Loving Charley

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Loving Charley Page 5

by Casey Peeler

  “Well, I guess since you aren’t gonna let me have what I want…” I say with a wink.

  He grins and takes me by the hand, and we sit on the blanket and enjoy our picnic basket full of goodies that Mama has prepared. While we eat, we talk, laugh, and dream. No matter what is going on around us, when we are inside the club, we are in our own world.

  We clean up our trash and go down to the pond. Cash places his hand in mine, and we walk around. The sound of nature is peaceful, and it allows us both to think about what is really on our minds.

  “Cash Money, what do you think the judge is going to decide… for you, I mean?”

  “It can go two ways, an easy way out or serving some time. Char-coal, it was a felony to do what I did. If I wouldn’t have put him in the hospital, I’d have been a lot better off.”

  “What did your lawyer say?”

  “He felt like since I have a clean record and I was trying to protect you, the judge will take that into account. He said I better be ready to get ripped to shreds on the stand, though.”

  “Yeah, I got told the same thing. It amazes me that even though we aren’t guilty, we’re going to have to go through hell and back to deal with this. I’m so sorry I waited, but I just couldn’t go to the police back then.”

  Cash stops walking. “Char-coal, you want my real opinion?” I shake my head yes as he replies. “I’m glad it happened this way. I believe this is how it was supposed to happen. Imagine if it was just you and me against Dylan? How do you think that would have turned out? Now, the world knows. Charley, you made him famous in this small town in a way that he never wanted. Every girl that might have come in contact with him should be grateful.”

  We finish our walk around the pond and then make our way back to the club. Cash pours the movies out onto the floor and lets me choose. “You know what I want to watch, but why don’t we watch something different? What about Ghost Rider?”

  “I mean, if that’s what you want. I’m not gonna complain about watching a non-chick flick.”

  “That’s what I thought.”

  Cash takes the DVD and gets it ready while I grab our drinks and M&M popcorn. We find our spots side by side on the futon. The spot where I fit perfectly in his arm. As I let my head rest on his shoulder, he kisses my hair, and we enjoy the remainder of our night in each other’s arms.

  When we wake up the next morning, I know it’s time to return home. I have a major decision to make today. Do I return to Southern, or do I not? I love it, but I love Cash more.

  “Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?” Cash questions as he moves my hair from my shoulder.

  “You don’t want to know.”

  “Why wouldn’t I? I need to know everything you’re thinkin’, even though most of the time I already know. Let me see if I can guess.”

  “What, are you a damn mind reader?” I sass.

  “Might be. How about if I get it right, then whatever is racing through your mind, I get to decide the outcome?” This makes me beyond nervous. Cash can read me like a book, but honestly, I need him to decide, because I’m not sure if I can.

  “Aight. Shoot. Whatcha think I’m thinkin’?”

  Scratching his chin like he’s deep in thought trying to decipher my thoughts, Cash says, “If I was a mind reader, I’d say you’re debating about going back to Southern.”

  Speechless. Yeah, that’s what I am. My face must tell it all because Cash doesn’t give me any time to respond. “The answer to that verdict is… you’re goin’ back.”

  “But…” I start to say, but he doesn’t allow me to finish. Instead, he covers my lips with his finger. “Shhhhh… just hear me out.” Knowing I don’t have a choice, I listen. “I know you’re scared. I am too, but you went to Southern for a reason. You’re not a quitter, and I won’t allow you to not finish this year. You have too many people that need you there. The Kluft girls, the team, and Joe.”

  “But, what if they put you away, and this month is all we have?”

  “What did I tell ya about the what ifs? God knows the future, and I believe that He’s on our side. He’s gonna take care of us. We are meant to be, but you have grown so much these past few months, I can only imagine what you will be like when this year is over.”

  As tears form in my eyes and one trickles down my face, Cash wipes it away. “Charley Anne Rice, you have grown into a stubborn, fierce, and loving woman that I plan on making my wife one day. You always say I’m your rock and that I saved you, but you save me every day. I’d just be another good ol’ country boy, but with you… I’m the good ol’ country boy with the strongest country girl by his side, and I’ll take that any day.”

