Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy Page 2

by TJ Dallas

  “I do have amazing tits,” she agreed, bringing her hands to her breasts and squeezing through her bra. “Mmm.”

  I smacked her hands away. “Those are mine.”

  “Fight me,” she muttered, trying to roll over.

  I captured her wrists and pinned her to the bed, leaning down to nibble her neck. She hissed when I bit down, and she tried to shake me off.

  “I am not going back to work with a love bite,” she griped, but she didn’t stop my advances. I nibbled her neck a little longer and was rewarded with a subdued moan.

  “I love you so much,” she rambled. “I really, really love you.”

  “I know you do, toots. I love you too. Now, shh. Get your jeans off.”

  “You do it.”

  “I’m trying, but I can’t see what I’m doing.”

  I fumbled with the waistband in the dark. The buttons were already undone, and I guessed she’d half-heartedly attempted to remove them before she collapsed into bed.

  I rolled onto my side for easier access, encouraging the jeans down her thighs. They were tight to her sculpted legs, and I tackled them for longer than I care to admit, but I eventually got them to her ankles. She sought to kick them from her feet, but she grew disheartened, trying to roll over again.

  I roared with laughter when she fell out the side of the bed with a thud that probably woke the slumbering occupants in the room below us. I scrambled to the edge to look over, but I only saw her outline in the darkness.

  “Ow,” she grumbled from a pile on the floor.

  I stopped howling long enough to ask her if she was OK. She stood up and plunged back into bed, half on top of me, with one arm and one leg sprawled over me. My brow arched. Seriously, how much did you drink tonight? I’ve never seen you this drunk.

  She didn’t answer as I dragged the duvet over us and slipped a hand inside her boxers. She didn’t open her eyes, but she drove her hips towards me.

  “Fuck me like one of your French girls,” she whispered, and I tried to smother another bout of laughter.

  “I don’t think that’s the right expression,” I replied, my words being drowned out by her loud groan as I thrust inside her. “I think it’s draw me,” I added, pondering the well-known phrase as I slipped another finger in and pressed deeper.

  Another groan escaped her throat, her mouth opening in pleasure. I growled at the sensual sounds she made, leaning close enough to murmur, “But I won’t be as gentle with you as I would with a French girl.”

  Harry loved it rough, as hard as she could take it, until she implored me to stop. She’d be tender for a few days afterwards, but I never apologised, and she never asked me to.

  She let out another groan, the corner of her mouth pulling up in a grin. “Where’s the toy you brought?”

  “Are three fingers not enough for you tonight, toots?”

  “Shh, you’re so noisy.” She snickered, inching up the bed on her stomach to reach under her pillow. She rummaged around and pulled back out, clutching the vibrator. “Ta-dah!”

  I snorted as she waved it around in the air, and I leaned forward to collect it from her. She giggled, holding it out of my reach, until I straddled her arse and snatched it out of her hand.

  “Why was that under your pillow?” I asked, nudging her legs wider. “Got any lube under there?”

  She didn’t respond, but she didn’t need to as she already held out a small bottle. I chuckled as I took it from her. The bottle was almost empty, and I struggled to get the last of the liquid out. There wasn’t as much as I would have hoped for under normal circumstances, and I threw the empty bottle aside.

  I switched the vibrator on and pushed inside her. Letting out a guttural groan of delight, she buried her head into the blanket at the top of the bed, seeking to stifle her screams. I couldn’t see her face, but I knew she’d squeezed her eyes shut, her mouth open in ecstasy, her cheeks flushing, and a thin layer of sweat appearing on her brow.

  “H-Harder,” she groaned, and I was enthusiastic as I carried out her command. I manoeuvred a hand underneath her body, rubbing her clit and enjoying her swell beneath my fingertips.

  She came fast, propelling her hips back towards me and letting out a thunderous roar that even the pillow in her mouth couldn’t conceal. My eyes lit up as I watched her ride out her orgasm, every moan escaping from her throat causing more arousal to flood through me.

