Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria

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Born to Rule: Five Reigning Consorts, Granddaughters of Queen Victoria Page 63

by Julia P. Gelardi

  Mossolov, A. A., 176, 186 “Mossy.” See Margrete, Princess of Prussia Mountbatten, Lord Leopold, 266

  Mussolini, Benito, 315, 352, 359, 360

  Nagorny (Romanov retainer), 269

  Napoleon III, 18

  National Peasant Party (Romania), 331

  Nazier-Vachot, Philippe, 94

  Nazism, 384

  Neues Palais, Potsdam, 3, 10, 20

  New Palace, Darmstadt, 5

  Nicholas, Grand Duke of Russia (“Nikolasha”), 117–18

  commands Russian armies, 217

  Nicholas, Prince of Greece (son of George I), 23, 81, 202, 211, 236, 248–49, 262, 263, 293, 303

  Nicholas, Prince of Romania, 256, 282, 322, 329, 331, 332, 361, 362, 363, 365, 385

  birth of, 108–9

  marriage of, 349–50

  weakness of, 346

  Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia, 7, 17, 22, 199, 218, 223, 235, 246, 253, 258

  abdication of, 257–58, 260

  ascends to throne, 54–55

  attacked in press, 266

  attitude toward Rasputin, 174

  bones of, reburial of, 385

  childhood of, 9

  coronation of, 68–70

  country retreats of, 98–99

  courtship of, 38–46, 50–55

  ends autocracy and grants constitution, 117–19

  execution of, 270–71

  implored by Alexandra to be autocrat, 237, 241–43, 244–45

  lack of training as tsar, 67

  last days of rule of, 256–58

  marriage of, 55–57

  at outbreak of World War I, 200

  religious convictions of, 100

  retreat from public life, 98–101

  takes personal command of armies, 217

  as tsar, troubles of, 58–59

  visits Queen Victoria, 72–73

  Nichols, Beverly, 310–11, 351

  Noel, Gerard, 130

  North American Newspaper Alliance, 323

  Norway, 200, 337, 383

  neutrality of, in World War I, 231

  republic vs. monarchy question, 131–35

  separation from Sweden, 119–20

  Norwegian royal family, 314

  nursing, by royals, 82–83, 180, 185, 221–23

  Nygaardsvold, Johann, 369

  Oberliani, Sonia, 186

  October Manifesto of 1905, 242

  Odessa, 275

  Olav V, King of Norway (Alexander of Denmark), 90, 146, 314–15, 367, 369, 383

  birth of, 103

  English education of, 314

  marries Martha of Sweden, 337

  name change, 135

  Olga Alexandrovna, Grand Duchess, 65, 67, 136, 176–77, 369–70

  Olga Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, 186, 221, 256, 270

  birth of, 62–63

  courtships, 188–92

  Olga of Russia, Queen Consort of Greece, 82–83, 159, 181, 182, 253, 293, 383

  death of, 322

  Olympic Games, 78

  Order of St. Vincent de Paul, 184

  Order of the Red Cross, 83

  Orlando, Vittorio, 281

  Orleans, Princess Helene d’, 40, 43

  Oropus, 264, 303

  orphans, royal, 30

  Osborne House, 7, 10

  Oscar II, King of Sweden, 120, 134

  Ostheim, Paola, Countess von, 181

  Ottoman Empire, 79

  and Greece, 79–83

  weakness of, 178–80

  Oxford Group, 347

  Oxford University, 347

  Pacelli, Cardinal Eugenio (later Pope Pius XII), 372, 374

  Pact of San Sebastian, 338

  Pakula, Hannah, 172

  Palairet, Michael, 346

  Paleologue, Maurice, 137, 217, 239, 240

  Palermo, 305

  Panker, 318

  Pantazzi, Ethel, 224

  Paola, Princess of Saxe-Weimar, 179

  Pares, Sir Bernard, 254

  Paris Peace Conference (1919), 281–83, 299

  Patricia of Connaught (“Patsy”), 124

  Patriotic League of Greek Women, 248

  Paul, Grand Duke, 217, 257

  Paul I, King of Greece, 378, 383, 384

  birth of, 193

  Peasants’ Revolt of 1907 (Romania), 153, 156

  Peles Castle, 204

  Pelishor, 298, 364

  Peter II, King of Yugoslavia, 384, 385

  birth, 308–9

  Peter the Great of Russia, 68, 115

