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Boning Up

Page 1

by Summer Alan


  Boning Up

  Boning Up: Chapter 1

  Boning Up: Chapter 2

  Boning Up: Chapter 3

  Boning Up: Chapter 4

  Boning Up: Chapter 5

  Boning Up: Chapter 6


  An eRedSage Publishing Publication

  This book is a work of complete fiction. Any names, places, incidents, characters are products of the author’s imagination and creativity or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is fully coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or any portion thereof in any form whatsoever in any country whatsoever is forbidden.


  Red Sage Publishing, Inc. • P.O. Box 4844 • Seminole, FL 33775

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  Boning Up

  An eRed Sage Publication • All Rights Reserved • Copyright © 2009

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  ISBN: 978-1-60310-374-9 • 1-60310-374-0 • Boning Up • Adobe PDF

  ISBN: 978-1-60310-375-6 • 1-60310-375-9 • Boning Up • MobiPocket

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  ISBN: 978-1-60310-377-0 • 1-60310-377-5 • Boning Up • HTML

  Published by arrangement with the authors and copyright holders of the individual works as follows:

  Boning Up © 2009 by Summer Alan

  Cover © 2009 by Kanaxa

  Printed in the U.S.A.

  Book typesetting by: Quill & Mouse Studios, Inc. •


  Boning Up


  by Summer Alan


  To My Reader:

  Carly is the kind of college student I was—hard working and kind of smart but nowhere near brilliant. Science classes were not my long suit. Well, sometimes a girl has to find new and creative ways to learn difficult concepts. When I sat down to write Boning Up, I imagined a more fun way to learn human anatomy… the sort of tutoring that included more than the textbook.

  In this book, Carly and Brock come up with a method that probably won’t make it into any college in this country but would certainly prove interesting and probably blow away the bell curve of grade point averages. Enjoy!


  Boning Up: Chapter 1

  Carly Neal stared at the big red “F” on her Human Anatomy exam and gritted her teeth. You’ve made it through four years of college. You can’t let this one class break you. Her face grew hot. There was another test tomorrow, but if she didn’t do something drastic, she’d fail again.

  Professor Harold droned on. She glanced out the window into the early August sunshine, heat and light reflecting off every surface. The brilliance of the day brought her some hope. Anything was possible, wasn’t it? She hadn’t come this far to let some overbearing professor who couldn’t make it in the medical field ruin her chances for a better life.

  She should get a tutor. The guidance office had a list, but their rates were exorbitant. Maybe the professor knew someone he could recommend. After today’s class, she would ask him.

  When class ended, the professor’s boring lecture still swirling in her head, Carly made a beeline for the front of the room. “Professor? May I talk with you for a moment?”

  “Ah, Miss Neal. I’m in a bit of a hurry. What is it?”

  “I’m not doing very well in your class, sir, and I’d like to do something about that before it’s too late.”

  “I am sure you would,” Professor Harold said. “But I fear it’s already too late to stop the train wreck, Miss Neal. Perhaps you should have come to me sooner and showed some concern. Or better yet, perhaps you should have spent more time studying.”

  Carly clenched her fists at her sides. She wouldn’t have come to him for help if she hadn’t already exhausted every other avenue, because Professor Harold was a mean, belittling jerk. But getting in his face was not going to help achieve her goal. She forced a smile. “I have been studying, sir, but I’m not making much headway. I was wondering if you could recommend an inexpensive tutor.”

  “I believe we’re past that point,” Professor Harold said as he stacked a pile of books on his desk and pulled on a hat that he probably thought looked good but Carly thought was the finishing touch to his “pompous ass” costume.

  A low baritone cut in. “May I have a word, professor?”

  Carly turned toward the voice from the back of the auditorium. A handsome guy pushed himself off the wall and strode toward them. He was wearing jeans and a white short-sleeved T-shirt, and appeared to be about her age.

  “Brock Larson. I had no idea you were here today!” The professor stepped around Carly and extended a hand.

  The young man grinned. “I’m not surprised. You were very involved in your lecture. Just like always.”

