Piercing Ecstasy

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Piercing Ecstasy Page 19

by Setta Jay

  “My blades?” she grumbled a second later.

  “I’m going back for them,” he said, grinning because being separated from his weapons didn’t sit well either. It didn’t matter that the beasts out there lacked opposable thumbs. He wanted his shit as much as she did. “Bed?” he asked as he carried her through the balcony doors.

  “Shower,” she said and allowed him to carry her into the bathroom. He grinned at how much she enjoyed snuggling into him; she spent her nights tight against his body.

  He hit the water with his power and set her inside when it got nice and steamy. “I’ll be back in a second,” he said with a smack to her ass.

  “Hurry,” she said and the wicked gleam in her eyes ensured his task would be fast. His kitten liked to be spanked and he liked reddening that sweet ass. There’d be no hardship there, but he had every intention of getting his taste first.

  “Be ready. You’ve yet to feed me, kitten, and I’m fucking starving,” he demanded, enjoying the way her breathing hitched as he turned and left her standing in the steamy air.

  Chapter 25

  Elizabeth’s Compound, Tetartos Realm

  “Say it,” Elizabeth growled, envisioning the Lykos’ blood spattering over her exposed arms and legs along with the walls of the cell as she let the heat of the metal sizzle against the male’s flesh. She wouldn’t allow his tainted blood to touch her and had been forced to use the burning iron to drive the answers from the male. She was enraged, because it hadn’t been enough. The Lykos was too feral to even respond to any of her torture. His eyes were wild, and none of her encouragement seemed to get him to speak coherently. Even the poker against his dick hadn’t done anything but make him howl in fury. Bright hate filled the odd green eyes showing through the long strands of his dirt- and sweat-covered hair.

  He wouldn’t have been a bad male specimen. She’d add him to her ranks if he’d just come out of the madness and give her what she wanted. She was furious that she’d had to use that drug. It was taking too long, and the wolf had better come out of this with his mind intact. If the madness continued, his memories would be a pain in the ass to sift through, not to mention there could be fractures in the important sections, but if she learned the spell, she could force him to say the words.

  She paced in fury, her hounds tracking her every move. She gazed at the blue casing around her lover, only a few feet from the mad Lykos strung up and ready for him to say the words that would finally free Apollo.

  The Mageia’s memories indicated that the Lykos used some secret spell only he knew or could wield to dissolve others. “Say the spell!” she demanded again, knowing it was useless. She’d been at this for hours. She usually loved this work, but she was losing her mind. If the male couldn’t get Apollo free, she’d take him apart piece by piece.

  The scientists were still coming up empty, and she didn’t have another plan.

  “Mistress,” Reve said as he walked in. She was just furious enough to string him up next to the Lykos and try the rod on him. Maybe his screams would ease her anger.

  She turned and stalked the Kairos. He retreated as she moved in his direction. “Why are you here?”

  His muscles stiffened and her hounds closed in.

  “Speak,” she commanded, tossing the scalding rod to the ground in irritation. She’d lost her calm.

  She’d give the filthy Lykos time to heal. She’d need his mind intact if she was going to be forced to take blood memories. The thought made her skin itch. The drug they’d given him was dangerous. Enough so that she would have another Aletheia test his blood before taking the memories herself. She wouldn’t chance poisoning herself with Cyril’s formula. She wished there was another way, but there wasn’t. The male’s family would have been able to track him otherwise, likely leading the Guardians to her door.

  Reve’s jaw ticked. “We’re missing three more warriors. They were on duty last night.”

  She roared her fury and the sound reverberated off the walls. The hounds’ heads shot to her, awaiting instruction.

  She wanted who was hunting them, wanted their blood pooling at her feet. They were apparitions slowly ghosting through her people.

  “Are the tsouximo and ofioeidis still out there?” She’d gotten the deadliest hell creatures the Tria had to offer and she’d had days without killings. Had the hunters killed them?

