King's Descendants MC - BOXED SET

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King's Descendants MC - BOXED SET Page 30

by Bella Jewel

King looks genuinely shocked. “What happened?”

  “She got to Dax’s place, nearly got killed tryin’ to get out. It’s getting messy now, she’s desperate for answers. She’s got no fuckin’ family left, King. She’s got nothin’ and now she thinks there could be someone out there, someone she can call her sister. You gotta know what that’s doin’ to her.”

  King exhales and runs a hand down his tired face. “Look, I didn’t think she’d do somethin’ stupid. Briella is a smart girl, I just figured she had a right to know. She came to me, she demanded answers. I gave her the truth because I think she deserves to hear it. I explained to her why she had to listen and do the right thing.”

  “Well, she didn’t fuckin’ listen, did she. And now I’m left to clean up the mother fuckin’ mess that you’re creatin’.”

  “Alarick ...”

  “I’m not fuckin’ here to listen to your god damned stories about why you do shit. You left everything to me, to search for this shit, that five years later, you’re still no closer to fuckin’ learnin’.”

  “You’re wrong,” King says, his voice steady but hard. “You’re so fuckin’ wrong. I know where Cova is. I just didn’t tell Briella that.”

  I whip my head around and stare at him. My voice comes out in a low rasp, “What?”

  “I tracked her down. She’s alive. But gettin’ her back ain’t goin’ to be easy, and I need more information. I want to take the entire operation down, because if I go in and it’s not down, Dax is goin’ to have my head. The second I take Cova, he’ll know all along who has been rescuin’ these girls. Right now, he doesn’t know who that is.”

  “You’ve been rescuin’ them?” I ask, shocked.

  “Yeah, I fuckin’ have. I’m tryin’ to undo the hell this man is causin’ and to do that, I have to keep hidden.”

  “You gotta know that what is goin’ down right now, is gettin’ out of control.”

  “I know it is.”

  “I can’t fuckin’ ...”

  My voice trails off and I drop my head, exhaling loudly. King walks over and hesitantly puts his hand on my shoulder. “Listen to me, son. I left my club to you, because I am confident you know how to handle it. If I didn’t think that, I wouldn’t have done it. You can figure this out. You can fix this. You can win this. You just gotta get control of your head and think clearly.”

  “You made that fuckin’ hard when you told my girlfriend shit she didn’t need to know.”

  “She had a right to know.”

  “Maybe she fuckin’ did, but not right now. You fucked everythin’ up tellin’ her now.”

  “What’s done is done, Alarick. I can’t undo it. I’m sorry if it caused problems, I didn’t think it would. What we need to be focusin’ on right now is workin’ this out so that nobody gets hurt and we get Cova home safely.”

  “Fuckin’ Cova,” I growl. “My priority is, and was, always Briella and the club. It ain’t up to you to decide what comes first. You would be doin’ the same thing if you were in my shoes, and you know it.”

  He glares at me, his frustration bubbling. “You’re right, I fuckin’ would, but I also know there is a girl out there and she needs and deserve to be home with the only family she’s got left. I didn’t lose the love of my fuckin’ life for nothin’, son.”

  When he says those words, it’s like a slam to my chest. It bothers me, because I couldn’t imagine a life without Briella in it. I couldn’t imagine knowing she’d never be here again, and that I’d have to go through the rest of my fucking life without her. No, I don’t even want to imagine what that would feel like.

  “Where is Cova?” I say, my voice a little less harsh.

  He’s right.

  It’s all he has left. The only thing that he can give to the love of his life, that she couldn’t give to herself before she was so cruelly taken away. It’s his last mission, and he has a right to finish it. Even if the timing is fucking terrible, and even if it’s a risk, I can’t take that away from him. He gave up everything in his world to finish this, I can’t stop him from doing it.

  “As far as I know, she’s still in the states. She got sold to a man who lives just outside of L.A—some big gun with a lot of fuckin’ money and a lot of fuckin’ land. Havin’ a hard time trackin’ down his name, but I have confirmed she’s still in the country which is a fuckin’ miracle in itself.”

