Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9)

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Redemption is Here (An FBI/Romance Thriller Book 9) Page 9

by Morgan Kelley

  This had to be one hell of a fluke or the apocalypse.

  Then again, only time would tell.

  * * *

  As Callen was assisting the team with loading up the bodies, he was getting nervous. Night was falling, and he still hadn’t heard from Elizabeth. If she couldn’t procure them a location to work, they had one hell of a problem.

  When they had the last body loaded up, his phone finally rang. Glancing down, relief filled him when her face appeared on his phone.

  “Angel, do we have a home base?”

  “Yeah, we do, Cal. I’ll transmit the location. It’s not ideal, but it’ll have to work.”

  He motioned to his ME, putting his phone on speaker. “Where’s it at?”

  “We have a morgue, but it hasn’t been used in over twenty years. I think tonight is going to be more about placing the bodies in the coolers and working on getting it sterilized and clean. That’s the good news, Cal.”

  He didn't like this. “And the bad?”

  “Well, it’s not really bad. I guess you could say that it is just irritatingly inconvenient.”

  “Okay, hit me with it.”

  “The town morgue is in the basement of the police station. We’re going to be dealing with nosey cops. You can already tell they’re going to be bugging the shit out of me.”

  He started laughing. “Well, that’s not really anything different than what normally happens, now is it?”

  “Oh, and when you get here, you have to yell at me for taking so long.”


  There was laughing in the background from Madden and Seaton.

  “You have to pretend you’re my boss, so be mean to me. I’ll explain it later. The address is on its way. I have to go.” With that, she hung up. If she didn't, Elizabeth knew she would be crying.

  Yeah, from all the laughter.

  “Elizabeth! Wait!” he yelled into the phone, but it was too late, she was gone. Callen wasn’t sure what the hell was going on, but he wasn’t about to argue with her. For now, they had a place, and that meant getting the team out of the woods. He wasn’t big on being creeped out, but a cemetery, Native dumping ground, and four mummies was his max for the moment.

  At that moment, he was in the mood to find his woman and figure out what the hell she was talking about.

  Oddly enough, the new anthropologist wasn’t the only handful on the team.

  His woman was definitely one too.

  * * *

  Pulling up to the morgue, Callen and the rest of the team could see Elizabeth and her two agents waiting for them. They were leaning against the side of the Navigator, and she was eating an apple.

  Well, at least she was feeding their child.

  “Sorry it took so long,” he stated, hopping down from the Denali. As he crossed to her, he noticed the two agents were struggling not to laugh. “What’s up with them?”

  “They’re having a hard time adjusting. Devil’s Lake is just a bizarre town.” She told him all about the way she had to manipulate the men inside with her sweetness. Callen almost didn't look like he was buying it.

  Both agents agreed. “We saw it,” offered Johanna Madden. “The boss lady smiled, was polite, and didn't mind when they called her sweetheart and sugar. In fact, when the old guy hit on her, she didn't lose her mind.”

  Callen went ramrod stiff.

  Elizabeth glanced over at her agent. “Uh, that’s way too much information there, Agent. This is where you head off and help the ME get the bodies inside,” she stated, watching them scatter.

  “Care to explain?” he asked, trying to remain calm.

  “Well, you’re going to find this funny.”

  “I somehow doubt that,” Callen stated, as the two anthropologists approached.

  “It seems that the sheriff thought I was available.”

  Crossing his arms, he lifted a brow waiting on the punchline. Apparently, he was missing the funny part.

  Tony started laughing.

  “Zip it, Tony,” she warned.

  “So, let me get this straight. A seventy year old man was hitting on my woman, and you think it’s funny. Who else was doing it, because while I may feel bad about kicking his ass, I won’t if there’s anyone else.”

  “Well, there was the deputy.”

  He stared at her.

  “Or three, but it doesn’t matter since I scored us a conference room and a morgue. This is mission accomplished.” She held out her fist, waiting for him to celebrate with her.

