Piercing Ecstasy

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Piercing Ecstasy Page 3

by Setta Jay

  “Thank you,” she said, as she blew out a breath before smoothing her hair and dress.


  Chapter 3

  The City of Limni, Tetartos Realm

  She silently prowled down the darkened hallway toward the study she knew existed on the second floor. Not a single guest in attendance saw her maneuvering in the shadows, but their laughter and the melodic strands of the music trickled up the stairway behind her. She hadn’t been invited, but that was the point, she wasn’t a guest. She was a ghost.

  The scent of wood cleaner and lush flower arrangements sitting on tiny side tables lining the hall filled her senses. It was an opulent home and the largest in this particular city, the head Mageia’s domain. The magic-wielding mortals seemed to love their luxuries.

  Limni was no different than the other cities of the Realm. It housed predominately Mageia under its domed protection spell, guarding the more fragile inhabitants of the Realm from beast attacks. The worst being the hell creatures sent over by the Tria, evil triplets spawned from Ares and Artemis’ incestuous coupling millennia ago. It was said that those three beings were the most vicious and vile beings ever to set foot in the Realms. They were also indestructible, which was why they’d been imprisoned in the Realm of Evil Souls, or Hell, as the Mageia called it. They couldn’t leave the other Realm but were more than capable of sending creatures out.

  Immortal warriors also guarded the cities’ vulnerable occupants, patrolling from outside the dome. This particular city’s Immortal warriors consisted primarily of Ailouros, half cats. Those she’d easily slipped past. Her lips quirked. The arrogant cats would lose their minds if they ever learned just how easily she’d evaded them.

  She was alone for the moment. Guests mingled on the ground floor, the females gracefully gliding from group to group to flaunt their shimmering dresses and bold jewelry, the males discussing city business in dark tuxedos she knew had to have been imported from Earth Realm. They hadn’t even realized an intruder was in their midst. She shook her head, thinking the mortals didn’t even know how lucky they were that she was the one shifting through the shadows instead of someone planning to do them harm.

  She swept from one doorway to the next, her steps silent over the dark wood floors. She caught a glimpse of her dim reflection in a mirror, but didn’t glance over. Her hair was dark at the moment. The black clothes, she knew, formed over her toned curves, the material stretching and moving with her as if she were naked, which she’d honestly rather be. The knee-length boots were comfortable, functional as opposed to fashionable.

  She skirted into a darkened room, her destination, as she heard the click of high heels coming up the stairs. Low throaty laughter followed as a couple flirted quietly while sneaking up to the second floor. She heard them well before they rounded the hall, giving her time to slide out of view.

  She scanned the walls behind the carved wood desk, using a magical touch to reach for the spells hiding the safe she knew was secreted there. This wasn’t the first time she’d been in the home, in that room. Her current client required pictures of some ridiculous spell book. The leaders of the Mageia used her skills fairly often to spy on each other. Her services may be expensive, but they didn’t seem to care, nor did they balk at the precautions set in place to hide her identity. The mortals didn’t know who or what she was, only that she could acquire anything they sought, quickly and quietly. Anything within reason. Acquiring information had always been her preference, taking things her marks never knew they’d lost was clean, easy.

  The clicking heels and soft flirtatious banter grew louder, and she crouched behind the desk and listened as the two mortals slipped inside the darkened room. She rolled her eyes at her luck when the door clicked shut behind them. She stayed crouched between a large carved desk and dark wood shelves lined with books, and waited.

  Moonlight filtered through the open curtains and she saw them through the reflection off a glass display case. They were locked in a passionate kiss that grew more heated as the seconds ticked by. Soft moans and arousal filled the air.

  It appeared her client would have to wait a little longer for her to get back with the photos. She didn’t care, but the Mageia were always so fixated on time. Likely because they had such a finite amount.

  The female’s pale hair was pulled up in some elaborate twist that the male would no doubt wreck during their interlude. Her dress was a beautiful gold that flowed to the ground and sparkled even in the dark. The male had dark hair and was significantly taller. He was forceful in the way he kissed his female. Her wrists were locked behind her back with one of his hands; it arched her breast against his chest.

  The moans grew more intense as the female undulated against the dark male.

  She listened to them as she leaned back against the wood of the desk, resting her head while wondering at the stamina of Mageia. Would it be over quickly, finished after a few greedy thrusts into his elegant female? Probably, as they’d eventually have to get back to the party. Wouldn’t they?

  “Lift the dress and bend over the couch. I expect you wet and ready for your surprise.” The male’s voice was low, a command his female quickly complied with.

  She raised a brow as she listened to the female’s breathing hitch, and more heated arousal scented the air. Her view coming off the glass showed the male staring down at the flesh offered up to him. Soft feminine moans issued in the dark room.

  “Spread your legs wider, Cathryn.”

  More desire-coated air sifted her way as she listened and watched.

  “Good girl. You’ll stay perfectly still.”

  The female’s breath caught, and didn’t move.

  More footsteps echoed in the hall before she heard the snick of the door. The noise seemed to make the female’s breathing increase along with her arousal.

  “You will keep your eyes ahead. If you look back, you’ll be punished.”

