Space Fun Box Set

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Space Fun Box Set Page 12

by Tom Harem

  Then the hand sank down through the body, until it reached the protruding clitoris. It had a lively and bright color. She laid two fingers on it and rubbed them there, faster each time, throwing her head back, enjoying every second. We couldn't take our eyes off her. It was beautiful, provocative, unique. She laughed amidst the moans, her legs trembling, and her fingers wrinkled.

  "Fuck her in front of me," she told me, her eyes wide open.

  I didn't think I could reject her request. Not that I would even think about it. I looked at Vic. She was already gazing at me. We kissed again. This time it lasted almost a minute. The truth is that having Emma there, masturbating, made us even hornier. We couldn't hold on much longer. Vic was totally wet, and I was as hard as a rock. Her body was calling me, and it was time to give her what she desperately needed.

  She bent over before me, her hands stretched out and resting on the rocks. The last thing on our minds was our fear of dying there. We didn't care anymore. At that moment, we just wanted to fuck ourselves to exhaustion, until our bodies could no longer hold still. I placed one hand on her right hip and grabbed my dick with the other, guiding it into Vic's interior. She was so wet that it wasn't hard to shove everything in. She covered her mouth with one hand.

  "Don't be nice," she asked. Damn it. The women I was meeting on my trip all enjoyed being fucked hard. I was getting lucky as fuck.

  I began; fast and hard. With each thrust, my belly bumped against her ass. I'd put my dick all the way in and she'd moan, stifling them, swinging her butt into my dick. She was never satisfied. She always wanted more. Emma was still using her fingers. She had traces of fluid running down her legs and a trail of saliva on her chin. That was amazing. I didn't even care if I died there anymore. We all knew we couldn't waste much time there, but I don't think any of us really cared. There was just one problem about fucking there; there weren't many positions that we could try. I kept fucking her with her bent on all fours right in front of me. The water swirled around us. No matter how hard we tried not to make any noise, whenever my dick slipped in, the air was forced out and made a slight sound of something popping out.

  "I'm about to cum," Vic said, closing her hands, her fists clenched, her face already covered in sweat.

  I'd never fucked in the water before. It was a different feeling. Not that it was bad but strange was a better word. I felt the water crashing against my totally hard cock and filling her pussy. Still, I didn't stop. She was tight and warm.

  "I want it too," Emma said, lowering her leg, "She's right about one thing. If we are going to die here, at least I will die happy and satisfied.

  "Wait...wait...just a little bit," Vic said, amid moaning.

  Her body twitched, her back tilted up. Her breathing became increasingly breathless. She was close to the climax. I clenched her hips, pulled her even closer to me and hit her even harder. She came, her tits swaying in the air, rubbing in the water, while she tried to talk but failed. I took three steps back and asked her if everything was all right.

  "Yes, yes, thank you very much,' she said. Only then did she dip both her hands in water and splashed her sweaty face.

  "What are you waiting for?" Emma said, putting herself back in the same position.

  She was thinner and, no doubt, had more body flexibility than Vic. It took me a few seconds to find a position where I was comfortable fucking her like that, with one leg on the ground and the other leg on the rocks. I was slightly tilted but wouldn't fall if I paid attention. Despite her slender body and small tits, she had the best ass between the two. It wasn't huge but it was chubby enough that I couldn't even grab it with one hand. I really needed to use both hands to be able to grope her. Now it was Vic who bathed while we did it. She didn't seem so excited to watch. Maybe she just didn't have that kink. In my opinion, she was a little too narcissistic to enjoy watching others.

  Emma and I fucked for the first time. We'd kissed before, she'd sucked my dick, and yet we'd never gotten to that point. She wasn't as tight as Vic, but her pussy clenched my dick. With every thrust I gave her, her body stood there, decompressing and compressing. I had no idea how much time we wasted there. Vic had already left the waterfall. She was now dressed, sharpening her sword on one of the rocks. We had brought the knives of the men who had attacked us the day before. They could be very useful in close combat.

