Love Bites

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Love Bites Page 14

by Aleera Anaya Ceres

  Rosa was beautiful, all long legs and curves while Katheryn was short, almost stocky. There was nothing exotic about her, hell, there was nothing remotely interesting about Katheryn compared to the other woman. Her life had been nothing but a series of one bad thing after another. Poverty. Shit jobs. Getting cheated on. And now, she didn’t have a remote idea what she was going to do with her life after all this was over.

  All in all, Katheryn was a hot fucking mess, and knowing that Ignacio had slept with a woman who seemed to have all her shit piled neatly into a basket? It was damn lowering.

  His hand lifted to cup her cheek. “No, my love, please don’t think it meant anything. It was before I met you. It was a one-night stand, or at least, it was supposed to be until she started getting almost obsessive in her attempts to snare me.”

  Katheryn chewed at her bottom lip. She recalled when she’d first met Rosa, the conversation they’d had. So the guy Rosa was in love with was… Ignacio?

  Girl code would have branded Katheryn a traitor for being involved with Ignacio now, knowing someone she’d considered a friend was in love with him. But… fuck girl code, she thought. Rosa hadn’t exactly told Katheryn who she loved, and if what Ignacio said was true, then their Soul Mate connection trumped whatever Rosa’s delusional mind thought she and Ignacio had.

  “Thanks for being honest with me.”

  “You’re not upset?”

  “I don’t like the idea of you two as a couple… because she’s so beautiful. But it was in the past.”

  Ignacio’s honey eyes softened as he gazed up at her. “You are perfect, love. But can we talk about something else? Like my very important game tomorrow.”

  Glad for the change of subject, Katheryn felt her brows pull together. “What kind of game?”

  “Fútbol. Your people call it soccer."

  “Oh, really?”

  “Yes, really.” He pulled her on top of him, stroking her sides with his thumbs, stopping at the swells of her breasts.

  “And I was wondering...” He ran his hand up her back until his fingers found her hair, He pulled her down for a hungry kiss. “Will you come and be my lucky charm?”

  “What’s in it for me?” she teased.

  He bumped his forehead to hers. “The joys of watching me kick ass?” He suggested.

  She snorted.

  “How about the joy of seeing me without a shirt?”

  She smiled, running a hand down his bare chest, the hard ridges of his muscles then squeezed his bicep, at the same time he flexed it beneath her fingers.

  “An opportunity to see you all testosterone-y and covered in sweat? I’ll be there. But there’s one thing I’ll need.”

  She braced her hands on his shoulders, feeling the heat radiate from him instantly.

  “Anything,” he breathed.

  “I’ll need a ride…”

  He flipped her over so she was under him. He trailed a line of kisses along her jaw. “I think I can oblige…”

  Watching Ignacio with his soccer team made Katheryn smile. They were a rowdy bunch, acting like a bunch of foolish teenagers even though there was only one real teen on their team.

  She sat on the sidelines in her shorts and tank top with her hair up in a ponytail. She kept her eyes on Ignacio’s form. He was bare chested and in gray sweatpants. He flipped up the soccer ball with his foot, dribbled it on his knee then passed it off to one of his friends, who did the same.

  Unbelievable, she thought as she applauded.

  They let the ball drop and turned as one to look at her. She stopped clapping and felt her cheeks redden.

  Ignacio smiled and jogged over to her.

  “Why are they all staring at me?” she demanded.

  “Because you are the most exquisite thing they have ever laid eyes on.” He bent to kiss her, but she turned her face away so his lips grazed her cheek.

  “You’re so full of shit,” she grumbled, knowing exactly what the looks meant.

  She had seen men give her the same sort of look while she stood at Hunter’s side. It meant she didn’t belong there. This was a game for men, and she was merely a stupid female. Soul Mate or not... she wasn’t welcome here.

  Ignacio sighed. “All right, they think you’re a distraction for me.”

  Annoyance and anger surged through her. Of course, they’d think that way. She started to gather her things, because it was expected of her. It was an impulse, pulled from deep in her mind due to all the passive-aggressive belittling she’d ever suffered around Hunter and his friends. He was never really subtle with his insults and she’d lost herself in her relationship with him. She’d grown too weak to say anything back.

