His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance)

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His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance) Page 2

by Liliana Rhodes

  “All the guests will be seated in this dining room,” he said. “As you know its an intimate party.” He pointed to a doorway to the right. “That door leads into the kitchen and that’s how the waitstaff will deliver the food. I’m sure you’ll find enough space in there. One thing you must pay attention to is that the kitchen is a series of rooms pieced together. Part of it is on the dock, the other part is floating.”

  I nodded and make a mental note to not trip. This wasn’t the time for my klutziness to take over.

  “Thank you Mr. Wainwright. Now if you don’t mind I’d like to get to work.”

  He smiled. “Of course. You’re an interesting young lady. I can see why he recommended you.”

  “He? Mr. Boone?” I thought it was odd since I never spoke with him, only his wife Ashley.

  “No, no. Drake Winslow.” He was silent for a moment. “I think I was supposed to keep that to myself.” He winked as he left the room.

  I didn’t know what to think. Part of me was upset for not getting this job on my own, but another part was grateful to Drake. If I wanted a successful catering business, I had to learn to accept help sometimes.

  Smiling to myself as I thought about Drake’s dirty blond hair falling onto his forehead and his warm brown eyes, I began unloading the cart they wheeled into the kitchen for me. I had two hours to get everything ready which was more than enough time. Thinking about Drake, I knew the time would fly.


  Everything came out perfectly. I served lobster bisque as an appetizer. For the pasta course, the wait staff delivered small bowls of angel hair carbonara with pasta I made by hand. The main entree was a choice between steamed clams in a garlic and white wine sauce or grilled mahi mahi with lemon and capers, both served with a side of green beans almondine. My plan was to create rich dishes that could be prepared in minutes and it worked.

  I peeked out of the kitchen and saw the dining room had transformed. With the sun now set, the view was more focused on the lights of the nearby city than the river. Without the harsh sunlight, the dining room no longer looked dated and tired. Tiny draped lights hung across the dark wood ceiling beams, making the ceiling looks like stars in the night sky.

  As I surveyed the crowd, I spotted a tall red head in a sparkly gold gown walk past. She had long curly hair like mine and despite her curvy figure, it seemed everyone’s eyes were on her. I watched as she strutted back to her seat. Her date’s back was to me but it didn’t matter. I’d recognize that dirty blond hair of Drake’s anywhere.

  “Ugh! Asshole!” I said under my breath.

  Turning around I accidentally knocked over a stack of clean coffee cups that were waiting to be taken to the dining room. The crash caught everyone’s attention and as the kitchen door swung open, my eyes met Drake’s.

  Scrambling quickly I ran to the empty pastry kitchen, embarrassed and angry. I hoped Silas Wainwright wouldn’t find out about the mess I created. This was just what I needed, the end of a perfect night punctuated by my klutziness.

  “I knew I’d find you in here.”

  I closed my eyes and let out a long even breath. Just when I thought the night couldn’t get worse, he had to come into the kitchen. Not bothering to look at him, I kept my position as I leaned against the cool aluminum of the ovens.

  “Good for you. Do you want a prize, Drake?”

  “No, I only want you.”

  He stepped in front of me, lifted my chin and kissed me. At once, everything fell away. My anger, my embarrassment, it was all gone. Feeling my knees go a little weak, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

  “Wait. You’re here with that girl. You brought a date,” I said as I pushed him away.

  “She’s an actress in my movie. She means nothing to me.”

  “Then why bring her?”

  “What do you want? You want me to come alone? You’ve made it clear how you feel,” he said as he gazed into my eyes. “I think there’s something here. I want a relationship with you–”

  “You don’t know what you want. You’re so full of shit. Go back to your date. I’m trying to work here. I’m not sure you’re familiar with that, but that’s how some of us make a living.”

  “Samantha, listen to me.”