  I felt my stomach squeezing. I wasn't going to last much longer. I warned Emma and she asked me to not stop. I had never finished inside anyone before. She told me not to worry. I allowed myself to go. A few seconds later, I stuck my short fingernails in her skin as I held her, firing all my white liquid into her. I even gave her a few nudges to make sure there weren't a few drops left on the tip. Wow. I was totally immersed in everything that was happening around me. That had really happened. I had fucked a princess and a serial killer. Now I was sure I couldn't die there. I didn't want it to be just a one-time thing.

  After we finished, we cleansed the body, dived a few times and made sure we got out of there all cleaned up. We let the scarce sun rays, which seeped through the cracks, dry us and only then we got dressed. Emma picked up one of the knives and gave me the other, instructing me to keep it in my back pocket and to only use it if I found it necessary.

  Chapter XXIV

  "Stay close to me," Victoria told us, "we have to be careful. Keep your eyes open wherever you go. This mountain is full of little potholes and stealthy thieves," she said.

  "How did you survive here?" Emma asked her...

  "I only go out at night. I try to make the slightest noise. I'm a princess but I've taken fighting and defense classes. I know a few things about how to survive in an environment like this," she said.

  "What about the rest of your crew?" I asked her as we were getting ready to get out of there. We were already dressed and had our guns in our holsters.

  "Most of them died as soon as we landed. We were attacked on the spot. We were unlucky to fall so close to the area. The rest died trying to save me. I didn't want any of this, you know? I just didn't want to be a princess anymore," she told us and laid her hands on one of the rocks. Her teeth gushed into each other and she scraped her fingers on the rock.

  "It is not your fault,' I said to her, 'you could not have foreseen that your ship would fall here,'.

  "Even so... I should have done something more,' she said to me.

  "Come on, that's enough. Let us continue. You are boring me," Emma replied, swinging the knife between her fingers.

  "Emma! You really have to learn not to talk at certain times," I told her.

  "I just think it's better to get going than to waste time talking about it. That won't get us anywhere. I know it's not her fault. You know it too. And she'll understand that too," she said.

  Damn it. I hated to admit it, but she was right. There was nothing we could do there.

  I did not answer her. Vic was the first to leave. She turned right and we followed her. That feeling of being followed was clinging to my back. It was as if I knew that there was someone on top of the mountains who was watching us. Neither Emma nor Vic seemed worried. I kept those thoughts away from me and continued to follow them.

  The deeper we got into the mountain, the more the sun's rays diminished. They were now just a thin beam that would sometimes fondle our faces seconds before it dissipated. A noise passed across the mountains; loud, thick voices that seemed both close and far. I couldn't even tell. Emma kept the knife close to her thigh and Vic had hers, even sharper, close to her chest with the sharp part forward. Only I had a gun in my holster. I only had two bullets. I also had a knife attached to my pants but, truth be told, I didn't even know how to use it. It was only to be used as a last resort in case I genuinely needed it.

  "It feels like we're going in circles," Emma said.

  "And we are. This is complicated but believe me, we're on the right track," Vic replied.

  We took two or three more steps when a few pebbles fell off the mountain. I only had time t
o look up and see the shadow of a foot moving away before a grunt of different voices rained down on us.

  "Shit. Get ready," Vic said, "a group is coming. Follow me quickly. If we fight with them here, we won't have a chance. We can't even move," she told us.

  "So where do we go?" Emma asked her, "It's not like there are doors around here that we can go to switch locations," she said.

  "Kane, go back. On that intersection from before, turn to the opposite side. It will take us to a wide space where we can fight without problems," she said.

  "Why didn't we go there right away?" Emma asked her, as we retreated, the voices thickening.

  "There's no way out. It's great to fight, but that's it," she said.

