Carly’s Voice
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As Carly continues to open doors for herself, there have been teachers and educators who march in front, helping her along the way. To those at the fictitiously named “Western Secondary,” including Varla Abrams, Ron Felson, Linda Swales, Leonilla Liko, Jennifer Molloy, and Michelle Pinet, we are thankful that you were willing to take a chance and see in Carly what many could not.
Carly would not be able to achieve her mission of sharing “the truth and mysteries of autism” without the dedicated and supportive following of her audience on Facebook and Twitter. And her story would not have been told so powerfully without the help of news professionals Alan Goldberg of ABC and Avis Favaro and Elizabeth St. Philip of CTV, who took the time to tell it with insight and integrity.
Many of us can identify pivotal moments in our lives. For Carly, the pace and depth of her communication accelerated exponentially with her introduction to Ellen DeGeneres. Ellen has been generous with her time and empathy, something we’ll treasure forever. Contacting Ellen was only possible through the efforts of Steve Levine, who answered the cold-call email that would ultimately change Carly’s life. Julie Silver, Mary Connelly, and my sister-in-law, Ruth Fleischmann, helped amplify this request and ensure that Ellen heard it loud and clear. And Craig Peralta, who implored Ellen to read Carly’s introductory letter, and has subsequently made us feel wanted and welcome.
I never dreamt of telling Carly’s story in printed word, and likely would not have if not for the mentorship and support of my agent, Linda Loewenthal of David Black Literary Agency. She saw the story in Carly’s Voice before it was a story and patiently helped me bring it to life. And it would have remained an “inner voice” without the guidance, persistence, and wisdom of my editor, Sally Kim, at Touchstone/Simon & Schuster. I was lucky to not have one great editor but two, and I thank Trish Todd at S&S for going above the call of duty in providing me a first-read edit, which formed the basis of the final manuscript. I am grateful for the leadership and heavy lifting of the entire team, including Stacy Creamer, David Falk, Meredith Vilarello, Marcia Burch, Allegra Ben-Amotz, and Cherlynne Li.
But of course only my immediate family really understands what it has taken to live this story and what it means to tell it. Matthew, thank you for your maturity and righteousness. You are an old soul who will have great impact on the world. Taryn, your humor makes me smile; your unconditional love for your twin sister makes me proud. Carly, I learn from you every day and cannot think of a hero I admire more. Tammy, you never think your efforts are sufficient, but in fact no one who walks this earth could move it the way you have for your family. I love you all, and believe because of you, regardless of our challenges, that I am one hell of a lucky guy.
That we have this impossibly large, passionately engaged team supporting us is the miracle of Carly.
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