Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights

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Mr Darcy's Cottage of Earthly Delights Page 28

by Beth Massey

  “I said yours was to wilfully misunderstand others. At the time, I was recklessly trying to tell you that you refused to see my regard. I both hoped and feared you would realize how much I admired you.”

  Darcy’s eyes bore into hers as though he attempted to convince her of some universal truth. “I have often observed that one’s best quality is often conversely one’s worst. It is the very excess of the particular characteristic that makes one vulnerable. I love that you never accept anything, just because it is the fashion.”

  He watched as she smiled at his evaluation of her. “It was your challenging of my opinions that solidified my love, but sometimes your defiance devastates me. I have always been exemplary in performing my duties, but I have not always taken the time to allow myself liveliness, and even to occasionally set aside responsibility in the interest of enjoyment. The result is my words often chafe you with their tone of obligation. We do, indeed, need to talk, but now is not the time. Your family is awaiting our return. I have long needed to clarify some aspects of my past.”

  Her eyes went wide as questions seemed to be forming, but she did not speak. He continued, “I am not the Darcy you imagine with no faults. You, on the other hand, need to reveal the source of your distrust. I will find a way for us to be alone tonight. Will that be agreeable?”

  Elizabeth looked contrite, and nodded her head in assent. Once more a kiss was bestowed. This one was long and lingering, and neither wanted to let go. They clung to each other, and their tongues sealed the agreement to move forward toward some much needed truth. When they finally pulled apart, Darcy drew a finger down her cheek and then lovingly arranged a stray curl. While he continued to gaze intently at her, she seemed to like the resolution that had crept into his eyes. In his most commanding tone, he spoke. “Let us pretend we are married, and as your lord and master I am used to your obedience in all matters. So in the role of compliant wife, I request you put on that face I saw when you told me ‘I love how you poke me.’ Darcy delivered the line with a mimicking melodramatic falsetto. He next adopted a very serious mien as he said, “We do not want any of the assembled to become suspicious of trouble in paradise.”

  Elizabeth swatted his bottom with a grin, and then added a pinch for emphasis. She sashayed toward the door. When she looked at him over her shoulder, she did, indeed, dutifully don the countenance he had requested. He whispered to her retreating form, “Expect me to reciprocate tonight.”

  When the couple re-entered the Gardiners’ parlour, both Mr and Mrs Bennet were pleased to see a broad smile on their daughter’s face. On closer inspection, they also noticed something else about Lizzy… a glow they remembered from the early days of their marriage. Their eyes connected with a shared understanding. Mr Bennet bent toward his wife and said, “We should talk tonight when we retire.” Her father noticed that Mr Darcy also appeared not quite glowing, but definitely flushed and his face was also sporting a smile… a smile that did not reach his eyes. Instead his eyes seemed to betray a certain apprehension and perhaps guilt. Could his Lizzy be the instigator? Perhaps, he and Mr Darcy should, once again, have a heart to heart when they discussed the marriage settlements.

  Mr Darcy surveyed those assembled. Lydia and Jon were sitting together in an alcove, and he noticed his friend was holding her hand quite openly. He appeared to be drawing lazy circles into her palm with his thumb. He was too far away to hear their words, but she had a rapt expression on her face as she looked into her betrothed eyes. Darcy was certain he saw Lydia experience an involuntary shiver at Lord Colton’s touch. Jon had told him earlier in the day of his discussion with Wickham. Obviously his caress was part of the plan he had outlined to reassure her that not all men were like that scoundrel. By her wedding night, if not sooner, she would be ready, willing and eager for Jon’s attentions.

  He searched out his cousin Richard and Georgiana. Smiling in their direction to ensure they knew he had been successful, he crossed the room. Richard had a bit of a smirk on his face when he gave Darcy a thumbs up. Darcy worried that he had deduced what had occurred in Mr Gardiner’s library. Georgiana smiled at both he and Elizabeth through teary eyes, and her brother blew her a kiss.

