Battles Lost and Won

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Battles Lost and Won Page 25

by Beryl Matthews

  ‘You’ll be all right,’ Lilly told him seriously. ‘We won’t let you fall off.’

  ‘I’m very glad to hear that.’ Steve cast an apprehensive look at the horses being led into the yard. ‘I hope you’re not going to try and put me on that big black one. He’s got an evil look in his eyes.’

  ‘No, he’s mine.’ Bob whistled, sending Midnight stamping with excitement, making him difficult for the groom to control.

  ‘He’ll be calm when Bob gets on him,’ Lilly giggled. ‘The chestnut is yours. She’s very docile.’ She ran to her own pony and mounted with ease.

  Captain Russell then mounted his own horse and held on to Cherry. A block was placed the other side for Bob to stand on as he put Steve in the saddle. Jim and the captain held him securely while Bob jumped on Midnight’s back then took his place beside Steve, who was gripping the saddle fiercely.

  With Lilly leading the way they walked out of the yard and into the open fields of the estate.

  They walked the horses for about half an hour, and as Steve began to relax, Bob nodded to the captain and they slowly released their hold on him. He was beginning to enjoy being out in the fresh air and lovely countryside, and didn’t even notice they weren’t holding him in the saddle any more. Bob was elated. Steve was balancing well, and this was a very encouraging sign.

  They stopped on a rise to admire the view and Midnight began to prance, impatient at the slow pace.

  ‘Take him for a gallop, Bob, or he’ll be nothing but trouble for the rest of our ride. We’ll wait here for you.’

  Seeing that Steve was quite happy, he let Midnight have his head. As he raced across the fields he felt a peace he had never known before, and for the first time in his life he knew where he was going and what he was going to do. The dream of becoming a teacher had been a childish desire to do something useful. It wouldn’t have been right for him, but the kind of work he had stumbled into was right for him. As soon as Steve could manage without him he would return to the home and continue his training. He would also see William Jackson again, but just to improve his education, not so he could become a teacher.

  Laughing with a sudden feeling of freedom, he turned Midnight, and they sped at full gallop back to the others.

  ‘Where have you two been all day?’ Daisy asked the moment they arrived home. ‘It’s six o’clock, and I was getting worried.’

  ‘Sorry, darling.’ Steve pulled her down so he could kiss her. ‘I’ve been horse riding! Can you believe that? And I stayed on all by myself. Didn’t I, Bob?’

  ‘No trouble at all. Next time we’ll have you trotting.’

  Steve couldn’t stop smiling. ‘Captain Russell and his wife have had another daughter. Lilly insisted we have a look at her, then they insisted we stay for lunch.’

  The kids were all staring wide-eyed as he told them, in great detail, about their day.

  ‘You’ve been to Kent?’ Daisy asked when she could finally get a word in.

  ‘Yes, Bob said it was the captain’s idea that I should try riding.’ It was only then Steve realized that someone was missing. ‘Where’s Ruth?’

  ‘She’s making herself all posh.’ Eddie’s face showed his disgust. ‘She’s going out with Dave.’

  ‘Ah, so he finally got around to asking her.’

  ‘You know about this, Bob?’ Steve’s smile had faded.

  ‘He told me he wanted to take her out, but don’t worry, I told him that if he didn’t behave himself he’d have me to deal with.’

  Daisy laughed. ‘In that case he won’t do anything to upset Bob. And don’t look so worried, darling, it’s about time our daughter began to take an interest in boys.’

  ‘I suppose you’re right. I still keep thinking of her as a little girl.’

  ‘How long before supper, Daisy?’ Bob asked.

  ‘An hour.’

  ‘Right, that’s just time to give you a massage, Steve, or you’ll be stiff from the riding.’

  It was eleven o’clock! Bob prowled over to the window, gazing out as he listened to Steve’s steady breathing. His day had tired him out, but it had been good to see him laughing and enjoying himself again.

  Ah, there she was. If they’d been much later he would have had a word with Dave. Spinning away from the window, he swore under his breath. What on earth did he think he was doing? He wasn’t Ruth’s father, and she wasn’t a child who needed looking out for any more. She didn’t want or need his protection now. She was grown up. There was no doubt about that!