  Carly had to agree, with the words if not the sentiment. Professor Harold was way too impressed with hearing himself talk to notice much of anything else.

  “To what do I owe the pleasure, Brock?”

  “I stopped by to check if you’d received the paperwork I forwarded last week. If you can see your way clear to providing me a good recommendation, I’m quite sure I can secure that position with Novas Times. Your name goes a long way, sir.”

  The professor said, “Well, Brock, I’m not sure if I can help you. I have my reputation to consider, my name, as you put it. I am very particular about whom I write recommendations. As much as I like you personally, I can’t gamble my reputation.”

  Brock’s laugh startled her as it echoed through the room, perhaps because she’d expected something quite different. A punch in the professor’s fat face would not have been out of line, nor would it have been unpleasant to watch. The crinkle around Brock’s eyes, though, proved it. He was genuinely amused by the professor. Well, that makes one of us.

  “I get it, Professor. Gamble, huh? So let’s talk turkey. You love to gamble, and I know it. How much of my money did you win last year in all those poker games?”

  She watched the two men for a moment, sighing as the professor turned toward Brock. He no longer appeared to care she was in the room. This is a waste of time. A conversation between a student poker-buddy suck up and his mentor is more than I can stomach at this point. I’ll figure this out somehow. She turned to go.

  “Wait a minute. Miss Neal, was it?” The young man’s voice had a sharp edge, as if he was used to giving orders.

  The tone compelled her to stop and listen. “Yes?”

  “I have a wager for you, professor.” He gestured toward her. “Miss Neal here is searching for a tutor to pass your class.” His eyes bored into hers, and she could see trouble brewing behind that crystal blue gaze. “Correct?”

  She nodded slowly. “Yes.”

  “What she needs is a miracle,” the professor said. “If she doesn’t get perfect scores on the next two tests, she will fail. What does that have to do with your getting a recommendation from me?”

  Professor Harold hadn’t even bothered to look at her when he spoke. Carly felt her blood burn in her cheeks. It was humiliating to hear him casually discussing her failure with this stranger. There had to be a way to pass the class and shut him up. And when it was over, she would tell him just what part of her human anatomy he could kiss.

  Brock said smoothly, “Only someone abundantly intelligent and profusely motivated could help a student pull her grade up that much in such a short time, would you not agree?”

  The professor grunted.

  “The kind of person you could recommend for any job?” Brock continued.
  His easy stance contrasted with the professor’s stiff posture. Whatever he was proposing, he was confident. A slow unease moved over her. He hardly spared her a glance as he discussed her fate.

  “I’ll tell you what, sir. If I tutor Miss Neal, and she aces the next two tests, you give me the recommendation. That’s the bet.”

  The professor laughed derisively, and the sound vibrated in her chest. The smile crossing his face increased her apprehension. But he wasn’t interested in her. His eyes were glittering as he considered the bet. “And if she doesn’t ace the next two tests, you agree to work for me next year at the rate I offered you last semester?”

  Brock stared at her for another moment, then turned to the professor and held out his hand. “That’s a deal, sir. When’s the next test?”

  “Tomorrow morning, the first half of the text. The following morning, the second half.” The professor shook his hand with enthusiasm. “Good luck, son. You’re going to need it.”

  Were they even going to ask her? Apprehension gave way to fury. Cursing the two self-important jerks wouldn’t help her grade, but letting them turn her into their little bargaining chip was intolerable. And anyway, even if they had politely asked her to go along with this ridiculous plan, there was no way anyone, especially some self-important kiss-ass, could do what he was boasting. Hadn’t she already worked impossibly hard to make it this far, which was exactly nowhere? She’d been knocking herself out, trying to memorize whole chapters. But the information just didn’t stick in her head. And now, being made the losing chip in this little poker match… no.

  She turned and strode from the room, colorful and copious profanity on the tip of her tongue. Their chummy laughter echoed behind her. Furious red flickers of light blurred the edges of her vision.