  “I’m not sure. They weren’t visible from the entrances.”

  “Did anyone see anything?” she demanded.

  “Nothing,” he answered as she moved through the room.

  She needed to think. Her fists balled at her sides as she walked out of the cell. Reve inched away, giving her plenty of space.

  “Keep looking for a cave system,” she commanded.

  The drug would be out of the Lykos in a week.

  She would need to come up with another plan.

  Chapter 26

  Tetartos Realm

  It feels like we’re close to something, Ileana said. She had an itching sensation. They’d spent five days in this mountain range, but she truly felt like this was going to be the day. She hoped to hell that was the case; they were running out of time. She lifted her nose to the air. The trees were thick, only allowing a trickle of sunlight to stream through, and the early morning air was crisp, scented of the moss that covered nearly everything. She didn’t see or smell anything unusual, but something was there.

  What are you feeling? Jax asked her.

  An itching at the back of my neck. Not danger, but something’s out there.

  I feel it too, he said, and she felt his alertness in the link as she watched him scan the area. He bounded up to prowl along a thick tree limb. His tail twitched as he scanned the area for what was setting them off. She did the same in another tree.

  Ileana and I may have something, Jax informed the other Guardians.

  What is it? Drake demanded.

  Just a feeling, her mate responded and sent an image of where they were.

  P and I will come to you. There was a really good chance their instincts were picking up on something small, but if they were close to Elizabeth, they needed to be cautious. Anticipation licked her gut and she hoped this was good.

  A second later P and Drake were standing in front of them. Both looked around, likely assessing the area for anomalies. She felt absolute and overwhelming power flowing from the males; both were sons of Gods.

  Ileana and Jax jumped from the limbs and shifted into their human forms.

  While P’s eyes were on his surroundings, she looked at the male she’d never seen before outside of pictures. His ebony wings were unfurled at his back; the shining black feathers nearly touched the ground. His sculpted face was passive and he stood back a step from Drake. The male was beautiful, no doubt, his coloring much like Jax’s blue eyes and dark hair. His wide muscled chest was bare but for the weapons on a harness made to accommodate his wings. His arms were wrapped with tattoos down to his fingers, and his ears bore black piercings.

  Ileana felt Jax’s eyes on her along with a twinge of jealousy sliding through the link. She turned and grinned, enjoying his possessive streak, but they were working and needed to focus. Stand down, big guy. I’m not interested.

  She noted how his muscles relaxed as he focused on his brother Guardians.

  Ileana nodded to both Pothos and Drake when their eyes came to her. They were both impressive males. Drake was light to P’s dark, but she knew the dragon probably had the darker temperament.

  P quickly assessed her before smiling. “Welcome to the family, little sister.” Her brows shot up and she looked at Jax, unsure what to say to that. She was accepted just like that? A sister. Her mind still couldn’t process the emotions that evoked.

  “Thank you,” she responded slowly before Drake spoke.

  “When did it start?” Drake didn’t waste any time with niceties, and Ileana appreciated that.

  “In the last half hour,” Jax said. That matched the time she’d felt it c
oming on.

  “To the north,” Jax added and looked over at her.

  “Yes,” she agreed, happy her input was considered. His eyes held hers for a split second longer, a glint of something shining in his eyes. Pride? Heat was there too, but that was a constant for them. She wondered if they’d ever truly have a moment without it burning just under the surface.

  “I scent something,” Drake said, and Ileana turned to frown at him. She tilted her head to the air and detected nothing out of the ordinary, small prey, earth… What had they missed? She turned back to Jax and saw his lips curving.

  “His senses are better,” her mate said, and her brows furrowed. Her senses were incredible. “Trust me, kitten, his are better.”

  She looked from Drake to P, who was also smiling.

  “Don’t worry, Ileana, I can’t smell it either,” P said. His voice was low and soothing with an amused undertone.