  Darcy observed a recently arrived Bingley sitting next to Miss Bennet. Their conversation seemed to be almost whispered. Alternately, she appeared to smile in acquiescence only to frown in dissent a moment later. This was the first time he had noticed Lizzy’s sister with anything more than a placid countenance that displayed nary a hint of her true feelings. He was pleased she was no longer the same docile young woman he had studied, to determine her appreciation of his friend… and had erroneously concluded she was indifferent.

  His visit with Bingley the previous evening had been to inform him of Mr Bennet’s permission for a double wedding. His mission had been to secure Bingley to stand up with him, if Elizabeth agreed to marry him on the twenty fourth. If not, the job was still his if it happened later in Hertfordshire.

  As he observed the victims of his officious interference, he remembered the startling information Bingley had excitedly told him last night. He was entering a business venture with Mr Gardiner. They planned to manufacture copper tubs, like the one many of the patrons of Mrs Teasewell’s establishment had acquired at great cost and after a long wait for delivery from France. Now, with the current situation, it had become impossible to buy from the French manufacturer. Bingley had shown Mr Gardiner his own bathing apparatus, without disclosing how he had learned of one with such generous proportions… large enough to fit two comfortably.

  Mr Gardiner was allowing Charles to manage the relatively minor project from beginning to end. His friend had gone into great detail of his future plans. Once he had proven himself with this small endeavour, the arrangement was Lizzy’s uncle would give him other projects on a much larger scale. Bingley had proposed to establish the manufacturing operation in Somerset, because cooper was plentiful in the area. He also determined that the nearby city of Bath would be an excellent market for the product. Darcy had been impressed with his best friend’s recently acquired business acumen. However, he had not been sure about Charles returning to his roots in trade, with regards to his status in society; but he certainly had to admit he seemed much less directionless.

  Darcy cleared his voice quite loudly to procure the attention of those assembled. He held Elizabeth’s hand, and squeezed it just before he spoke. “Friends, family and soon-to-be family, I am pleased to announce that Miss Elizabeth Bennet has agreed to meet me at the altar to join her sister Miss Lydia Bennet and my long-time friend, Lord Colton on Thursday, the twenty fourth at Saint James, Piccadilly.” He picked up Lizzy’s hand and kissed it, while bestowing on her his version of the ‘look of love.’

  The group broke into cheers. Their congratulations were heartfelt, and rarely had a couple been wished joy with such depth of feeling.

  Elizabeth rode with Darcy, his sister and Richard back to Darcy House. The Colonel and Georgiana withdrew quickly; to allow Georgiana to prepare for the arrival of the other carriages with Lydia, Mary, Kitty and Jane. Will took his time helping Elizabeth out, in order to tell her of his plans for later, “You are to be put in the mistress’ chambers. The room on the right as you face the fireplace is mine. Make sure you unlock the connecting door.”

  In this she did not question him but simply said, “I will be ready.”

  It was after midnight when Will let himself in the back entrance at Darcy house. The walk across the park from Lord Colton’s house had been refreshing. His time had been spent rehearsing his explanation about his ‘education’ at Teasewell House. Luckily the service area was empty of life, and he was able to quickly make his way up the back stairs. He was prepared to tell any servant or guest he might encounter that he had to retrieve something he had left behind in his room. He encountered no one, and he had made certain his valet Roberts was asleep in the servants’ quarters at Blessing House before he left. He removed his clothes and boots, and decided agains
t a nightshirt and settled on a robe over his nakedness. He was aroused just imagining what he would find beyond the connecting door.

  She was dozing with a book in her lap. He was overwhelmed with the domesticity of the scene. Her nightgown was a maiden’s white, designed for warmth and comfort rather than seduction. She had his mother’s shawl wrapped around her shoulders, and her feet were bare. The candlelight as always brought out the reddish gold highlights in her brown hair. As he drew close, he smelled her lavender scent and heard the soft sigh-like sounds she emitted with each exhale. She had been reading what looked like a new copy of Sheridan’s The Rivals. Very soon, he would be treated to this and similar visions every night. He removed the book from her lap and put it on the table next to the chair. Effortlessly, he picked her up and despite still being deep in sleep; she wrapped her arms around his neck and her head nestled against his chest. Depositing her in the middle of the bed, he removed her arms from his neck and lay down beside her.