  She finally quietened, lifting her head to gulp in air. We were silent for a few moments until her erratic breaths got deeper. I climbed up the bed to lie beside her.

  “My turn?” I whispered.

  She let out a delicate snore, and I couldn’t help but glare at her. She had never fallen asleep without reciprocating before. My stomach coiled, but I rolled my eyes, slumping back against my pillow with a sigh.

  I brought myself to a swift climax to release the tension, covering my mouth with the back of my hand to silence my moans. Not that Harry would have woken up, but I had an inkling the surrounding rooms would already have realised our activities.

  I fell asleep again, draped over her back, and we slept straight through until morning.

  The Bartender

  PART 1

  The Bartender



  Riley yawned as she pushed open the front door of the Cardinal, holding it wide for the others. Althea followed, her eyes concealed under a pair of dark sunglasses, and Harry came afterwards, carrying several bags. Georgia and Bella came in last, closing the door behind them.

  “How was it, ladies?” Emilia asked.

  Emilia and I had waited in the lobby for them, reading the newspaper in companionable silence, and she’d jumped up when she saw the taxi pull up outside. Emilia had remained behind to run the Cardinal while the others celebrated at Brighton Pride, and she was standing now, one hand on her hip, admiring their hangovers.

  I smirked, scanning over each one. Bella looked the least hungover, dressed in a pair of tight jeans and an asymmetrical black top, her make-up freshly done.

  “I think I’m still drunk,” Harry groaned, throwing the bags down and leaning over. “I feel fucking awful. What the fuck was I drinking last night?” She peered around to blank faces and rolled her eyes. “That’s a great help, thanks”.

  “You all right, toots?” Althea mumbled. She took her heels off and padded over in her bare feet.

  “It was fantastic,” Bella said, turning to Emilia. “They had a drag act on the first night; it was hilarious. I can’t remember the name of the queen, but she’s doing a tour of the UK soon. We should get tickets.”

  “Sure, sounds like a plan.” Emilia leaned over and snatched some luggage from the floor. She threw a large duffel bag over her shoulder and grabbed the handle of Bella’s suitcase. “Have you got your stuff, Riley?”

  Riley nodded, already dragging her feet along the hotel hallway to her flat.

  I leaned down to help with the bags. Harry hooked her arm over Althea’s shoulders as they trudged towards the lift. I followed close behind, hoisting Harry’s bag higher up my back and dragging Althea’s suitcase.

  “I’ll get them, pet,” Harry murmured, but I shook my head.

  “No, it’s OK. You can scarcely stand.” I laughed as we stepped into the lift, and I pressed numbers 6 and 7. I turned around with a smirk, before I added, “What’s this?”

  Harry frowned, looking at her neck in the mirror. A bright purple bruise shone on her throat, and she turned to Althea with a scowl. “Jeez, Althea. What did you do?”

  “Seriously, you don’t remember?” Althea asked, a flush arising on her cheeks.

  I laughed again as Harry shook her head and rubbed her neck, hoping to remove the love bite with sheer willpower. I cleared my throat. “Did you have a good time?”

  “From what I can remember, yes.” Harry closed her eyes, leani
ng her head back against the glass as the lift started to rise. “Although I have absolutely no idea what happened last night. I think I’m still wearing the same T-shirt.” Althea nodded, and Harry wrinkled her nose. “I’m going straight in the shower.”

  “Need a hand?” Althea asked with a nudge.

  Harry had to throw an arm out to stop herself from toppling over, and I snorted, immediately trying to cover it up by coughing and clearing my throat.

  “I think that would count as taking advantage,” Harry replied. “Plus I’m going to throw up shortly, and I’d much rather you didn’t see that.”

  “As much as I appreciate your honesty, I could have done without that delightful image.” Althea kissed Harry’s cheek as the doors of the lift opened on the sixth floor. I held out my hand, and Althea took the handle of her suitcase. “Thanks, toots. Make sure she gets to bed for me, will you?”

  “Of course.”

  Althea turned, rooting through her handbag for her keys as the doors closed, and I stepped closer to Harry. I hooked my arm around her waist, pulling her to my side.