  Callen stared at her. Oh hell, no. It wasn’t happening. If she thought he was going to let it go, she was very wrong. Pushing her hand out of the way, he didn't give her an option. Callen yanked her toward him and kissed her senseless. If his brother was around, there would have been a nuclear disaster.

  Jax Armstrong stared in complete confusion. She had met Ethan Blackhawk and was pretty sure that he said he was married to Elizabeth.

  Yet, that was one hell of a kiss, and not with her husband.

  Tony leaned over to whisper in her ear. “Fraternal polyandry.”

  Her eyes went big when realization dawned. “As in your article in the journal?”

  He promised them anonymity and simply shrugged. If Tony wanted the second article, he had to keep his mouth shut.

  Jaxon got the hint.

  “We’re ready to move them,” yelled Doctor Legend from the truck.

  Callen set her free. “You’re lucky I’m the calm one, or that wouldn’t have ended the same way,” he warned, before heading with the team to the back of the building.

  Elizabeth didn't doubt that for a second.

  Pulling out the key which the sheriff had given her, she unlocked the doors and headed down the stairs. At the bottom, she hit the lights.

  “Holy shit!” she muttered. “This is like a cobweb storage room.” As she moved out of the way, the techs began filing in to get things organized and ready to go. There was no way that they could open the bodies in this kind of mess.

  Who knew what was going to contaminate the victims?

  “Jesus,” muttered Doctor Legend. “It would have been more sterile to open them in the woods.”

  Jaxon could have mentioned that was her intent all along, but instead she kept her mouth closed.

  Just then, a door across the room creaked open and Elizabeth pulled her gun, Callen not far behind her. The deputy jumped before raising his arms.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. I was just coming down to check on you,” stated Deputy Turner. “I didn't know y’all were trigger happy.”

  “Is he the one who hit on you,” Callen whispered, lowering his sidearm.

  In this case, it was best to ignore him.

  “Deputy, this is my… um… boss,” she stated, pointing at Callen. “This is Director Whitefox.”

  The man came forward to shake his hand. “If you don’t mind me sayin’, sir, you shouldn’t yell at this pretty thing. She’s as sweet as strawberries in June.”

  He wasn’t sure if he should laugh or pummel the man’s face into oblivion. On second thought, he’d bitch slap him for being an idiot. This boy had no clue what he was dealing with.

  “Yeah, well, she might get spanked later,” he muttered, shaking his hand.

  The man looked confused as the two agents started laughing. He wasn’t sure what he missed.

  The introductions continued, “This is my ME, Doctor Zane Legend. He’s going to be working on the bodies. These are my bone experts. This is Doctor Jax Armstrong and Doctor Tony Magnus, and they’re going to be assisting.”

  Deputy Turner shook everyone’s hands. “The sheriff told me to make sure you have everything you need. All you have to do is call,” he said, holding out his card.

  Callen intercepted it. “Yeah, thanks. We’re going to be locking that door. If someone comes in, we’re prone to shoot first and ask questions after the fact. You know how we Feds are.”

  Apparently, Callen was taking the title ‘boss’ rather serious.
  “Yes, Director, sir.”

  They waited until he headed out.

  “Zane, can you work with this morgue?” she asked, hoping they could pull it off.

  He headed over to the chiller to pull a drawer out. Already, it was getting cooler inside.

  “Yeah, I’m just glad we brought our own tools. I can’t imagine trying to do an autopsy with a chainsaw and two screwdrivers,” he said, pointing to the tools in the corner.

  “Well, chill the victims down and help get the place up to standard. Tomorrow, you can start the autopsies. It’s been a long day for everyone. It shouldn’t take more than two hours to get this room sterilized.”

  Zane was good with that since he was beat.

  “I’ll give you your hotel assignments,” she began, reading off the room numbers to the techs and agents. Then, she gave Zane his.

  “I’m going to get to work,” he offered, walking off with Meredith to organize their temporary home.

  “What about me?” asked Tony.

