Kara's Wolves

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Kara's Wolves Page 7

by Becca Jameson

  With both hands she grasped Justin’s arms and deepened the kiss, opening her mouth to let her tongue swipe over his full lips. The result was not disappointing. Justin pressed even firmer against her and dipped his tongue into every crevice of her mouth, devouring her like a starving man. He grasped her shoulders in a firm grip, as though preventing her escape … or perhaps keeping himself from wandering to other parts of her body. She found she desperately wanted him to, but he was being such a gentleman.

  Abruptly Justin stopped and pulled back, breathing heavily.

  “Wow,” he muttered, staring intently into Kara’s eyes.

  Kara’s heart was going to pound out of her body. She’d never slept with a man on the first date before, or even the second for that matter, but she sure wanted to get naked with this man right now. Unfortunately, she was acutely aware she also wouldn’t mind getting naked with his roommate. The thought made her shiver in her seat. How was she ever going to face Justin if she also had such strong feelings for Trevor? This was not going to work. Besides, she would be graduating in a week and had no idea where she would go from there. She had applied for teaching positions at several schools near her parents’ house in Portland as well as here in Corvallis, but hadn’t heard back from anyone yet.

  After staring at her for numerous moments, Justin finally pulled away, shut her car door and headed for his side. She actually felt guilty, as though he could have read her mind trailing to naughty thoughts of his roommate.

  In the silence Kara shivered and glanced out the window into the night. Once again, she had the strangest feeling someone was watching her. The same intense fleeting sensation she’d had last night in the parking lot of Boot Scooters. And just like that it was gone.

  Justin climbed into his side of the truck and peered out the front windshield before turning to look out the rear also. His brow was furrowed and his grip on the steering wheel tensed. Did he also get the feeling someone was spying on them?

  Finally, he turned his gaze to her once again and smiled. “I had a really nice time. I hope you did, too.”

  “Definitely. And now I can say I have actually touched a cow.” That is so very sexy, Kara.

  Justin just laughed, a full hearty laugh that rumbled in his chest as he leaned his head back. The deep musical quality of his voice was like a soothing balm to her soul. It felt wonderful.

  “Now there’s something to tell your friends about,” he joked as he started the engine.

  Within moments, they were backing out of the yard.

  * * * *

  Barry stood in the shadows of the night. Far enough away he could not hear their words. He didn’t want to attract any unnecessary attention. Hopefully his own smell would be masked by the numerous animals between himself and the three unsuspecting stars of his current nightmare. He watched Justin drive away with the hot blond from last night and seethed with anger.

  At thirty-five, Barry had now spent nearly two thirds of his life on a mission to avenge his parents’ death. Never had he taken much time for himself. Never had he spent more than one night with a woman to warm his bed. Finally he sees a woman worth having for himself, and the objects of his life’s mission think to have her for themselves?

  Never. He had to put a stop to this. His revenge would be even sweeter now. First he would take her for his own. Then he would kill Trevor and Justin. Perhaps a slow death.

  Maybe tie them up and cut some important vein and make them watch as they slowly died while he fucked the woman of their current wet dreams right in front of them.

  Patience. He needed to wait for just the right time. And, he needed help.

  * * * *

  Justin looked over his shoulder. Was it possible someone was watching him?

  Following him? Or Kara? The same distinct smell of another wolf, one he was definitely unfamiliar with, hung in the air. Why did he feel so suspicious? It was quite likely one of his employees had a friend or lover from another pack.

  Next to him was the woman he was going to spend his life worshipping. He and Trevor. He couldn’t resist turning his thoughts back to her and her heat in his truck.

  Thank God she was clearly aroused by both of them. He didn’t know what he would’ve done if the feeling hadn’t been mutual. Of course it would have been inconceivable, but still, he breathed a sigh of relief the bond was obviously felt by all three parties. Sure, it was against her nature, but she would not be able to avoid the draw.

  They would quickly squelch her trepidation concerning what her body was insisting was

  “right”. As soon as the three of them consummated the mating.

  Lord, she smells fantastic. The combination of her perfume and her arousal was keeping Justin’s dick as hard as it had ever been in his life. A permanent state of arousal he was going to have to remedy by himself when he got back home.

  Judging by his nose, her panties were soaked. Justin couldn’t wait to get a taste of her. Run his tongue along her wet slit and lap up all the cum flowing out of her horny body.

  Justin reached for Kara’s hand and held it while he drove. Every time he touched her he could feel the growing connection between them. Their bodies were already beginning the bonding process. Making love for the first time would finalize it. For all three of them.

  He broke the comfortable silence. “I can’t wait to see you in action tomorrow.” And I’m not talking about gymnastics.

  “I hope you aren’t too disappointed. I’m not like the queen of gymnastics or anything. You will see some really good gymnasts.”

  Justin glanced over to see her staring at him, her teeth nibbling again on her lower lip. He had to grit his teeth to withstand the need to pull the car over and suck her lower lip into his mouth. He wouldn’t, because he knew he could not stop there.

