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DragonSpell Page 23

by Natalie Lougher

  “Those clouds haven’t moved all day lass, you won’t miss anything if you sneak away for a few moments.” He assured me, his tone light and unconcerned, but when I looked into his eyes, I could see the worry in them, and reluctantly I nodded. I walked with him into the Laird’s bedroom and couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Ciara snuggled into a bunch of pillows, a baby sleeping soundly in her arms. Edan sat beside her on the bed, a baby in his own arms and Hugh sat in the corner on a stool, beaming with pride.

  “Now this is a happy family.” I said brightly, going into the room and over to Ciara. I bent down to give her a hug and I smoothed a finger across the cheek of the baby she held in her arms. “She’s lovely.” I whispered in awe and Ciara nodded, her eyes full of tears.

  “Thank you.” She watched me go around the bed to give Edan a hug, squeezing Hugh’s arm in congratulations as I passed him, and when she found her voice again she surprised me completely. “We’ve named both babies after you.”

  “After me? I’m sorry?!” I said in complete shock, my mouth falling open and Edan chuckled at my expression.

  “Meet William and Alexandria. I did a little online research and learned that Alex is a variation of Alikae so I thought it would be fitting.” Ciara gestured first to the little boy in Edan’s arms and then nodded down at the little girl she cradled and my eyes filled with hot tears.

  “Why?” I whispered, too moved to speak any louder and I felt Ian come up behind me and place his hands on my waist to give it a squeeze as Edan cleared his throat.

  “We felt that we needed to do something to honor your family, lass. While you may not feel like you’re much of a protector, my family has lived with yours for centuries, feeling safe and protected under the watchful eyes of the dragons. And you have done more for us in the last month than we can ever repay you for. Even without whatever that mess is out there.” Edan jerked his head at the window and the view of the dark clouds and I looked back and forth from the husband and wife to the window and back wordlessly, tears racing down my cheeks.

  “I know my family can be a little moody at times, but referring to us as dragon seems a little harsh.” I started to try to cover up for what I presumed was Edan’s slip of the tongue but Ciara laughed and shook her head.

  “It’s okay my friend. It’s amazing what a man will confess to when you’re squeezing the devil out of his fingers. There are no more secrets between us that you need to worry yourself with.” She assured me and I relaxed completely, slumping down on the edge of the bed at Edan’s feet.

  “Well it’s about bloody time.” I muttered, making everyone in the room laugh. “Seriously though, I’m beyond touched that you would name your babies after me.” I said thickly, wiping a few fresh tears off my cheeks and Hugh chuckled from his corner.

  “Lass, ye’re family, whether ye like it or not. Your name might as well be Cameron because of everything you’ve done for us and the love and loyalty you’ve shown. Don’t ever think it has gone unnoticed.”

  “Well thank you again, and I promise you, whatever that is out there,“ I turned my gaze out to the stationary clouds before looking back at the four adults around me. “I will do my absolute best to deal with it too. Now you my dear, need to rest. Sleep when the babies sleep!” I winked at Ciara as I got to my feet and gave everyone final hugs goodbye. Ian held a hand out to me as we started to leave the room, and as I slipped my hand in his, I caught the look Edan shot him and when we were alone in the hallway I asked him about it.

  “It’s nothing lass, not to worry.” He assured me but I scowled at him, making him chuckle as he pulled me into his arms and pressed a lingering kiss to my lips. “Alright, you win. I asked Edan for some advice not long ago about if he thought I might stand a chance with you. I believe that look was the equivalent of an ‘I told you so’.” He admitted, resting his forehead against mine and I smiled faintly at the admission, tipping my head sideways just enough to brush my lips against his.

  “So Edan approves I take it?” I murmured against his lips and he chuckled again, bending his head down slightly to nip at the tender flesh where my neck and shoulder met.

  “Aye, he does. Not that it would make an ounce of difference if he didn’t.” He cupped my face for one more kiss and then we rejoined the others outside. Fog was starting to roll in off the water and we could all smell the rain in the air.

