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Them Page 57

by Francine du Plessix Gray

  denial of Alex’s declining health by

  devotion to Bertrand of

  disinterested in Alex’s career

  dismissal from Saks of

  distrust of Alex’s expanded social circle by

  domestic disinterest of

  dread of being alone of

  drinking of

  drug use of

  earliest memory of

  effect of Genna’s death on

  elitism of

  as émigré icon

  encounters with Nazis of

  English as spoken by

  evacuation to Tours of

  exhibitionism of

  family of

  final decline in health of

  first marriage of

  flamboyance of

  Francine’s first evening gown selected by

  Francine’s idolization of

  and Francine’s writing success

  friendship with Marlene of

  friends’ reminiscences of

  funeral of

  generosity of

  Genna’s audio tapes of

  gravesite of

  grooming rituals of

  growing fame in fashion circles of

  guilt over Bertrand’s death of

  as hat designer

  homesickness of

  hospitality and entertaining style of

  immigration to U.S. of

  inability to share Bertrand’s death with Francine of

  increased fussiness in old age of

  invalid self-image adopted by

  Jewish friends of

  at La Croze

  letters to mother of

  loyalty to friends of

  marital aspirations for Francine of

  Mayakovsky affair kept quiet by

  Mayakovsky’s relationship with

  and Mayakovsky’s suicide

  meetings with Kommandant Herbert of

  meeting with Alex of

  memorizing poetry talent of

  as model

  myths about

  narcissism of

  need for control of

  opinion of Alex’s paintings

  opposition to détente of

  Paris arrival of

  personality of

  physical description of

  preference for Russian culture in old age by

  pregnancy of

  professionalism of

  profession of

  proposed biographies of

  puritanism of

  reactions to Alex’s illnesses of

  refuge from past sought by

  restrictions imposed on

  reunion with father of

  revision of personal history by

  rumors of Alex’s affairs and

  rumors of Bertrand’s affairs and

  at Saks Fifth Avenue

  seasickness of

  secretiveness of

  self-involvement in old age of

  snobbery of

  soirees held by

  spending habits of

  split with Mayakovsky of

  superstitions of

  timidity concerning money of

  travel disliked by

  truce with Lili of

  tuberculosis of

  U.S. visa obtained by

  Liberman, Tatiana du Plessix (cont.)

  workshop of

  see also Alex and Tatiana; Liberman family

  Liberman family:

  art collection of

  Automat outings of

  Bertrand’s death repressed in

  breakfast habits

  bridge parties held by

  Central Park South apartment of

  Christmas traditions of

  Cleve’s relationship with

  delegation of responsibility for Francine in

  first American Christmas of

  Francine’s adolescent rebellion and

  friendship with Marlene of

  outside financial support of

  Russianness of household of

  Seventieth Street brownstone home of

  Seventy-third Street apartment of

  socializing seen as career move by

  social prominence of

  summer homes of


  Lidova, Irène

  Lieberman, William


  Locke, Richard

  Loewy, Raymond

  Loewy, Viola

  Long, Lois

  Lopez-Willshaw, Patricia

  Lorna Doone (Blackmore)

  Louise (maid)


  Lovers and Tyrants (Gray)


  lumber industry

  Lunacharksy, Anatoly


  Lycée Français

  McCardell, Claire

  McCarthy, Eugene

  McCarthy hearings

  McClaughlin, Frances



  Magda (housekeeper)

  Major Bowes Amateur Hour

  Makarov, Vladimir

  Mandel, Georges

  Manziarly, Sasha de

  Marchand, Paul

  Margaret, Princess

  Maria (maid)

  Marinsky Imperial Ballet

  Marlene (A. Liberman)

