Secrets & Seductions

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by Pamela Toth

  “Aren’t you attracted to me?” Emma asked innocently.

  Morgan didn’t consider himself someone who got easily tongue-tied, but Emma’s question caught him by surprise.

  “My feelings don’t matter,” he finally croaked. “Acting on them would be inappropriate, under the circumstances.”

  His answer must have pleased her, because her full lips curved into a smile. In response, his own awareness ratcheted up a couple hundred notches. Just what he needed while they were alone in the wilderness.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” she drawled, giving him a wink.

  While he was still trying to come up with a neutral comment to defuse the shimmering attraction between them, she slipped off her pack.

  “Relax, Morgan,” she said teasingly as she strutted away, hips swinging. “I’m not going to jump you.”


  USA TODAY bestselling author PAMELA TOTH was born in Wisconsin, but grew up in Seattle, where she attended the University of Washington and majored in art. Now living on the Puget Sound area’s east side, she has two daughters, Erika and Melody, and two Siamese cats.

  Recently she took a lead from one of her romances and married her high school sweetheart, Frank. They live in a town house within walking distance of a bookstore and an ice cream shop—two of life’s necessities—and with a fabulous view of Mount Rainier.

  When she’s not writing, she enjoys traveling with her husband, reading, playing FreeCell on the computer, doing counted cross-stitch and researching new story ideas. She’s been an active member of Romance Writers of America since 1982.

  Her books have won several awards and they claim regular spots on the Waldenbooks bestselling romance list. She loves hearing from readers and can be reached at P.O. Box 5845, Bellevue, WA 98006. For a personal reply, a stamped, self-addressed envelope is appreciated.

  USA TODAY Bestselling Author



  Be a part of

  Because birthright has its privileges and family ties run deep.

  The Children’s Connection brought them together…but would her quest for the truth drive them apart?

  Morgan Davis: Morgan didn’t trust himself around women, but there was something different about Emma. She was soft, loving, sexy—and the attraction between them was unquestionable. But did she care for him, or was she using him to find the secrets of her past?

  Emma Wright: Emma turned to The Children’s Connection for answers, but when handsome Morgan Davis offered her a job, she found much more. Morgan fulfilled her every desire, but she knew he was hiding something—a secret that could change her life forever….

  But behind the scenes…

  Who was the mysterious mastermind behind the trouble occurring at Portland General?

  Because birthright has its privileges and family ties run deep.


  1.) To Love and Protect by Susan Mallery

  2.) Secrets & Seductions by Pamela Toth

  3.) Royal Affair by Laurie Paige

  4.) For Love and Family by Victoria Pade


  5.) The Bachelor by Marie Ferrarella

  6.) A Precious Gift by Karen Rose Smith

  7.) Child of Her Heart by Cheryl St. John

  8.) Intimate Surrender by RaeAnne Thayne


  9.) The Secret Heir by Gina Wilkins

  10.) The Newlyweds by Elizabeth Bevarly

  11.) Right by Her Side by Christie Ridgway

  12.) The Homecoming by Anne Marie Winston


  13.) The Greatest Risk by Cara Colter

  14.) What a Man Needs by Patricia Thayer

  15.) Undercover Passion by Raye Morgan

  16.) Royal Seduction by Donna Clayton

  Dedicated to parents everywhere who make room in their hearts and their homes for children in need of both.



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven


  Hands clenched tightly in her lap, school counselor Emma Wright tried to hide her apprehension behind a confident smile as she faced the Human Resources director. According to the local newspaper, a third of the maintenance staff and half the teachers’ aides in the small Oregon school district where Emma worked had already been laid off because of budget cuts.

  Emma’s stomach had been in a knot ever since Sandra had asked her to come into the office. As the director flipped open the folder containing Emma’s records, Emma hoped desperately that the reason for the summons had been to find out whether she could increase her workload, divide her time among more schools.

  “I’m sure you’re aware of the cuts we’re facing for the new school year,” Sandra said with a rueful expression as her gaze finally met Emma’s.

  Emma lifted her chin, forcing it not to wobble. “Of course.” She gripped her hands together even more tightly, worried that the time she had missed after her miscarriage would be counted against her. “It’s always a disappointment when education’s not a priority, isn’t it? I’m ready to do everything I can to help.”

  What she wanted desperately was to argue her case and to point out how badly the younger children in the district needed her. The other counselor, an older man, had an intimidating manner that seemed to scare them.

  “I’m so glad you understand,” Sandra said, her smile giving Emma a boost of reassurance. “Your evaluations have been excellent, so I’m sure you’ll have no trouble finding something else.”

  For a moment Emma was stunned. “What are you telling me?” she asked through lips that suddenly felt like rubber. A rush of noise, like the sound of a jet engine, filled her head.

  “Klaus has been here longer, so the district really has no choice.” Sandra spread her hands wide. “I know you’ve experienced some personal trouble, but perhaps this will give you a chance to start fresh. I’m so sorry, but we won’t be renewing your contract for the new school year.”