  With Christmas less then three months away, Ruth was receiving more and more requests for gowns. Once the quality of the clothes on her stall had been recognized, her reputation as a dressmaker had been spreading, and she was now making clothes for more of the middle-class. In fact she was working all hours to keep up, but she didn’t dare turn anything down. Demand would drop after the festive season, and she was determined to earn as much as she could. Eddie was now working behind the counter at the grocer’s, and the small increase in wages was welcome. Mum was much better and helping with the sewing as much as she could, but her main concern was still her husband. They had all, reluctantly, accepted that he would probably never walk again, and that meant he wouldn’t be able to work again either.

  She sighed. How her heart ached for him. Nearly six months after the accident and she still had to fight the tears to see him so helpless. He had always been an independent man and hated relying on other people all the time, but there was nothing else he could do. Bob had been wonderful by showing him how to do things on his own, and she dreaded to think what his life would be like now if Bob hadn’t arrived with his special skills. Her mum wouldn’t have coped, that was for sure, and the strain on the rest of them would have been terrible. He had brought a feeling of strength and stability to their lives when it was so badly needed.

  ‘Ruthie.’ John opened the door of her bedroom and peered in. ‘Mum said supper would be ready in ten minutes. Are you going out with Dave tonight?’

  She shook her head. ‘I’m too busy.’

  ‘Oh.’ He edged into the room, being careful not to tread on the lovely material draped all over the floor. ‘What are you making?’

  ‘A wedding gown, and I’ve only got a week to finish it.’

  ‘It looks as if it’s for a posh wedding. Is it?’

  ‘Very, and it’s important that I make a good job of it.’

  ‘Sally’s helping Mum. She likes cooking.’

  ‘She’s a good girl.’ Ruth folded the gown carefully and laid it on her bed, then smiled at her brother. ‘In fact you’ve all been very brave and helpful. I’m proud of you all.’

  ‘Dad’s not going to walk again, is he, Ruthie?’ This was a question he was constantly asking, probably hoping that one day he would get the answer he hoped for.

  ‘We don’t know, but Bob doesn’t give up trying, and I’m sure he hasn’t given up hope. So we mustn’t either.’

  Disappointment showed on his expressive face, then he brightened. ‘Bob’s been showing me and Eddie how to help Dad, because he’s got lots of other men coming every day to see him, but he doesn’t leave Dad’s side for long. Mr Hunter says Bob should charge for what he does, but he said the men he sees haven’t got any money. We’re all right, though, aren’t we, Ruthie?’

  ‘We’re doing fine. I’m getting more work than I can handle really, but Hannah is looking after my stall when I can’t get there. And you, Sally and Mum are helping as well, so we’re making enough money to get by.’

  John nodded. ‘I’m ten now, and when I leave school and get a job, you and Eddie won’t have to work so hard.’

  ‘That’s true,’ she agreed, ‘but you mustn’t worry about that now. We’ll manage while you finish your schooling. It’s very important, you know.’

  ‘That’s what Bob says. Do you know that before he came home he was having special lessons from a university teacher? A professor arranged it for him.’

eally?’ She was being constantly surprised by the things Bob had been doing. ‘He’s never said anything about it.’

  ‘Captain Russell told Mr Hunter. He said Bob was really upset about giving it all up, but he tried not to show it. As soon as he told him about Dad though, he came immediately.’

  This news upset her. Had he been close to fulfilling his dream, and walked away from it because they needed help? In that moment every doubt she’d held on to about him drained away. The accident had changed all their lives.

  ‘Mum’s calling.’ John tugged at her sleeve. ‘Come on, I’m hungry.’

