His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance)

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His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance) Page 5

by Liliana Rhodes

  “What a small world it is,” Mason said as he approached Xander and I. “You two are lucky. Trust me, years dreaming about the girl who got away isn’t a life I’d recommend to anyone,” he said smiling at both of us. “Xander, consider your investor problem solved. I know a few people. They’ll handle this quicker than you can blink. Consider your fortune yours again, just remember what is the most important. I lost sight of that once. I refuse to let that happen again.”

  “Don’t worry Mason,” Xander replied. “I’m well aware of what my true fortune is.”

  Xander slipped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he kissed the top of my head and held me. Inhaling I breathed in his familiar musk and smiled, feeling loved.


  New Beginnings

  Chapter Eleven


  It was a beautiful day. Blue skies, warm breeze, the kind of day that made me wish I was an outdoorsy kind of person. But only briefly.

  I had just arrived at the Boone’s mansion. It was an hour before the baby shower was going to start and I knew I had a lot of work to do, but I found it hard to care. When Jackie told me she was planning the party, I had a hard time saying yes to her despite how desperate I was for the gig.

  Not that I needed the job. After the Wainwright party it seemed everyone wanted me to cater their parties. I was in awe by all the requests. But being pregnant, I knew my time was limited.

  I was just beginning to show and I felt great. No morning sickness or anything so far, but I had to assume that towards the end I’d find all the lifting and moving I needed to do at a party wouldn’t happen. I also knew I’d have to take some time off from catering once the baby was born. Because of that, I needed to make as much money as I could before I started waddling like a duck.

  If it meant risking running into Drake here or anywhere else, then so be it. I needed to grow the hell up and deal with him eventually. I was going to be someone’s mother. Time I stopped acting like a stupid kid.

  As I pulled the last of my stuff from my trunk, I heard a car pull up near me on the gravel driveway. Xander Boone must be a cheapskate. Why else wouldn’t he pave his damn driveway? Ignoring the car I giggled to myself as I carried my tools into the mansion.

  “Samantha, let me help you with that. I never thought you would ever be late for an event.”

  My heart stopped before leaping into my chest as it did whenever I heard Drake’s voice. I stood still for a second before I continued climbing the stone steps into the house.

  “What are you talking about? The party doesn’t start for an hour.”

  “I was told…damn that Ashley,” he said softly before chuckling. “Seems someone wanted us to have a little time together. Let me help you carry some of that stuff.”

  “No, I’m fine.”

  “Your arms are full. Stop being so stubborn and let me help.”

  He grabbed the long black bag from my arm that held all my knives, revealing my midsection. I already had my chef’s coat buttoned up and somehow the double breasted front seemed to make my stomach look even bigger. There was no way for me to hide it.

  “Are you??” He asked looking shocked.

  “Pregnant? No. I just had way too much for breakfast,” I snarked as I continued towards the kitchen.

  “Sam. Were you ever planning to tell me?”

  “What for? It’s not like we planned this. We’re not even dating. Hell, we’ve never even been on a date. I can handle all of this myself.”

  “You don’t have to do this alone. For months now I’ve been telling you you’re the one. Maybe this is fate’s way of telling us to stop playing around and just be together.”

  “Funny, I never pictured you as the sentimental type.”

  I stood at the prep table and kept my back towards him. While I thought I might run into him, I wasn’t prepared for this. I was a mess of emotions and didn’t want to deal with it. I wanted to bury my head and pretend for once that my life was normal.

  “Samantha, can you be serious for once?”

  “I am serious. I don’t want your help. And I definitely don’t want your pity. If you want to see the baby then fine, whatever, but I don’t need your charity.”

  “It’s not pity,” he growled. “Why are you so stubborn?”

  “It’s better this way, Drake. Go back to your bimbos. Don’t worry about us. I got this. You don’t need to feel guilty or whatever you might feel, ok? I’m fine really. Now please leave. I have work to do.”

