Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy

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Pride and the Stranger: Book 2 in the Pride Trilogy Page 8

by TJ Dallas

  “We’re playing a game of challenges, and I need to dance with a beautiful woman,” Cody purred, holding his hand out to Bella and lowering his head in a flamboyant bow. I tightened my jaw, trying to withhold my laughter. Bella smiled and took his hand.

  “Well, there’s an offer I can’t refuse.” She grinned as Cody led her towards the dance floor. I noticed that she didn’t have her purse dangling from her shoulder, and Cody caught my eye as he walked past. I moved closer to Emilia and Faith, trying to determine where Bella had hidden it.

  “How’s your night going?” Emilia asked, taking a sip of her pint of cider.

  “Fantastic, thanks. Are you having a good night?” I pretended to walk closer, trying to view the bench behind them. Nothing.

  “Of course,” Emilia replied, winking at Faith out of the corner of my eye. It was dark in the garden, the candles and fairy lights creating only a faint glow, but the redness on Faith’s cheeks was hard to miss. I know what they’ll be doing later, if they haven’t already.

  “That’s good,” I murmured, scanning the ground by a nearby table.

  “Have you lost something?”


  “Have you lost something?” Emilia repeated.

  “Yes, I’ve lost my … bracelet?” I held up my bare wrist.

  “What does it look like? I’ll help you search.” Emilia placed her drink on the table.

  “Um, it’s silver with writing on it.”

  Emilia chuckled. “Bella’s probably got it; hang on a sec.”

  My pulse sped up as Emilia leaned over a wall behind her and pulled up a small grey purse on a long silver chain. I glanced over at the dance floor; Cody held Bella’s waist in one hand, and when he spied me over her shoulder, he nodded knowingly, spinning her farther away.

  “I’ll look. The bracelet isn’t special but there might be a few in there. I’ll recognise it.” I held my hand out, and Emilia shrugged, handing me the purse.

  As soon as the purse was in my hand, I ran towards the DJ booth. I heard Emilia shouting after me, and I giggled, darting through the crowd. I reached Harry and held it up.

  “That is impressive,” she said, lifting her eyebrows and taking the purse from me.

  She rifled through it, eventually pulling out her cigarettes and a Zippo lighter. I watched her slip a cigarette out and light up, my jaw dropping. The wicked glint in her eye was unmistakable as she blew out a satisfied cloud of smoke.

  I’d just been played again.

  “How did you get that so fast?” Michael panted, walking up behind me and forcing me to take my eyes off Harry. “I couldn’t even find Bella.”

  “She was on the dance floor with Cody; how did you miss her?” I replied, astounded.

  “I was a one-person team for a few minutes; Zoe had to piss.”

  Harry took another draw on her cigarette. “All right, the grand finale. Whoever wins gets a prize of their choice. Don’t get your hopes up; nothing expensive, nothing ridiculous, and nothing that involves me having to move. Got it?”

  My insides clenched. She wouldn’t have to move if she was flat on her back, right?

  But I’m too expensive for you, she teased.

  Zoe reappeared beside me. “Who won?”

  “Not us because of your tiny bladder.” Michael stuck his tongue out, and Zoe bumped him with her hip.

  “OK, for the final challenge, we’ll have a lip-sync battle,” Harry said, and I groaned. Cody and Michael cheered in delight, and Zoe burst into fits of giggles. “This is sudden death, as you’re both drawing at the moment.”

  I frowned. “We won two challenges, though. They only won one.”

  “But Zoe brought me two beers, so she got an extra point. Now, I want you to pick your battle songs and come back in five minutes. It’s not just Zoe who needs to take a piss.” She removed the headphones from around her neck and jumped down from the DJ booth, jogging towards the bathrooms with a quiet, “That beer is going right through me tonight.”

  Cody grabbed my hand and pulled me aside. “Any ideas? What musicians do you like?”

  “Usual chart-toppers. Pink, Katy Perry … Disney.” I blushed.

  Cody nodded, thinking through the options. “Oh, how about Cher?” He clapped his hands together.

