elisabeth, Queen Consort of Carol I of Romania (Elisabeth of Wied; Carmen Sylva), 33–34, 76, 86, 104

  death of, 211–12

  Germanophilia of, 203–4

  return to Romania from exile, 60

  views on marriage, 280–81

  Elisabetta, Princess of Romania (“Ellena”), 76, 85, 256, 301, 384

  breakdown of marriage with George II, 309, 361–62

  marriage to George II of Greece, 296–98

  refusal to have a child, 309

  Elizabeth, Empress of Russia (eighteenth century), 68

  Elizabeth, Princess of Hesse-Darnstadt (“Ella”), 5, 17, 41, 44, 46, 50, 55, 51, 70, 90, 174, 250

  Elizabeth, Queen Consort of George VI of England, 367, 368

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 367 “Ella”. See Elizabeth, Princess of Hesse-Darnstadt Elliot, Sir Francis, 157, 159, 246, 249, 261, 264

  Enescu, George, 60, 275

  England, 199, 203, 236

  shopping in, 72

  English traditions in foreign courts, 7–8, 10–11, 15–16, 64, 166, 193

  Entente. See World War I Ernest, Grand Duke of Hesse (Ernst;“Ernie”), 5, 8, 23–24

  divorce, 108

  marriage to Victoria of Saxe-Coburg, 38–39

  Ethiopia, 360

  Eugenie, Empress of France, 18, 83, 161

  Eulalia, Infanta, 165, 231, 301, 306, 359

  Faberge, Peter Carl, 190

  Falkenhayn, Erich von, 218


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