Taken By Surprise

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Taken By Surprise Page 4

by Nichelle Gregory

  Greyson’s eyes narrowed. “You’re wrong.”

  It felt wrong saying it, but she wasn’t going to back down now.

  “No. I’m not.”

  “You’re not ready to admit what you need, let alone what you want, and that’s okay. Eventually, you will.”

  Fury overrode her fatigue. “Get over yourself! You weren’t even that good in b—”

  He reached for her so fast, Zori fell against his lean body as he held her up.

  “I can accept that you’re not ready to acknowledge our bond, but I will not tolerate your lies about my ability to pleasure you.”

  His rough voice seemed to seep into her chilled skin, warming her as fast as his body heat.

  Zori swallowed hard as she pushed her hands against his chest. “Let me go, Greyson.”


  She closed her eyes for a second as the crazy idea to surrender to him and the burgeoning needs rising up in her reached a fevered pitch. The feel of his warm skin on hers ignited a million different fires within her. Her nipples beaded and a rush of warm wetness dampened her bikini briefs in answer to his thickening cock pressed against her stomach.

  “The longer we’re apart the stronger you’ll feel me…that will never change.”

  His declaration scared her and fear spurned anger once more.

  “Stop following me, werewolf, or I’ll have to use my claws.” She tore herself from his arms, knowing she’d only got away because he let her.

  He grabbed her hands and held them up to his face. “Do you really think those would deter me, Zori?”

  She stared into his face as he stared at her. “No, I suppose not. You’re a big bad wolf. I get it.”


  “Now, you get this. I don’t need you. I don’t even like you, so leave me alone!” She winced as his fingers tightened around her wrists before he released one hand to cup her breast. He flicked the taut peak with his thumb, holding her gaze as his hand trailed down her stomach, past her belly button and into her panties. Zori moaned as his fingers caressed her clit before slipping into the slick evidence of her arousal.

  “Hmm…” Greyson removed his hand and released her. “We can’t agree on what you need, but I think it’s pretty clear what you want.”

  Zori was grateful he couldn’t see her blush. He was right. She longed…no, hungered for him.

  “Don’t ever touch me again.”

  Greyson cursed. “Is it so hard to admit you want me, Zori?”

  “I want sex. That doesn’t mean I need it from you.” Her arms fell to her side as she balled her fists, uncomfortable beneath his hard stare.

  “No other man will be able to satisfy you.”


  The wind picked up around them, carrying Greyson’s intoxicatingly familiar scent in the sultry breeze as she cocked her head to the side. A knot the size of a grapefruit rolled around in her stomach as desire unfurled within her. She was beginning to believe he was right.

  Greyson’s eyes dropped to her breasts and back to her face. “Really.”

  He was so cocky, Zori couldn’t resist taunting him.

  “Well, I’ll have fun proving you’re wrong.”

  A deep growl erupted from Greyson’s throat and Zori took a step backwards as he took a step towards her. She gasped as his big body grew larger, elongating before her eyes. His biceps bulged as his arms lengthened and her eyes widened in shock as he fell to his knees. Another wild growl pierced her ears as his back and legs shifted form right before her eyes.

  “Oh, my god,” Zori whispered as his handsome face transformed into the features of a wolf. She stood rooted in the sand, transfixed by the sight of glossy black fur replacing brown skin and the luminous amber eyes staring back at her now that his transformation was complete.

  Zori tore her gaze from the citrine lupine gaze fixed on her, taking in every detail of his awesome change. He was beautiful and so big, he nearly reached the height of her belly button on all fours, but she wasn’t afraid of him.


  He lifted his huge head and howled, making the fine hairs on the back of her neck stand up. His golden gaze held hers for a split second longer before he took off down the beach.

  “Greyson!” She cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled his name again as she watched his agile retreat. Stunned, Zori resisted calling out his name one more time.