  “That could work. What song?”

  “‘Believe’? Everyone knows the words.”

  Harry returned just as we were putting the final touches to our performance. “Have we chosen our songs?” she asked, replacing the headphones around her neck.

  “‘Believe’ by Cher.” Cody held his head high, and Harry nodded.

  “An absolute classic. Michael?”

  “‘Proud’ by Heather Small.”

  “Oh, very nice. One of my personal favourites.” She winked. “Who wants to go first?”

  Zoe and Michael put their hands up straight away. Harry bowed her head and started going through her laptop, searching for the song. After a few moments, she picked up a microphone.

  “If everyone could gather round, our blushing brides and their comrades are going to perform a little something for us.” Harry smirked as the colour drained from my face. Need confidence, pet? she thought.

  Yes, please, I mumbled.

  She met my gaze and quested towards me. I felt the confidence sweep through me, my insides tingling. I nodded my thanks.

  “All right, are we ready? First up, we have Zoe and Michael and their rendition of ‘Proud.’”

  The gathering crowd clapped as Michael and Zoe made their way to the now-empty dance floor. I crossed my arms and leaned against the DJ booth to watch.

  Their performance was magnificent; I couldn’t deny it. Using a hairbrush and a handful of straws, they belted their hearts out with a truly magical performance, and the crowd went wild.

  “All right, all right.” Harry held her hands up to silence the crowd as the song faded. Zoe and Michael bowed. “I think we can all agree that they nailed that. Next up, we have Lara and Cody, and their version of ‘Believe.’”

  The crowd clapped again as we took our position on the dance floor, the recognisable vocal distortion kicking in.

  We gave it our best shot, and everyone danced and sang along with us. I caught Althea and Emilia trying to dance without spilling their drinks, and I almost forgot the lyrics as I tried not to laugh. The song ended, and the crowd cheered, loud whoops following us from the dance floor.

  Harry held up a finger as she quickly organised the next song but soon removed the headphones and leaned forward. “That song is so good. OK, the final scores. It’s a close one.”

  She went quiet, looking to the sky, silent for an incredibly long time.

  She eventually nodded and said, “Zoe and Michael. I’m an absolute sucker for Heather Small.”

  Zoe and Michael cheered and fist-bumped with a loud “Yes!”

  “Aww man,” Cody whined.

  “Name your prize.”

  They looked at each other before Zoe whispered in Michael’s ear, and Michael whispered back. After a few more whispers back-and-forth, they nodded in agreement, and Michael took a deep breath. “We want you to sing.”

  “Absolutely not.” Harry laughed, and Zoe pouted. “That involves me having to move, right?”

  Get her some absinthe, toots, Althea thought quietly. Or better yet, get her two. She’ll sing, but you have to get her drunk first. She’ll never sing when she’s sober.

  I looked around and caught Althea’s eye, watching us from the other side of the dance floor. “I’ll be right back,” I muttered to Cody, and I could sense his confusion as I walked away.

  I returned a couple of minutes later with two shot glasses of bright green liquid. “For our delightful DJ.” I bowed and handed Harry the shots. She grinned, and my eyes widened as she downed them both, one after the ot
her. “Easy, that stuff’s strong.”

  “Some of us can handle our alcohol,” she retorted.

  Give her twenty minutes, Althea whispered.

  With more drinks and a runner-up prize of two free Jäegerbombs for me and Cody, I was more drunk in twenty minutes than I’d expected to be. I sat back on the bench by the firepit, trying to remember where I’d left my shoes, when the music faded to silence.

  I smiled tiredly, trying to keep my eyes open and wondering whether it was time for bed, but I suddenly stilled, furrowing my brow as goosebumps rose on my skin.

  Listening harder, I stared at the ground as the most angelic voice I’d ever heard resounded around the garden. There was no music; the voice stood alone. Who’s that?

  You wanted her to sing, toots, Althea replied.

  Is that Harry? I knew it was a rhetorical question, but Althea answered respectfully.