  “Well, we had a problem. At first, there was no plan to have you on site. When Ethan tried to get another room at the motel, it was full, so you have special accommodations.”

  He could only imagine. “You aren’t going to say the truck, are you?”

  Elizabeth offered him a fist bump. “Hell no! You get to come to the Rez. They have cabins there, and you’ll have your own private accommodations. Will you be okay with staying alone? I’m told that it’s not far from ours.”

  He would have rather been with the beautiful doctor, but there was no way he could gracefully bring that up. Well, not without sounding like a creepy freak. “Yeah, I’m good with that.”

  Jax raised her hand like she was still in school.

  Elizabeth lifted a brow. “Yes?”

  “How big are the cabins?” she asked.

  “There are two bedrooms,” Callen offered.

  “I really don’t mind staying there with Doctor Magnus. He can tell me all about his journal articles and get me up to speed on how to work on a crime scene.”

  Tony immediately stared beseechingly over at Elizabeth. If there was ever a moment that he was sorry for unmercifully busting her ass, it was right then. Who knew a beautiful woman would be offering to stay with him?

  Damn it, karma!

  He swore Chris had cursed him.

  Elizabeth had two choices. Torment the man or play Cupid. Well, here went nothing. “You can stay wherever you want, Doctor,” she answered, giving Tony an early Christmas present. “The techs will have Zane to keep them in line. We all know that I can’t leave them alone. They’re incorrigible.”

  He was going to kiss her when they were alone.

  “I can help Jax get acclimated. It would be my pleasure to do that for her.”

  Glancing over at the man, Jaxon was a little disappointed. “I don’t know how much you can teach me. You’re leaving tomorrow, right?” Jax asked him.

  It was hard not to run around in big, happy circles. “No, I’ll be staying for the duration.”

  The female anthropologist smiled warmly at him. “That’s great, Tony.”

  Callen shook his head. Cupid was out in full force.

  Elizabeth gave them their directives for the night. “After you both help out in the morgue, you can leave for the night. I’m betting once Zane cracks open the victims tomorrow, you’re going to have one hell of a day.”

  Tony couldn’t wait. Not only was he about to spend the night with the beautiful doctor, he was going to work with her all day too.

  Callen sent him the address of the cabin. In an email to Dakota Molala, he advised them that they would be using another cabin for their investigation.

  “Tony, you need to be here by seven tomorrow morning. That’s generally when Zane likes to start.”

  He saluted as he led the other anthropologist away. Over his shoulder, he glanced back and mouthed, ‘Thank you’.

  She was entertained by it all.

  “Come on, Cupid,” Callen stated. “We’ll load up my things and head out.”

  Elizabeth took his hand. “I brought some supplies from home. We’ll need to stop tomorrow but for tonight, we have the basics.”

  He brought their joined hands to his lips to leave a kiss over their wedding rings. “Angel, to spend the night with you, I’d skip eating in a heartbeat.”

  She didn't doubt that for a second, but unfortunately, Charlie had other plans. If she wasn’t fed, Elizabeth was sick to her stomach.

  Outside, Callen grabbed his bags from the one Denali before tossing his keys to a passing tech.

  “No joyriding!” Elizabeth stated, all the while pointing at the man.

  He simply saluted.

  Heading toward the Navigator, across the parking lot, Elizabeth heard a familiar voice, right before dread settled in.

  It was the sheriff.

  Well, hell.

  As she turned, Callen moved to stand in front of her, protecting her from the man in the beat up truck.

  “Are you her boss?” he asked, pointing at Callen.

  Elizabeth made the introductions and prayed that Callen could remain calm. The odds weren’t in her favor.

  “I am,” he replied, propagating the lie his woman had begun. Elizabeth was generally straight forward. If she didn't admit she was the boss, there had to be a reason, especially since her belt buckle clearly stated otherwise.

  “You should be nice to this filly. She’s as gentle as a lamb and a good girl,” the sheriff stated.