  “Think it’s just a rainstorm coming, or something more?” Jamie asked as we rejoined him and Stephanie and I looked out at the purple clouds again. Heavy grey ones had moved in around them so I felt confident nodding.

  “I think this is just rain that’s coming. Those other clouds don’t seem to be in any hurry to make landfall.”

  “What if they come at night when we’re asleep?” Steph asked worriedly and Jamie put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her closer to him. She blushed when she caught my eye but beamed happily for a second as the two men seemed oblivious.

  “I’ll keep you safe lass, don’t worry.” Jamie promised and I bit back another smile as I felt Ian wrap his arms around my shoulders, as though he too were pledging his protection. Were all highland men the same?


  That night, Ian rolled over and went to put his arm around me but his arm encountered only cool bed sheets, making him sit up in a slight panic. He squinted in the darkness and just made out my silhouette in front of the window.

  “Kailani? What is it?” he asked, getting out of bed and coming to stand behind me. I was wearing my baggy t-shirt again, arms wrapped around myself as though I was cold and he put his arms around me and rested his chin on my shoulder, looking out the same window I stared out of.

  “I’m sorry if I woke you.” I turned my head slightly to kiss his cheek but he just shook his head.

  “Och, there’s nothing to apologize for. I realized you weren’t there and that’s what woke me. What’s on your mind?” a bright flash of lightning outside lit the bedroom momentarily and we saw the heavy rain coming down outside.

  “I can’t shake this feeling I have inside me, Ian. Part of me wants to run like hell, get out of here before those clouds make landfall but the other half of me doesn’t want to be the chicken my grandfather was. I want to stay and fight for this land and everyone that calls this place home. It’s not in my nature to run but that’s all I want to do. Is that selfish of me?” I asked, my voice so quiet he could barely hear me and he thought about what I had just said before shaking his head.

  “First off, your grandfather wasn’t a chicken, lass. He probably felt the same way you do; ready to stand and fight, but he had his wife and his unborn son to think about too. Whatever decision he made, it wouldn’t just affect him so he did what he thought was best for his family and Angus Cameron clearly agreed because they left.

  “You wanting to run doesn’t make you selfish either. No one knows who we’re up against, or what’s going to happen next. Frankly lass, part of me wants to grab that bag I have behind my front door, take your hand and run too. But you are who you are and you are not the type of person who would leave someone in their time of need.” As he spoke, Ian’s arms tightened around me and I leaned back into his embrace, allowing him to support most of my weight.

  “What if I’m not enough?”

  “You’re more than enough. Come back to bed and try to get some sleep. We’re all going to need as much rest as we can get before the storm hits.” He pulled me back towards the bed and I went reluctantly, but once under the sheets and in his arms, I twined my legs around his and rested my head on his shoulder. Closing my eyes, I eventually fell asleep and dreamed of flying through the clouds, Ian riding on my back as we headed as far away as we could.

  Chapter 16

  The next morning, Edan and Hugh called an estate-wide meeting in the kitchen so Ian and I fell into step with a few others that were making their way towards the house in the early morning fog.

  When we entered the kitchen there were pots of tea sitting on th
e counter for everyone to help themselves to and I spotted my little carafe of coffee behind them all, making me smile. All this time in Scotland and I was still a coffee-drinker first thing in the morning, but by now no one seemed to blink an eye at me as I drank it.

  The kitchen was crowded and some people crowded into doorways to make room and finally Edan and Hugh worked their way into the centre by the island and Edan stood on a chair so he could be easily seen and heard by everyone.

  “May I have your attention please!” He called out and the room went silent almost immediately. He gazed around at all of the men and women that lived on his grounds, people who lived their somewhat old-fashioned way of life with no fuss or complaint. So many lived here now because their parents, grandparents and great-parents had and they were all family. Maybe not blood but that didn’t matter an ounce to him.

  “We all know why we are gathered here this morning so I’m not going to sugar-coat anything. We don’t know what we’re up against, nor do we know exactly what they want. We think we know - and that’s that they want our land - “

  “And dragon!” A voice called out from the back and a ripple of laughter went through the crowd as a few shot a quick glance at me. Ian squeezed my hand tightly in support as Edan’s gaze found mine and his lips thinned into a tight line.