  Emma slumped back in her chair, feeling as though she’d been shot. “I see,” she croaked.

  Since her divorce, work had been her lifeline. She loved this job. Worse yet, with all the bills she’d been stuck with, her paycheck was a necessity.

  Sandra slid back her chair, a signal that the interview was over. Her husband was an attorney in nearby Portland, so she probably didn’t even need to work. “Be sure to let me know if there is anything I can do.”

  “Thank you.” Emma’s reply was automatic as she got to her feet on legs that trembled.

  Sandra’s bright smile was firmly in place when she circled the desk and opened the door. “Good luck.”

  Emma didn’t have another “thank you” left in her, so she merely nodded before she walked back through the outer office. At least it was empty, so she didn’t have to put on a happy face for the next clueless employee.

  How much bad news was one person expected to handle without screaming, she wondered silently as she walked through the summer sunshine to her car? Two miscarriages, a divorce and now this.

  When Don walked out, leaving her with a broken heart and a stack of bills, she’d been grateful for supportive parents and a job she enjoyed. In less than a week, she had lost both.


  “Mr. Davis asked me to convey his apologies for running late. He’ll see you just as soon as he finishes his call.” The assista
nt adjusted her headset and smiled at Emma Wright, who was seated in the small waiting area.

  The brass nameplate resting on the corner of the desk next to a potted plant with purple leaves read Cora Hanson. Behind her blond head, the tall windows framed a summer sky that was the same intense blue as the most precious turquoise jewelry.

  “Is there anything I could get you?” Cora asked. “Coffee? Some water?”

  Emma shook her head. “No, thank you. I’m fine.”

  Actually she had been anything but fine since first learning about Children’s Connection, an adoption agency associated with Portland General Hospital. Coffee would only make her more jittery. As for water, well, she didn’t want any interruptions once she got in to see Morgan Davis, the agency director.

  Scarcely able to contain her impatience after waiting a week for her appointment, Emma had arrived early at the sprawling medical complex. She was meeting a friend for lunch afterward and hoped to have some startling news to share.

  After parking her car in the garage, she’d followed the signs directing her past lawns that were still green despite the dry July weather and well-tended flower beds exploding with color.

  Now she flipped through the pages of a travel magazine without the slightest idea of what she saw there. Her hands shook with a combination of nerves and anticipation, her palms damp and her heart thudding.

  She hadn’t seen it coming, the bomb her parents dropped that shattered Emma’s life as she’d known it. She hadn’t suspected a thing, not until she looked into her mother’s eyes and saw the lie. In just a few minutes, though, she would finally have what she needed to begin piecing the scattered bits of her life back together.

  “Ms. Wright?” The assistant had sneaked up without Emma’s notice to hover expectantly. “If you’d come with me, Mr. Davis will see you now.”

  Emma shot to her feet so fast that she actually felt dizzy. Refusing to give in to the momentary weakness, she clutched her purse tightly as she followed the other woman down a short hallway. Ahead of her was an imposing set of double doors. One of them stood open.

  Cora stepped aside and motioned for Emma to go on in.

  A handsome black-haired man in a gray suit stood in front of a massive, heavily carved desk. The formality of his appearance made Emma feel slightly self-conscious about her own casual summer top and tan skirt.

  “Ms. Wright? I’m Morgan Davis.” He extended his hand, his grip warm and firm. “Won’t you come in and have a seat?”

  He nodded to his assistant, who shut the door quietly behind her. Emma took one of the purple tub chairs in front of the desk and the tall windows. Willing herself to be calm, she drew in a deep, slow breath.

  Instead of returning to his black leather throne, the director surprised her by sitting in the chair next to hers. He was startlingly attractive, with deep blue eyes and cheekbones that would make a photographer weep. His dark tan was emphasized by his white shirt and maroon tie.

  Ignoring the awareness dancing across her nerves, Emma stayed focused on her mission. She glanced over at the folder lying open on the desktop behind him. Did it contain the information she had come here to find?

  He turned his head for a moment. His profile should have been on a stamp. His jaw was strong, his nose straight and his black eyelashes were as thick as the bristles of a paintbrush. Before she reeled herself back in, Emma wondered if the honey-gold tan of his face and hands extended to the rest of him.

  “How can I help you?” he asked, lifting his brows. As he rested his hands on his thighs, a gold ring glinted on one finger.

  Thank God he couldn’t read her mind.

  Emma crossed her legs, trying not to fidget, and moistened her suddenly dry lips. She’d planned so carefully what she wanted to say, but now her mind threatened to go blank.

  “I just found out that your agency handled my adoption,” she finally blurted out, lacing her fingers together tightly. “Is that my file on your desk?”

  “That’s right,” he replied without turning his head. “As you can imagine, our records go back many years.” He folded his arms loosely across his chest. His smile flashed even white teeth. “I hope there isn’t a problem.”

