Ghost (Executioners Book 1)

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Ghost (Executioners Book 1) Page 2

by J. M. Dabney

  The last one he couldn’t ignore or forgive because Joe moved out. Gideon felt like an idiot, and that’s why he was hiding away on a farm in the middle of nowhere Georgia. The peacefulness after decades living in New York City was just what he had needed.

  Powers, Georgia was Gregory’s suggestion. And it had been his best decision yet. He had his organic farm, his band The Executioners which he’d joined not long after he’d moved there, and he had family and friends.

  Gregory’s mom, his aunt, was great. She’d accepted Gregory as gay like it was no big deal.

  “Checking out something sexy, Ghost?”

  He rolled his eyes at the tiny bartender named Twitch.

  Twitch’s husband was Crave the head of Brawlers Security. He still couldn’t see the blond behemoth and the petite brunet as a couple, but you couldn’t mistake the love between them.

  “No, not looking for a hookup for the night.”

  “You’ve been coming to Brawlers for almost two years, someone must have caught your attention.”

  “No, leave it alone,” he lied.

  “Fine, be all grumpy.” Twitch huffed and took off to the other end of the bar.

  Ghost chuckled and shook his head. He pulled out his wallet and threw some money on the bar and headed home.

  A book laid open on his thigh as Gideon stared off in the distance and tried to get his chaotic thoughts under control. Gideon’s phone ringing pulled him from thoughts he didn’t need to think about. He grabbed it and connected the call.

  “Are you ready to come home yet?”

  His business partner whined into the phone without waiting for his reply.

  “No, I left you in charge.”

  “Yeah, but I can’t stand smiling at those catty bitches when I lie to them about being able to make all their stupid impossible dreams come true. If I have to deal with one more wedding, I’m going to start drinking again. It will be your fault if I ruin three years of sobriety.”

  “Carol, you’ve threatened that how many times in the last few years?”

  “It’s still true. Couldn’t you have stayed here?”

  “No, I couldn’t.”

  “Fine, so how’s country living? Any hot country boys or girls catching your fancy?”


  “You said that way too quickly.”

  He couldn’t count the stories he’d heard about Harper since he’d moved there. They hadn’t mentioned how beautiful she was, though. He hadn’t known what to say, and he probably acted like an idiot. Not his worst first impression but decidedly the one that bugged him.

  “Her name is Harper. She works at a local bookstore.”


  “There’s no chance she’d be interested.”

  “And why is that? Are you letting Joe’s bullshit fuck with your head?”

  “No, she’s beautiful, maybe in her mid-twenties.”

  “She’s got that sexy southern debutante thing going on?”

  “I don’t know, she’s—”

  “Gideon, you’re letting your ex into your head. You’re handsome, sweet, intelligent, well off due to a business you worked your ass off to build.”

  “You don’t have to talk me up.”

  She really didn’t. He knew he wasn’t unattractive, but Harper was gorgeous.

  Something about meeting her troubled him though. He’d stopped outside the window to take one more look. Harper had deflated, her shoulders drooped, and she seemed to pull into herself. The tangible sadness had caused his chest to ache.

  It had taken everything in him to walk away. He lived the life of a hermit by choice, but that didn’t mean he liked it.

  “Gideon,” Carol calling his name pulled him from his thoughts.

  “Sorry, early to bed, early to rise and all that.”

  “You’re acclimating to the country life well.”

  “I have been here two years now.”

  “Come for a visit soon, please?”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “You tell me that every time I ask.”

  “I promise I’ll see what I can do. I’ve got to crash out.”

  “Fine, I’ll call earlier next time so you can’t use having to go to bed as an excuse to stop talking to me.”

  “That’s not what I’m doing. I’m harvesting tomorrow.”

  “Fine. Good night, Gideon.”

  Ghost said good night and set his phone aside. The deep rumbling of a motorcycle grew louder and then ceased across the yard. He watched as Joker dismounted and slowly walked toward the porch.

  “Hey, Ghost.”

  “Joker, what brings you out here?”

  “Got any beer?”

  “You know where it is.”

  Joker didn’t say another word just pulled open the screen door and disappeared inside. A few minutes later, Joker came back outside and took a seat in the rocker next to his. The man wasn’t much of a talker and to be honest no one knew much about him, except Joker wasn’t a man to fuck with and if Joker smiled everyone knew shit was about to go down.

  “Something on your mind?”

  “Naw, man, shit went nuclear at Brawlers, I bounced out before the cops showed.”

  “When doesn’t things go nuclear there?”

  “True. Pelter has a hard-on for all that law and order bullshit. Fucker’s ruining everyone’s fun.”

  Joker wasn’t a fan of the new Sheriff. The two of them started butting heads even before the man took the job. “I think that’s the point of being a Sheriff.”

  “The old one didn’t give a fuck.”

  “That’s because he was corrupt as hell. He nearly took out half the Brawlers Crew.”

  “Scary and Tank wouldn’t let that shit go down. Fucker threatened their husband. You don’t do that shit to men like Scary and Tank and expect to get away with it.”

  “You crashing here tonight?”

