Gauging box, 105
Gendarmes, 244
Gentleman’s Magazine, The, 209
Germans, as navvies, 243
Gibbon, Lieutenant (India), 274
Gillies, The Rev. James (chaplain of the Lancaster and Carlisle), 125, 203, 226
Gin, 56, 152
Glasgow and South Western, The, 187
Gleanings from a Navvy’s Scrapbook, 191
Glossop, 141
Gloucester and Bristol, The, 78
Gorebridge, 114, 117, 119
Gradients, 20, 48
Graham, Sir James (Home Secretary), 171, 177
Grand Trunk of Canada, 76, 252
Graveyards, 199
Great Central, The, 265, 276–9, 280; 99, 266, 276, 280
Great Western Railway, The, 20, 25, 32; finding of Roman relics, 35; 47, 73; casualties, 86; 132, 133
Greenwich, 60
Grimstone Tunnel, 219
Hangings, 25
Hardy, Thomas, 60, 200; 200
Harewood (Diana, Lady), 38, 235
Harrison, Dr J. G., 160
Hattersley, Richard (contractor), 139, 140, 156
Hawkshaw, John (engineer), 81
Hayes, James (Daddy) (navvy), 38
Hayter, Harrison (president of the Institute of Civil Engineers), 283
Hepton, near Burnley, 74
History of the English Railway, The (1851), 35
Hobday, John (navvy), 111, 115
Horses, carriages hauled by, 21; work of, 48–52 passim, 56; 73, 143; value of hunters compared with that of navvy, 168; dislike of swearing, 218; 249; shipped to the Crimea, 257; 262; on the Settle and Carlisle, 265–6
Hospitals, 87, 268
Hours of work, 79, 141, 149; of Neapolitans and Danes, 252
Household Words, 95
Hudson, George, M.P. (railway promoter), 39; member of Committee of Inquiry, 173, 177; 265
Hull, 214
Hunter, Mrs (missionary), 218
Huskisson, William, M.P., 86–7; 87
Huts, 22; overcrowding of, 120–1; at Woodhead, 138, 139, 141, 142, 144; to be built by contractors, 202; recreation, 209; 211; mission, 219, 221; 225, 252; Neapolitan, 252, 226, 227; at Batty Green, 268; 271; 99 (see also Shanties)
Illnesses, 142, 143, 144, 225
Illustrated London News, The, 157, 256, 261, 263
L’Illustration, 248
Immorality, 121, 218, 223, 232, 234
Impiety, 36–7, 150, 197–222 passim, 280
India, 274
Indus, The, 274
Inkerman, 256
Inquests, 38, 91, 146
Irish, as navvies, 25; Peto’s description, 82; their fights with the Scots, 111–22 passim; 206, 268
Israelites, navvies compared to, 282
Italy, 251
Jenour, Thomas (scripture reader), 37, 205
Jones (agent for Brassey), 245
Jury, 122–3
Katrine, 126
Kendal, 115
Kilsby Tunnel, 32–3; 16, 33
Kinghorn (near Dunfermline), 112
Kinnaird, The Hons. Emily and Gertrude, 235
Kitchens, soup, 220, 235, 248
Labour among the Navvies, 209
Labourers, distinguished from navvies, 26
Lancaster and Carlisle, The, 36, 115
Landladies, 99; warning to, 215; 227
Landowners, 126; greed of, 198; 224
Landslide, at Woodhead, 158
Languages, on foreign lines, 242–3
Lecount, Lieutenant Peter (assistant engineer to Robert Stephenson), his opinion of navvies, 24; 28; boasting about railway works, 42–3; 71, 224
Lee, William (miner), 152, 162
Leech (sub-contractor),74–6
Leeds and Thirsk, The, 209
Leicester, 126
Leicester plan, 220
Liability of employers, Chadwick’s proposals, 175–6; recommendations of Committee of Inquiry, 176–7; in France, 246–9
Library, 219, 268
Life of Joseph Locke, The, 141, 150
Lindley Wood, 209
Lingua franca, 243
List, Alfred (Superintendent of Police), 225–6
Liverpool and Manchester, The, 21, 25, 40; gradients on, 46; 48; difficulties of building, 49; 50–1, 57, 63; death on, 83; opening of, 86
Liverpool Mercury, The, 21, 58, 83
Locke, Joseph (engineer), 40; his work on the London and South Western, 47; 65; at Woodhead, 137, 139, 141, 150; on the Paris to Rouen, 242, 245, 250–1; 265
Lockerby (Dumfriesshire), 113
Locomotives, limited performance of, 46; shipped to Crimea, 262
Lodgings, 99