  While they were sitting around the table, Ruth studied Bob carefully when his attention was elsewhere. If she looked very hard she could still see small signs of the boy she had known so well, in the way his grey eyes never seemed to miss a thing, and that slightly crooked smile was still the same. He was older, of course, and even better looking, but she felt the biggest change was inside. As a boy he had been quite volatile, intolerant, but now there was a sense of calmness about him. Since he had come back she hadn’t once seen him lose his temper; even when her dad had been depressed and at his most difficult, it had not appeared to touch him. She didn’t know what difficulties and trials he had faced during the last few years, but he certainly wasn’t the same person who had walked away from here so full of anger. She couldn’t help wondering if he saw great changes in her as well, and perhaps he didn’t like what he saw. That was an uncomfortable thought, for although they got on well now, she couldn’t forget how rude she had been to him at first. How childish he must have thought her to be, and he would have been right.

  There was a knock on the front door and she was about to get up to see who was there, but her mum beat her to it.

  Daisy was soon back. ‘Bob, there’s a woman asking to see you and she has her husband with her. He’s on crutches and she begged me to persuade you to see them.’

  Without a word Bob was on his feet and heading for the front door.

  Alf was shaking his head. ‘Better keep his supper warm, Daisy, because we won’t see him for a while. Word is getting around and they keep turning up now, don’t they?’

  ‘Some men are desperate for help, and most living around here can’t afford expensive medical treatment.’ Daisy put Bob’s plate in the oven on a low gas.

  ‘I know, but he can’t take on everyone. He’s working continually and not being paid a penny. Even when it’s offered he won’t take it.’ Alf finished his meal and stood up. ‘I’d better see if he needs any help.’

  ‘They’ve become very close,’ Steve remarked when Alf left the scullery. ‘It’s good to see.’

  Nearly an hour passed before they returned, and as soon as they were settled Daisy put Bob’s meal in front of him again. ‘It’s dried out a bit, but I’ve put some fresh gravy on it.’

  ‘Thanks, Daisy.’ He immediately attacked the food.

  ‘Were you able to help that man?’ Ruth asked, curious, because he said very little about the men who came to him.

  Bob swallowed before speaking. ‘Can’t say at this point. I need more information about his injuries, and after that I’ll do what I can.’

  Ruth persisted. ‘How many men are coming to you now?’

  ‘I’m not counting, Ruth.’ He finished his meal just as there was a thump on the back door. It opened a few inches, then a few more to allow a face to peer in.

  ‘Hello everyone.’ Dave gave them his wide grin. ‘You ready, Bob? Er . . . I’ve brought someone with me.’

  ‘Not another one,’ Alf muttered, watching his son’s mouth twitch at the corners. ‘Is he taking them off the streets?’

  The door opened a touch more so Dave could get his head right in. ‘They keep coming to me, Alf, and I’ve got a soft heart. I can’t say no.’

  ‘Hmm. There’s nothing wrong with your hearing either, is there?’

  Dave shook his head, still smiling, shoulders inside now. ‘Hello, Ruth, have you got any time for me yet?’

  ‘Sorry.’ She shook her head. ‘I’m still too busy.’

  ‘You ought to be careful you know, because I might find someone else.’

  She burst out laughing at his false hurt expression. ‘You’ve already got them lined up, Dave Wilson.’

  ‘I can’t help it if the girls find me irresistible.’

  ‘The conceit of the man,’ Steve said, and they all laughed.

  Bob got to his feet. ‘I’ll take him out of your way.’

  But Dave was standing right inside the scullery now. ‘I’ve got some good news.’

  ‘You’re not going to bring Bob any more injured men?’ Alf asked, drily.

  ‘Not that, but I won’t have as much time after this week.’ He looked smug. ‘I’m starting work with a firm of architects so I can finish my training.’

  ‘Oh, that’s wonderful!’ Ruth was applauding and everyone else joined in. ‘Well done, Dave.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He looked almost shy for a moment, his eyes full of gratitude when he looked at the tall man standing beside him. ‘I’d never have been taken on if it hadn’t been for Bob. I can hold a pencil now and draw as well as I ever did. He’s worked a damned miracle on me, and given me the chance to do the job I really love.’

  ‘It was your own determination,’ Bob told him dismissively. ‘I’m glad you are going to be gainfully employed instead of making a pest of yourself. Now, let’s see the man you kindly brought along with you.’

  Both men were laughing as they left.

  ‘Isn’t it wonderful news?’ Daisy said as she began to clear the table. ‘Bob must be so pleased to know he’s been able to continue his training.’

