My Beloved

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My Beloved Page 5

by T. M. Mendes

  Darcy laughed through his nose. "Picturing us as a pile of ash, darling? Not very nice, but to answer your inquiry, no we can't. Because we are technically dead, our body doesn't do photosynthesis, therefore it repels any sunlight." Darcy's eyes looked positively entertained by the odd couple before him and it made Vincent annoyed.

  "I've given her my word she has one week here to say her goodbyes and then she's coming with me."

  Darcy looked in surprise at him. "A whole week? That doesn't sound like the possessive Vincent I know."

  His teasing was grating on Vincent's nerves and it took a lot of restraint to hold back from yelling at him. The only thing stopping him was the fearful little Firefly in his arms. "Yes, well, it is rare for a vampire to have the bond with a human."

  Wendy now looked up, confused, still trying in vain to get down from the arms that held her. "Why is it rare?"

  Vincent looked down at her which made his irritation dissipate into nothing.

  "It's like if you were to fall in love with a cheeseburger!" Darcy piped up with a laugh.

  Her eyebrows shot up while Vincent's furrowed. "What is a cheeseburger?" he asked, making Darcy hit his forehead.

  "It's a food! Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to opt for a healthier meal tonight and go snag me a nice little nurse." Now dressed in full scrubs, Darcy waltzed out and clicked the door shut behind him. Only then did Vincent set her down. He noted Wendy's face was now an ashen pale and she looked to be sick.

  "Love? Are you alright?" He reached for her, but she stepped back and looked as if she was going to cry. Vincent realized this was the moment he was waiting for, her breaking point. He was both dreading and looking forward to it. He dreaded that she had to go through it, but he knew the sooner the better so she could move on.

  "I am not your love! How am I supposed to be alright when that-that creature just left to go snack on some poor woman?! You drugged my brother! You punched out a window and then let us fall from four stories! You're a freaking vampire who intends to take me away from everything I know! I'm tired, and confused! Half of me wants to go with you and the other half is scared out of my mind! So NO, I am not alright!"

  He could hear her rapidly thudding heart beat and it made him concerned. Her tears were building up, causing some fog to obscure her glasses. She angrily blinked them back and ripped the glasses off her face before wiping them with the hem of her shirt, muttering to herself. He could feel all the emotions coming off of her in waves. He sighed and sank into a rocking chair that was next to him and abruptly pulled her into his lap. She fought for a moment before realizing it was no use and gave up. He gently cupped her face to look at him so she would listen to what he had to say.

  "You are so amazing, Wendy. I know that you are afraid. I know that you are confused, and I know that you want answers to your never ending questions. You may not believe it when I tell you, but I love you with my whole being, because my soul is drawn to yours. I am truly sorry for the disturbance I have caused in your life, but I would not take it back since it has brought me to you. I realize you don't love me...yet, but I ask that you would stop trying to fight so hard against something so natural. You were born to be mine, just as I was created to be yours. In this time, in this very moment, you and I will always be intertwined by fate. Can you let go of the control you hold so tightly in your grasp? I can give you my vow to never drink from you unless you permit me to." His eyes were beseeching to hers, making her sag against his hold and surrender for the moment.

  "I-I...I don't know what to say." She gently took his hands and lowered her face away from them. He could sense her mind was still in turmoil, but it was less chaotic than just moments ago. He tucked her into him so her head rested on his shoulder and his hand rubbed up and down on her back. She dwarfed him in size and nearly looked like a small child compared to his towering stature. Her flaxen hair tickled the skin of his arms, but he felt completely at ease with her in his hold.

  "You don't need to say anything, little Firefly. Sleep to clear your mind." He rocked them until she fell into a deep sleep.

  Her lips were so close to his neck that it was hard to concentrate but he managed. To Vincent, his Firefly reminded him much of a small cat. She was fierce yet soft, a complete contradiction. Her blood was calling out to him like a siren that held the most tantalizing temptation he'd ever face. He could hear the blood running in her veins and it made his gums ache when his fangs threatened to come out. 'I'll need to feed in a few hours, before sunrise,' he thought to himself. Darcy walked back in a half an hour later with a satisfied grin.