  “You’re impossible! Why won’t you listen to me? I care about you. I’ve wanted us to be an us for a long time. You’re always pushing me away. What do you want from me?”

  “That’s just it, Drake. You think everyone wants something from you. I don’t. I never have and I never will. Go now, please? I have less than an hour to get everything ready.”

  I bit my lip to keep myself from sobbing loudly. Tears were streaming down my cheeks but I’d be damned if I let him see so I kept my back towards him. As I listened to the sound of his footsteps leaving the kitchen, I thought it was funny how I knew him well enough to recognize anger in his stride.

  Hearing a car start, I looked out a window facing the driveway and watched as Drake left. How rude! He’s not even staying for the party? My heart sank as I reminded myself that I pushed him away yet again.

  Chapter Twelve


  It was still early and I was ready on time for once. I bought a cute outfit of a long white and tan layered skirt with a brown print top. It was a very boho look that I found fun and I matched it with a chunky pair of brown strappy sandals.

  Xander was casual in a pair of khakis and a blue polo just a few shades darker than his eyes. We never talked about it, but I really hoped our baby would have his eyes. I entered Xander’s office where he was catching up on some last minute email.

  “I thought you were going to start taking time off,” I said.

  “I will. I just need to reply to these real quick. Besides, at your appointment two days ago he wasn’t even close to ready. He likes being all nice and tucked in there,” he said as he gently stroked my belly.

  “Anything can happen though. You know I keep having those nightmares. I know my due date is two weeks away but I know I’m not going to make it that far.”

  “Please relax. I read pregnant women have crazy dreams all the time.”

  “Of them dying during birth? I refuse to believe that’s a normal dream.”

  He quickly glanced over at me, then stopped and looked at me again and his brow wrinkled. Standing up he cupped my cheeks and pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “Are you feeling ok, Ash?”

  “Yes. I mean other than that weird back pain I told you about.”

  “The one from last night? Where is it? It’s not sciatica again?”

  “No, this isn’t at my spine. It’s over more to the right and up higher than the sciatica pain I get. It’s not bad though, more annoying than anything. I’m sure it’ll go away.”

  “You look pale. I think you should call the doctor.”

  “What for? I don’t have anything to say.”

  “Just do it please.”

  Using the phone on his desk, I dialed my doctor’s office number. I made myself memorize it when I first found out I was pregnant just in case. After briefly talking to the doctor on duty I hung up.

  “Well?” Xander asked.

  “Please don’t freak out, but he wants me to go to the ER. He said its better to just check.”

  “Lets go then. Good thing you packed your bag the other day. I’ll grab it.”

  “What? We can’t. People are going to be here soon. And my dad’s on his way.”

  “Call him. Find out where he is and tell him we’re going.”

  “But I don’t want him to worry. And don’t worry about bringing the bag. I’m sure this is a false alarm.”

  “Ashley. Call your dad now. T
ell him we’re going.”

  I gave in. He had a point. My dad could be five minutes away, he could be five hours away. I really had no idea. I dialed his cell phone and my step mother answer.

  “Hi Paula. Please don’t worry but I just got off the phone with my doctor and he wants me to go to the ER.”

  I heard her repeat what I said to my dad. In the background I heard him say something but I couldn’t make out his words.

  “Can you wait for us?” She asked. “We’re in that old village by your house. No more than ten minutes away.”

  “You’re going to have the baby! I knew it! I made it on time,” my dad said loudly. “Please wait for us. We’re going to the hospital with you.”

  “Umm ok. We’ll wait.”

  Things were happening too fast. I felt overwhelmed even though I was sure this was just a false alarm. Xander seemed perfectly calm but for some reason it only made me more anxious.

  Xander brought my SUV around front and as he got out I saw my dad’s car heading up the drive. We had offered to pay for their flights, but my dad wouldn’t hear of it. I sometimes wondered if he understood how rich Xander really was. Maybe he needed to hear Xander’s billionaire speech too.