  “Yes Jared.” The blonde sighed in agreement.

  “Use your hands to spread yourself wide. If you’re good, I’ll allow him to touch you.”

  The female whimpered with desire and moved her hands to her ass.

  She shook her head. She’d never fully understood the sexual excesses of those in the Realm, but the arousal-thickened air was definitely getting to her.

  The other male had yet to speak. He watched and waited. He was blond and almost as tall as Jared.

  “Are you ready? Because I’m going to check, and if not, I won’t be pleased.”

  “I’m ready.”

  Jared moved a hand between the female’s legs. “Good girl,” he praised before turning to the other male.

  “You’ll cover your cock before I allow you to fuck her.”

  No answer, just tines of his fly unzipping and the crinkling of paper.

  “Give her just a little. I want her to feel the difference.” The intruder stepped in with his cock in his hands. She could hear the new male breathing hard as his eyes focused on the female spread before him.

  Cathryn groaned when he moved in.

  “You like that I’ve given your pussy to another male.”


  “Give her more. Let her feel how thick your dick is.”

  The blond male grabbed Cathryn’s hips and pushed in, his head fell back on his shoulders as the female’s excited whimpers grew louder.

  “Clamp down. Show him how perfect your pussy is.”

  The new male groaned.

  The slick sound of the blond slamming deep was erotic as hell. Grunts and moans mixed with the noise of wet flesh meeting flesh.

  “You look beautiful.” Jared’s voice was low.

  The thrusts grew hard enough that the couch slid against the wood floor.

  “Come, Cathryn.” Just the quiet demand seemed to send the female over as the blond continued thrusting inside her. A grunt sounded when the new male had gotten his; she saw his head fall forward for a second before Jared spoke. “You can go.” It was a
low command to the blond, who moved to set his clothing right before taking a few faltering steps to the door. It clicked open and she heard the quiet snick that indicated he’d shut it behind him.

  “On your knees, Cathryn,” Jared growled.

  She heard the zipper first and then listened to the wet suckling and grunting of the male getting his blow job.

  “Fuck, how I love your mouth.” He groaned deep. “Swallow it all,” he demanded with a harsh grunt of completion.

  After she covered him up, he lifted her into his arms and kissed her for long moments. It wasn’t demanding, it was gentle. “We need to get back,” The male sounded regretful.

  “I just need to straighten up,” The female agreed with a bright smile.

  “Cathryn.” Jared paused as he waited for his female to straighten her hair in a mirror over the fireplace.

  “What is it?”

  His shoulders looked tense as he looked at his female before finally speaking. “I heard something today that I’m sure is a hoax, but even so, I don’t want you in the gardens or by the greenhouse at any time during the Emfanisi.”

  “What did you hear?” came the female’s curious voice.

  She sat there listening to the two with interest. The Emfanisis were a yearly event, a week of parties in the one city of the Realm most well-known for its pleasurable excesses. An entire palace had been built by the Aletheia mated pair who host the event every year. Mageia and the Immortal races all attended as they searched for their mate, something that had been happening incredibly often in the last months when there had literally been as long as centuries between matings over the millennia. Four Guardians alone had found their mates within the last few months and the phenomena made her skin itch. Something was happening and the occupants of the Realm didn’t seem to know what it was. The Guardians were a force of their own and answered to no one. They chose what to share, and that was frustrating.

  “I just don’t want you out there.” A command followed by a tension filled pause. He finally blew out a breath and ran a hand over his neck before speaking again. “I heard a couple of old Mageia say that one of Elizabeth’s Kairos will be there one evening during the start of the balls. He will be awaiting information on some kind of key.” He blew out another breath as the female sucked in air.

  She sat straighter in her hiding place as she listened with interest. Elizabeth was enemy number one in the Realm now that Cyril was supposedly dead. The female was known to be a sick and twisted bitch and had been with Cyril since the Immortal exile from Earth Realm millennia ago.

  Her hands fisted at her sides.

  “Shouldn’t we inform someone?” Cathryn asked.

  “I’m sure if I overheard talk like that, the warriors or Guardians already know. It doesn’t make sense that the meeting would be gossiped about. When Cyril was in charge, his people were never seen. I’m inclined to believe that it’s a joke of some kind, and if it’s not, we won’t be getting involved. I don’t want you anywhere near there as a precaution.”

  “Are you sure? What if they want to abduct more Mageia females for experiments?” The blonde was nervous and rightfully so. The Guardians had managed to rescue all but one who’d been taken by Cyril to use in his experiments to find a way around Immortal matings. Matings gave power to the pair along with the ability to procreate, but they were rare. Or had been until recently. An Immortal had only one true mate, and most hadn’t found theirs.

  She ground her teeth as her muscles tensed; missing the opportunity to kill the bastard still set her temper on edge.

  “If I truly believed that, I would go to the Guardians myself.” He scoffed. “I really believe someone is playing a game. I’m just cautious when it comes to you, love.”

  She watched the lovers embrace, kissing and holding each other as she sat with her stomach churning in anticipation.

  Ileana had never attended an Emfanisi, it seemed this year would be her first.