  "Her blood was spicy! Oh-" He cut himself off when he saw the sleeping girl in his brother's arms.

  Vincent glowered at him. "I'd appreciate it if you would quit being so open with your feeding. At least until she can get used to the idea! Now, can you sit down so I can finally get a grasp on what has happened in the last few centuries?" he whispered to Darcy.

  Darcy forgot what it felt like to feel that slight tug of the master/sire bond they had. He had the power to refuse if he so chooses because there was no real weight behind the request, but he didn't want to. He missed his close friend dearly all these years, so he sat in front of him and opened his mind to share what his creator has missed out on.

  It took a full hour, but when Vincent was done, he sat back amazed and repositioned Wendy on his lap. He saw everything, the wars that happened, the technology that was raised and modern day transportation. "I can't believe it. This is amazing! However, the cameras have got to be a pain. Makes keeping our secret harder," he said more to himself.

  Darcy nodded and stood up, feeling a slight fatigue from having his memories sifted through. "Yes, which is exactly why we need to be more careful. You should go feed, brother. The sun will be up shortly. Don't worry about her. I already have a trusted companion on her way to watch out over her during daylight hours. And since she's still in school, I took the liberty in making Anya a teacher of hers as well."

  Vincent was pleasantly surprised at his friend's initiative. "Very good, but is she human then?" Vincent didn't like that a weak human would watch out for his equally fragile love, but what more could he do? Vampires cannot survive in the sun.

  "Yes, but not to worry. Her allegiance lies with me. I found her when she was just ten on the streets of Russia. She is very loyal and I look at her like a father does." Darcy got this faraway look in his eyes and Vincent looked at him with a sad smile.

  "She must look like Olivia then?" Olivia was Darcy's only child when he was human. His wife and daughter were slaughtered during a raid through their village. They thought he was dead, so they left him there. He crawled down the road trying in vain to get to them so he could kill them, which was where Vincent found him.

  "They have similarities, yes," Darcy admitted almost reluctantly. Vincent knew not to press the issue and let it be. Sensing he only had so much more time before he had to rest, he quickly yet gently set Wendy down the miniature couch that also posed as a cot. He kissed her forehead before standing upright. "Can you stay here until she's here or will she be too long?" He asked him before he left. He would stay with her until the very moment before the sun rose, but he really did need to feed if he was going to withstand the calling of her blood.

  "She should be here in the next forty minutes or so. I called her as soon as you called me. Lucky for you she was only a couple hours away from here running another errand for me. It will be close, but I'll stay here until she arrives since I've already had my fill."

  With that, Vincent left, knowing his coven brother would not let him down.

  He was outside within seconds and for once since he awoken, he was not bombarded with things on the street that confused him. Thanks to Darcy's memories, he knew what the long metal carriage was called, a bus. He knew everything he took in and it comforted him. Nothing felt worse to him than being completely confused as to what something was.

  His eyes scanned the surrounding area until he heard
the faint thudding of feet hitting the ground mid-run a few miles down the road. He flitted quickly toward the sound and stopped when he reached what Darcy's mind would call a park. He was hidden behind a thick and large oak tree when his eyes rested on a young female jogging down the dirt path. He saw her quick pulse beating just under the flesh of her neck. His ears tested the area and sensed no one else around. Coiling like a snake, his arm struck out when she just passed his form hidden in the shadows. She didn't even have time to scream before his fangs sank deep into her long neck.

  His large hand covered her mouth as the blood coated his tongue and he drank in urgency. Consuming the sweet tinged liquid quenched his undeniable thirst. The woman couldn't struggle as in the moment his teeth pierced her flesh, she was left immobilized. This was a tactic mastered by Vincent within the first hundred years of his life. Having his fill, he retracted his fangs and sighed in relief from the ache. His eyes found her round terrified ones and noted she looked tired from lack of blood. "Go back home. You started to feel unwell so you decided to cut your jogging session short," he told her without looking away from her eyes, compelling her to do as he told her. She nodded in a daze and stepped away from him before slowly turning around and walking away.