  “Aye, and our dragon. But! This is our land! We have lived on this land for centuries! We have worked it ourselves, made a livelihood out of it and we call it home. We will not go quietly! Nor will we allow anyone on this property to be taken from us!” A cheer went up at his words and I closed my eyes as I felt tears come to them. When I opened them again, I met Hugh’s understanding gaze and he nodded at me ever so slightly.

  “We are family! We will stand behind each other no matter what is to come! Who’s with me?” another cheer went up, louder this time and when I felt someone else squeeze my hand, I looked sideways and saw Jamie and Stephanie standing there. He winked at me as Edan spoke a bit more, mostly about letting everyone off today, there was no point in getting too involved in chores or errands, and then the group started to split up and go about their own business.

  Madeline, bless her heart, stood just outside the kitchen door handing little bags of dried herbs to everyone who walked out the door and she instructed each person to take them home and burn them like incense. She met my gaze through the glass door and nodded once at me as Alice came over, offering a coffee refill which I gladly accepted.

  “Madeline, Will and I were up most of the night drying those herbs and leaves for everyone. All this superstitious talk just gives me goosebumps!” She admitted with a nervous little chuckle and a shiver and when she turned away from us, Ian bent down to whisper in my ear.

  “I’m going to go check on Ciara and the babies. Do not go anywhere without me, you hear?” his tone of voice left little room to argue so I just nodded silently and went to stand next to Hugh.

  “Why the rallying of the troops this morning? Did I miss something?” I asked him, cupping my hot mug in both hands to try to chase away the chill I felt settling into me and he chuckled and shook his head.

  “Och, no lass! Just been hearing some nervous rumblings among a few of the younger ones and Edan wanted to make sure we were all on the same page. Get it all out in the open so there’s no question later.” He patted my shoulder comfortingly and readily accepted the bowl of porridge Will handed him. I shook my head politely when one was offered to me and against Ian’s order, I slipped outside to stand alone in the fog.

  Breathing in the cold, moist air I sipped my coffee and tried to ground myself. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath in and did my best to envision the waves at home, to remember the sound of them crashing on the rocky shore where Rachel and I loved to surf. In my mind I could feel the warmth of the sun as it came up over the horizon, I could hear the breeze rustling palm fronds over my head and I just stood there, in the middle of my memory, calming my nerves.

  “You can do this.” My voice told me in my happy place and I took one final, calming breath before opening my eyes and seeing the grayness all around me. I heard the kitchen door open and without turning around, I knew it was Ian and when he came to a stop beside me, I tipped my head sideways and rested it against his shoulder.

  “I’m ready.” I told him firmly and he swallowed hard as he brushed his lips against my forehead.

  “I wish I could say the same. But I’m right here with you, regardless of what’s to come.”

  “It will be today. I can feel it in my bones. And if that’s the case, I want to go back to my cottage and make a Skype call to Rachel and Gran. What about you?” I looked over at him and he took a deep breath and held it, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his khakis, the sleeves of his fisherman’s sweater pushed to his elbows.

  “I’m going to go to my own cottage and get some medical supplies ready. We don’t know how this confrontation is going to go or what’s going to happen, and maybe it won’t get physical and no one will get hurt. But if they do, I want to be as ready as I can be.”

  “Come over when you’re done?” I asked hopefully and he chuckled faintly and nodded, the look on his face softening.

  “Aye lass, not even a Fae can keep me away. But I’ll give you some privacy to make your call and I’ll be over later.” He took my hand, lifted it to his lips and pressed a kiss to my knuckles before he turned and walked back towards our residences.

  I glanced down at my watch and saw that it was just turning 7am, which meant it was around 8pm back home so I hurried back to my cottage and turned my laptop on. I prayed Rachel would be home and near her computer and after a few rings of Skype, the call connected and then the camera flicked on and my best friend was in front of me.

  “Lani, hey! I miss you!” Rachel said as soon as our images solidified and I immediately teared up.