  It was a place in her mind she travelled without meaning to, feeling heat stain the apples of her cheeks. A special brand of humiliation that threatened to choke her. Make her that same weak, biddable female she’d been before.

  “I’ll leave then.” The words sounded hollow in her ears.

  Ignacio leaned down and stopped her with a kiss. Long and slow at first, framing her face in his hands. Katheryn found herself leaning into him, forgetting everything until the whistles and catcalls sounded behind Ignacio.

  He broke the kiss but smiled at her.

  “You’re not a distraction, love. I want you to stay here. And I’m not your keeper or jailor. You can be honest with me about things. That means, if you don’t want to leave, then fucking don’t.”

  Something swelled in her chest that was hard to describe. Hunter had always made her feel unwelcome, brushing her off and even making fun of her with his friends. But Ignacio wasn’t Hunter. She’d do well to remember that.

  “Who is this?”

  Katheryn turned. Behind them stood a bunch of guys in sweats and T-shirts, staring at Ignacio with open dislike. The one who’d spoken was a small man with black hair and a goatee. He was handsome but his smile was malicious and creepy, revealing his vampire teeth. His eyes flared red at the sight of Katheryn, making her want to wrap her arms protectively around herself. She immediately thought of El Diablo, the devil who’d fathered Ignacio. However, instead of giving in to fear, she tilted up her chin and held her head high.

  “Cristian,” Ignacio snarled, almost politely. His team had gathered around him when they’d seen their rivals. Rising to his full height, Ignacio towered over the other man. “How’s the weather down there?”

  Katheryn snorted, Ignacio’s team snickered.

  Cristian shot Katheryn a dirty look. “Bringing a girlfriend to an important soccer game, Ortiz? You’ll be distracted.”

  Ignacio laughed. “Please. You know I could dance on broken glass, dribble the soccer ball with my head, kiss my girl and still beat you.”

  Katheryn’s mouth dropped open at Ignacio’s declaration. It was the most competitive she’d ever heard him with an underlying tone that was almost scary. In that moment, he was pure vampire. A predator meant to be revered.

  Cristian took a lingering look at Katheryn and licked his upper lip, causing her to immediately close her mouth. “She does have pretty lips,” he said in a near growl. “I wouldn’t mind a taste of them myself.”

  Katheryn wanted to gag at the implication. Ignacio’s fists clenched, but Antonio stepped forward and put a warning hand on his arm.

  Cristian saw the reaction and sneered.

  “Does that upset you, Ortiz? Maybe we should change what we’re betting. If we lose, you get double the money. If you lose, my men get their share, and I get...” His red eyes lingered on Katheryn’s body, pausing on her breasts. “Your girl.”

  She felt the color drain from her face. Ignacio wouldn’t bet her. The looks on his teammates’ faces said they wouldn’t auction off their friend’s girl either.

  “Never,” Ignacio enunciated very slowly. “Do not ask again.”

  “It’s a good offer,” Cristian remarked. “You’d be a fool to pass it up.”

  “I’d be a fool to take it. We will stick to our original deal.”

/>   “Since the bitch means so much to you…Fine.”

  That angered Katheryn. She had been called a bitch many times but coming from Cristian’s mouth…it was unacceptable. She stood abruptly to go and give that asshole a piece of her mind, but before she could, Ignacio was in Cristian’s face, snarling a feral sound that made the hairs on her arm rise.

  He fisted Cristian’s shirt and brought him close until their noses were touching. “Don’t you ever disrespect her like that again, you piece of shit.”

  “Or what, Ortiz?”

  Ignacio’s eyes glowed red, lip pulled back in a sneer that showed the sharp glint of his fangs. Then he growled, low and menacingly in Spanish. His words rolled dangerously, words she didn’t understand, but could feel the threat in them.

  Cristian didn’t pale, but Katheryn watched the working of his throat as he swallowed. After a moment, he gripped Ignacio’s wrist and pried his hand away. “Okay, Ortiz. Let’s play.”