  He never slowed down, never looked back as she lost sight of his shadowy form. Her fingernails cut into her palms and she suddenly regretted pushing his buttons. He had saved her from an uncomfortable night of floating adrift in the ocean after all.

  Zori stood, shivering in the sand for a long time after he’d vanished, confused and frustrated by her out-of-whack emotions. She had asked him to leave her alone and he’d granted her wish.

  So why did she feel so empty inside?

  * * * *

  “Are you almost ready, Zori?”

  “I’m ready now.”

  “Wow! You look hawt!”

  “Thanks.” Zori pivoted in her silver stilettos, eyeing how the shimmery silver babydoll mini dress moulded to her body in the mirror.

  What would Greyson do if he saw me in this little number?

  The unwanted thought made her sigh. A week had gone by since Greyson had shape-shifted and left her on the beach.

  “Zo…are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Zori forced a smile, hoping her sister accepted her lie as she turned around.

  “Because we could stay in, do the movie thing…you know, chill.” Tamera smoothed on more lip gloss.

  “Elena would have a fit. She’s been talking about going out all day long.”

  “True. Well, at least you look like you’re ready to party.”

  “Always ready, you know that.” Zori grinned as her sister chuckled. She glanced back at the full-length mirror to spritz on perfume and fought the sudden urge to hurl something at her reflection.

  It didn’t make sense. She looked fantastic, but felt terrible, like she was coming down with a cold, which was impossible since harpies didn’t get sick. Body aches had plagued her all week and if there’d been a thermometer in the house she would’ve taken her temperature. Her lack of appetite was the most troubling of all her strange symptoms.

  Harpies always wanted to eat.

  “What are these for?” Tamera shook a small bottle of pills.

  Zori spun around and took the bottle from her hand. “Just something to help me sleep.”

  Tamera frowned. “You’ve been off this whole time. I wish you’d let us in on what’s making you so miserable.”

  “Relax…I told you, I’m good.” Zori tossed the pills inside her dresser drawer.

  So, her sisters did think something was wrong. Neither of them had pressed for an explanation up until now, for which she was grateful. She wasn’t ready to explain what she was feeling physically, let alone emotionally, and there was no way she’d tell Tamera she had resorted to using painkillers. Lately, they’d been the only thing to give her temporary relief from the weirdness going on in her body.


  “Tam, please.”

  Her sister held up her hands. “Mind my own business…I got it.”

  “Get your phone. It’s lighting up on the bed.”

  Zori closed her eyes for a moment as her sister reached for her cell. She wished the painkillers could stop the constant flutter of awareness between her legs whenever she thought of Greyson, which was more often than she’d care to admit. It was like her mind and body were consumed with everything Greyson. She replayed everything she’d said to him on the beach, the way his face had shuttered closed right before he’d transformed into a wolf. The memory of him in all his lupine glory never ceased to make her suck in a breath in awe.

  Zori put on her dangly earrings with shaking hands as Tamera talked on her cell. More than anything she was ready to go home, ready to get past the annoying desire to be with
him one more time.

  Just one more time, Zori?

  She let out a sigh. One more time didn’t seem like it would be enough to quench the raging thirst she had for him with his skilful, seductive…delicious domination in the bedroom. Who would have guessed submitting to passion could be so damn good?

  “Zori, you’re frowning again.”

  “Am I?” She blinked, snapping out of her thoughts as she pulled her long, sleek ponytail over her shoulder and flashed her sister a brilliant smile. “Did I tell you how much I love that shade of red on you?”

  Tamera placed her hands on her hips. “You’re deflecting. When we get back tonight, you are going to tell us what the hell is going on with you.” She pinned Zori with a hard stare before tossing her voluminous mass of hazelnut curls over her shoulders. “I think you’re right…this shade of red is definitely my colour.”

  “I’m willing to bet the fab colour of your dress won’t be the first thing guys notice tonight.”

  Her sister grinned. “You know what they say…if you’ve got it, flaunt it.”

  “Mission accomplished.”