  “How are you goin’ to get his name?”

  “Dax has all the records. I got a lot of information out of the girls I brought home. A lot of things that they saw or did. It was helpful. One thing I know, is that he recorded everything. They often told me he’d be walking around with a voice recorder, and he also had cameras everywhere. He’s making sure he’s got his tracks covered. The problem is, I know he’s smart enough not to keep them on his property. No way in the world would he risk that.”

  “Then where the fuck is he keepin’ it all, because Briella said his property was heavily secured.”

  “It is, but he’s not stupid enough to risk them being found there, if for some reason this goes down with the cops ...”

  “It’s not goin’ to go down with the cops, because he’s got a cop on his side.”

  “All the same, it don’t matter. He’s not keepin’ them there. One of the girls told me she did get taken to a massive house at one point before she was sold and was told to wait in the car while Dax carried a heap of files inside. She didn’t know who lived there, but she did say it was about three hours north of where his house was. Been lookin’ and found a property that I think it would be. It’s the only one out there, it’s in the middle of nowhere and heavily guarded.”

  “Who does it belong to?”

  “Far as I can tell, it belongs to him, but it ain’t in his name. He’s been very fuckin’ clever about it all. It’s not widely known and I’m guessin’ it’s where he does all his transactions and keeps girls before they’re sold. It’s a throw off, if people are lookin’, it won’t be somewhere they’ll find. I’ve watched him and followed him, and he’s never gone there, or taken anyone there that I know of. If he goes there, he’s goin’ when he’s certain he’s alone.”

  “Right,” I mutter. “So how the fuck do we get in there?”

  “You said you’ve got a girl goin’ in? Might be the best way if he takes her there, though the problem is he only seems to take them there right before they’re sold, so I was informed by the girls. So, if that happens, it’s too fuckin’ late.”

  “You said you know where this place is? Why aren’t we checkin’ it out?”

  “I’ve checked it out. No way we’re gettin’ in or out easily, it’s fully secured in ways that are basically inaccessible.”

  I exhale. “Then how the fuck are we goin’ to get in there?”

  King looks to me. “There’s only one way we’re gettin’ in, and that’s through the cop.”

  “He ain’t goin’ to take us in there, he’s not goin’ to do fuck all for us.”

  “He will if he knows we’ve got something that means more to him than all of this ...”

  “I’m listening ...”



  I take another shot of vodka and lean against the wall, watching as Alarick talks to some gorgeous, young woman who is here for the club party. They’ve opened the clubhouse up for a party, but only to those approved. It’s fully secured, so that there is no risk of Dax and his men getting in. There are, however, plenty of women who have been let in. Women who are stunning, and beautiful, and in every way perfect.

  I glare at Alarick, even though he doesn’t notice because he’s currently laughing at the five foot of perfection in front of him.

  “Enjoyin’ your night?”

  I glance over at Cohen, who leans against the wall next to me and follows my eyes to where I’m currently scowling.

  “Not really,” I mutter. “Are you?”

  He chuckles. “He knows her, they’re old friends. Don’t panic, he ain’t interested.�

  “I don’t care, Cohen.”

  “Look on your face tells me you probably do.”


  He laughs. “You didn’t hear it from me, but your man Alarick is possessive. You don’t like him talkin’ to that girl, give him one back and go and talk to my boy Bodhi over there.”

  He nods at a very good-looking man standing in the corner, laughing with Samson and Kendric. Bodhi, hey? He’s not bad. I’ve seen him here a few times before; apparently, he’s wanting to get patched in. He’s definitely someone you’d look twice at, with his long, thick, surfer-blond hair and dazzling hazel eyes. He’s got this beautiful olive skin, and a body that would make any man jealous.

  He looks like he belongs at the beach on a surfboard, and he’s even got a surfer name. But seeing him standing there, wearing a black leather jacket, not a club one of course, also makes him look incredibly good as a biker prospect.