  The act of disentangling caused her to waken. She rolled on her side, and found she was nose to nose with her Will. Her arms were quickly reattached and she initiated a sweet welcoming kiss before speaking, “I fell asleep.”

  “Ah, so the very thought of me was not enough to keep you awake.”

  “No, remember, I have already had you once today.”

  “How quickly your appreciation of my skill has lessened. So, perhaps we should go right to our discussion. I had originally thought we would make love first and then talk; but it seems you have had enough of me today.”

  This time Lizzy kissed him with such force that she almost choked him. Her tongue engaged his, and she removed her arms from his neck. Her hands snaked their way beneath his robe to his bare skin. After a few cursory caresses to his chest, she moved lower and grasped him in answer to his teasing words. Her tongue seemed to feel the laughter bubbling in his throat, and she responded in kind with her own chuckle. His mirth quickly changed to moans of pleasure as she stroked his erect member with practised expertise.

  Darcy had a plan and Lizzy was ruining it. Before he told her of the source of his knowledge, he was going to take the lead and dazzle her with his prowess. His hope was that she would be more tolerant, if she had his expert moves fresh in her mind when he confessed. He pulled her hands away and raised them back to his chest. “Lizzy, you will have me spent in minutes. I want to love you properly to make up for the quick encounter earlier.”

  Elizabeth looked comically contrite as she spoke, “Certainly, lord and master, do with me as you will. Should I expect a retaliatory smack and a pinch as part of your proper loving?”

  Darcy assumed a slightly condescending sneer as he said, “Perhaps… you will just have to wait to see exactly what I have in mind for you. The one thing I will promise is that soon you will beg me for more.”

  Lizzy laughed at his boast and he playfully glared at her. She sat up and said, “I suggest, oh great lover, that as your first step you relieve me of this nightgown; and I think it time you removed that robe. I believe we should be properly attired for your mighty lovemaking.”

  Once Darcy had her naked and artfully arranged, with her hair splayed on the pillow and her legs slightly parted; he stood at the foot of the bed and spoke low and deep. “Oooh, luscious Lizzy you look good enough to eat. I believe I will make a slow feast of you.”

  He started with her toes. Each one was individually licked and suckled. Each foot was then lifted to allow for the softest of kisses upon her arch. His chin with just the slightest of stubble replaced his lips. She moaned slightly at the bristly assault on her foot. As he moved up her leg he repeated the sequence of caresses. Licks followed kisses, followed by the friction of his beard. As her moans intensified, he drew closer to her upper thighs. She squirmed in anticipation, but felt no need to beg. He knew she was expecting him to find his way to her curls, as he had done the first time in the cottage. Abruptly he sat up and pulled her over his lap in spanking position. His swats on her bottom were more like caresses; but then without warning, he delivered one with a bit more sting. “Retaliation number one, my love,” was a husky pronouncement.

  He followed his love taps with kisses, licks and even little bites to her lovely bottom. Her mews of pleasure told him he had her where he wanted her in his quest to hear begging.

  Elizabeth could feel him poking into her belly, and was reminded of what she truly wanted. Desiring some relief from his slow, tantalizing, ministrations she turned with the hope she could force him to acknowledge the need of the area between her legs. He defied her by instead lying next to her and playing with her hair, her lips, her ear lobes and neck… fingers first, followed by teeth. While nibbling her ear lobe, he whispered, “Are you ready to beg, my teasing one?”

  His taunt caused her to pant and squirm, but she also hardened her resolve to refuse to concede… at least not yet. His tongue swirled around the indenture at the base of her throat. As he moved to consume her breasts, he put his index finger to his tongue and touched her right nipple. Its hardness prompted him to make a hissing sound as though he had touched something hot. She was burning with desire and she was certain her nipple told him so. He looked into her eyes as he followed his touch with a painful pinch. Smiling seductively he said, “Retaliation number two, my love.”