  Peterhof, 98

  Petrograd, 236

  revolutionary troubles in, 254–55

  petroleum, 220

  Phalerum, 211

  Philip II of Spain, 139

  Philippines, 123

  Pilar, Princess of Spain (cousin of Alfonso XIII), 227

  Pilar, Princess of Spain (daughter of Juan), 375

  Piraeus, 263

  Pius X, Pope, 151

  Pius XI, Pope, 306

  Pius XII, Pope, 374

  Playfair, Dr., 150

  Plessen, Baron von, 82

  Ploesti, 220

  Pobedonostsev, Constantin, 94

  Poincare, Raymond, 282

  Poland, 205, 268

  Ponsonby Sir Frederick, 96, 148

  Ponsonby Sir Henry, 48

  Portugal, 234 Potemkin, battleship, 116

  Primo de Rivera, General Miguel, 294, 315, 336

  Probyn, Sir Dighton, 194–95

  Protestant Alliance, 127

  Protestantism, 129, 130

  renunciation of, 127–31

  Protopopov, Alexander, 244

  Prussia, growth of power of, 3–4

  Pskov, 257

  Pucci, Sister, 184

  Puerto Rico, 123

  Purishkevitch, Vladimir, 250–51

  Queen’s Fund for the Wounded (Spain), 230

  Rainier, Prince, 379

  Rasputin, Grigory 120, 136–37, 173–78, 241–42, 244, 245

  assassination of, 250–54

  cures Alexei from afar, 217–18

  harm to monarchy’s prestige from, 237–39

  opposed to Russia’s participation in World War I, 205

  prediction of own assassination, 252, 254

  Rattigan, Frank, 286

  Red Cross, 230, 285, 294, 342, 380

  Reid, James, 348

  religion a consideration in marriages of royals, 35, 43–44

  conversions of royals, 25–27, 42, 51–55, 98, 127–31

  revolution, spread of, from country to country, 156

  Rhineland, invasion of, 361

  Riff mountain tribesmen, 160

  Rodzianko, Mikhail, 244, 254

  Rolfs, Dr. (Dr. X), 14–16

  Roman Catholicism, 40, 233

  and disqualification for English throne, 35, 127–31

  Romania, 200, 384

  after World War I, 285–86

  Bolshevik propaganda directed against, 278, 285

  choice of sides in World War I, 202–4, 207, 214–15

  conduct of World War I, 240–41, 255–56, 274–79

  considered a barbaric land, 34, 46

  enters World War I on Allied side, 218–21

  fate of, after World War I, 281–83

  German occupation of, 240

  immoral society of, 47–48, 75–76, 109–10

  insurrection of 1907, 153, 156

  land reform in, 278–79

  political crisis of 1929, 331

  regency on behalf of Michael, 329–30, 331–32

  scuttling of oil fields of, to keep from German hands, 220–21

  territorial ambitions of (Greater Romania), 202–4, 207, 278, 281–83, 307

  Romanian court immorality of, 75–76, 109–10

  liaisons within, 154

  Romanian royal family, 33

  marriage alliances, 296–98

  Romanov family, 49, 186, 253

  need for a male heir, 85, 93, 115

  Nicholas II’s estrangement from,

  objecting to grant of constitution, 117–18

  three hundredth anniversary of reign, 185

  Victoria’s low opinion of, 41

  Rosebery Lord, 35

  Rothermere, Viscount, 329

  royalty behavior expected of, 141

  elected, 134, 147, 148

  European, effect of World War I on, 200

  expected not to marry natives of a country, 292

  prerogatives of, 243–44

  training in how to act, 28–29, 106, 141

  Rubinstein, Arthur, 229

  Ruiz Moragas, Carmen, 335

  Rumbold, Sir Horace, 316–17

  Russia, 202, 203, 207, 220, 274, 385

  animosity toward Germany, 45

  assassinations in, 108

  capital cities, 68–69

  constitution granted by Nicholas II (October Manifesto), 117–19

  economic strain from World War I, 216

  elite society of, 66–67

  enters into World War I, 199

  expansionism of, 41

  fighting in World War I, 216, 239–40

  and France, 42–43

  landowners and peasants in, and small middle class, 226–27

  military casualties in World War I, 205–7, 216–17, 221–23, 272

  ministers during World War I, incompetence of, 238, 244