  Emma nodded her head. We ran there. I didn't even stop to look back or up. My heart was beating faster, and my feet and knees were already aching. I wasn't used to any of that and yet I wouldn't trade the adventure for anything else. I'd waited all my life for something like that. My blood boiling, the clothes clinging to my body and the adrenaline pumping through my veins. As soon as we reached the end of the line we turned back. It didn't take more than a few seconds for 3 people to show up at the only entrance to that place. All three had metal sticks in their hands. It seemed to me that almost no one there had guns. Most likely they had already spent all their bullets fighting each other wildly.

  "I'll take the one on the right," Emma said and licked her lips, "This is going to be fun,"

  "I'll take the one on the left," Vic said before I could add anything.

  "Well, I'll take the middle one then," I said, trying to sound confident even though I was afraid of dying there, "Do we attack, or do we expect them to do it?

  "Wait. Look at your opponent's feet. See which way he's going to attack you. Turn around and punch him right in the chin. As soon as you put him down, don't let him get up," Emma said to me, "this will be easy.

  I looked again at the three men before us. They were taller than us and the bodies were twice as wide. They were covered with scars, some deep and some superficial. They also had two red stripes on each of their cheeks. I couldn't even tell if that was blood if it was ink. They took three steps forward. One of them dragged the metal bat on the floor while the other two carried it along the leg.

  "We haven't eaten so well in a long time," one of them said.

  His words were received with grunts and smiles.

  They all had yellow teeth. One of them had a whitish beard, other sideburns up to the jaw and the last one had a glass eye. It was as if they had just come out of my worst nightmares or even some of the stories my father had written in his diary. He too had experienced moments like this, between life and death, but he had always managed to escape. I could not lose on my first time. I had to make him proud. I had not run away from home to perish in the first battle I had against a single man, even if he was twice of my size.

  "Don't be afraid," Emma told me, and slid the knife across her tongue until the blade was covered in blood.

  She didn't even seem to feel the pain. She smiled, the blood slipping down her chin too. One of the men, the one in front of Emma, lost his patience and threw himself at her. She dodged and hit him with the butt of the gun while he was still up in the air.

  I was watching everything when pain spread around my shoulder. Damn it. The man in front of me had knocked me over. We both fell to the ground and he started punching me repeatedly until I couldn't even move. I had my hands protecting my face and the pain escalated. I had to get out of there somehow. If that continued, I would lose in an instant.

  His saliva ran down his chin and dripped all over my clothes. I kept only one hand in front of my face while I used the other to look for the knife I had in my pants. One of those moments when it seems like the more we look for something, the harder it gets to find it. It took me a while to do it. With all the pain in my body, everything seemed the same to me. Even my vision was already blurred. But no, I couldn't give up there. I could not. I grabbed the knife and stabbed it in his flesh, sticking it as deep as possible. Honestly, I had no idea where I had landed it. I only knew that I could not stop. He groaned in agony and the punches stopped. I gathered the little strength I had left and punched him right in the chin as Emma had taught me. He fell back, his eyes half closed, the blood spreading through the brown tissue. I looked at my knife. It was covered in a thick light red, with a couple of tiny bubbles popping. The man wriggled on the ground, his fists clenched, screaming that he would kill me as soon as he got up.

  "You must kill him first," Emma said to me, "He wouldn't have pity on you if it were the other way around."

  I looked at her. A man was dead in front of her and she had her foot on his neck. His clothes were completely sliced; dozens of deep cuts in his belly and some in his legs. As she raised her foot, blood sprouted from his neck. Emma kicked the man in the shoulder and the body turned around. A pool of blood came up under his face. I looked at the man in front of me again. Damn it. No, I couldn't. I didn't want to kill anyone. Much less a person who could not defend himself. That was not who I was.

  "You kill him if you want to,' I answered her.

  "Okay," Emma answered me and approached him. The man still tried to escape but could not get away in time.

  "Kane, sooner or later you'll have to conform to the world you live in," Emma told me, looking at me as she stuck the sharp end of the knife in the man's neck.

  The blood sprinkled on his face. The man's fingers stopped moving. She wiped herself with her fingers, licking them slowly, savoring them until there was absolutely no evidence.