  Callen glanced over his shoulder and nearly laughed at the absurdity of that statement.

  Yeah, she had this man snowed big time.

  “I’ll try,” he replied as the man pulled away. When he was gone, Callen stared at her. “What exactly did you do in there? Witchcraft or black magick?”

  The expression on his face was entertaining. “Hey! I resent that. I am sweet and gentle. You two brutes don’t appreciate how lucky you both are.”

  Now, it was his turn to be amused.

  “Let’s get you back to the cabin. I need to feed you. You’re obviously delirious.”

  * * *

  It didn't take long to get the morgue cleaned up. After helping the techs, and setting up their space, Tony glanced over at the petite woman.

  She’d been chatty and pleasant the entire time.

  “Hey, do you want to grab dinner?”

  Jax glanced over, a little surprised. “Yeah, that sounds great. I don’t cook, so I live off energy bars and drinks.”

  He had a better idea. “I could cook us dinner. I happen to be extremely proficient in the kitchen. My best friend’s wife has been teaching me a few new things.” Thank God for Cyra. He was going to thank her the next time he saw her. Who knew cooking was going to come in handy?

  “That sounds good, Tony.”

  “There’s a grocery store not far away and it’s still early. We can swing in and get whatever you like.”

  Jax couldn’t help but stare at the man. Here, a sexy, sweet, and intelligent man was willing to make her dinner. Gazing into his aqua eyes, she finally spoke, “Why don’t you surprise me?”

  Yeah, he could do that.

  When he moved closer to her, she froze in place before placing her finger on the dent of his chin. Finally, she found her voice. “You’re cute, Doctor Magnus. I’m looking forward to tonight.”

  Then, she walked away.

  Tony nearly had a heart attack. Here, a beautiful woman called him cute. Most females told him he was too smart for his own good. But Jaxon, an intelligent woman, was giving him compliments.


  He wished Chris was around. He had a million questions and no one to answer them.

  * * *

  As the couple pulled up to the cabin, they looked around. It was definitely smaller than Callen’s back home, but they really only needed a kitchen and bed. When working in the field, Elizabeth and Callen were accustomed to roughing it.

  “I guess we’re
home,” he said, carrying her bags toward the cabin.

  “Yeah, we are,” she stated, grabbing their provisions. “I’m absolutely starving,” Elizabeth stated. “This child is ravenous all the time. I have no idea why I’m not the size of a bus.”

  “You think you’re always eating, but I’ve watched you, Lyzee. You really don’t.”

  She’d have to take his word for it. Elizabeth could swear she was always shoving food in her face.

  Opening the door, Callen headed right for the fireplace. “How about I get some wood chopped, and you start cooking? Then, we can eat in front of the fire and curl up in bed. Today had to be tiring for you.”

  She was more than good with that. Each day was getting progressively longer, but that was the norm with pregnancy.

  As Callen headed outside, Elizabeth found a pot and got the water boiling for pasta. Normally, Ethan would make them his sauce, but he wasn’t there. So, they were relegated to using a jar.

  Again, they were roughing it.

  Once Elizabeth had everything going, she headed over to the window to watch Callen chop wood.

  Her heart skipped.

  As of late, he’d been growing his hair back in, and she was glad. Where Ethan had decided to keep the new cut, in honor of the second chance he was granted, Callen had taken the opposite route. There was no doubt how much he missed his.

  Honestly, Elizabeth did too.

  She loved running her fingers through it while they made love or simply while they lounged on the couch. She couldn’t wait until it was back. There was something about his brown curtain of silky hair as it rained over her during sex.

  Yeah, she missed it.

  As he swung the ax, her heart skipped even more. Her focus was on his big hands. Later, she was going to get him to run them all over her body. There was nothing more erotic than the way Callen shared all of himself with her.

  It heated Elizabeth’s blood, stirred her soul, and gave her peace.

  As he finished with his task, she raced back into the kitchen, not to get caught ogling the man. If she did, he’d bust her ass.


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