  “No, gotta get home soon. Got a custom job starting in the morning.”

  “Well, I have harvesting in the morning. Make yourself at home.”

  “Thanks, man.”

  “No problem.”

  Ghost pushed to his feet and walked around Joker, then he opened the screen door. He turned back to see his friend staring off into the distance. An almost sad look on his face. He started to ask if Joker was okay but knew the answer he’d get. Instead, he went inside to get ready for bed. Tomorrow was a new day. Maybe he needed to make it back to Nightingale’s. Maybe Harper would like to have coffee. He shook his head. There were always the maybes. He was damn sick of them. It was time he stopped being so much of a hermit. Not everyone was like his ex. He just wanted someone of his own.



  Harper watched the happy couple dance around the floor with eyes only for each other. Even though she was ecstatic for her friends, she also felt jealousy. She had always been this contradiction. She dreamed of that happily ever after. Finding her Prince Charming as it were, but in the end, she settled for her own personal hell. Someone to punish her for her so-called sins. Who would inflict the pain she wasn’t able to? She shook her head and retreated into the shadows for a walk.

  She avoided the people littered along the shadows and headed in the opposite direction of the house. Even though the sun already set, she knew the woods by heart. She’d spent her teens hiding there. Her family hadn’t been the demonstrative sort, and they ignored her from the moment she’d said she was a girl. Kyle and his family had taken her in for the nights she was hungry and cold. Kyle had held her as she’d cried when she’d scraped together enough for her first dress. It had been the first and last moment she’d truly felt happiness.

  She kept walking as moonlight illuminated her way. She ignored the flashes of lightning and the loud cracks of thunder.

  A break in the trees opened onto a large field. Rows upon rows of vegetables and fruit trees. The house in the distance was dark, so she strode forward as the sky opened up. Cool rain
quickly drenched her clothes, but she didn’t care, as she walked between the rows. Her fingers caressed leaves, some smooth in texture, some fuzzy and velvety. The rain came down so hard that it almost took her breath, but still she walked.

  Mud pulled at her feet, and she lifted her one foot then the other to remove her ballet flats. She smiled as soil squished between her toes. Everyone thought she was crazy, so she didn’t resist as she held her arms out, tipped her head back and the shower of rain cascaded over her face.

  “This storm is about to get worse.”

  She screamed and spun to find a man cloaked in a slicker. The hood concealed his face.

  “Sorry, I’m Gideon, remember me?” He pushed the hood back.

  A handsome face with a thick, ginger beard came into view, and she instantly recognized him.

  “Oh, O’Brien Shaw.”

  She remembered him. Sometimes she found herself thinking about the big man with his kind green eyes. It was stupid, but she couldn’t stop it. She hadn’t had a lot of people be nice to her, and she remembered each one.



  “Don’t apologize. I’ve stood in the rain quite a few times since I planted this field two years ago. But why don’t you come inside and dry off? Did you break down?”

  She pushed the heavy weight of her wet hair away from her face.

  “No, I was at a Handfasting and decided to take a walk.”

  “Have you had dinner?”

  “No, I left before the feast.”

  “Come on, then, you’re not a vegetarian, are you? I was going to throw some steaks on the grill.”

  “I don’t want to impose.”

  “Not an imposition. You can follow me back to the house, get dried off, have a little dinner, and I’ll drive you back to your car once this lets up.”

  Part of her wanted to say no, but that’s not what came out when she opened her mouth. “Okay.”

  He was being nice. She doubted it would last, but if he’d lived there as long as he had, then he knew about her. In small towns, secrets didn’t stay hidden long. If not, she would be selfish and just accept his kindness.

  He turned and walked away. He walked slow enough where she easily caught up with him. Gideon didn’t walk in front or behind her, if she slowed down, he did too. She sensed he was trying to be non-threatening. She tripped, his arm shot out, and she wrapped her hands around his forearm steadying herself. He didn’t try to grab her.

  “You’re not wearing shoes, be careful. You want me to carry you?”

  Panic warred with an almost giddiness of him offering to carry her. Being picked up hadn’t ended well for her in the past.

  “No, no, I’m fine, thank you.”

  “Okay, just be careful.”

  The house came into view, and it was perfect. It was a two-story farmhouse with a huge wraparound porch. A porch swing on the left side wildly swung with the strong wind. Hanging baskets of colorful and fragrant flowers hung from the eaves. She was suddenly excited to see inside. It was like her dream house. She quickened her steps and left Gideon behind, she practically jogged up the steps. She paused with her hand on the screen door, tensing as she realized what she’d done.

  Rich, laughter came from behind her. “Go on in. The door’s unlocked. The light switch is on the right side just as you go in.”

  She opened the door and stepped inside, the house smelled like spicy incense and men’s cologne. It was a comforting scent. And she drew it in through her nose as she flipped the switch. She took several steps forward as she turned to look into the first room she came to.

  It was perfect. The subtle natural tones were punctuated by a colorful quilt on the back of the huge couch. Beautiful splashes of vibrant shades on canvas littered the walls.

  “Oh, I’m dripping all over your floors and getting mud everywhere.”