  revolutionary movements and demonstrations in, 106–8, 116–17

  troops in Romania, 256

  withdraws from World War I fighting and signs separate peace, 268

  Russian court licentious lifestyle of, 66, 109–10

  splendor of, 96–97

  Russian Orthodox Church, 42, 51–55, 98, 99–100, 135–36, 177, 385

  Russian Revolution, 260

  beginnings of, 254–55

  predictions of, 217

  Russian royal family dethronement of, 200, 257

  execution of, 270–71

  exile to England proposed and denied, 266

  exiled to Tobolsk and Ekaterinburg, 267–70

  high moral standards of, 269–70

  placed under house arrest, with their retainers, 258–59, 260, 265–67

  taunted by captors, 265

  Russo-Japanese War, 106–7, 114–16, 118

  Russo-Turkish War of 1876–1877, 33, 202

  Saint-Aulaire, comte de, 281

  St. Petersburg, 117, 236

  court of, 97, 109

  as Russian capital, 68

  Sakarya River, 300

  Salisbury, Lord, Prime Minister, 79, 80

  Salisbury, Marquis of, 395, n. Salonika, 235

  capture of, 179–80

  Sampedro-Ocejo y Robato, Edelmira, 371, 374

  Sanchez Guerra, Jose, 338

  Sandringham, 5

  Santander, 377

  Sarrail, M.-P.-E., 235

  Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, house of, 266

  Sazanov, Sergei, 176, 192

  Schenk, Baron, 211

  Schleswig-Holstein, 41

  Scott, Lady Charles, 76

  Sell, Dr., 42 Semana Trdgica, 160

  Seraphim, Saint, 94

  Serbia, 179, 183

  Serge, Grand Duke, 17, 41, 70, 142

  assassination of, 108

  Shaw, Nancy. See Astor, Nancy Shoemaker, Dr. Samuel, 347

  Siberia, 268

  Sigmaringen, 215

  Simpson, Wallis, 361, 367–68

  Sinaia, 153, 297, 298, 364

  Sioux Indians, Marie of Romania’s visit to, 325 “Sitta.” See Helen, Princess of Greece Smyrna (Izmir, Turkey), 299–300, 302–3

  Snell, Lord, 369

  Sofia, Princess of Greece, Consort of Spain, 378, 380, 381, 383, 384

  Sol, Dona, 232

  Somerset, Lady Geraldine, 34

  Sophie, Queen Consort of Greece (Sophia, Princess of Prussia), 28, 34, 36, 43, 49, 51, 52, 71–72, 102, 214, 247, 254, 297, 300, 302, 309, 310, 312, 329, 363, 383, 384

  birth of, 3–4

  care for wounded soldiers, 82–83, 184

  charity work, 193

  childbearing of, 24–25, 84–85

  childhood of, 9–11, 19–20

  children of, 178

  conversion to Greek Orthodoxy, 25–27

  death of, 358–59

  Englishness of, 310–11, 318

  first meets Constantine, 18

  flees Greece (1909), 158

  health, 357–58

  later years of, 318–19, 356–57

  life in exile, and longing for Greece and England, 318–19

  love of Greece, 95

  marriage, 21–22

  as queen, 306–7

  relations with Marie of Romania, 312

  returns to Greece (1910), 159

  snubbed by former friends after World War I, 291, 298, 318

  spiritual faith of, 347–49

  suspected of being pro-German, 210–11, 235–36

  tree-planting campaign, 301

  Souls, the, 111

  South Africa, 86

  Soviet Union, 285, 359–60

  Spain, 200, 383

  dictatorships in, 336

  dynastic struggles in, 30–31

  elections of 1931, 339

  landowners and peasants in, and small middle class, 226–27

  loss of empire, 123

  Monarchists vs. Republicans in, 337–40

  neutrality during World War I, 227–28, 234

  revolutionary movements in, 160–61, 294, 338

  Young vs. Old Spain, 338–39

  Spala, 99, 175

  Spanish-American war, 123

  Spanish Civil War, 373

  Spanish court, customs of, 150, 164, 166–67

  Spanish royal family exiled from Spain (1931), 340–43

  hope of restoration of, 373–74, 377–81

  Stalin, Joseph, 360

  Stamfordham, Lord, 266 staretz of Russia, 136–37

  Stella Maris chapel, 352, 365

  Stirbey, Barbo, 172, 188, 205, 209, 218, 273, 277, 278, 279, 281, 286, 312, 320, 327, 328, 333, 364, 365