  “No, you listen to me. I’m sick and tired of your bullshit excuses. You say we have something and you knew I’d be here, but what do you do? You bring a date. Heaven forbid Drake Winslow showed up somewhere by himself.”

  “That’s it then. I’m tired of this too. I’m tired of telling you you’re the one only to be pushed further away. I hope you get what you want out of life.”

  I watched as he stormed out of the kitchen. Everything inside of me screamed for me to stop him, but I couldn’t do it. Drake was only a distraction. Nothing secure. Sure he talked a good talk but I knew better.

  As I packed up my knives and everything else I brought to the Water Club, I was surprised Drake didn’t come back. By the end of the evening, I felt stupid and even a little heartbroken. I convinced myself if it was meant to be, something big would happen to prove that to me. In the meantime, I had to focus on building my business. I refused to let a man keep me from my dream. Even if he was my dream guy.

  Chapter Four


  The night seemed to drag after I left Samantha. Looking at my date, all I could think about was Sam. It didn’t help that my date looked like her. What was I doing? She was right, if I was so serious about her then why would I show up with a date knowing she would be there?

  “Because I’m an idiot,” I said out loud without thinking.

  “Did you say something?” Christa, my date, asked.

  “No. Never mind.”

  “Oh ok. I was just going on and on about how great the movie is going to be and how excited I am to be in it. This is such a great opportunity. Do you think maybe you could find a bigger part for me?” She batted her eyelashes at me.

  “We’ll see. I really think you’re perfect for this one though,” I lied. “Let’s get out of here.”

  She stood up immediately and wrapped her hand around my arm. As we left, I tried to catch a glimpse of Samantha in the kitchen as the door opened but I was out of luck.

  After the valet brought my midnight blue Bentley around, I helped her into the car and merged into the traffic. I thought about my beach house, my favorite place to be, and how I wished I could bring Samantha there and convince her to stay, but I needed to realize she wasn’t interested. I was wrong–not every woman wants to be with me.

  “So…maybe we can go back to your place,” Christa purred in my ear as I felt her hand slowly creep up my thigh.

  “I’m taking you home,” I grunted.


  “Your home.”

  “Ohh, but I thought… I really can show you a good time, you know. And maybe we can talk some more about the movie.”

  And they say men have a one track mind. I shook my head and gave the car more gas. Speeding to her apartment building, my only thought was how if I couldn’t be with Samantha, I’d rather be alone.

  Finally at home, the windows opened so I could listen to crashing waves on the beach, I undid my tie and looked at the stack of boxes in the corner.

  For years I had lived there and never completely unpacked. I kept what I didn’t need for day to day living in the spare bedroom, but hadn’t looked thought those boxes in years. The last of the boxes were by the door on the main floor. They were things from when I was younger such as awards, yearbooks, photos.

  Grabbing a box labeled ‘home movies’, I carried it into the living room and opened the box. As I pulled the tapes out, I saw they were videos from my birthday parties and graduation. I took one from my high school graduation party and connected an old VCR to the TV.

  I didn’t know why I was watching it. I wasn’t the sentimental type. When boredom overtook me, I hit the fast forward button.

  I saw my parents, my aunts and uncles, kids I knew all my life but co
uld barely remember their names. Then I saw her.

  It was impossible to miss her. Her flaming red hair stood out from everything else there. I rewound the tape and hit play again until she was in the frame.

  Samantha was beautiful even then. Even in that awkward stage we all went through. When I hit play I could see the glint of metal from the braces on her teeth, but she was nothing like the silly freckled-faced kid I remembered as Sammy.

  Forwarding ahead as I looked for more of her, I watched as she came up to me, her green eyes wide and hopeful as she handed me a card. Her face was as red as her hair and I could tell she was nervous.

  I rewound to watch again as I took the card from her, patted her head then rolled my eyes at my friends and laughed. My guilt consumed me. I knew there was nothing I could do about the past and I knew kids were cruel, but I realized that this one glimpse into my past with Samantha Mayfair was her norm. That’s how she expected me to treat her. No wonder she refused to believe my true intentions for her now.