  With no longer feeling the ache from needing blood, he sensed he only had so long before the sun would rise. Seeking shelter in an abandoned basement, he hunkered down for the day. It was not the best accommodation, but it would have to do until he accessed his fortune and built himself a suitable home. Or maybe he would find one already built. That was new to him and it would save a great deal of time if it were done this way. Yes, he decided to himself, he would go house hunting within the next couple of days. Vincent saw the cracks of light from the dawn, making him yawn and close his eyes to dream of his little Firefly.

  Chapter 6


  Wendy breathed in deeply before the last bit of sleep left her mind. She could feel the sun’s light behind her closed lids. With a loud yawn, she stretched like a cat and finally opened them. Confusion gripped her head when she saw she was facing a window that was blocked off with cardboard and a large note saying ‘under repair’. Last night flashed through her mind, making her sit up abruptly with a gasp. Her fingers clutched the necklace in worry as her eyes danced around the hospital room, only to land on her brother who was already awake.

  “Oh hey there, sleepyhead. Thought you would never wake up. Man, I had the weirdest dream last night. I thought you were being kidnapped by some vampire dude and… why are you looking at me like that?” he asked after a moment, looking at the dread that colored his sister’s face. “Please tell me it was only a dream! It has to be! You’re still here!” He tried to deny, but Wendy got up and placed a calming hand on his shoulder with a forced smile.

  “It was only a dream. I’m fine, see?” She knew it would do no good for her brother to know. She wanted to make sure her last week was a happy one for him. Quickly turning away so he wouldn’t see the tears rapidly building in her eyes, she dabbed them away quickly. The door to the room opened, causing Wendy’s head to turn to see if it was Vincent. She internally berated herself from the small hope that it was. Plus, it was daylight and she knew better, or at least she hoped she did.

  A woman stepped into the room with pale blonde hair. It reminded her of Darcy’s fair hair, which in turn made her suspicious that this woman was even human. Her eyes were an alluring green and as she smiled, she could almost hear her brother sigh. “Hello, I’m Anya. Can we talk out in the hall?”

  Wendy could detect a slight accent she couldn’t place. “Of course,” she muttered quickly. If this lady was a vampire, the farther away she was from her brother, the better.

  “See you later, Anya,” Markus nearly all but breathed out in a daze. It made Wendy want to face palm herself. Anya has obviously already met her brother while she was sleeping.

  “Listen, I don’t know how you’re out in the sun, but”- Wendy started once they were out in the hall. The staff was too busy to pay attention to their conversation, making the two girls more at ease with their discussion, but Anya interrupted her.

  “No, no! I am not a… vampire. I’m human, just like you.” Anya had whispered the word vampire just to be safe. Wendy discreetly looked her over again, and although she was beautiful, there was a frail quality that did indeed say she was human. “Darcy sent me here to look after you while Mr. Gilmore slept.”

  Wendy felt frustrated. Did he really think she had the gall to try and run away? She was too much of a ninny to try after the power he showed her yesterday!

  “Well, your… services are not needed. I’m not going to run!” she hissed under her breath.

  Anya sighed and shook her head. “No, I was not asked to make sure you didn’t run. I was asked to make sure you were not harmed. Darcy was very adamant about making sure you were taken care of for Mr. Gilmore.”

  You would’ve thought Anya slapped Wendy in the face the way her face flinched back in shock. Wendy couldn’t believe that was the reason for having this woman here. Her ever warring self made her feel conflicted. On one hand, she felt like what Anya said had to be a lie only to ensure she wouldn’t raise hell from being kept under surveillance. On the other hand, her heart gave a measurable tug at the thought of Vincent caring that much for her.

  ‘Oh, who am I kidding?!’ she thought angrily at herself and crossed her arms for comfort. Anya tried to comfort her but it only made Wendy step back. “I need some air,” she muttered and tried to side step Anya only to be blocked. Wendy was feeling so frustrated it made her want to stomp her feet like a child. “I’m feeling suffocated right now, please just let me get some air.”