  Her sister had generous breasts, which she always highlighted in everything she wore. Tonight was no exception. The strapless ruby party dress she wore showcased her ample cleavage.

  Both sisters whistled as Elena sashayed into the room, elegant and sexy in a simple black dress that accentuated her curves. Her hair was piled on top of her head with silky tendrils outlining her gorgeous neck. “I don’t know about you, ladies, but I’m so ready to play.”

  Tamera giggled. “Ladies, let’s go have some fun!”

  * * * *

  They ended up club-hopping in the Big Apple despite Zori’s efforts to persuade them to go somewhere else. At least neither one of them had suggested going to the club where she had met Greyson—just being in the city seemed to be affecting her body and her mood. He was close, he had to be or she was losing her mind. She could sense his presence, feel his eyes on her as she walked with her sisters through the rowdy crowd.

  Every time she saw a man with his height and build her heart started pounding and each time the guy turned out not to be him her already low spirits sank even further. The realisation she wanted to see him struck her like a ton of bricks.

  Show yourself, Greyson!

  “Wanna go dance?” Tamera asked, already moving to the techno beat.

  “Drinks first!” Elena pointed in the direction of the bar.

  Zori shook her head. “We’ve already had way too much to drink.” Her head was pounding. The music was too loud, her heels were too tall and her stomach kept twisting into knots.

  Elena rolled her eyes. “Speak for yourself, babygirl.”

  Zori moaned as she was dragged forward by both sisters.

  “Whoa, check out the huge hottie downing the whisky.” Tamera yanked on her arm as they passed through a pocket of dancers.


  She turned to see the man Tamera was talking about and time stood still as her gaze locked on him. To her sister’s surprise, she stopped in her tracks unable to breathe, unable to move as he stared at her, so sexy and tall in the shadows a few feet away.

  How could she think she could ever erase him from her mind?

  His dark brown eyes penetrated her soul, stripped her bare and in that moment, Zori knew she had to talk to him, if nothing else thank him for helping her out of the ocean. Maybe a civilised conversation with him would break the spell he had over her so she could go back to life as it was before.

  “Zori, what’s wrong?”

  Tamera’s voice pierced through the fog, but she didn’t respond as Greyson’s eyes raked over her trembling body and back up to her face.

  “It’s him.”

  Zori heard Elena say to Tamera, “Him who?”

  “You know…the one she—”

  “Oh, God!” Zori breathed, straightening her back as Greyson started walking towards her. She wanted to talk to him, but she was still trying to wrap her brain around the fact he was here and he was coming towards her now.

  “Here he comes.”

  Every fibre of Zori’s being cried out for her to go to him, but she stood her ground as he approached with purposeful strides, his coffee eyes never leaving her face. He was close enough for her to see the hard line of his sensual mouth, a mouth she knew could kiss so softly.

  What would she say to him?

  The thudding of her heart was the only beat she could here in the noisy club as he drew closer.

  Almost close enough to touch.

  There wasn’t enough oxygen around her, she couldn’t find her breath, then she gasped as he strode past without so much as a nod in her direction. Sadness, an emotion she now knew because of him, swallowed her up whole and made it hard to think.

  “And there he goes,” Tamera said, pivoting to watch him.

  He might as well have killed her. Zori felt like she was dying, the pain was all consuming, taking her by surprise. She let out a low moan and swayed in her heels.

  “Whoa…let’s get you some water.”

  Zori let them lead her to the crowded bar, half-listening to the two of them fuss over her.

  “Here, sit.” Elena offered her a tumbler of water from the bartender.

  Zori sat down and took a sip from the glass. The cool water burned like alcohol going down her dry throat and she coughed, tears blurring her eyes. A sob that sounded like a laugh erupted from her parted lips. Harpies hardly ever cried. She couldn’t remember the last time she had given into such a weak human emotion.

  I will not cry in front of my sisters over a man. I will not cry in front of my—

  “Zori, it’s okay, you know.”