  “I miss you too Rach, believe me. How are you? And your Mom and Gran?”

  “We’re all good here. Same old routine, you know how it is. What’s going on there with you? Any idea yet when you’ll be able to come home?”

  “Soon, I hope. Something’s happening here today Rachel, I can feel it deep inside me. Whatever held my ancestors here is coming back and we’re all getting ready for a fight. I’d like to say I’m scared but I’ve never felt more ready.”

  “Is this more supernatural stuff?” she asked and I laughed and wiped a tear off my cheek.

  “Yeah it is. It’s a battle between a dragon and faeries, believe it or not.”

  “You know, not that long ago I would have called you bat-shit crazy, but between talking to you and reading your emails and talking to Gran and realizing how not-crazy she actually is….”

  “Believe me sweetie, I know the feeling.”

  “I don’t know if this will help you or not but Gran and I were talking last night about your Mom and she was telling me more about how strong her magic was. Apparently, for your mom, it came naturally. She never had to memorize spells or have reagents or potions or anything. If she thought it, it would happen. Gran said it was the most amazing and terrifying thing to watch because she had never seen anyone that powerful before. But your Mom kept it so tightly under control that you’d never know it unless she wanted you to.”

  “Well, hopefully I take after her because I sure as hell don’t know any spells well enough to get me through today.” There was a knock at my door and then it opened and Ian stuck his head in. I waved him in and when Rachel realized someone else was in my cottage, she raised her eyebrows.

  “Who just joined us?”

  “Ian, come here. I’d like to introduce you to my best friend in the whole world.” I held a hand out to him and as he approached he slipped his hand in mine and that sent Rachel’s eyebrows even higher. She gazed at her computer monitor and the very tall, very handsome man that stood behind my chair and she couldn’t help but smile.

  “You do like them tall, don’t you?” she teased and I blushed as Ian chuckled and rubbed my should
ers, making me groan quietly.

  “Ian, this is my best friend and cousin, Rachel Perry. Rachel, meet Dr. Ian Andarsan.” At first, Ian was slightly surprised that there was no resemblance between us since we were cousins but then he remembered me mentioning that my mother had been adopted. While I was tall and lean, with caramel-tanned skin and straight brown hair, Rachel was probably closer to average height judging by how she sat, her skin was naturally darker and her curly hair looked black. But she had kind brown eyes and an easy, teasing smile and he liked her instantly.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’ve heard lots good things about you.” He told her.

  “I wish I could say the same about you, Doctor. The only thing I know about you is that you kept my cousin there when she first got sick. Or so she tells me.”

  “Aye, it’s true that right after Kailani fell ill in the taxi, I kept a very close eye on her to see if there was anything we could do for her. But her body figured it out on its own. She is a very strong, remarkable woman.”

  “That she is. Listen to me girlfriend, if there is some kind of fight that you’re getting yourself into today, you let me know the minute it’s over! I want to know that you’re okay.”

  “I will, I promise. I’m sure we’ll all be fine, don’t worry. You, on the other hand, did remember to buy some Halloween candy, didn’t you? The trick-or-treaters are going to be coming around to you tomorrow and they’re not going to be happy if you forgot.” At that, Rachel stuck her tongue out at me and Ian bit back a laugh.

  “Yes I remembered the candy. Do you take me for a complete dope? You’re eleven hours ahead of us, so will you get trick-or-treaters for Halloween tonight Ian?”

  “That’s not really a big thing over here. Besides, we live behind a gate and a big wall so we’re more free to do as we please. We celebrate Samhain more than Halloween because it’s the changing of the season and the start of Samhain is midnight tonight.” He shook his head and I gazed up at him, my head tipped back and resting against his sweater and he brushed his fingers tenderly across my cheek and jaw while Rachel watched us with a hidden smile. She remembered how torn up I’d been when Mark had left and while she hadn’t really cared for him, she’d still been sad to see him go because it had left me so upset. But she liked the doctor, he clearly had a calming effect on me and even over the Skype call, she could tell he cared about me.


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