London and Birmingham, The, 24, 25; local labour on, 28; deaths on, 32; 38, 40; as greatest public work, 42–5; gradients on, 47; 48; barrow runs on, 52–3; failure of contractors on, 70; 72–3, 76, 82, 84, 103; randies on, 125; 223, 279
London and South Western, The, 47, 65
London Bridge, 60
London to Portsmouth, 47
Lord’s cricket ground, 276–7
Loyalty of navvies to employers, 129–35
McDermott, Frederick (writer), 62
MacGill, Patrick (navvy poet and writer), 187–91
Mackay (one of Brassey’s staff), 79
Mackenzie, William (contractor), 242
Magistrates, 26, 32; powerless, 75; intervention of, 115; 126; at Mickleton, 131–3; power to appoint special constables, 166
Managers, 211
Manchester, 25, 143, 144, 199
Manchester and Salford Mission, 142, 150; later called Manchester City Mission, 269
Manchester Guardian, The, 26; report of Huskisson’s death, 86; 89; report of feast, Woodhead, 156; 159; leaders on Chadwick’s pamphlet, 170; 223
Manchester Statistical Society, 163, 166, 171
Manton to Kettering, The, improved organization on, 100–1; cost of drink, 104; nicknames on, 180–2
Marchant (contractor), 131–5
Maremma, 252
Marriage, 223–36
Marriage ceremony, at Woodhead, 22, 170
Masefield, John (Poet Laureate), 51
Materials shipped to Crimea, 258
M.C.C., 276
Memorial, at Ely, 207; at Chapel-le-Dale, 272; at Otley, 210
Methodists, 150, 206
Metropolitan Railway, 275
Mickleton Tunnel, battle of, 131–5
Midland Railway, 183, 199
Military, the, controlling mob at Ashton, 88; putting down riots, 111; on the Caledonian line, 113; at Penrith, 114–5; on the Edinburgh to Hawick, 119, 120
Miners, 268
Mining in Cornwall, 147
Ministers, dissenting, 150
Missionaries, at Woodhead, 142, 145, 150; 187, 205–6, 208–10, 216; their work, 217–9; 224, 226; at Batty Green, 268, 269; 282
Mission House, 283
Moodie, Frank (contractor’s assistant), 270
Moorsom, Captain Constantine (director of Chester to Holyhead), 202
Moravians, 150, 154, 206
Motorways, 40, 286
Moule Evans, The Rev. Lewis (founder of the Navvy Mission Society), 209, 212
Muirkirk and Ayr, The, 126, 170
Murders, 121, 127
Napoleon, 123
Navigators, 24, 28, 29
Navvies, The (novel), 237
Navvies and their Needs, 209
Navvy, steam, 62 (see also Excavator)
Navvy, A Saint of God, A, 282–3
Navvy’s Dying Words, A, 208
Navvy Mission Society, The, 29, 209; its work, 1209–22; 284
Neapolitans, as navvies, 252
Newcastle, Duke of, 254
New South Wales, 78
Nicholson, Thomas (contractor), at Woodhead, 139, 148, 151–6, 206, 224
Nicknames, 30, 95, 179–84; of Indians, 224 (see also Aliases)
Nonconformists, 206, 208
Normandy, 244
nbsp; Northampton Herald, The, 183
Northumberland, 268
Norway, 251
Norwich, Bishop of, 207
Norwich election riots, 129–30
Notices (in the Quarterly Letter), 212–7, 232–4
Nottingham, 219, 275, 277, 288
Nottingham and Lincoln, The, 69
Nottingham and Melton, The, 219
Numbers of navvies, 20; on the London and Birmingham, 28; at Blisworth, 30; 43; mining under Liverpool, 57–8; on the L.S.W.R., 63; employed by Peto, 66; in New South Wales, 77-8; injured on the Great Western, 86; to a hut, 98, 99; on the Manton to Kettering, 100; on the Caledonian line, 113; rioting at Penrith, 114–5; rioting at Gorebridge, 117; at Norwich election riots, 129–30; at Battle of Mickleton, 131–3; working at Woodhead, 137–8, 139, 154; dead of cholera, 158–9; average, on public works, 210; needed in France, 242; taken to Canada, 252; on Settle to Carlisle, 265; at Batty Green, 268; emigrating, 274–4; on M.S. & L.R. London extension, 277
Nurses, 160, 257
Olive Mount, 40; 41
Omnibuses, 250
Opening, of Woodhead, 136–7; of Paris to Rouen, 248
Opposition to Railway, 46; of clergy, 198; London extension, 275–6
Organs, mouth, 219
Origin, of navvies, 26–7; of the word ‘navvies’, 28–9
Palmerston, 254
Paris, 94, 248
Paris and Le Havre, 174