  “You’re fine, it’ll dry, Harper. The kitchen is straight back. I have some towels in the laundry room.”

  She glanced over her shoulder to see him motioning her forward.

  She carefully made her way toward the kitchen. She stepped into the darkened room, and the lights turned on. The kitchen was a mix of traditional farmhouse and modern steel. She knew she was probably embarrassing herself with the awe she was showing. There was no way she could hide it. She’d never been that close to a dream before.

  Gideon walked passed her, and she noticed he’d removed his jacket. Flannel stretched across his wide shoulders and back. His hair was wet and combed back, the sides shaved while the top was wavy and long. She shivered as fear at his size caused her to step back.

  “You’re cold, I know it’s spring, but I can start a fire or turn on the heat.”

  “No, I don’t want to be a bother.”

  “Never a bother. I think I have some sweats and a t-shirt, they’ll be really big on you, but the pants have a drawstring. Do you want to take a shower to warm up? I can wait on dinner until you’re done.”

  She noticed he was looking everywhere but at her. She looked down to find her white, summer dress nearly transparent. She crossed her arms over her chest. She was deficient in the breast department so she never really wore a bra.

  “I’ll be fine after I dry off and get into some dry clothes.”

  “Let me get you the towel and clothes, then I’ll show you to the bathroom.”

  He disappeared and returned minutes later with a pile of clothes.

  “You lucked out, the dryer just stopped, and the towels are all warm. Follow me.”

  He led her to a back staircase off the kitchen. The narrow passage made her claustrophobic, but thankfully, they quickly entered a bedroom. A huge bed stood in the center of the room. Windows ran the full length of one wall.

  She watched him as he laid the pile on the end of the bed.

  “Bathroom is through there. Take your time. If you want to shower, help yourself. I’ll start dinner, just come down when you’re ready.”

  He seemed like he wanted to say something else, but stopped himself. Gideon walked back toward the stairs.

  “Harper, you don’t know me, and I get your nervous, but you’re safe here. I won’t make promises because you probably won’t believe me.”

  She just nodded, and she listened to his heavy steps. She relaxed as she realized he’d done it on purpose to prove he’d left. She grabbed the towel and rushed to the bathroom. Her wet clothes were becoming uncomfortable.

  She quickly removed her soaked dress and panties as she looked at the huge glass-enclosed shower stall. The damn thing was bigger than her whole bathroom at her apartment. He did say she could take a shower.

  Giggling, she reached inside and turned the taps and water cascaded from several shower heads. She might never have another chance to spend time in a place like that, and she wanted to take advantage. She avoided looking at the mirror and stepped inside. She moaned at the pressure. Using Gideon’s shampoo and body wash was weird, but she pushed it away.

  An odd thought hit her, she liked his scent on her. Her breathing increased, and her heart kicked against her ribs. Pleasure followed the caress of her palms, and her nipples tightened. She looked down to find them hard, and her eyes burned as she stared at her semi-erection. She avoided touching herself. It had been years since she masturbated and it wouldn’t be in some stranger’s shower.

  She enjoyed the last of her shower and stepped out, the thick, soft towel was heaven on her skin. She dried off, finger combed her hair and went to get dressed so she could head downstairs.

  With her clothes rolled in the towel, she went to find Gideon. The back door was open, and she could see him standing on the porch as he stared off into the distance.


  “Enjoy your shower?” He smiled as he asked.

  “It was amazing. I think your shower is bigger than my whole bathroom.” She felt her face flush as she said it.

  “First thing I did was renovate the bathroom. I also made my bedroom a
sanctuary. The only other way out is through a door at the back of the closet. I’m the only one here, but I like my privacy.”

  “Your house is beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You said you lived here two years.”

  “Yeah, my cousin, Gregory, suggested I move here when I needed a change.”

  “Bull’s Gregory?”

  “Bull’s Gregory. That still gets me every time.”

  “He’s a possessive man when it comes to his husband.”

  “Yes, he is, and Gregory doesn’t mind at all. Can’t deny the love between them though.”

  She’d always been jealous of the Crew’s husbands. The love was tangible. It was like a physical presence whenever she was around them or when she heard them speak of each other.

  “No. You have a nickname, but I can’t remember.”



  “They said I’m as elusive as a Ghost. One minute I’m there and the next I’m gone. I don’t know if that means I’m forgettable or not.”

  “You’re definitely not forgettable. I mean…”

  “Thank you. Did you want a beer or I have tea, iced and hot, some sodas?”

  “Iced tea would be great.”

  “It’s looking pretty bad out there,” Gideon said as he stepped inside. “Do you have to call someone?”

  “Oh, I forgot my purse in my car. I better call Joker, or he’ll worry.”

  “You know Joker?”

  “Yes, I don’t know why, but he likes to know where I am. If I don’t check in, he gets a bit…”


  “You know Joker.”

  “Here,” Gideon reached into his back pocket and pulled out his phone. He held it out to her.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Actually, his number is the last one I called. How do you like your steak?”

  “However you make…”

  “How do you like your steak?”

  “Medium rare.”


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