  “Good thing I installed the car seat last week,” Xander said looking proud of himself.

  I smiled and nodded. I didn’t feel like I could speak. My heart thumped nervously and I began thinking of my nightmares. In each one of them I was induced and died from hemorrhaging they couldn’t see. I couldn’t shake the feeling.

  My dad and stepmom hopped out of their car and ran over to hug me and ogle my large round belly. I smiled again, unsure I could say anything meaningful. I was still convinced I’d be sent home and told them that.

  The car ride was lively with my parents excited to see me. The last time I saw them I didn’t know I was pregnant. So not only were they seeing me, but they were sure they would meet their grandson too.

  I remained quiet. I didn’t want anyone to know how nervous I was or how my mind raced with possibilities.

  “Thankfully this hospital has valet for their maternity patients,” Xander said as we pulled up to the emergency room entrance.

  I managed to whisper my name to the nurse who greeted us and she immediately pulled a wheelchair around for me to sit in. The hospital walls floated by as they pushed my chair to the elevator and up to maternity.

  “I’m sure I’ll be back in an hour, Dad,” I said as normally as possible as he hugged me tight.

  “They’re going to do a c-section. Trust me,” he whispered into my ear.

  I tried to smile and shrug it off but suddenly I realized that was an option. None of my nightmares had me having a c-section. My dad unknowingly calmed my nerves.

  Seated on a gurney in the Maternity receiving area, I watched as the monitors displayed mine and the baby’s activity.

  “Excuse me, nurse? Can you tell me what this flashing red line is?” I asked.

  “Sure,” she smiled sweetly. “When it increases like it is now, that’s saying you’re having a contraction. How do you feel?”

  I shrugged. “Same as before really. I feel fine.”

  “Well sometimes that measurement isn’t accurate. Your doctor should be here any minute now. If you need anything just call for me. I’m Toni.”


  Toni was thin, with dark skin and shoulder length dark hair. She wore blue patterned scrubs and even though I knew it was a cute pattern, I was so worried I couldn’t focus on what it was. There was something soothing about Toni and I was grateful each time she came to check on us.

  Near the doorway I heard a man’s voice. Xander and I exchanged a look knowing what the other was thinking. That sounds like the doctor.

  Dr. Grossman appeared wearing light green hospital scrubs. His curly salt and pepper hair still showed the marks from his surgical mask.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting, Ashley. I was in surgery this morning. I looked over your chart and your blood pressure is pretty high. Are you nervous?” He asked. Dr. Grossman always had a kind face, but this time it also wore lines of concern.

  “Yes, but I doubt anymore than anyone else being told to come to a hospital while pregnant.” I smiled and hoped I came across as myself, despite feeling like I wasn’t there.

  “It’s still not down and you’ve been here over an hour now. I’m not going to lie, it’s troublesome. I’d like to keep you overnight for observation and I’d like to run a blood panel. Let me get the nurse, I’ll be right back.”

  As he walked away, Xander took my hand and smiled. It amazed me that so many months before he was a wreck, but now when I really needed him he was calm. Having my hand engulfed by his warm hand, I felt calm too. I needed that because Dr. Grossman turned back around before getting Toni.

  “I’m sorry, I have this nagging feeling. You’ve had a great pregnancy so far. It would be a shame for anything to happen at the end. Tomorrow will be thirty-eight weeks. I’d like to talk to you about some options.”

  He moved closer to my gurney and my breath caught as I waited for him to continue. At that moment there was nothing else in the room with us. The beeps of the machines had stopped. Nothing else was there except for the doctor and Xander’s comforting hand.

  “I think we need to get the baby out. The choice is up to you, we can induce you but he’s really high up right now, I’m not sure he’ll come down. You’ve made a comfy place in there for him.” He smiled warmly. “Or you can choose a c-section and we can have him out within the hour. I’m worried its your placenta. It might have abrupted and your blood is pooling. There’s no way to tell otherwise.”