  I shrug, push off the wall, and walk over with a dazzling smile to the group. They stop talking when they see me, and I introduce myself. “I haven’t met our new club friend yet,” I say, smiling at Bohdi. “Hi, I’m Briella. I hear you might be patching in?”

  Bohdi looks at me, and up close, right up close, you can see a little more darkness in those perfect eyes. Like he holds a murky past. Like maybe he’s just perfect for the club. I can also see he has a scar across his left cheek, marring his perfect surfer boy appearance. He’s also a lot musclier up close than I first thought. He’s dazzling, absolutely no doubt about that.

  “Heard all about you,” he says, in a low, very husky, very sexy tone. “Nice to meet you, Briella.”


  He’s smooth.

  The way he just said my name has me getting little shivers.

  Some lucky lady is going to thank the stars when he sets his sights on her.

  “How are you liking the club so far?” I ask him.

  “Lovin’ it. Good lot of people here.”

  “They sure are. I have to ask, do you surf?”

  Kendric chuckles, and I look to him. “What?”

  “You’re the fourth girl to ask him that tonight.”

  “Well,” I laugh loudly, “look at him, he’s like some hot surfer dude.”

  Bohdi grins, and boy, he is something else. “I spent ten years of my life surfin’, yeah. Not anymore. Now I’m lookin’ into somethin’ different.”


  Yes, this one definitely has a story.

  I wonder what it could be?

  “Well, see, so it wasn’t a completely random question.”

  “No,” he murmurs. “It wasn’t.”

  “Why did you stop?”

  He looks at me for a moment, just a moment, and he goes somewhere else. Then, in a much lower voice, he says. “Just didn’t do it for me anymore.”

  Oh, yes.

  Bohdi has somewhat of a past.

  I keep chatting to the mysterious new guy, and when I look over at Alarick, he’s staring at me with a look in his eyes that has me hot under the collar. It’s a look of pure possession, of pure sexual desire. I look away and swallow, and then keep chatting to Bohdi for a little bit more before heading outside for some fresh air.

  That and I’m super drunk and totally need to step away before I make a fool of myself.

  I press my back against the outside wall of the club and exhale, loving the cool breeze that tickles my face.

  “You hidin’ too?”

  I jump, and then look over to see Mykel sitting on an old wooden barrel outside. He’s got a beer in his hands and is staring out into the dark nothingness.

  “You scared me,” I whisper, pressing a hand to my chest. “What’re you doing out here?”

  “Gettin’ a breather.”

  “Yeah, same. Mind if I sit?”

  He scoots over a little on the large barrel, and I squish in next to him. We’re very close, our bodies all squashed together.

  “Is everything okay?” I ask him.

  “Yeah, just findin’ time to think right now ain’t provin’ to be easy. Shit is crazy. What you did ...”

  I glance at him, even though we’re so close I have to lean back a little. “You’re upset at me?”

  “Yeah, you could say that. It was fuckin’ stupid, Briella. But you already know that. It was scary, you gotta know how it felt knowin’ you might be the next body landin’ in the dirt.”

  I blink, confused.

  I know Mykel likes me, but I’m not sure why he’s so bothered by it. I mean, of course he doesn’t want to see me dead or anything, but I sure as hell didn’t think he’d be this upset.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

  “You don’t mean to do anythin’ you do, Briella, but you still do it.”

  “Okay,” I say softly. “I get it, you’re angry. I was wondering why you haven’t said a lot to me, but if there’s something you want to get off your chest.”

  “There isn’t,” he growls, cutting me off. “Doesn’t matter fuck all to anyone what I think, or what I want. You do what you want. Alarick does what he wants. There ain’t a single care in the world for the rest of us.”

  “Mykel ...” I say, feeling bad that he’s been bottling this all in.

  “Don’t bother, Briella. It is what it is. Nothin’ I can do about it.”

  I feel like there’s something more to this.

  Something he’s not saying.

  “Is there something else you want to talk about? Has something happened? It’s not like you to be this down and ...”