  Anya shook her head. “I’m sorry, but I need to stay with you. I’ll be sure to give you space.”

  Inside, Wendy was fuming. She felt like a baby who needed constant watching. Her hands flew up in frustration as she stalked off. “Fine!” she spoke through gritted teeth. A part of her felt bad for taking her anger out on Anya, but she had no one else to vent her anger out to. Anya followed silently behind her as they made it out into the courtyard. Wendy sat herself in front of a fountain and stared at it for the longest time.

  “I’m sorry,” she murmured to the pale blonde. Wendy was never one to hold grudges, but she was just so confused and frustrated.

  Anya took that as an okay to sit next to her on the bench. “I know it can be frightening, but they really aren’t that bad. You’re the lucky one. At least from what I heard, Mr. Gilmore looks at you like you’re his entire universe.”

  The wistfulness in her voice made Wendy curious. “Darcy doesn’t feel the same way about you?”

  Anya snorted to the question and shook her head. “No, he does not. He cares for me, and maybe even loves me, but… not in the same way I do for him. I wondered why for so long before I found a painting. One of this woman and a little girl.” Anya turned and faced Wendy with a sad smile. “The little girl looked so similar to me when I was younger. I put the pieces together and figured out that was his wife and daughter. He can never see me as a lover, but only a daughter he can’t get back.”

  Wendy felt sad for this woman and hesitantly placed a comforting arm around her shoulders. “Have you… have you tried to talk to him?” She couldn’t believe she was trying to give relationship advice to the person that she hardly knew. Not to mention the fact she has zero dating experience and how Darcy was another vampire! Anya snorted bringing Wendy up short in her thoughts.

  “Please! How is that supposed to work? ‘Darcy, I love you more than a friend for all these years so please forget that I look like your dead daughter’? That will go over so well.” Anya looked at Wendy and sighed. “I am sorry, that was rude and uncalled for. Come, let’s get back inside and get something to eat.”

  Wendy agreed, wanting to get far from this topic as possible. They both walked in semi-awkward silence. Wendy thinking of Vincent despite her trying not to, and Anya thinking of Darcy.
  “What would you like? Darcy told me anything to your heart’s content,” Anya said, flashing a shiny black card. Wendy grimaced to herself as she fiddled with her locket. She sighed in frustration when they got too close where the cooks were cooking. The steam caused her glasses to fog up.

  ‘I need to get contacts,’ she thought to herself with a grumble. Her eyes caught the reflection in the far wall on a large fridge and she gasped. “Good Lord, is that me?!” she squeaked out in near horror.

  Anya followed her line of vision and grimaced apologetically at her. “I thought you knew and were just secure in yourself. It’s okay. We’ll get you cleaned up right after we eat, because I’m starving!”

  Wendy tried to slick down her bird’s nest she called hair but it was no use. The curls were far beyond a finger brush over. She was surprised by how utterly tired she looked. Her skin was unusually pale from all the anxiety she’s gone through in the last twenty-four hours and her eyes seemed a little dull. To put it lightly, she looked ten seconds from dropping dead. It didn’t help that she had bruises forming from falling only two or three days ago. She shook her head at the pitiful sight and looked at Anya. “I need to fix this. I promise I’ll be right back.”

  Anya looked torn between looking at the girl she’s supposed to watch and a large slice of pizza that was on a rotating plate.

  “It’ll be fine,” Wendy pushed before walking toward a bathroom sign off to the side. She couldn’t hear following feet, making her feel less crowded in. Pushing on the large cold door, it creaked open. She noted she was alone and for that she was glad. She didn’t want anyone to see her more than necessary. Her face twisted up when she saw she was still in her sweats from the day before. Like any other girl, she was always self-conscious so she did tend to wear more conservative clothing, but these were just asking for her to get thrown into a convent. “Oh, you’re so beautiful!” she mocked in an attempt to sound like Vincent and snorted to herself in denial. He must have been blind to say that when she was wearing this outfit!


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