  "Nice, I walked away from a crazy place just to be saved by a lunatic," Vic said.

  "At least you admit I'm saving you," Emma said.

  "You got lucky," Vic replied, "Is the whole crew like that?"

  "Not really. You don't have to worry," I said to her, "let's just get going,"

  "We better hide the bodies," Emma told us," we can drag them off to somewhere remote. If there's any around here,"

  "Only if we go back to where we slept," Vic answered her.

  "Again?" I asked her. I was tired of walking in circles. I just wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

  Dust was clinging to my clothes and skin, to the point that every time I frowned, little grains of sand stumbled down my face.

  "We might as well take care of this now, rather than let them know we were here," Emma said, "Don't forget. This is my domain. If you want to survive, do as I tell you. Each one carries a body,"

  "Where have you ever seen a princess carry a body?" Vic grumbled.

  "If you don't want to be a princess, you better get used to the life of ordinary mortals," Emma replied with a slight mocking grin in the corner of her lips.

  "She's right," I added, "no one will do your job for you anymore. But, you know, you're still in time to get back to your planet. We'll take you there.

  "No. No! I know all that. I was just getting it off my chest. You must understand, Kane. Carrying bodies across the mountain must not have been your first thought when you ran away from home," she said.

  "No, but..." I started but was interrupted.

  "See, I knew it," she said and held onto my arm.

  "Come on, let's hurry up. The sooner we do this, the sooner we will get out of here," Emma said.

  Chapter XXIV

  We ended up grabbing the dead by the collar and carrying them across the battered earth until we got to the hidden place where we had spent the night. Emma was right. I felt much safer knowing that the bodies were hidden there than having them halfway along the way, indicating where we were going. However, I did not tell her that. I couldn't forget that she was still a serial killer and I didn't know how reliable she was. Even if she had saved my life, she could have done it only to have a chance of getting off the ship. I couldn't risk it.

  "What now?" I asked her.

  "We followed the same path as before. Let's try to make less noise this time," she said, and he
r eyes hovered over Vic.

  "Don't be looking at me. I survived here all by myself."

  "It doesn't matter. Now we are more, we have to be more careful. And when you were here alone, you didn't make any noises talking," she said.

  "How do you know I don't talk to myself?" Vic said as she wiped her blood-covered hands in the waterfall.

  Emma didn't answer her. She was satisfied with casting a fierce gaze towards Vic. Half-closed eyes, the color behind them fading. Vic just cleaned her hands and walked away, heading for the entrance. I still tried to tell Emma to calm down but all I got was the same angry look. Damn it. It wouldn't go well if we continued like this. There could be no discord among us. My father had taught me that; that if there is a problem in the group it must be solved before the seed of evil spreads to others.

  Still, it wasn't the best time to stop and talk either. Now the best thing was to get out of there as soon as possible and afterwards we could solve the problems between them.

  We went back to the place where we had bumped into the three men. The place was empty. There was still dry blood in the center of the place, but Emma quickly rushed to put dirt and thick grains of sand on top. She even stomped on the mixture with her boot to make sure it all looked natural. Vic and I watched as she took care of it. She was a professional. It was definitely not the first time she was in such a situation. There was still a lot to know about her and I was hoping that one day she would feel comfortable sharing her life stories. Despite not trusting her at the moment, it didn’t mean I could, one day. If we could survive, we might end up having time to build a long-lasting trust. Or maybe it would never be more than a desire.

  "Let's continue. Vic takes the lead. We are right behind you. Kane watch our backs. I will keep an eye on what's above us. A sign like pebbles falling down can save our lives," she said.

  This time, no one said anything for most of the way. We kept going in circles across the mountain. The dried-up yellow-roasted and orange walls, a few with drawings that seemed to be dozens of years old, with the colors already fading, never changed all along the way. The sun was at its peak and yet the rays that struck us were few and far between. My body had never been so dirty and so limp. With every step I took, the sand seemed to leap from one member of my body to another. Even my head was aching, and I found it difficult to close my hands.


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