  Drake didn’t even pay attention. “Port tree to tree. We’ll see more while under the canopy.”

  Damn, she couldn’t teleport yet. She quickly transformed to run behind. “Make it quiet when you follow.” She wanted to growl in annoyance at the dragon’s demand and the assumption that she was an idiot.

  She felt Jax’s hesitation.

  I’ll catch up, she told him. There was no way she was going to hold them back, but he was still a beat behind P and Drake. They could port in and out of the trees faster than she could quietly run it, but she’d also be able to track Jax if they managed to get too far ahead. She was just frustrated at not being able to port yet. They really needed to complete the bonding. The thought of blood bonding still set her teeth on edge, but not as bad. She’d been thinking about it for days now and was kicking herself for putting it off. The excuse was that they hadn’t had time, but it was more that she liked the way her male looked at her and hated the idea of him seeing her at her worst.

  But now she wondered if they were on their way to Elizabeth. She wasn’t sure what they were going to find, but if she had bonded with him, she’d likely be porting at his side not running through the forest far behind the others.

  She bounded over moss-covered rock, around downed trees and brush, and still hadn’t detected the scent that Drake had supposedly found.

  Long tense minutes went by as she watched them get farther ahead, and then she was tracking Jax through their link.

  And then she scented it.


  Chapter 27

  Tetartos Realm

  Ileana caught up just as she heard Drake in her mind. Everyone here now. An image of the area followed. She transformed and started looking around before being quickly surrounded by Guardians, all porting in and out to search the surrounding area. She was starting to feel twitchy until Jax came to her side.

  “There are at least four groupings of bodies,” he said as she looked at the long dead and severely charred remains of a couple of Immortals. Spikes firmly planted into stone displayed the severed heads that likely matched what was left of the burned bodies. The remains were mostly untouched by the beasts that likely roamed the area; that was interesting. She would have thought some of the birds would have picked at it, at the very least.

  “Scents are gone, all but these,” Drake announced, nodding to the heads. His eyes were flashing, and she felt the power coming off him. He was ready to lose his mind. Smoke filtered from his lips. Ileana stepped slightly away, feeling more comfortable in the periphery where she could look around without everyone towering over her.

  P reformed next to them, reporting, “Most of the others are scouring the cave system up the mountain. No spells anywhere.” The male looked around and continued. “Sirena is looking at the other groupings of dead farther up.”

  “How many caves?” Drake demanded.

  “Three entrances that I found on this side. I’m going to the other side next. The place feels empty.”

  “What happened here?” Drake snarled, still looking around as if something about the scene was bothering him. Conn appeared next to him.

  “I’d say it was Elizabeth’s. Why she left is the question. Why do the severed head shit? I know she’s twisted, but she hasn’t been stupid. Why leave the trash out for anyone to find?”

  Ileana looked up. The canopy was thick there, barely any sunlight filtered to the ground. Not exactly in the open.

  “Someone found her,” Drake said. A muscle in his jaw was twitching. “This was a warning. Who would have hunted her down, found her, and then taunted her instead of coming to us?” The growled words were joined by heavier smoke as the dragon’s eyes flashed violently.

  Bastian, Sacha, talk to the Kairos in the cities. I want to know if anyone was ported to this continent in the last fucking decade, the leader commanded.

  Going, they said almost in unison.

  Drake demanded, “Find something useful,” and he and P ported away without another word.

  Conn stayed and smiled at her in welcome before saying, “I’m sorry about everything with Mia.” There was clear friendliness and a hint of sorrow in his tone.

  “Don’t be.” Should she tell him that his mate already apologized?

  “Thanks.” He nodded, smiling at her.

  Ileana had no problem giving the wolf space. She liked her home in the jungle, was used to solitude, and loved the openness to it. She had no need to intrude on the Guardians’ compound and the wolf’s home. Mia had been a part of that family first, and the female wasn’t well. She needed to be comfortable in her home until her beast was back to normal. If it ever was.