  Sitting rigidly, she lifted her chin. The sense of injustice and pain still raged inside her. “The problem is that I wasn’t told about it until a very short time ago.”

  He frowned, clearly puzzled. “About this agency?”

  “About being adopted,” she clarified. “I had no idea until now.”

  His expression softened as he leaned forward. “I’m so sorry.” His voice was husky. “After all this time, the news must have come as quite a shock. I expect it’s been difficult for you.”

  “Yes, very.” She pressed her lips together to keep them from trembling. Her voice wobbled. “That’s why I’m here, to find out what I can.”

  His frown returned. “I’ll help in any way that I can, of course,” he replied, “but I’m not sure what you’re asking.”

  “I need the names of my biological parents,” she said firmly. The Wrights had claimed not to have that information, but her faith in their honesty had taken a major hit and she wasn’t sure that she believed them.

  “If you don’t mind my asking, how did this all come about?” He spread his hands wide. “After keeping your adoption a secret for all this time, what made them suddenly decide to tell you, do you know?”

  His sympathetic smile and his show of interest threatened to shatter Emma’s composure. Afraid she might break down and start sobbing, she clenched her teeth and stared down at her toes, painted red to match her shirt.

  No one else except her parents—her adoptive parents, she reminded herself—knew the situation. Since she was no longer speaking to them, she’d had no one to confide in. She hadn’t even told her close friend, Ivy Crosby, who’d been out of the country on business.

  Ivy had been supportive throughout every bad thing that had happened to Emma, who was beginning to feel like a drama queen. Maybe she’d bring Ivy up to speed on her latest disaster over lunch.

  Deliberately Emma stiffened her spine. “I found out just recently that I have a medical condition which is usually considered to be hereditary,” she began.

  His eyes narrowed with concern. “I hope it’s nothing serious.”

  “Well, I’m not dying or anything like that,” she said quickly.

  He made a noncommittal murmur of relief.

  There was no point in telling him about her endometriosis, a condition in which cells similar to those found in the uterus formed lesions in other areas of the body. It was a condition that sometimes caused a woman to miscarry.

  “It’s just that when I talked to my mother—” Emma shook her head and corrected herself “—my adoptive mother, it became obvious that I didn’t inherit it from her.”

  Emma swallowed hard as she recalled her feeling of relief that Sally Wright hadn’t had to suffer even the minor discomfort associated with the condition. Her reluctance to discuss it and her uncharacteristic nervousness hadn’t raised Emma’s suspicions until later, when she went back over everything she could remember about their conversation.

  “I assumed then that I must have gotten the problem from the paternal side of the family,” she continued, “but I was wrong.”

  “You discussed it with your adoptive father?” he asked.

  “With my grandmother the next time I visited her. It was obvious from what she said that she never experienced any of the symptoms.”

  Emma swallowed the bitter taste of regret. “Sometimes I wish that I had let the subject drop, but I can’t go back, can I?” she asked the man seated across from her.

  “If that were possible, I’m sure there are things in all our lives that we would change.”

  Was that sadness she heard in his deep voice, or merely empathy? With his looks and his position of authority here, plus whatever else he had going, did he still have regrets?

  “What did you do after that?” he pr
ompted her gently.

  “I did some research on the Web,” she admitted grimly, “and then I hotfooted it back to the Wrights’ house with a couple of real burning questions.”

  “The Internet may not be the best place to get medical information,” he reminded her. “There can be many different ways to interpret whatever you might find there.”

  “Oh, I know.” Emma had been bluffing when she brought the subject up again. “I tried not to jump to any conclusions, but there was a look that passed between my parents—”

  This time she didn’t bother to correct herself as she bowed her head. The habit of more than a quarter of a century wasn’t going to be changed in a matter of weeks, no matter the sense of betrayal burning in her heart.

  “Anyway,” she continued, blinking hard, “a red flag went up and I just knew.” She looked back at him. “At first they denied everything, but I kept pushing. Finally the whole sordid story came out.”

  Since he’d read Emma’s file, he knew more about her right now than she did. “Are you sure that it’s sordid?” he asked.

  “That’s what I’m here to find out.”

  His expression changed, becoming more wary. “What do you mean?” He touched the knot of his tie, as though it had suddenly gotten too tight. The flash of gold she had noticed on his hand earlier looked like a college ring.

  Emma rolled her eyes. “After the big confession, they actually expected me to accept their apology, let the subject drop, to go on as though nothing was any different.” She waved her hand in a gesture of dismissal. “But of course I can’t do that.”

  It had been painfully clear to her that her adoptive parents had never intended to tell her the truth at all. Thank God the subject was no longer shrouded in secrecy.

  “So that’s why I’ve come to you.” Emma gave him what she hoped to be a beguiling smile. “I’m here to find out about my real parents.”

  When he remained silent, a sudden feeling of panic gripped her and she couldn’t resist glancing over at that open folder on his desk. What if it was incomplete? What if part of her file had been somehow lost, or destroyed in a fire or a flood?


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