  Tamera wrapped her arms around her shoulders.

  “What’s okay?” She blinked back the tears threatening to fall and looked at her sisters who were leaning towards her to talk over the blasting music.

  “There’s no law saying harpies can’t love someone.”

  Elena laughed, but abruptly stopped when Tamera flashed a look that would kill a mortal. “You fell in love, Zo?”

  “It’s not a dirty word, Elena!”

  The two sisters glared at one another before turning their attention back on Zori.

  “Well, did you fall in love, Zori?” Tamera asked again, her hazel eyes filled with concern.

  “I—I don’t know.” She didn’t. And if the searing ache in her heart had something to do with the “L” word, she wasn’t sure she wanted any part of it.

  “You’re mine, Zori.”

  She could hear Greyson’s claim as clear as day, mocking her emotional distress and harpies didn’t suffer from frickin’ emotional distress! He didn’t want her. He had walked right past her. It was unbelievable. It was unforgiveable.

  She deserved it after the way she’d treated him on the beach.

  More tears tested her resolve and Zori stumbled to her feet. “I gotta get out of here.”

  Chapter Five

  Elena reached out to her. “We’ll come with you.”

  “No! I need to be alone.” She could see the hurt in her sister’s eyes. “Please. I’ll be all right.” She smiled at them and her hot face felt like it would break as they nodded.

  “Call us when you get in.” Tamera hugged her tight.

  “I will.” She squeezed Elena before leaving them both at the bar.

  Zori made her way through the party-goers with her new mantra rolling over and over in her head: I will not cry in front of these humans.

  Each step towards the exit brought her closer and closer to her first meltdown and it was going to be epic. The brisk night air made her shiver as she stepped outside clad only in her party dress, but she welcomed the chill. She drew in several deep breaths, ignoring the flirtatious comments of two males entering the club. The wind stung her eyes and the tears she refused to let fall as she walked down the sidewalk amongst energetic New Yorkers. All she could think about was the indifference written all over Grey
son’s face before he went right past her like…like they didn’t even know one another, let alone burn up the sheets together.

  I told him to leave me alone.

  “Dammit!” She wanted to scream in frustration and pain. So, this was what it felt like to be rejected. Zori shivered, but not from the cold. She wanted to be numb as she pushed back the urge to shed her human form, soar into the sky and fly until the emptiness consuming her went away.

  What was wrong with her?

  How could she allow him to mess up her head like this?

  And it was pretty messed up.

  A wave of righteous anger warmed her blood as she walked faster down the street.

  Thank you, Greyson.

  His rude snub had given her the motivation she needed to get him out of her system and there was only one way to do it.

  Filled with determination, she walked towards the house beat bumping through the doors of another dance club. The wild atmosphere matched her new mood. Tonight, she would find sexual satisfaction with a new male. She would take control. She would make him scream her name as she took her pleasure a hundred different ways. It would be easy to find an interested guy, but she was choosy. She moved through the gyrating bodies on the prowl.

  Too short.

  Too thin.

  Too weird.

  She almost laughed at that one. Who was she to call anyone weird?

  She impatiently scanned for possible prospects when she spotted a tall male eyeballing her as he danced. He was attractive with the kind of physique she preferred.


  She started towards him, keeping her eyes on his face as she crossed the dance floor. There were two lovely ladies dancing close on his body, but she wasn’t worried about the competition—in fact, she welcomed it. She could make out the colour of his green eyes in the dimly lit club as strobe lights swarmed over the heads of the dancers. A new song came on and Zori put a little more dip in her hips, walking in tandem to the rhythm of the music as her target watched. She made sure not to step into his personal space as she began to sway to the beat, her body emulating the sexual overtones in the song. His female companions glared at her, but she ignored them and continued to seduce her soon-to-be lover with her come-hither dance. She wasn’t surprised when he stepped away from the blonde and brunette who gaped after him.


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