  She transformed to better manage the steep trail up to the caves. She didn’t like the melancholy she was experiencing.

  She felt Jax trailing after her and smiled.

  He was hers. She had her big bad Guardian male who couldn’t get enough of her. She smiled. She wouldn’t know what to do around a ton of Guardians and their mates. She was fine staying the outsider.

  She entered the cave and felt the cool air slide over her fur. Jax’s cat bumped her side and ran his face over her shoulder and neck. Somehow the cave was forgotten as the soft caress left her comforted and aroused all at once. She took a deep breath of his scent and remembered him taking her to the cave behind their home a few days ago. Her skin flushed, remembering the things he did to her before they’d even thought about taking in energies.

  He had taken something she always dreaded and made it somehow less painful and anxiety filled. And now with his heavy body bumping against her, she relaxed.

  She rubbed her head along his before reforming. She ran her fingers through his fur and felt his muscles twitch as if following the movement. His deep purr made her smile. “That’s it. I promise to rub your belly when we get home,” she whispered.

  He transformed and lifted her up for a quick kiss before setting her back down. His lips were curved into a wicked grin. “You’re welcome to rub something when we get home.”

  She smiled as they moved through the tunnel. It was lit with special rock that created a soft glow, making it easy for an Immortal to see. Mortals would have had more of a struggle. With her anxiety gone and the buzz of arousal flowing, she felt an odd sense of ease. His fingers found hers and twined together, and she shot him a sideways look as her steps faltered at the casual touch. He winked at her and seemed to have no trouble searching the rooms with her attached to him. The contact made her chest ache and she relaxed her fingers into his hold. They quickly searched several chambers, all empty, likely bed chambers with the amount and size.

  “Scratches on the floors. Furniture,” she said offhandedly.

  “In every room we’ve seen so far,” he responded.

  They made it through the maze of rooms. They’d finally hit a wider tunnel in the center and she saw two more Guardians to the left. No, not two. One she knew was Brianne with her flaming red hair pulled into braids. The male with her had shoulder-length blond hair. The power coming from them both was so intense that her steps slowed as she trie
d to understand what it was. She frowned in confusion because it was so strong and their scent was odd. They were lovers, that wouldn’t be a shock, but the combination seemed different somehow. She wondered what was going on.

  Brianne’s eyes shot up from her perusal of the wall and fell to her and Jax’s twined hands. Ileana felt suddenly awkward for enjoying the childish experience. He squeezed her palm gently and she shot him a look.

  “This is Brianne and Vane,” he announced. “Meet my mate, Ileana.” She was altogether too pleased with the introduction when she heard the pride in his voice and turned to see him smiling.

  She finally turned back to note how Brianne’s eyes lit up before a wide beautiful grin slid into place. The stunning female cocked a hip before speaking. “Well, this is good to see. The circumstances suck for the introduction, though. And I have to say I’m bummed I don’t get to use the ‘fuck with my brother’ speech I’ve been practicing. It was really good.” Brianne winked at Ileana and turned her eyes to smile fondly at Jax. Vane put his arm around the female’s shoulder and grinned as well. Definitely lovers. Brianne even seemed to lean into the male almost subconsciously.

  Vane added, “You’re not missing out. Brianne’s use of the word eviscerate was on the excessive side.”

  “No speeches,” Jax growled with no heat. “Now what’d you find?” he said, shaking his head as his lips curved in amusement.

  “Blood spatter. Sirena’s going to test it, because she loves that shit. I don’t think it matters unless the blood’s going to tell us where the bastards went,” Brianne said.

  “Is this the only area you found blood?”

  “No. It’s down this hall and in a two large chambers,” Vane added. “Sirena wants to confirm it’s Immortal blood not some unlucky beast, and she said she’d be able to tell how old it is. Maybe narrow down when the cave system was used.”


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