  Ignacio took a step back and his lips curled into a malicious smile. “Then let’s play.”


  Ignacio had never played a harder game in his life. Perhaps it was an old-fashioned Neanderthal notion, but he was playing for Katheryn’s honor. Honestly, what he really wanted to do was grab Cristian and rip his tongue straight out of his mouth. It was primal and violent, and vampires couldn’t behave as they had decades ago before there were laws for that sort of thing.

  As they played, rain began to pour. Soon, everyone slipped on the muddy field, covering themselves with it. But it didn’t stop their desire to win. After an hour and a half, Ignacio ached all over, but he continued to give his all. The other team had the lead. Six-to-Four, and he figured they’d cheated their way to those six points, but now wasn’t the time to complain.

  Guillermo kicked the ball in his direction then ran forward to the goal. Ignacio easily skirted the ball around opposing players. When Cristian came forward with a sly grin on his face, Ignacio growled. He feinted right with the ball then kicked it left, guiding it in Guillermo’s direction. He pushed Cristian as he passed, knocking him into the mud. The ball made it to Guillermo. His teammate kicked it but the ball hit the goal post. Ignacio jumped as the ball bounced back. He brought back his leg, and kicked the ball in the direction of the opposing goalie. The ball slipped past the goalie’s fingers and…


  Ignacio high-fived Guillermo and ran to center field. He heard Katheryn cheering on the sidelines. He smiled and watched as the ball was thrown into play. Antonio leapt up and stopped, then easily scored another goal for their team.

  Now, the game was tied.

  This was it, Ignacio realized. This was the last round. Only a few more minutes left to play. Whoever scored this point would be the winner of the game, and he couldn’t let their rivals score. It was a matter of pride.

  Jorge had the ball, but opposing team members quickly closed in on him. Ignacio rushed to his defense, elbowing and knocking over opponents as he ran. This was supernatural street soccer, and anything counted. He defended his teammate as Jorge guided the ball forward, but a slip sent the ball in the opposite direction, landing at an opposing player’s feet.

  Ignacio groaned but wasted no time and chased after the player. He couldn’t afford to let the other team get close to the goal. If they made a point, the game would all be over. Lucky for him, the ball was kicked in his direction. He dribbled it between his feet, skirting opposing players. The goal was just ahead.

  Suddenly, Cristian came from out of nowhere and elbowed Ignacio in the temple. For a moment, the pain caused stars to dance behind his eyes. That moment was all it took for Cristian to steal the ball and head toward the other goal.

  Cursing, Ignacio followed. His arms pumped as he ran. The bastard, Ignacio growled. Cristian would pay for that move. He reached Cristian just as the man brought back his foot for a kick. The ball went flying toward the goal. Ignacio’s heart sank. But the ball hit the post and bounced backward.

  Both men ran for it. The tension in the air was so palpable, so intense that the rest of the team fell back as Cristian and Ignacio fought each other for the ball. They made little forward progress in the storm, like children holding opposite ends of a rope and pulling against each other.

  Suddenly, Ignacio kicked the ball down the field with all his strength. In the same movement, he jammed his elbow back, smashing Cristian’s nose. Even with the thunder, Ignacio heard the crack as the cartilage shattered. The rain couldn’t hold Ignacio back. The ground was slick and wet, but his feet held true. Right in front of the goalie, Ignacio kicked out at the ball, but felt a tug on his pants as someone tugged him backward.

  Ignacio fell to the ground, sliding in the mud. He stretched for the ball, but his foot barely grazed it. The ball wobbled toward the goalie, and Ignacio cried out with anger.

  Antonio flashed between the ball and the goalie, saving Ignacio’s ass. With a side kick, the teen shot the ball into the net. The unexpected goal earned their team the final point of the game.

  A whoosh of relief escape Ignacio’s lungs. He turned to look for his rival. Cristian sprawled on the ground. His nose gushed blood from the hit Ignacio had given him, although the break had probably already healed itself.

  Ignacio shot him a smug, triumphant smile. Although Ignacio hadn’t been the one to score the winning goal, his team had won. He stood, leaving Cristian cursing in the mud, and joined his celebrating teammates. They clapped each other on the backs, whistled and cheered, ignoring the downpour falling on them.