  I didn’t need to think. I already knew my answer based on my recurring nightmares. I took in a deep breath and for the first time since we arrived, I felt like myself again.

  “I don’t want to risk anything. I’ll do the c-section.”

  He nodded as he noted my decision in the chart. Then leaned in a little closer.

  “That’s your father out there, isn’t it? You look like him. If you were my daughter I would’ve suggested the c-section,” he smiled softly and patted mine and Xander’s hands. “You’ll be awake the entire time.” He looked up at Xander. “You won’t ever have to let go of her hand.”


  After they wheeled me into recovery, I watched as Toni wheeled in the small plastic bassinet that held our baby wrapped tightly in a white and blue blanket.

  “He’s amazing! I’ve never seen such an alert newborn,” she said. “He’s just hanging out and looking around the room. Those are your parents, right? They’re so cute. They watched as I bathed him. I asked your dad if he wanted to hold him, but he said no. I think he was afraid to,” Toni said and laughed.

  “Yup that sounds about right.” I laughed too.

  “Would you like me to get them?” She parked the baby next to me, beside where Xander stood having never left my side except to see his son get weighed and measured.

  “Are they allowed back here?”

  “No, but I won’t tell if you won’t. Does this little guy have a name yet?”

  She lifted him up and put him in my arms, careful to not get tangled in the wires and drips still attached to me. He was beautiful. Absolutely perfect. His had black fuzz on his head and large, plump cheeks. His eyes were as dark as night.

  “Jacob Alexander,” I said softly as Xander slipped his arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of our baby’s head.

  Chapter Thirteen


  It had been a week since I saw Drake and I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t think about him constantly. Even to say I only thought about him felt like a lie. He consumed my thoughts.

  I knew I should call him, but I couldn’t. Even I could see how stubborn I was being. This wasn’t even about the baby, I finally realized I had been pushing away the man I was crazy about my entire life for no reason.

  Was Drake mean to me when I was a kid? Sure, but he was a k
id too. I was ready to move past that and I knew he was too. Was. I didn’t know if his feelings for me changed now that I was pregnant. I expected to hear from him after the shower, but nothing. Why did he have to choose now to listen to me?

  I grabbed my phone and dialed his number then quickly hung up. I needed to talk to him. I at least needed to apologize for acting like a child. He couldn’t hold me responsible for how crazy he made me…could he? Dialing the number again, I realized I didn’t hear a dial tone. The line was dead.

  “Hello?” I said, confused.

  “It’s Drake. Any chance we could go somewhere and talk?”

  “What? How? Wait a second, I didn’t think the call went through.”

  “What do you mean? I called you.”

  I laughed. “I guessed we were calling each other at the same time.”

  “You were going to call me? This must be my lucky day.”

  “Don’t press your luck, buddy!”

  “Does that mean you’ll say yes? Let me take you out to dinner. I know this great Italian place by the beach.”

  “Um sure, ok. When?”

  “How about now? I’m right outside your apartment.”

  I got up from the couch and made the short trek to the window. Pushing open the blinds I peeked out to see a long black stretch limousine idling at the curb. Slowly the sunroof slid open and Drake popped up through it, looking towards my building as he shielded his eyes from the sun. At first I thought he was wearing a black suit, but then I realized it was a tux.

  “What are you doing? Seriously a tuxedo? Can’t you ever be normal? I’m not going out if you’re dressed like that. I’ll look like a bum. I have nothing to wear.”

  “I knew you’d say that,” he said as he smiled slyly. “Answer the door.”


  Suddenly there was a knock at my door. I opened it up still holding the phone to my ear. Standing in the hallway was a short girl with a jet-black bob and ivory skin. She had a similar body type to mine but her clothes seemed to fit her perfectly, hugging each curve down to the plunging dark blue neckline of her top.


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