Paris to Rouen, 242–51, 281; 243
Parker, John, M.P., 158
Pastoral Aid Society, The, 37, 203
Pay, 31; equal sharing of, 65; stoppage of, 74–5; generosity of, 76–81; comparative table, 78; sick, 88, 144; and truck, 108; at Woodhead, 140, 144; cost per year, 163–4; average, 174–5; in France, 244, 251; for Belgians, 245; improved in France by presence of English navvies, 251; for Neapolitans, 252; in Canada, 255–6; in the Crimea, 257; allotted to wives, 257; on the Settle and Carlisle, 266; in India, 274
Pay days, 124; at Woodhead, 143, 145, 159; in France, 249
Payment of Wages Bill, 110
Pearce, Richard (labourer), 99
Peasants, Norman, as navvies, 252
Peel, Sir Robert, 26; his reply to Chadwick, 165; 170, 175
Penistone, 150, 151
Penmaenmawr, 26
Penrith, 114–5
Pension Fund, The Aged Navvies, 88
Peto, S[amuel] Morton, later Sir Morton (contractor, created baronet 1855), 32, 39, 63; as direct employer, 66; popularity of, 70; failure of, 80; his address to the Crown, as M.P., 81–2; his compensation to widows, 88; attitude to drink, 106; on truck, 109; at Norwich election, 128–31; at Mickleton Tunnel, 131–5; on religious instruction for navvies, 204–5, 207; in the Crimea, 254–64 passim; 128
Piece work, 64, 270
Piedmontese, as navvies, 243
Pisa, 235
Pledge, Temperance, 211
Pleydell Bouverie, The Hon. E., M.P., 171; chairman of Select Committee, 173–6 passim
Poaching, 97, 272
Poems, of Alexander Anderson, 187–91; of Patrick MacGill, 194–6
Police, 26, 116; ineffectiveness of, 117–9; 121–2; at Norwich, 129–30; at Mickleton Tunnel, 133; at Woodhead, 145
Police Correctionelle, 246
Police News, 85, 102, 211
Pomfret, Henry (surgeon), chosen by navvies at Woodhead, 141, 145–9 passim; evidence before Commons Select Committee, 152–4; 171, 173–4
Pont de Maisons, 248
Poole and Dorsetshire Herald, The, 50, 93, 123
Portugal, 70
Port wine, cure for cholera, 160
Post office (Batty Green), 268
Preparation of land for railway, 49
Priests (Roman Catholic), 206
Printing press, 219
Prize fighting, 125, 260,269
Proposals, Chadwick’s (to improve navvy life), 169
Prostitution, 228
Publicans, 103
Purdon, Wellington (assistant engineer), at Woodhead, 139, 141, 147–55, 158; witness before Select Committee, 174
Pyramid (compared with railway works), 42–3
Quarterly Letter to Navvies, The, 29, 212–21, 132–5, 284
Raffle, of navvy’s body, 92–3
Raglan, General, 253, 258, 264
Rain, effects of, 72; constant, at Woodhead, 138; effect of, on Settle and Carlisle, 265–6
Ramsay, Alexander (engineer), 98
Randies, 111–35 passim, 145, 222
Rawlinson, Robert (engineer), 38, 72, 103, 124; letter to Chadwick, 165; witness before Select Committee, 174; 226 Readers, scripture, 207, 257; 167
Recklessness, 32, 83, 142, 247
Reed, William (director of Paris to Rouen), 247
Reform Act (1832), 25
Reprieve, 123
Revolvers, 258
Reward, 122
Ribblesdale, 266
Ridgeway (Devon), 126
Riots, at Penmaenmawr, 26; at Hepton, 74–5; at Maiden Newton, 93; 111–135; on the Chester and Holyhead, 205; 224, 244; on voyage to Crimea 259; on the Settle to Carlisle, 272
Riot Act, 26, 131
Roberton, John (surgeon), against truck, 110; at Woodhead, 141–6, 149, 150, 152, 153; letter to Chadwick, 163–5; 166
Roman Catholics, 111, 206, 248
Roman relics, 35
Rouen, 250
Rouen and Le Havre, The, 250
Rouen to Dieppe, 250
Round Down Cliff, 55–6
Routes, choice of, 46–7
Rugby to Market Harborough, The, 69
Running, making the, 52–3
Runs, swing, 249
Ruskin, John, 41
Russell, William (The Times correspondent, Crimea), 259–60
Russians (Crimea), 254–5; 254
St Arnaud, General, 253
St Benedict, 285
St James, Woodhead, 149
St Lawrence, 253
St Pancras, churchyard, 199
Sargent, The Rev. William St George (railway chaplain), 36–7, 203–4