  “I said it doesn’t fuckin’ matter,” he barks.

  I stand, turning so I can see him. “We’ve been friends for a long time, Mykel. Please don’t speak to me like that. If you’ve got something to say, then just say it.”

  “You don’t want to hear what I’ve got to say.”

  “Try me.”

  He looks me dead in the eye, and his next words completely shock me. “I’m in love with you, Briella.”

  I blink.

  Did he just?

  Did he just say he was in love with me?

  How the hell did this come about?

  When did this come about?

  I knew he had interest as some point, I mean he kissed me, but I didn’t know that those feelings went deeper.

  God how did I not know those feelings went deeper?

  “I don’t ... I don’t understand. When did this happen?”

  “It has been a long fuckin’ time coming. I’ve cared about you longer than you know. It was fuckin’ easier when you weren’t here. Got over it, felt like it didn’t matter, then you came back and it’s all there again. Know you don’t feel the same, I know you’re in love with Pres, but you gotta know because I can’t breathe anymore keepin’ it inside.”

  “Oh, Mykel,” I say, feeling horrible.

  I can’t imagine anything worse in this world than knowing you’re in love with someone and that someone doesn’t feel the same way.

  He stands and looks at me. “All of this, it’s goin’ to destroy you. It’s already destroyin’ you. I can’t stand back and watch much longer. I can’t deal with losing you, Briella. Loving you is hard enough.”

  Oh, god.

  Tears spring to my eyes and I reach for his hand as he goes to step away. He looks at me and, for a moment, my heart flitters rapidly. If I wasn’t so in love with Flick, I could one hundred percent love Mykel. He’s gorgeous and he’s kind and he’s so fucking perfect in every way it counts.

  “I’m sorry, Mykel,” I say softly.

  “It ain’t your fault.”

  Then, just like that, he’s gone.

  And I’m left wondering what the hell just happened.


  I’ve been standing outside for a few minutes, alone in the darkness, alone in my thoughts, when I hear a faint voice. Slowly, Flick appears from around the side of the house, walking toward me, cigarette in his hands. I’m guessing he heard
that entire conversation, judging by the look on his face.

  “How long have you been standing there?”

  “Long enough to know Mykel is in love with my woman.”

  “Yes, well, maybe you should take a page or two out of his book,” I throw back, snappily.

  I’m not angry at him.

  Well, I mean I am, because he’s basically dismissed me since everything went down, but I’m mostly disappointed in him and the way he’s dealt with all of this. I love him, no doubt in my mind about that, but right now I don’t need him making me feel bad about something I have no control over.

  “Be very fuckin’ careful, Briella. You’re already pushin’ me too far of late.”

  I snort. “You too far? How about me, Flick? You’ve given me nothing, so you don’t really get to come out here and start something. Maybe you should go back inside and talk to that pretty girl you were enjoying. I’m sure she’d love to experience the pool table with you.”

  Angrily, he drops his cigarette, crushes it out with his boot so damned sexily I almost swoon—almost. Then he storms toward me and in seconds my back is against the wall and his face is down in front of mine, the smell of cigarette and beer washing over me. It’s not an unpleasant smell, not on him at the very least.

  “What did you just say to me?”

  “You heard me, I didn’t fucking stutter.”

  “You better think long and hard about your next words, Briella ...”

  “Oh, right. Okay. Here you go. Go. Fuck. Yourself.”

  He growls, low and throaty, and then he slams his mouth over mine. For a moment, I’m stunned, but oh, how I’ve needed his mouth on mine. I’ve needed it so damned badly in the last few days. I kiss him hungrily, angrily, and god it feels good. Everything in my body comes alive and I find it hard to pull away.

  He doesn’t.

  He pulls back and growls, “You love him?”

  “Who, Mykel?” I pant.

  “Yeah, do you fuckin’ love him?”

  “Of course I love him, he’s my best friend. Am I in love with him? No, Flick. But you already know that.”

  “You want to know what it feels like to have him?”

  I look into his eyes. “No.”


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