  liaison with Marie, 153–55, 219–20

  Stirbey, Elise, 154

  Stirbey, Nadeje, 153, 219

  Stolypin, Peter, 174

  Stormer, Dr., 364

  Strelitz, Augusta, 138

  Stiirmer, Boris, 218, 244

  Sweden, 235, 337

  separation from Norway, 119–20

  Taneeva, Anna (later Viroubova), 120

  Tatiana Nikolaevna, Grand Duchess, 84, 187, 192, 221, 256, 270

  Tatoi, 237, 246, 263–64, 293, 301

  Teck, Duchess of (mother of Frank), 63

  Tenya-Yuvah (“the Nest”), 331, 360

  Theophanes, Archimandrite, 136

  Theotokis, John, 211

  Theotokis, Nicholas, 211, 247

  Tobolsk, 267, 269

  Toledo, Archbishop of, 139

  Tolstoy, Leo, 243

  Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (Arlington, Va.), 323

  Transylvania, 203, 207, 218, 278, 281, 283, 307, 312, 329

  Treaty of Brest Litovsk, 268

  Treaty of Bucharest, 275

  Treaty of Portsmouth, 116

  Treaty of Versailles, 361

  Trepov, Alexander, 244

  Tripoli, 179

  Trondheim, 147

  Tsar of Russia, as autocrat, 200, 241–43

  Tsarskoe Selo, 68, 97–98, 114, 260, 265

  Tuchman, Barbara, 111, 118

  Turkey, 41, 201, 208, 216, 218

  and Greece, 299–300

  nationalism in, under Ataturk, 299–300

  typhoid, 224

  typhus, 220

  Ukraine, 268

  Union of Greek Women, 82

  United States, 281

  Marie of Romania’s high opinion of, 326–27

  Vacarescu, Helene, 34

  Valloton, Henri, 165

  Venizelos, Eleutherios, 157, 158, 179, 207–8, 210, 212–13, 235–36, 292, 299

  actions against the mona
rchy, 249, 264

  anathema carried out against, 249–50

  dream of Greater Greece, 264–65, 300

  exile of, 295

  Versailles, 4

  Viana, Marquis of, 232–33, 335

  Victoria, Princess of England (daughter of Edward VII) (“Toria”), 3, 23, 28, 78, 284, 360

  Victoria, Princess of Hesse (daughter of Louis IV), 5, 34

  Victoria, Princess of Saxe-Coburg (Grand Duchess of Hesse; “Ducky”), 6, 23–24, 31, 50, 70, 90, 121, 361

  divorce and remarriage to Kyril, 108

  marriage to Ernst of Hesse, 38–39

  Victoria, Princess Royal of England (Empress Frederick; “Vicky”), 3, 9–11, 15, 23, 26, 33, 34, 36, 43, 46, 49, 51, 56, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86

  correspondence of, 22

  hostility to, in German court, 19–20

  painful death of, 95–96

  Victoria, Queen of England (Empress of India), 6, 16, 17, 23, 25, 26, 28–29, 33, 48, 49, 54, 55, 56, 58, 62, 72, 79, 80, 81, 83, 85, 86, 88, 98, 128, 258

  and Boer War, 256

  childhood of, 14–15

  death and funeral, 89–90

  devotion to duty of, 86

  Diamond Jubilee (1897), 84

  Golden Jubilee (1887), 18

  granddaughters’ visits to, 7–13

  and John Brown, 238–39

  role in marriage arrangements, 33–35, 40, 51–52, 64–65

  length of reign, 73

  role in rearing of granddaughters, 12–13, 28–29

  royal presence of, 66

  spiritual faith of, 349

  view on her own royal powers, 243–44, 256

  views on marriage, 37, 93, 395n. widowhood of, 101

  Victoria and Sion, Bishop of, 129

  Victoria Eugenie, Queen Consort of Spain (Royal Princess of England; Ena of Battenberg), 89, 90, 98, 102, 383

  birth of, 18

  childhood of, 28–30

  children of, 149, 170–71, 226, 334–35

  conversion to Roman Catholicism, 127–31

  courtships of, 112–13, 124–31

  Victoria Eugenie, Queen Consort of Spain (continued) death and tributes, 381

  elegance of dress, 317

  enemies at court, 232–33

  in exile, 344

  exile in Lausanne, 375–77

  favored the Allied side during World War I, 227–28

  health, 379, 381

  health care advocacy of, 229–31, 294–95

  later years of, 371–81

  learns Spanish, 126, 164–65, 335

  leaves England for Spain, 138

  marriage of, and assassination attempt, 139–44

  married life, 163, 165

  maternal relation to children, 317

  musical passion of, 228–29

  not popular in Spain, 343

  political involvements, 315–17

  at Queen Victoria’s funeral, 89–90

  reading, love of, 233–34

  returns to Spain (1968), 379–81

  riding accident as child, 29

  separation from Alfonso XIII, 345, 372–73

  social life of, 317–18

  suspicion of, in Spain, 142–43, 165–66, 168–69


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