Savoyards, as navvies, 243
School for navvies, 205
Scots, as navvies, 27, 111–21 passim
Scotsman, The, 190
Scottish Herald, The, 112, 120, 121
Scottish Temperance League, 103
Segregation, of races 117
Seine, The, 242, 245
Self-Help, 93
Services, divine, 125–6, 201–4, 210
Sets, 48
Settle, 265, 268
Settle and Carlisle, The, 48, 69, 79, 265–72
Sevastopol, 253, 255, 261; on Settle to Carlisle, 268, 270, 271
Shafts, 56–58, 140, 271, 281
Shanties, 95–104; 120–1, 126–7, 268 (see also Huts)
Sharland (engineer), 265
Shedlock, John (engineer), 35, 92
Sheffield, Manchester and Lincolnshire Railway, The (see Great Central)
Sheffield, Ashton-under-Lyne and Manchester Railway Company, 88, 136–63, 169, 171, 275
Ships, for the Crimea, 257
Siberia, 283
Sick clubs, organized by navvies, 88; at Woodhead, 151, 159; 215
Silence of working navvies, 55, 185
Simplon Tunnel, 284
Slang, 184–5
Sloping, 98–9, 216, 283
Smallpox, 165, 268
Smiles, Samuel, 93, 285
Smoking, of pipes, 209
Soldiers, in the Crimea, 253, 259; compared with navvies, 259, 262–4
Songs of a Navvy, 192
Song of Labour, 187
Songs of the Rail, 187
Sonnet at Furness Abbey, 197
South Africa, 274, 283
Southampton and Dorset, The, 92
South Devon Railway, The, 204
South Eastern Railway, The, 55
Speirs, Graham (Sheriff of Edinburgh), 116, 118, 120, 121, 174
Stalybridge, 88
Stemmers, 147–8r />
Stephenson, George (engineer), 46, 68; doubts about Woodhead, 140; 265; 68
Stephenson, Robert, 24; work at Olive Mount, 40; on the London and Birmingham, 47; at Chat Moss, 48–9; 63–4, 265, 279; 64
Stockport, 40
Stockton and Darlington Railway, 20–1, 24, 25, 48, 68, 139; 20
Stoicism, 86, 280–1
Strikes, 109, 204
Sub (subsistence allowance), 106
Sub-contractors, 28; their work, 63–6 passim; owners of truck shops, 107; 171, 245
Sudan, 273
Sundays, as work days, 143, 169, 198; services on, 202; as holiday, 112, 217; as fighting day, 269
Sunderland, Samuel (vicar), 150, 151
Superintendent, Manchester and Salford Town Mission, 269
Surveyors, 46–7; district, on Paris to Rouen, 246;
Swedes, as navvies, 252
Sydney, Archbishop of, 284
Symes, Walter (librarian), 219
Tally women, 142
Tame, River, 88
Tendering, 72
Tents, 137
Thackeray, William M., 280
Theft, 126, 214–5
Thompson, The Rev. John (chaplain), 204
Thompson, Peter (preacher and exnavvy), 209
Ticket navvy, 221
Timekeepers, 66, 231
Times, The, 130–1, 134, 137, 259
Tipping, 51, 245, 266–7; 266
Tommy shops, 31; rotten food at, 81; systems at, 106–8; 116; at Woodhead, 144 (see also Truck shops)
Toronto, 274
Tramping, 27, 32–4, 95, 231, 233, 278, 282
Tramping bob, 34
Transportation, 39, 111, 123, 168
Trial, 122
Tribunal du Premier Instance, 246
Tring, 54, 70; 54
Truck, 31; the system and its misuses, 95–110; 124; at Woodhead, 144; 165; Brunel’s opinion, 169; 202; tommy truck, 271
Truck Acts, in factories, 108; not enforced, 110; need for extension, 175
Truckmen, 116
Truck shops, 108, 245 (see also Tommy shops)
Truck tickets, 106,117; for beer, 144; 156
Tunnelling, nature of the work, 56; under Liverpool, 59–60; at night, 116; at Woodhead, 140, 143, 149; 245–7; on the Settle and Carlisle, 271; under Lords, 277; under Nottingham, 277–8; on the Paris to Rouen, 281
Undergraduates, 218
Undermining, 32, 83–4
United States of America, 62, 168
Varden (Brunel’s assistant), 131
Viaducts, 40, 60–1; at Ashton-under-Lyne, 88–92; at Barentin, 250–51; at Swardale, 267; 269, 279
Vignoles, Charles Blacker (engineer), 137–9, 140, 157
Wakley, Mr T., M.P., 173
Walker, James Scott (writer), 59
Walker, Thomas A. (missionary), 32–4, 74
Watkin, Sir Edward (chairman of Sheffield, Manchester and Lincolnshire Railway), 275, 276
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