  I don’t want to agree, but I know I have to. He’s right; he always is. Cash and I hold each other, and by mid-morning, we know we have to go back home. We pack our things and load his truck and drive it through the field to the house.

  Dad gives us a wave as he drives the tractor. Tessa’s car is home, and I’m sure Mama has a few leftovers from breakfast for us.

  Once we are at the house, Cash turns off the truck and looks at me. “So, when are you going to return to Southern?”

  Taking a deep breath, I reply, “I guess the sooner the better. Southern States is in two weeks.”

  “I’ve got to go home after we eat and talk to Mama and Dad. Then, I’ll come back and help you pack.” Tears begin to stream, and a wave of emotions hit me even though I try to force it back. I don’t want to leave, but I need to do this. Just like the day I decided to go to Southern. I just know. Cash wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in tight, and when I glance at him, his eyes are glossy and tears begin to slide down his face one at a time. Not knowing what to do, I turn to face him, and press my lips to his. We both continue to cry as our lips ignite. In this moment, we have both started to heal with each other.

  Chapter 11

  We pull ourselves apart, and wipe away each other’s tears before exiting the truck. Cash takes my bag, and we walk hand in hand into the house. For some reason today, I feel like it’s a new beginning.

  Cash lays my bag by the door, even though my mama can’t stand that because we used to do it all the time. We go into the kitchen where two plates are fixed and resting on top of the stove. I nuke them in the microwave as Cash pours us some drinks.

  We hear Mama in the laundry room. “‘Bout time y’all decided to show up. Whatcha got planned today?”

  Cash peers at me with the you better tell her look. “Um, I guess I’m gonna go back to school.” She drops the lid on the washing machine and flies into the kitchen.

  “You’re going today?” I shake my head yes as the tears begin to fall. She rushes to my side and holds me like only a mother can. “You know you don’t have to, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am, but I need to. I need to finish what I started.”

  Brushing her hands through my hair, she takes a minute to speak. “There’s my girl. I’m going to let your dad and sister know. Whatcha want for lunch before you go?”

  “Doesn’t matter.” With that, she squeezes me tight and then releases me to find them.

  I go to meet Cash, and we eat our breakfast. Afterward, he leaves me to go home to see his parents. I don’t walk him to the truck because I might not let him go. Instead, I go upstairs to get ready, talk to Tessa, and start packing.

  Within the hour, I’m greeted by a light knock on my door. As it opens, I see Cash Money freshly showered and grinning from ear to ear.

  “Whatcha smilin’ for?” I ask.

  “Well, the fact that I’m lookin’ at the most beautiful girl in the world is a given, but Dad talked to my lawyer, and things are looking good. I mean, we haven’t been to court yet, but he thinks it’s gonna be okay.”

  Tossing the shirt I was folding onto the bed, I walk toward him and wrap my arms around his neck. “Now, that’s the kinda news I like to hear.”

  He kisses me quickly. “Yeah, me too.” We stare into each other’s eyes until I feel like I might bur
st into flames. “C’mon. Let me help ya,” he says with a playful smack on my ass.

  Cash helps me pack, making me laugh in the process. We take turns stealing kisses from each other, and once things are ready to go, he takes me in his arms, holds me like our lives depend on it, and kisses me with every ounce of his being.

  “Um… I guess I need to call Piper. Things have been so crazy.”

  “She’s gonna kill ya for not letting her know you were leaving the moment you decided.”

  “I know. Joe was going back this morning. I didn’t really want to interrupt that love fest.”

  “I will have to say, I’m glad to see them both happy.”

  “Me, too. Hold that thought while I call her.”

  Cash does exactly that. He puts his thought in action as I’m trying to keep a straight face while talking to Piper. I give him the look as he continues to place small kisses on my neck. He grins, but continues. Piper isn’t happy that I waited, but understands it was last minute. She’s decided that she might as well leave today, too.

  We hang up, and I scold Cash, but in a way he really likes.

  “You are too cute when you are tryin’ to be serious, ya know? It’s pretty hot actually.”