  Five seconds later, the doors opened again. I braced for her weight, and she leaned on me as we walked towards the front door of the club. It was early in the morning, so there wasn’t anybody else there yet.

  Harry patted herself down. She frowned as she searched through each of her pockets. “This is not what I need right now,” she whined.

  “Riley will have a spare key—”

  Harry held up a finger as a light bulb switched on in her head. She stretched the neck of her T-shirt down, her hand disappearing inside, and eventually picked out two keys hooked together.

  “Were those in your bra?” I asked.

  “Safest place for them. Bella’s a pickpocket and a kleptomaniac. You can never be too careful.”

  “She wouldn’t steal your keys, though. Would she?”

  “When you get home, look up kleptomaniac in the dictionary.”

  “All right,” I said, chuckling. “Here, give me those.”

  I unlocked the front door, and while it took several minutes to reach her flat at the other side, I soon unlocked that door as well. Harry inadvertently leaned on it as I opened it, and she tumbled inside, landing in a heap on the floor.

  “Well, this is embarrassing,” she deadpanned, and I couldn’t help but howl, tears cascading down my cheeks. I wiped my eyes and held out a hand. She took it, and together we got her back up. I held her until we reached the sofa, and she collapsed face-down with a yawn. “Cheers, pet.”

  “I thought you were going for a shower?” She was silent for a few moments until I nudged her. “Harry?”

  She snored, and I tilted my head as I inspected her. She was lying on her stomach, as close to the recovery position as possible, so I fetched a basin and a bottle of water, placing them on the floor beside her. I pulled a blanket over her shoulders and decided to come back and check on her in an hour.

  How are the children? Emilia thought a few hours later.

  I smiled as I stood up to stretch my legs. The telepathic communication between the seven Cardinal managers still surprised me, but it was almost second nature now, having spent over two years with them. I still couldn’t believe I’d been speaking with them in such a way for so long without questioning the phenomenon previously. I’d known there was something special about them since I’d first laid eyes on Harry, the owner of the LGBT nightclub where I worked, but I hadn’t thought to call her out on it. It was only recently that I’d learned they were the Seven Deadly Sins. I’d accepted it easier than I thought I would have, but I knew I was in no danger. If the Seven Deadly Sins were as evil as their name suggested, Harry wouldn’t have saved my life and pulled me from a burning car, seconds before it exploded.

  I shook my head to clear those memories and placed my clipboard on the bar. I’d been counting stock for two hours, having already cleaned the beer lines and wiped down the cocktail menus. Althea was OK when I left her, I replied. Harry collapsed as soon as I got her inside.

  That sounds normal.

  How are the others? I made my way towards the balcony for fresh air. I’d checked on Harry an hour and a half ago, and she’d still been out cold, one arm dangling over the edge of the sofa, her head buried beneath the blanket.

  Riley’s fast asleep, as predicted. I doubt she’ll wake up within the next twenty-four hours. Bella’s fine, she’s helping me with paperwork just now, and Georgia is hiding in a corner of the restaurant with a fry-up.

  Mmm, a fry-up sounds marvellous. My stomach rumbled. I might nip for lunch soon. I’m getting hungry.

  We’ll join you. We could do with a munch ourselves, right, Bella?

  Definitely, Bella replied.

  No problem. Meet there in an hour?

  See you then.

  I perched on a bench outside, taking a deep breath. It was nearing midday, and the sun was high in the sky. It was an unusually warm day, even for Scotland, and I felt a trickle of perspiration under my collar.

  “If you’re too warm, take off your jumper,” Harry mumbled, emerging from nowhere. She sprawled on the bench opposite, settling down with a groan. She’d been in the shower and changed her clothes, and now wore a small pair of black shorts and an oversized hoodie, the hood up to shield her eyes from the bright sunshine.

  I grinned. “How are you feeling?”

  “I’ve never been better.” She got a lit cigarette between her lips and took an overdramatically long draw, sighing as she exhaled. “God, that’s good.”