  ‘I’m sure he is.’ Steve looked at his family, serious now. ‘But we can’t keep him here much longer. He never says anything, but I know he’s longing to return to his job. I’ve told him he’s to go after Christmas.’

  There was a tense silence, and Daisy was the first to speak. ‘I know you’re right and we must let him go, but we are going to miss him terribly. How will we manage without him, darling?’

  ‘I’ll be all right. He’s been teaching Eddie how to help me, and Alf will be around as well. I can do quite a lot for myself now.’

  ‘I can even massage Dad’s back,’ Eddie told them proudly. ‘Bob said I’m quite good at it, didn’t he, Dad?’

  ‘You most certainly are, and you’ve had a good teacher.’

  ‘How long has this been going on?’ Ruth asked. She had known her brother was interested in what Bob did, but she had no idea he had been learning how to do a massage. She had been so busy trying to earn enough money for them to live on, that she hadn’t had time to take an interest in what everyone else was doing.

  ‘Oh, ages,’ her brother said. ‘We just haven’t mentioned it, that’s all.’

  ‘You mustn’t worry, Daisy,’ Alf assured her. ‘We’ve been working towards making it possible for Steve to do things for himself, and Eddie and I can take care of anything he can’t manage. We can’t keep Bob much longer; it wouldn’t be fair on him.’

  ‘No, of course you’re right. We’ve asked a great deal of him and it’s been good of him to stay this long.’ She brightened up. ‘He’ll be here for a while yet, but you’ll miss your riding. You enjoyed that.’

  ‘I can still go. Alf and Eddie are going to take me.’ Steve chuckled. ‘Captain Russell said he would get them both on a horse as well.’

  ‘We’ll see about that,’ Alf smirked.

  ‘What’s he going to do about all the other men, Mr Hunter?’ John wanted to know.

  ‘He’s going to come back once a month to see them, and he plans to stay for two days each time.’

  ‘You sound as if you’ve been planning this for some time.’

  ‘We have, Ruth.’ Steve nodded. ‘I’ve been telling him to go back to his work for quite a while now, and he’s finally agreed to go after Christmas. They want him to return so he can finish his training and I know he wants to do that. He’s done
enough here; we can’t keep him forever.’

  Daisy sighed. ‘That’s true enough, but it’s a comfort to know he will come back to see us regularly.’

  Everyone agreed, and so did Ruth. The thought of him leaving made her unhappy, for he was going back to a life that didn’t include her, and she was desperately sorry about that, because she very much wanted to be with him. She had always loved the boy, but she now loved him in a very different way.

  The realization came as quite a shock.


  ‘The weather is getting too cold for you to ride now, Steve.’

  ‘That’s a shame. I’ve really enjoyed this, and I can even trot now.’

  ‘You’re welcome here any time.’ Captain Russell steadied the chestnut horse while Bob lifted Steve off. ‘If Bob isn’t around then you bring Eddie and Alf, as we agreed.’

  ‘Thanks, I know Eddie’s looking forward to coming, but I’m not too sure about Alf.’ He grinned at the thought as Bob put him back in the wheelchair, then he started to rub the top of his left leg.

  ‘What’s the matter?’ Bob asked immediately.

  ‘My leg aches . . .’

  ‘Does it?’ Bob began to run his hands over Steve’s legs.


  Bob surged to his feet. ‘I need somewhere to examine Steve, Captain.’

  ‘Follow me.’ Ben took them into the house and up the stairs to one of the bedrooms. ‘Will this do?’

  ‘Perfect.’ He laid Steve on the bed.

  ‘Anything I can do?’

  ‘No thanks, I can manage.’

  ‘What have I done?’ Steve asked, agitated. ‘I’ve ridden lots of times and never hurt myself.’

  ‘I don’t think you’ve hurt yourself, but I need to make sure.’

  For the next half an hour Bob said nothing as he worked, massaging and manipulating Steve’s back and legs.

  The silence finally became too much for Steve. ‘Tell me what the hell’s happened.’

  Bob sat him up again and smiled. ‘The feeling is coming back to your legs. Try moving your toes.’


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