  It sure is. I told you that you just needed to get her drunk first.

  I sat up straighter, scanning the roof. Harry was sprawled on a bench at the other side of the garden, and Althea leaned over her with a microphone and a cheeky glint in her eye. Harry’s arm covered her eyes, the other dangling to the ground beside her.

  Is she so drunk that she can’t stand up? I asked.

  Possibly. Althea chuckled. Maybe one absinthe would have been enough. I underestimated how many beers she’d had.

  I stared as more and more people craned their heads, trying to pinpoint the mysterious singer. Cody sat up next to me, his eyes wide. “No way.”

  I nodded, unable to focus on anything except the beautiful melody. I knew the song.

  Everyone knew the song.

  “Flower of Scotland” was our unofficial anthem, played throughout our nation from the bagpipers on the streets of Edinburgh, to the endless crowds of sports fans that followed our teams around the world.

  The lyrics pulsed through me, and more goosebumps rose on my skin. My heart raced as a shiver shot up my spine. Her Scottish accent was pronounced, her voice hitting every note as the crescendo rose, her husky voice getting louder as the ballad progressed, yet there was barely the sound of a pin dropping between the words. I swallowed hard, a sense of overwhelming pride swelling in my chest. Is there anything she can’t do?

  There are a couple of things, but she’ll never tell you, Althea replied. She doesn’t know that I know.

  Will you tell me?

  I better not.

  I won’t tell her.

  Not deliberately, but she can read your mind easier than most, toots. You’re an open book with your heart on your sleeve. Not that that’s a bad thing. She smiled.

  Althea was telling the truth, and I didn’t want to get her in trouble. I closed my eyes, listening to the last of the song trail away, and as soon as the final note faded to silence, the crowd erupted.


  PART 2




  We were at a true count of six. The player’s advantage against the dealer had increased over the past few rounds, and we only had three decks remaining.

  My heart hammered in my chest as the dealer revealed the first few cards, my brain doing the maths as fast as my eyes could take them in. Three, Eight, Eight, Jack, Jack, King, Jack, King. Another Jack for the dealer. Existing running count of twenty, minus five ... We were down to fifteen.

  I glanced over at the cards dealt to my opponents. Thirteen for me. Eighteen for my new friend, who couldn’t withhold a smirk. My eyes darted to the other two hands; another eighteen, and a twenty. I’d been playing blackjack for centuries, and it wasn’t often that the rest of the table had hands they could stick to on the first deal. Damn it.

  “Hit me,” I said.

  The dealer threw down another card; the two of hearts. I chewed the inside of my cheek, weighing up my odds.


  A six of spades and a beautiful, heart-swelling total of twenty-one. Relief flooded through me. I looked up and caught the man’s gaze, his eyes darkening. Bella one, New Friend nil.

  I still didn’t know his name, but he sat with an air of confidence that pissed me off as soon as he arrived. He wore a classic black tuxedo, with a white shirt and a black bow tie, and he had a mop of curly black hair and a small handlebar moustache. I estimated him to be in his mid-forties, judging by the wrinkles at the corners of his dark blue eyes.

  The dealer flipped over his own card. Another six. I’d started with the lowest hand, yet I was coming out on top, depending on the dealer’s final card. I held my breath as he moved to deal another. I loved the thrill, and my pulse accelerated.

  A ten.

  Bust. I quickly updated my maths to take account of the new information. Finishing on minus three, new running count of twelve, true count down to three ... Advantage was drifting back in the dealer’s favour.

  I let out the breath I’d been holding and smiled, deciding to quit while I was ahead. Plus, I needed another cocktail, and the excitement of the game was causing my core to ache. I wanted another thrill now.

  The dealer swept the chips towards me, and I grinned as my pot increased by fifteen thousand pounds. Easy money for the sake of a few minutes and some quick arithmetic. I chuckled, unable to contain my enthusiasm.

  Picking up the chips, I deposited them into the deep pockets of my dress, bowing my head towards the other players as I stood up, moving towards the bar.