  “It’s a terrible habit,” I scolded.

  She inhaled again, focusing on the glowing embers at the tip. “We all have our flaws. Even me. It’s hard work, you know, being this perfect all the time.”

  “I think you do a good job.” The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them, and I blushed furiously, staring at the ground.

  She chuckled. I glanced up as she angled her head, looking deep into my eyes, hypnotising me as she said, “That’s kind of you to say.”

  I shrugged. “It’s the truth.”

  “I know. But it’s still nice to hear.”

  We were silent for a few more minutes. I watched as Harry savoured each draw on her cigarette, blowing smoke rings up to catch in a gentle breeze. She eventually extinguished it and sat up cautiously. “Did I overhear someone mention lunch?”

  “Yeah, I’m meeting Emilia and Bella in an hour, if you’d like to join us.”

  “Sure,” she said. “I’ll check my emails while you secure your valuables. I’m not joking; Bella will have that bracelet off before you even sit down.”

  I laughed, unfastening the clasp at my wrist. “I’ll put it in my purse, which is in my bag, which is in my locker. Does that sound acceptable?”

  Harry grinned. “I merely have your best interests at heart.”

  “I know you do.”

  She saluted before rising carefully. She leaned forward, resting her hands on her knees and dropping her head. I am far too hungover, she thought. I’m never drinking again.

  Famous last words, I replied. I’ll believe that when I see it.

  Within the hour, we’d settled at a table in the restaurant. I finished pouring out two glasses of water as Emilia and Bella appeared. They sat down, and Emilia caught my gaze in amusement after stealing a cursory peek at Harry. Harry still wore her shorts and hoodie, having chosen comfort over public decency.

  “I don’t care,” Harry said, having caught our peek at each other. “I’m comfy, and the pair of you would still fuck me in a heartbeat. Why does it matter what I’m wearing?”

  Harry and I decided on the same thing, and we both licked our lips as the waiter brought over our club sandwiches. Emilia had chosen a vegetable cannelloni, while Bella tucked in to a BBQ meat feast pizza with a stuffed crust.

  We enjoyed a pleasan
t conversation over our meal, but Harry started to get frustrated with herself the second time she knocked over her water.

  “For crying out loud.” She reached over for more napkins to mop up the spillage, and Bella laughed, causing Harry to narrow her eyes. “How are you fresh as a daisy, anyway?”

  Bella shrugged. “I just stopped drinking before you did, and I didn’t have half as many shots as you.”

  “Tell me what I drank last night then, because I sure as hell can’t remember. I haven’t had a hangover like this in decades.”

  “Don’t get me wrong; I wasn’t sober,” Bella said, smiling. “But I remember you and Althea taking shots of something bright red. And there was a cocktail too. It was multicoloured, with little umbrellas and sparklers.”

  Harry grimaced. “Really? I detest those over-the-top cocktails. A real cocktail has alcohol, mixer, and a garnish. Maybe a straw if I’m feeling generous. I draw the line at ... What did you say? Umbrellas and sparklers?” She shook her head, looking puzzled. She was silent for a long time before she said, “I can’t remember that at all.”

  Emilia laughed. “Must not have been a very good cocktail then, or you’d have remembered it.”

  By the time we finished eating, it was nearing the end of my shift. I looked at my watch and pulled my phone from my pocket. I’d promised Zoe I’d call her when I was ready, and she’d pick me up. Her parents had bought a new puppy, a gorgeous Great Dane that was already up to my waist in height, and we were going over to visit. I dialled her number, and she answered on the third ring.

  “Hey, that’s me finished,” I said.

  “Awesome. I’m just drying my hair, but I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. What state was Harry in when she got back?”

  I snickered, catching Harry’s eye as she looked up. “It was impressive, but I’ll tell you about it later.” Harry narrowed her eyes again, and I stuck my tongue out. “I’ll see you soon. Love you.”

  Harry, Emilia, and Bella all shouted, “Love you,” as I hung up, and I rolled my eyes. “For being so old, you lot are childish.”


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