  His fingers teased her nipples for what seemed like hours. She raised her knees and spread her legs wide to invite him to pay attention to her crux.

  Once again, he confounded her. He left the bed and walked to a dresser. From a drawer he withdrew a peacock feather and a length of silk. Her eyes darted back and forth between the objects in his hands and his erection. She said in a ragged voice, “Are those for me? Do you plan to tickle me into submission?”

  “You must wait, and see what I have planned.” She stifled an exasperated moan as a smug smile flickered across his face.

  Once he was beside her again, he blindfolded her with the silk. The inability to see what he was doing increased her level of tension. The feather did indeed tickle ever so softly. He played it across her breasts, her belly and her thighs. Her desperation to have him touch her nub was becoming overwhelming. Whimpering should tell him of her need. Her cries were ignored as he continued to use that damn feather. What kind of lovemaking was this? Surely he could tell she was ready. She imagined rivers of anticipation dripping from her core and his poking tool.

  He seemed resolved to continue his torture of her until she said the magic words. It was not long before she could wait no longer. She heard herself saying the words she believed he needed to hear. “Please Will, I need you inside.” She whimpered just before she said, “Now.”

  He picked her up and forced her on her hands and knees. She could feel him behind her and his arousal bumped into her rear. Fear for what he might be about seized her. Finally his fingers found the rose bud inside her folds and she relaxed. The circles his finger made around the spot were slow and deliberate. Her desire for him was beyond anything she had imagined possible. She rubbed her bottom against him in an attempt to incite entry, but still he played with her. He moved as if to, but instead he just began sliding his member across her nub. Now it was performing as his fingers had before… the rubbing was not intense enough to allow her a release, but the friction was enough to bring her to the brink without going over. Suddenly she was holding her breath in anticipation, and he was making her wait and wait and wait. Her resolve was broken, and she could not endure his teasing one more second. Insufferable man, did not he know, she needed to breathe. As she filled her lungs, she finally said, “Please, Will, I am begging.”

  Before ‘begging’ was out of her mouth he had penetrated her. He held onto her hips for leverage, and there was urgency to his thrusts. She had no idea how long he rode her; but as she approached her long anticipated zenith, the vision of a stallion mounting a mare entered her consciousness. She had witnessed such a sight at twelve, and her body replicated the rush of excitement she had felt at the spectacle…
just before her father dragged her away. Suddenly every muscle in her body contracted, and she was held suspended at some pinnacle of pleasure for several seconds. In the next instant she crested, and relaxed in cascades of spasms and shivers. For the first time since experiencing the lovemaking of Will Darcy, even her voice needed a release. Somewhere in her consciousness she was restrained from screaming, but the sound still pierced the quiet. “Ohhhhhhh Willlllllll, yessssss.” Her climax was much fiercer than any she had experienced before.

  As she was reeling from the intensity of her pleasure, she felt his body tense, shudder and perceived the warmth of his seed inside her. He collapsed on top of her and whispered, “In my entire life, I have never experienced anything that gave me as much pleasure as making love to you, Lizzy.”

  They remained in that position. He needed to recover from the miracle that was making love to Elizabeth Bennet for a few seconds before he confessed. Feeling her beneath him had its rewards, but he also feared for her ability to withstand the weight of him. He rolled off, removed the blind fold, and pulled her petite body to mould into the cavity of his great one. After lying thusly for a few minutes, he spoke. “Did I please you?”

  “Mr Darcy you alternately pleased and infuriated me. How did you know that increasing my agony for reward would make my prize so much more… more… words escape me… somehow gratifying does not do justice to my sensations. In addition, I quite loved the sort of animalistic coupling there at the end. The urgency of your thrusts matched my emotions at that moment perfectly.”

  “My, my Miss Bennet you must comprehend a great deal on your idea of an accomplished lover."


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