  As I approached, I caught sight of a woman in a short blue dress, only just enclosing the glorious swell of her arse as she perched on a bar stool. I made my way towards her, leaning over to place my order.

  “Good evening,” she purred.

  “And a very good evening to you,” I replied.

  She had dark brown eyes and long dark hair in a stylish up-do. I appreciated a woman who put the effort in. She wore an exquisite white gold diamond necklace that made my mouth water and long dangling earrings.

  My eyes trailed over the rest of her body, but I quickly glanced back up, knowing that she’d caught me checking out her cleavage. She smirked, her brow arching. The bartender placed my cocktail on the bar.

  “Add it to my tab, along with whatever the lady is having.” I had an excellent eye for detail, and I knew she’d almost finished hers without having to take a second peek at the glass in her hand.

  “Rob Roy,” she said.

  Very sophisticated, I thought.

  I nodded, and the bartender left again. I took a sip of my cocktail at the same time I felt her eyes on me. I wore a short grey dress, coupled with black lace tights and flat-soled knee-high boots. The dress was tight to my torso but looser at the hips to accommodate the pockets. Her eyes lingered on my dreadlocks, pulled up in a thick ponytail. She smiled again as the bartender brought her a fresh drink, and I shifted my body to face her.

  “Are you here alone?” I murmured.

  “Why would you think that?” she asked, taking a modest sip. I found the glimpse of her tongue distracting.

  I looked around, holding out a questioning hand. “If you were here with me, I wouldn’t let you out of my sight. Seems no one here is taking much notice of you.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and she pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “That’s bold of you to assume. He won’t be far.”

  I took another sip as I considered her. I wasn’t certain whether she was giving me the signals or not, nor was I sure if she even swung my way.

  She uncrossed her legs as she turned towards me, and I caught a brief glimpse of her. I’d have said her underwear, but she wasn’t wearing any. My eyes widened, my breath catching in my throat. The corners of her mouth lifted in a sarcastic smile.

  “I’m going to the bathroom,” she said. “I’ll be right back.”

  I couldn’t say anything as I watched her walk away. Her legs were long and slender, e
nding in delicate high-heeled sandals that caused her arse to sway. I continued to stare until she reached the bathroom door, and my heart soared when she glanced back before she disappeared. I grinned. A gamble I was willing to take.

  “Another, miss?” the bartender inquired.

  “No, thank you.” I abandoned my drink, looking around as I followed her. My pulse raced, the thrill of expectation thrumming through me. She’d be the jackpot. I opened the door of the bathroom.

  She was on me in a heartbeat, the door slamming shut as she forced me against it, kissing me hard. Her palms were on my chest, holding me still as her tongue entered my mouth. I let out an involuntary moan, wrapping my hands around her waist.

  She broke the kiss, seized my hand, and forced me into the nearest cubicle. Without warning, she leaned against the wall and pulled me against her. I lifted the bottom of her dress.

  “I wasn’t sure—”

  “Be quiet,” she demanded, pressing her lips against mine.

  I wasted no time and slid two fingers inside her. She moaned, her hips bucking forward. I slipped another finger in and started to thrust, grinning at how wet she was. Her kiss was full of pure arousal, desperate and needy.

  She raised her leg, wrapping it around my waist, and I felt the sharp heel of her shoe digging into my back. I placed my other hand around her neck, drawing her mouth closer and kissing her harder.

  Two minutes of frantic fucking later, and she broke the kiss, throwing her head back as she came. I watched her face as it contorted in pleasure, her neck flushing and her mouth wide. Sensual groans escaped her throat as she rode out her orgasm, wisps of hair escaping the pins trying desperately to preserve her hairstyle.

  It took a few minutes before she quietened, panting hard, her chest heaving. I wouldn’t have heard anybody entering the bathroom over her moans, so I hoped we were still alone. I listened carefully.

  She removed the leg from around my waist and leaned over, dragging the toilet seat down. Her hands on my chest again, she forced me to sit.

  “Do I at least get to know your—”


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