  Márquez, Gabriel García

  Martha’s Vineyard

  Massey, David


  Matisse, Henri-Émile Benoît

  Maxwell, Elsa

  Maxwell, Muriel

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir

  as cultural ambassador

  distaste for children of

  letters to Tatiana by

  liaison with Lili of

  masochism of

  and news of Tatiana’s engagement

  paranoia and hypochondria of

  poetry of

  politics of

  Polonskaya and

  public animosity towards

  RAPP joined by

  rehabilitated reputation of

  statue of

  suicide of

  Tatiana’s affair with

  Mayakovsky Museum

  Melnikov, Konstantin

  Mémorial des Compagnons

  Mendès-France, Pierre

  Menemsha Bay


  Menshikov, Prince

  Messinesi, Despina

  Metropolitan Museum of Art

  Metternich, Princess Tatiana

  Meyerhold, Vsevolod

  Michael, Grand Duke

  Michaelis, Charles

  Milhaud, Darius

  Mili, Gjon

  milk shortages

  Miller, Lee


  Minimum (A. Liberman)

  Ministry of Agriculture, Russian

  Ministry of War, French

  Mirabella, Grace


  Mohl, Ada

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Monestier, André

  Monestier, Simone

  Montias, John-Michael

  Moore, Henry

  Mortimer, Barbara Cushing


  housing shortage in

  orphans in

  Moscow Art Theater

  Moses, Mabel

  Moses, Matthew

  Motherwell, Bob

  “Mourning and Melancholia” (Freud)


  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Munich accords

  Museum of Modern Art (MOMA)

  Alex’s exhibitions at

  Nabokov, Nicolas

  Nadine (school friend)


  Nast, Condé

  National Geographic

  Newhouse, Donald

  Newhouse, Samuel

  Newhouse, Samuel “Si,” Jr.

  Newhouse, Victoria

  Newman, Barnett “Barney,”

  New Orleans, La.


  New York City, N.Y.:

  arrival of Liberman family in

  art scene in

  émigré society in

  pro-European sentiment during World War II in

  New Yorker

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Post

  New York Times

  Nicholas, Czar, abdication of

  Nixon, Richard

  Novoye Russkoye Slovo

  Occupied Zone

  letters sent through

  travel between Vichy Zone and


  OGPU, see Cheka

  O’Hagan, Helen

  Oldenburg, Prince

  “open marriages,”


  Orlov, Nikolai Alexandrovich

  Orlov, Lyubov Nikolaevna, see Iacovleff, Lyubov Nikolaevna

  orphans, in Moscow

  Oublier Palerme (Charles-Roux)


  Paley, Babe

  Paley, William

  Palm Beach, Fla.

  Pamir Mountains


  evacuations of

  German occupation of

  goods abandoned during evacuation of

  liberation of

  Russian émigrés in

  Parsons, Betty

  Parsons Gallery

  Pascar, Henriette

  affairs of

  Alex embarrassed by

  Alex’s artistic success and

  Alex’s financial support of

  Alex’s relationship with

  children’s theaters runs by

  erotic behavior of

  escape from Royan of

  evacuation to Royan of

  life in Paris of

  meeting with Sasha of

  need for violent psychodrama of

  Parisian society of

  sabotage of Alex’s first marriage by

  Simon’s marriage to

  snobbery of

  Tatiana disliked by

  theatrical ambitions of

  Pasternak, Boris

  “Past One O’clock” (Mayakovsky)

  Patcevitch, Iva

  career downfall of

  as Condé Nast director

  declining health of

  disciplined character of

  Francine’s continued contact with

  luxuries sought by

  marital difficulties of

  relationship with Marlene of

  snobbery of

  social and artistic skills of

  Patcevitch, Nada

  morning routine of

  as surrogate mother to Francine

  Patchett, Jean


  Patterson, Cissy

  Patton, George

  Pavlova, Anna

  Pearl Divers, The (Iacovleff )

  Pearl Harbor

  Pechangco, Melinda

  Alex’s remains with

  jealousy of Tatiana’s memory of

  Penn, Irving

  Penney, Alexandra


  People’s Commissariat for Education


  Pétain, Marshal

  Peters, Susan

  Petipa, Marius

  Petit, Roland


  see also St. Petersburg

  Pharaoh’s Daughter (Petipa)