  This only makes me madder, but it doesn’t take long before I’m not mad and falling even more in love with the boy of my dreams.

  Cash takes the bag downstairs, and Mama is busy finishing lunch. It’s simple today, a grilled cheese sandwich and homemade vegetable soup. We all eat as a family, Cash included. Then, Cash and Dad put my bags into the car while I spend a few minutes with Mama and Tessa.

  While Mama is moving the clothes to the dryer, Tessa and I talk about Dustin. She’s all right now that she knows it’s an act. I love my sister more than life itself, and I’m glad that she’s going to be fine.

  Once the car is loaded, I say my goodbyes to everyone. Poor Blue looks as sad as the first time I left Grassy Pond, so I reassure him I’ll be home soon. It’s the truth; the court date will be on us quickly. I hug everyone, and Cash walks me to my car while everyone else retreats inside.

  Cash pulls me in close; I want to be as close to him as possible. He kisses my forehead down to my lips, and we allow our mouths to do the talking instead of our voices.

  Cash’s hands roam to the back of my neck and hold me close, as if he can’t get enough. He slows, but continues to give me small kisses, and then pulls away. He kisses the tip of my nose before he opens the door. I get into the driver’s seat. He kisses me again and tells me he loves me before closing the door. It takes every ounce of courage to crank the car and pull out of the driveway. I know that it’s the right choice, even though I’m leaving my heart in Grassy Pond.

  Chapter 12

  Looking into the rearview mirror, I see the house get smaller and smaller as I drive down the gravel road. Cash is standing there waving bye, and I smile as my heart hurts to leave him.

  As I approach the only stoplight in Grassy Pond, I mess with the radio. I’m brought back to reality when I hear a loud truck engine and horn honk beside me. Looking to my right, I smile and can’t believe my eyes.

  Rolling down my window, I ask Cash Money what the hell he’s up to.

  “Hey, Char-coal, meet me at the county line gas station.”

  “Aight,” I say as the light turns green, and I take off.

  As I reach the county line, I pull off into the gas station parking lot on the right. After turning off the ignition, I reach for the door when it opens for me.

  “Well, ain’t that sweet,” I say as I kiss his cheek once I’m out of the car. “What’s all this about? Didn’t I just leave you a few minutes ago?”

  “Exactly,” Cash says as he pulls me against his taut chest. “I couldn’t let you go quite yet. I need you to myself for just a few minutes.”

  “Oh, really? Sayin’ bye in front of my parents wasn’t good enough for ya?”

  “Hell no, and to be honest, I don’t know how I’m gonna make it until Southern States.”

  “Well, then don’t! Follow me back now.”

  Looking at me quizzically, he replies, “Char-coal, I can’t go back to school with you.”

  Knowing exactly what to do, I make Cash think twice about what I just proposed. Taking my hands, I place them on his chest and venture them north until they are around his neck. Using my eyes to tell him everything I’m thinking, I move myself closer to him, and when I’m within inches, I propose the question again. “Are you sure you don’t wanna follow me?”

  “Char-coal, there would be no followin’ you because there’s no way I could drive to Southern knowing you’re in the car in front of me.”

  Bringing my lips to his, I kiss him gently, and between kisses, I tell him what he wants to hear. “Why don’t you drive me then?”

  “Char, where are we gonna leave your car?” he questions as he rests his head on my forehead.

  “We take it home, get you some clothes, and hit the road.”

  “I can’t move into your dorm room. This ain’t a buy one education get one for free deal.”

  Laughing, I say, “I know, but I really don’t need my car because we ride in the Love Machine anyways. If I need something, I have Georgia or Joe.” Giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes and pouty lip possible, I plead for him to take me back. “It will just be for tonight, and then you can come back home. One more night, Cash Money?”

  He runs his hand through his short hair, knowing he can’t tell me no. “Let me go home and grab some clothes, but why don’t I just drive your car? That way you don’t have to move all your stuff,” he says as he motions to the bags in the backseat along with a full trunk, thanks to Christmas.