  Katheryn ran toward him. She was soaked from head to toe. Her white tank top clung to her body, showing him she was braless. Her nipples were dark circles under the revealing garment. Her hair, fallen out of its rubber band, clung to her cheeks. She pushed it aside as she ran up to him.

  “You won!” she shouted, joyfully. “I knew you would!”

  A burst of happiness exploded in Ignacio’s chest. He held out his arms as she ran toward him then jumped into his embrace. He lifted her from her feet and swung her in circles. The rain pounded down on them though neither of them cared.

  Katheryn laughed in his ear. She continued to hug him even when he lowered her feet to the ground. He kissed her. Their mouths meshed then opened to each other. Their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Ignacio ran his hands up the sides of her thighs, to her hips, then he placed his palms firmly on her rear.

  He squeezed her, pressing her closer to him. With a happy sigh, she practically jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. With his hands on her bottom, he twirled her again. She broke their kiss to throw her head back and laugh.

  The whole team surrounded them, cheering and laughing. The press of bodies against them was like a wet game of Twister. His feet slipped in the mud, and he fell to the ground. Katheryn landed on top of him. They were caked with cold, wet mud.

  Katheryn shrieked with laughter and attempted to climb off him only to lose her footing and slip again. When Antonio pointed at her and laughed, she scowled and threw a ball of mud at him.

  A muddy war erupted between the celebrating team. No one was safe. Even Ignacio found himself pelted in the face with a mudball thrown by Katheryn. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her against him.

  “You’re going to pay for that,” he teased.

  “Oh yeah?” She gave him a taunting look. “What are you gonna do to me?” Her voice, husky and suggestive, caused a rush of heat to his groin.

  “I was thinking along the lines of dinner,” he replied, fighting to control his urges.

  “Dinner? But you don’t eat.”

  He chuckled. “No, I don’t, but I want to cook you a romantic dinner at my house to celebrate our victory.”

  Katheryn appeared startled for a moment before nodding in agreement. “Okay. But if you keep this up, I’ll become the most spoiled girlfriend in the world.”

  “Tomorrow,” he said. “Meet me at my house tomorrow nigh
t. I’ll even buy you a new dress.”

  She made a face. “A dress? Do I have to?”

  “Of course. And I’ll wear a suit. Afterward I’ll play you a song I wrote for you.”

  Her face colored. “You wrote a song for me?” she whispered. If raindrops hadn’t been pouring down her face, Ignacio would have thought she was crying.

  “I did. And I already bought the dress, so you can’t say no.”

  She laughed but didn’t reply because Antonio chose that moment to shoot a ball of mud at the back of her head. She turned to glare at him then chased after the boy, slinging curses at him.

  Ignacio watched with a grateful heart, thinking for once in his life, he was complete.

  He had a beautiful Soul Mate, who he loved and who he planned on staying with for the rest of his life, if she accepted him. He didn’t care if she moved to Spain or if he had to move back to Washington with her. He could pursue his music career anywhere in the world. As long as they were together. That was what he wanted, to be by Katheryn’s side.



  Katheryn stepped out of her hotel room and waited for a cab. Her nerves were in shambles, her senses were wired and on high alert, and she was starting to break out in a sweat. She wiped her brow nervously with the back of her hand, praying it wouldn’t smudge the little makeup she’d put on.

  He’d sent her a neatly wrapped silver box. She had opened it find a carefully folded dress inside. The garment was too pretty and too tempting not to put on immediately. It had fit perfectly, and Katheryn couldn’t wait for Ignacio to see her in it.

  Because she felt beautiful.

  Ignacio had a way of making her feel beautiful, not just of feeling it, but believing it.

  The prom-style dress hugged her frame. Thin black straps connected to a silver bodice that formed a heart-shaped neckline. The waist was belted by black frilly material that wrapped around to her lower back where a ribbon bow hung. The black skirt puffed outward and ended at her knees. It was neither too long or too short, just the perfect length to emphasize her petite frame.


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