  Piaf, Edith


  Picasso, Pablo

  Piguet, Robert

  Plessix, Bertrand du

  affairs of

  Alex’s jealousy of

  artistic and cultural interests of

  cooking as relaxation for

  courtship of Tatiana by

  death of

  depressive streak in

  devotion to Hélène of

  devotion to Tatiana of

  diplomatic career of

  diplomatic favors sold by

  dismissal from Warsaw of

  driving habits of

  financial difficulties of

  flying skills of

  Francine and

  on German threat

  indulgence of Tatiana by

  jealousy of Alex of

  at La Croze

  linguistic skills of

  military service of

  physical description of

  recklessness of

  refuge from past sought by

  repatriation of

  snobbery of

  Tatiana’s family’s reaction to

  typhoid and jaundice contracted by

  use of title by

  wishes for Francine’s future of

  Plessix, Jochaud du

  Plessix, Joseph du

  Plessix, Tatiana du, see Liberman, Tatiana du


  Plessix family

  vault of

  Poelz, Dorke

  Point, Victor


  German attack on


  Pollock, Jackson

  Polonskaya, Veronika “Nora,”


  Poole, Mary-Jane

  Pop Art

  Pope, Virginia

  Popular Front


  Portes, Madame de

  Port Jefferson

  Potter, Pauline, see Rothschild, Pauline de Pravda

  Prayers in Stone (A. Liberman)

  Preobrazhenskaia, Nadezhda Romanovna

  Prix Goncourt prize

  Prokofiev, Sergey

  Pushkin Square

  Quai des brumes (Carne)

  Queen Mary

  Rauschenberg, Robert

  Ravenel, Zozo de

  Rawlings, Babs

  Rawlings, John

  Ray, Man

  refugee children

  Regan (nurse)

  Renoir, Jean

  Renta, Françoise de la

  Renta, Oscar de la

  Restaurant Prunier

  Reynaud, Paul


  Riley, Peggy

  Robinson, Sally

  Rochester, N.Y.

  Rockefeller, Nelson

  Rodchenko, Aleksandr


  Rommel, Erwin Johannes Eugen

  Roosevelt, Franklin D.

  Rose, Barbara

  Rose, Joanna

  Rosenberg, Harold

  Rosenfeld, Isadore

  Rostropovich, Mstislav

  Roth, Philip

  Rothko, Mark

  Rothschild, Pauline de



  Russell, John


  hospitality as tradition in

  lumber industry in

  sumptuousness of aristocracy in

  university system in

  see also Soviet Union

  Russian Association of Proletarian Writers (RAPP)

  Russian Characteristics (Lanin)

  Russian Futurism

  Russian Revolution (1905)

  Russian Revolution (1917)

  Rykov, Alexis

  Sablon, Jean

  Sachs, Maurice

  Sahara Desert

  Sainte Maxime

  St. Jean de Luz

  Saint-Laurent, Yves

  St. Petersburg

  see also Petrograd

  St. Petersburg Theatrical School

  St. Piran’s School

  Saks Fifth Avenue

  Salem, Daniel

  Salieri, Antonio


  Samoilenko, Fat’ma Hanoum


  Santa Maria della Salute (A. Liberman)

  Sargent, John Singer


  Savoy Ballroom

  Schama, Simon

  Scherer, Paul

  Schiaparelli, Elsa

  Schlee, George

  School of the Museum of Fine Arts

  Scripps Howard Co.

  secret police, Soviet

  Seitz, Will

  Selassie, Haile


  Sereny, Gitta

  Shensheva, Bella

  She-Wolf (Pollock)

  Shostakovich, Dmitri

  Shuvalov, Andrew “Andriusha,”

  Shuvalov, Elena

  Shuvalov, Peter


  Si le grain ne meurt (Gide)


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