  “I’m sure you’re fantastic. Besides, I won’t even notice the other gymnasts, so how will I even be able to compare?” He chuckled as though the statement were a sappy line, but in reality, he was not kidding.

  “Ha ha…” She fidgeted, her fine ass wiggling against the seat. “Your roommate seems nice. Do you think he’ll really come with you tomorrow?”

  “I’m sure he will.” Wild horses couldn’t keep him away.

  Kara squeezed his hand even tighter, tensing her entire body.

  She turned to look out the window, hiding her expression.

  All too soon, Justin pulled into the parking lot where Kara indicated she’d left her car. He jumped out, rounded the truck to let her out before she could even unbuckle and then walked her across the gravel, his hand on her lower back.

  Justin had maintained some sort of contact with Kara almost from the moment she’d entered the restaurant earlier and he wasn’t looking forward to releasing her now.

  “Thanks for dinner.” Kara turned her face up to his and he leaned against the door to prolong the moment.

  “You’re very welcome. Next time I’ll cook for you.” Justin moved his hands up to cup her cheeks and bring her face closer to his.

  “You cook, too?”

  “Of course. Did you see someone hanging around the house who looked like a personal chef?” He smiled at her.

  She didn’t comment, but boldly leaned in to initiate the next kiss herself.

  What started out hesitant quickly turned into a heated merging of tongues and warm lips. When Justin sucked gently on Kara’s tongue, she moaned and leaned into his body against the car.

  Justin spread his legs to accommodate her between them and dragged his hands down to her back and then lower to settle just above her tight ass. He wanted to do more, wanted to reach under her dress and touch her arousal, but he held himself firmly in check. Tomorrow. There was no way in hell he was going to be able to hold himself one more day past tomorrow. As it was she could not possibly be unaware of his rock hard erection pressing into her firm stomach.

  Kara finally broke off the kiss. Justin couldn’t have done it even if he’d wanted to.

  “Hmm. You

’re a fantastic kisser. I can hardly bring myself to get into my car and drive away.”

  Justin groaned. Lord, she was making this difficult for him. “Hon, don’t say things like that. I’m trying to be a gentleman here. You need your sleep. I’ll see you tomorrow.” The words ached coming out of his lips. Had he ever in his life turned down a woman who’d wanted him? Not that he could recall.

  “Okay.” Kara pulled back.

  When Justin released her, his chest actually hurt at the lost contact. He forced himself to open her door and let her get inside.

  Kara merely smiled up at him and muttered, “Tomorrow then.” Justin just stood rooted to the spot as she drove away.

  Chapter Six

  “Holy mother of God.” Trevor peered through the space between two fingers as he held his hand in front of his eyes. “What the hell was that?” Justin sat beside Trevor, but didn’t answer. A glance in his direction revealed he too was stunned, frozen in his seat, gritting his teeth, gripping the back of the chair in front of him.

  Well, at least I’m not the only one who has an issue with this … this … kamikaze shit.

  “That was a front handspring, round off, full twisting layout.” Trevor lowered his hand and turned to the blonde middle-aged woman seated just in front of him at the same time as Justin.

  “Sorry. I overheard you. You must be new to the sport?” She smiled and nodded in their direction. “Yeah. I can tell by the looks on your faces you are. I’m Leila. Leila Anderson. My daughter is the one on the beam over there.” She pointed to the right. Then she looked back at Trevor and chuckled. “Don’t worry. You’ll get used to it.” Trevor could only shake his head. “I don’t think so.” Leila looked like she had probably been a gymnast herself, about twenty years ago.

  She simply laughed again.

  Trevor watched in stunned silence while his mate, the woman he would spend the rest of his life with, or hers if she weren’t careful, performed one death defying feat after another.

  “Dude, she’s a professional. She has been doing this her entire life. I’m sure she’s fine. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.” Justin’s words might have sounded convincing, to a member of some other species, but not to Trevor. He could hear the underlying fear in Justin’s voice. The man was not one iota more comfortable with this than he was.

  Perky blonde Leila laughed again and turned back to them. “Kara? She knows exactly what she’s doing. She’s such a sweet girl. Is she dating one of you?”

  “Yes.” Trevor didn’t give her any additional information and the confused look on Leila’s face spoke volumes, but he didn’t offer any more details.

  Kara moved from warming up on the floor to warming up on the bars. The momentary relief Trevor experienced knowing she would no longer be diving headfirst into the floor was quickly extinguished when she began flinging herself around first one bar and then another higher bar.

  “Seriously, dude. I can’t watch this. How many more days did she say she was going to participate in this shit?” Trevor decided it would be best to keep his conversation with Justin silent to avoid any more misunderstandings with Leila.

  “One more week.” Justin didn’t look in Trevor’s direction. He couldn’t move his gaze from Kara’s position on that damn high bar. Trevor lowered his own gaze to the floor for about sixty seconds, until his buddy finally released his breath, assuring Trevor the imminent danger had passed.

  Sure enough, Kara stood to the side now, waiting on another crazy teammate to perform Evil Knievel-like stunts. When the next girl landed on her butt under the bars, Trevor winced.