  I needed to do something. I had to convince her I was real, that my feelings for her were real. We had so much history together. She understood me better than I understood myself.

  But she doesn’t want you. I turned off the VCR. I couldn’t watch anymore. There were other movies and I was sure she was there too, ignored and humiliated by me over and over. I needed to accept that eventually your past catches up to you. Call it karma or whatever. But now that I was the one looking at her with puppy dog eyes, she was pushing me away and probably laughing about it with her own friends. It was time to move on.

  Chapter Five


  I didn’t want to go home. After the party, I got into my car and drove around town unsure where to go. I felt alone. I wondered what it would be like to go home to Drake, curl up in front of the fireplace in his home with the smell of the ocean drifting in from outside.

  I never gave him a chance. I knew people were different than when they were kids but I used my memories and his tabloid reputation to cloud my judgement of him. I thought about what a coward I was when I left his house in the middle of the night. Why didn’t I think I could have it all? A job I was proud of and the man of my dreams.

  Hitting the redial button on my phone, I hoped Jackie was still up.

  “Hey girl!” She greeted me.

  “Hi, I was hoping you were still up.”

  “Of course I am, its not even midnight. What’s up? Hey didn’t you have that Wainwright party tonight? How’d it go?”

  “Ok, I guess. Can I come by? I’m only a few minutes away.”

  “Sure. Everything ok?”

  “I just need to talk.”

  As I pulled into a space in front of Jackie’s apartment building, I saw Jackie standing in the doorway wearing baggie grey sweats with her arms around her as if she was cold.

  “What’s up?” She asked as I entered the building. “I can tell from your voice that something is going on. Something serious. Did you flambé Drake at the party?” She grinned playfully.

  “Ha, no. I did make an ass of myself as usual though. I knocked over the coffee cups,” I groaned. “I’m sure I won’t be asked there again.”

  “Don’t worry about that. From what I hear that old goat Wainwright is a sweetheart. I’m sure he won’t care.”

  As she opened the door to her apartment, I could tell she was dying to ask or tell me something else. I ignored her for a moment as I entered the small apartment.

  Sometimes I forgot Jackie was still finishing school, but her apartment reminded me of that. Large text books were stacked in a corner next to the small tan and brown tweed couch. Her furniture looked like something you found at a rummage sale, but she made the place warm and welcoming.

  Taking a seat on the couch, I could tell she was ready to burst. I had a feeling she was going to ask about Drake and considered torturing her a little longer, but gave in.

  “What? What is it?”

  “Ugh, finally! Like you don’t know,” she said laughing. “You didn’t mention anything about Drake. Did you see him? Talk to him? What happened? I’m dying here!”

  “Of course I saw him. Why do you think I knocked over the cups?” I laughed and was glad I was able to find it funny. “He came to the back and it was the usual. How he thinks we’re meant to be or some crap like that.”

  “What did you say?”

  “I told him we weren’t and that he was fooling himself. I told him I want nothing to do with him.”

  “Why are you being like this? For as long as I’ve known you, its been Drake. He’s the guy you measure all other guys against despite how much you claim to hate him.”

  “Well I was stupid. I was letting the kid in me run the show. Not anymore. I need to build my catering business and I have to focus on that. I’m doing alright right now, but I still don’t have a lot going on. Everything can crumble at any minute.” I burst into tears and hid my face in my hands. “What’s wrong with me?”

  “What do you mean? Nothing’s wrong with you. Well except that you’re stubborn.” She grinned at me and I knew she was trying to make me laugh.

  “I’m so emotional lately. And sensitive. Everything is making me cry.”

  “Maybe you’re just PMSing.”

  “Well then this is the longest PMS I’ve ever had,” I said then looked at her as I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself. “I’m late.”