  Chapter 4

  Jax’s Home, Tetartos Realm

  Jax leaned his forehead against the tile wall as he let the warm water pelt his tense shoulders. He ran a hand over his face, feeling the stubble there.

  Brianne and Vane are still awake but haven’t spoken yet. They’re mating like crazy. It’s almost as if they’ve gone into the mating frenzy after the fact. He shook his head at Sirena’s report and the musing tone to her mental voice. Did they really need to know their sister was fucking her male?

  TM fucking I, Dorian growled through the link.

  Jax swore he heard a burst of feminine laughter that was quickly cut off. Rain.

  Alex responded, I think the worst is over. The way she said it relaxed him some. The Demi-Goddess didn’t sound worried when she continued. They’re going to have to learn a balance. The animals will be fighting for their place inside them.

  Report when you have more, Drake commanded.

  I will, Sirena responded.

  He groaned into the silence and turned the water to a cooler setting.

  He was fucked. If yesterday was bad, today was worse. It probably hadn’t helped that he’d funneled so much energy to Brianne, but he’d do it again. Refueling his Earth energies had helped as much as it was going to. The edginess from refusing to fuck was riding him hard, but he had to test the limits. Should have done it centuries ago.

  He brought up an image of Mia’s furious and disgusted face, and that helped calm his dick a fraction. Back when he’d found the little she-wolf in his suite at the manor, he’d known it was going to be ugly and it had been. Even a month later, pulling up the picture of her disgust in his mind cemented his determination. He’d had to crush her, say shit he hated saying, but it hadn’t been far from the truth.

  The she-wolf’s animal thought of him as her mate and he wasn’t. If he hadn’t forced her to hate him, she would have come back, and the last thing either of them needed was for her animal’s fixation to continue. Telling her that she’d only be welcome as another pussy to join all the others in his bed hadn’t worked. When the innocent female hadn’t run away, he’d added that she’d also need to bring a sister along.

  Not his best moment, but it had been necessary. She’d thank him when she found her male.

  Now he planned to prove to himself that he could contain the constant need that had made him no more than a rutting dick for millennia. He was tired of that life. Fucking like a fiend hadn’t ever eased him anyway, and if Jax was the next Guardian to find his mate, he had a solid idea about how he wanted that to go. He growled low.

  He fisted his cock, knowing it wasn’t going to help, but he pumped it hard anyway. He needed a warm wet body to thrust into, a female or even a male to fuel his strength, but that wasn’t going to happen.

  He grunted into the steamy air, fucking his fist hard enough, long enough, that come pumped onto the wall and down his fist. He sucked in a breath and did it again. More come jetted onto the wall as his forehead pounded against the cool tile.

  Twice more he fucked his fist until he gave up trying. He’d have to live with a semi hard dick, he thought as he washed the come off and left the shower. He caught sight of glassy blue eyes in the mirror as he rubbed a towel over his head, leaving his black hair to spike where it wanted. The barbell piercings on his nipples glinted in the light as he dropped the towel and went to the room to change.

  You home? Bastian’s voice shouted through the link.

  Jungle house, he informed his brother. His other island could go to Dorian and Rain if they wanted it. He had no use for the massive home where he’d kept his females.

  He slipped on worn jeans to contain his dick before he walked out onto the balcony. Bastian appeared a second later. His brother was in fighting leathers instead of the black cargos he preferred.

  “I thought you were babysitting the wolves with Conn at the Emfanisi?” he asked. The Emfanisi only happened once a year, so even though they were all busy trying to find the God and patrolling what they could, Drake had still allo
wed Conn to take his mate’s siblings to the evening parties to see if any found their mate.

  “I just dropped the males off. Conn and Dacia brought her sisters. Can you go do a perimeter of the ballroom a couple of times? I have to go see a Kairos with a problem on a shipment. The others are dealing with a horde of demon-possessed in Earth Realm or sleeping.” Imports from Earth were something his brother handled. He and his mother Sacha. Jax frowned.

  “The wolves are already inside with Conn?” Mia hated him, but her animal didn’t, and though Conn’s mate understood what he’d done, and why, it still made shit tense.

  “I wouldn’t have asked otherwise. Everyone else is busy.” Drake demanded they have backup when out in Tetartos, or at the very least a presence. Over a century ago a bitch Aletheia had drugged and tried to sell Dorian’s ass out to their enemy. They’d gotten his brother out, but had since learned that the bastard Cyril had come up with some nasty drugs. With Cyril dead, Elizabeth had her hands on all of the bastard’s stuff and she’d proven smarter than any of them would have thought. That meant they’d take no chances.

  “Conn know?”

  Bastian nodded.

  “I got it,” Jax told his brother, and with another nod, Bastian was gone.

  Jax felt an odd sensation at the back of his neck. Not danger, but something. He turned to the closet. It was probably his body rebelling at the fact that he wasn’t currently fucking anything that breathed, but he’d be alert.


  Ileana slid out the balcony doors into the cool night air and was happy for the open space instead of the cloying air in the full receiving room and ballroom she’d just maneuvered through. She took a deep breath and rolled her bare shoulders. Confined spaces and crowds were not her favorite things.


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