  After Kara took her turn on the vault, flipping through the air, twisting and turning so many times the naked eye couldn’t count them, and then the beam, where she clearly had a pact with the devil concerning her head and neck, Trevor nearly came out of his seat.

  There was a pause before the actual “meet” would begin and Kara wandered over to greet them.

  “Hi. You came. Both of you.” She looked flushed and embarrassed. Shy even.

  “Of course,” Justin piped up. “I told you I would. I even managed to drag my conflicted roommate along.”

  “Conflicted? What is he conflicted about?” Kara looked at Trevor with a confused face.

  “Nothing. Don’t worry about it.” “Shut the fuck up, you asshole,” He added for Justin’s “ears” only. “The only thing I’m conflicted about is whether I want to be on top first or on bottom.”

  Shit, she was so hot. Trevor had only seen her one time. Last night. And she’d had more clothes on than she did right now. His balls ached as she leaned closer. She smelled fantastic. Even sweaty she had her own unique scent that would drive Trevor crazy for the rest of his life. Her leotard thingy was … tight.

  Didn’t she own anything less … revealing?

  On the other hand, the view was magnificent and there were no other men around who were going to get anywhere near her again in this lifetime, so what did it matter?

  “Did you enjoy the warm-ups? I wasn’t at my best, but you should see a pretty good meet.” Kara stepped back. Her eyes darted between Justin and Trevor. “It will only take about an hour. There aren’t very many of us here today.”

  “I don’t know anything about gymnastics, but from here I thought you looked great.” Justin sounded tense, even to Trevor. Hopefully Kara wouldn’t notice. The last thing they needed was for her to mess up and land on her head because her “beaux” were stressed out in the stands.

  “Okay, well I have to get back with the team. I’ll see you afterward?”

  “Of course. We’ll be right here.”

  * * * *

  An hour and a half later, Justin waited with Trevor by the door to the women’s locker room. His head was pounding from the stress of watching their lifemate’s suicidal mission. He stretched his neck back and forth to release some of the strain. It wasn’t working.

  Finally Kara came out the door. Beaming. “What did you think?” She directed the question at Justin first and glanced in Trevor’s direction next. The lines above her eyebrow spoke volumes.

  “It was… Well, I was… Hmm … scary?” Justin hoped the words wouldn’t sound insulting. He held his breath and locked his gaze on his mate. Her hair was damp from a recent shower and the scent of her floral shampoo was making Justin lean in toward her.

  She wore a sexy skirt and top showing off her very perfect figure. Justin ached to run his hands under her skirt.

  Kara laughed. “That’s an interesting response. The first of its kind I believe. Were you frightened? Of my gymnastics?”

  “I … um … yes.” Justin felt incredibly articulate at the moment.

  “Sorry.” Kara chuckled. “I don’t mean to make light of your … affliction. I guess I should be pleased you … um … care.”

  “Well, I do, and—”

  “Watch it, buddy. Don’t say too much.” Trevor silently interrupted the speech Justin was about to give Kara.

  “And what?” Kara inquired.

  “And… Do you want to come over for a late lunch? I promise not to serve any cows you’ve met.” Justin released a breath and paused on the exhale to study Kara’s face.

  Would she accept? Or make things difficult for them? Either way, time was running out for Justin, and surely for Trevor. There was no way they could hold off having her for much longer. It would be simpler to lead her into their lifestyle gently, but slow was not in his current vocabulary.

  “I’d love to.”

  “Thank God.” Trevor’s thoughts of relief mirrored Justin’s.

  Kara lifted her gym bag over her right shoulder. Justin reached to take it from her and, with a wave of his hand, gestured her to follow Trevor’s lead.

  “Should I take my own car? That way you two … I mean you,” she glanced back at Justin behind her, cheeks reddened, “won’t have to drive back to campus later.”

  “No. No. It will be fine. I don’t mind taking you home.” It just won’t be tonig

  Hopefully, if things went as he expected, after tonight her life would be forever changed.

  * * * *

  From his hiding spot across the crowded parking lot, Barry watched Justin and Trevor walk out the door with Kara. Oh yeah, he knew her name now. He’d done his research. Too bad he couldn’t have watched her from the stands today. He’d bet she was sexier than ever in a leotard. But he couldn’t take the chance Justin or Trevor would notice him.

  As it was, they were suspicious. He knew they could smell his scent everywhere they went. They were looking around, their hackles up. Let them shake in their boots a little.

  Made the game that much more fun.

  He’d never been this close to them. Had always followed their lives from afar.

  Originally, he’d wanted to kill Trevor immediately. Slit his throat and be done with the little thug. But he knew knocking out one five-year-old orphan would not be nearly as sweet as waiting until the bastard was old enough to understand. Old enough to learn the truth about his own parents. Old enough to make it worthwhile to take the asshole’s life in revenge for all the pain and suffering brought on by the actions of his parents.

  Over the years the prize had gotten even better. Barry had fully intended to go after Justin too, just to piss Trevor off. Give him a dose of what it was like to lose someone you care about. Now the ante was getting even better by the day. After these two mated with the hot little blond, it would be pure torture to take her away from Trevor also.


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