  Jumping into his arms, I give him small, quick kisses on those perfect lips. I pause before answering him. “I guess you have a point about the car. I’ll meet you at your house.”

  “This is gonna be fun when I pull into your parents driveway tomorrow.”

  “Cash, really? They love you. They love me, but they love us even more. It’s okay.”

  “I hate to break it to you, Char-coal, but in your dad’s eyes, it will never be okay. You’re his little girl, and even though he trusts me, that’s just a conversation I’m not lookin’ forward to.” I must have a confused look on my face. “You’re serious, aren’t you? You don’t get it. Look, if I drive you back, your parents will know I stayed in your dorm room alone with you. They will only assume, especially after everything that has happened over the past few weeks.” Whispering, he says, “You know they think we’ve done the deed.”

  “Ohmygosh, Cash! I bet they think we already have!” A look of fear crosses his face. “Nah, I’m kidding. They know where we are, and what we’ve decided… or what you’ve decided. They’re pretty proud of you for standing your ground with me.”

  “You talked to them both about it?”

  “Well, after everything with Dylan, there are no secrets. I’m an open book for everyone to read. So, are you goin’ or what?” I ask, changin’ the subject.

  “Meet me at my house.” Kissing my lips, he backs away, gets into the truck, and we make our way back to the Montgomery farm.

  Once we are at Cash’s, I text Tessa so she will know what’s up. Of course, she calls me sneaky as a fox, and she knew as soon as Cash got into his truck, he wasn’t going to let me leave the county without him, even if it was for one night.

  Cash makes his way out the front door, and his mama waves at me. He tosses his bag into the back, but not before telling me he’s driving. Knowing it’s a losing battle, I get out and sway seductively to the passenger side.

  As I fasten my seat belt, I can feel his eyes burning through me. Looking up, I’m met by my knight in an F250, or maybe a Honda today. “Char-coal, don’t do that again. Not in front of my mama, because next time, I won’t be able to control myself.”

  “Oh, really?” I ask as I move my hand from the seat belt to his leg and slide it slowly upward.

  “Char, please be g
ood, or I’ll stay home.”

  Crossing my arms playfully, I smirk. “You’re no fun!”

  “Fun? I’ll show you fun in about two hours!”

  “Now, that’s the Cash Money I like to hear,” I say with a wink. Cash just shakes his head, puts the car in reverse, and we drive across town one more time.

  Our ride to Southern is full of makin’ new memories of us together with no thoughts of Dylan, my past, break, or worrying about my future because I’m sitting with my future right beside me. He’s always been right beside me.

  As we reach the exit toward Southern, we both look at each other when the radio plays Luke Bryan’s, “Crash My Party.” Taking his hand in mine, he begins to rub his rough fingers across mine.

  When the song vanishes from the speakers, he looks at me. I know what he’s thinking, but he doesn’t give me a minute to speak.

  “Char-coal, I love you with my entire being, I know you see me as your forever and I feel the same, but I want to know. When you think about your future, what do you see besides me?”

  Not expecting this in-depth question, I take a moment to ponder. “Cash Money, as long as I have you, nothing else matters, but I know you want to hear my thoughts. When I think about my future, I see Grassy Pond, a precious little boy that looks like his daddy but acts like his mama, and if I’m dreamin’ big, I’d still like a shot at the Olympic Trials before I give it up.”

  “Give it up? Why would you do that?”

  “Cash, honey, I can’t do this forever. Here’s a secret. When an athlete hits a certain age, they aren’t spring chickens anymore. Not to say that I wouldn’t want to coach at GPAC, I just know swimming isn’t going to be my career. I’d really like to take over the farm.”

  He smiles and looks at me. “Is it bad that I hoped that was your dream? I can’t see us anywhere but at the farms. I’m glad you went to Southern. God has a plan for each of us, and that was yours. I didn’t understand it to start with, but after everything that’s happened, I know that was His plan.”

  Cash Money knows exactly what to say and when and how to say it. I reach across the console and kiss his cheek. “I love you more than life itself, Cash Money, and I’m glad I had this experience as well. I’ve made friendships that will last a lifetime and a love that was in the works since we were little.”


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