  “Late? You mean…”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to know. I’m not ready. I’m just starting my business and I don’t have enough yet to take care of myself, let alone someone else.”

  “Is it…” She let her voice trail off before whispering, “Drake’s?”

  “I’m not a slut! Of course it is! Jeez Jackie, thanks a lot.”

  “Ok, ok! I guess, well, you know, you were just talking about not having money and how he said you were meant to be.”

  “I’m not going to take advantage of him because we didn’t play it safe.”

  “You’re not taking advantage of him. I think he’d want to know.”

  “No. I’m not telling him. The last thing I want is to be his baby mama. Ugh, I can see the headlines already. I can figure this out and I’ll take care of everything myself.”

  “I really think you should talk to him. You’ve always cared about him, he’s been the big crush of your life. You kind of grew up together. Its not like you don’t know each other.”

  “No. Absolutely not. I can do all of this myself. The last thing I want is his pity, or even worse, to just get paid off like some kind of prostitute. My mom figured it out on her own and I turned out just fine. If she could do it, I can too.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes at me and shook her head. “Gosh you’re stubborn,” she said then smiled softly at me. “You know I’m here too and I’ll help you out however I can. What are friends for? But first thing is first–you have to find out if you’re pregnant or not. Then you can be as stubborn as you want,” she said as she grinned then hugged me. “Whatever happens, everything will be ok. I’m sure of it.”


  Xander and Ashley

  Chapter Six


  “You are quitting your job and that’s final!” Xander commanded.

  Sitting in Xander’s home office, down the hall from our bedroom, I watched him pace the floor behind his massive wood desk.

  “No! I want to work. I have my dream job. You know that. You know I dreamed about managing a museum and curating the collection. This job is a dream come true.”

  “It’s ridiculous, Ashley,” he said. “You realize I’m a billionaire, right? You shouldn’t be working.”

  “I’m not an idiot! This isn’t about making money. This is about my life. My identity. I love being Mrs. Xander Boone, but sometimes I need to be Ashley too.”

  He stopped pacing and looked at me. Behind him, the large window showed the tree-lined driveway which led to the house. We had been in his office on the
second floor of our home arguing for over an hour.

  Watching him I saw the fierce look on his face that once intimidated me, soften into the Xander I fell in love with. He knelt on the floor in front of the chair I sat in and clasped my hand in his.

  “Do you have any idea what I went through a couple months ago? I thought I lost you.”

  “You mean the photo with Drake? You can’t seriously say–”

  “No, of course not that. I know how the media makes things up. I’m talking about when you collapsed. When I brought you to the hospital.”

  “But it was nothing. I’m fine. And that’s when we found out I’m pregnant.”

  “Exactly! Don’t you see that’s even more of a reason for me to worry about you? First I thought you could be sick. I already lost one wife, but I don’t think I could live through losing you. And now you’re pregnant. We’re having a baby. I need to protect you even more.”

  “But I’m healthy. There’s no reason why I can’t work.”

  He sighed then got up and started pacing again.

  “Can’t you just humor me? For once? There’s a lot that needs to be done before he arrives. We need to set up a nursery, make sure you have everything you need and are comfortable. I don’t want to think about you working at some stupid museum on your feet all day. I want you home. Resting. You don’t plan on working after the baby comes anyway. Why can’t you stop now?”

  “Alright, fine,” I said as I sighed. “You’re right. I don’t know why I’m being so stubborn about it. I just. I don’t want to lose myself.”

  “Not working doesn’t mean you lose yourself. You’ll always be Ashley,” he said as he knelt down in front of me again. “My Ashley.”

  He leaned forward and kissed me and the room spun. It didn’t matter how long we had been together, his kiss, his touch, sometimes just his presence, was still enough to make me dizzy. My heart raced as his strong lips lingered on mine and try as I might, I couldn’t help but let out a soft giggle as the kiss ended and I looked into his ice blue eyes.


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