  Boning Up: Chapter 2

  Brock caught up to her as she exited the building. The same bright summer sun that had given her hope earlier glared in her eyes. She squinted and lengthened her strides to get away from him.

  He stepped in front of her and grabbed her arm. She yanked herself free. “How dare you!”

  “Will you please give me just one minute to explain?”

  “What is there to explain? I am not some thing you can use to further your career! I came to that asshole to get some assistance in this stupid class of his. First he treats me like shit, and then you try to turn my education into a wager. Do yourself a favor and get away from me before I punch your lights out.”

  “Miss Neal, please.”

  She stepped around him, but he followed, careful not to touch her again. She walked as fast as she could along the sidewalk toward her apartment building, but he kept up easily.

  “I don’t want anything to do with you, and I’m certainly not going along with this deal you’ve concocted with that asshole. So get in line, buddy. You and I are both going to end up kissing his ass for another year.”

  “Not if you stop and listen to me, we won’t. Miss Neal, please, at least listen to what I have to say.”

  “Stop calling me ‘Miss Neal’! You and I are practically the same age, for crying out loud!” Carly stopped walking, not because she had any interest in anything he had to say. But between the heat, the glare, her anger, and ignoring her breakfast this morning, she was a little faint. “My name is Carly. Remember it so next year you can tell all your buddies in the teacher’s lounge which senior belted you.”

  “Carly, listen for one minute. That’s all I ask. Then, if you still want to belt me, I won’t stop you.” He stepped back from her and spread his arms wide as if leaving himself open for her next move.

  Taking a good look at him for the first time, she realized he looked even better close up. The rays of the sun gleamed off his dark, straight hair and glittered in his eyes. She could imagine how his good looks got him anything he’d ever wanted, while she’d taken the more difficult route. She’d insisted on using her mind to get ahead.

  How many times had she seen people like him trade on their charm, not needing to depend on their brains at all to get them whatever they wanted? She’d vowed long ago not to be one of those people. Good looks faded, and she intended to have something besides big boobs and a tight ass to fall back on.

  “Carly, you need a tutor. I need that job. We can help each other. I know that guy’s an asshole—I almost failed the fucking class myself. That textbook of his is a piece of shit. What he doesn’t know about the human anatomy could fill a tome.”

  Carly paused. Okay, that wasn’t what she’d expected. She pulled her book bag off her shoulder and set it on the sidewalk. “I’m listening.”

  “I learned what I needed to. I passed that class, and you can, too. You need two A’s on the next two tests. I can help you get them. What have you got to lose?”

  She considered his argument for a moment and tried to ignore the continually low burning fury inside her, but to no avail. “Hey, you just bartered me to get what you want. I may not know my human anatomy, yet, but I know that this body is not for sale.”

  “You’re right. If you want to look at it that way, you are the only valuable thing I had to offer. I bartered you. But look at it this way for a second. Your perfect grades on the next two tests will get me that recommendation, but it will also get you that degree.”

  She waited for him to continue, and when he didn’t, she wondered if he finally realized the insanity of his words. Her perfect grades? Who was he kidding? She hadn’t received anything higher than a D all semester.

  On the other hand, what did she have to lose? Without his help, she was back to studying on her own, and she’d already seen the results of those efforts. Bartered or not, for his own gain or not, did it really matter if he helped her?

  “I’m still listening.”

  The corner of his lip lifted in a sideways smile. “What remains to be seen is whether or not I’m going to be telling people that Carly Neal belted me.”

  “You’re right. That does remain to be seen.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “How did you pass that class?”

  Brock saw the gleam in her eye and had his answer. She wanted this. She possessed the same loathing of Professor Harold that he’d had a year ago. It would serve her well if she could use it to motivate her, but he hoped he hadn’t overcooked his grits on this one. He had a pretty good idea how hard she’d had to work to get where she was. When women looked like that, they didn’t usually get called on to utilize their brains. And Professor Harold would enjoy failing someone who looked like her.

  “What are you doing for the rest of the day?” he asked.

  She pursed her lips and eyed him suspiciously. “Human Anatomy crash course. You?”

  “The same, but let’s get one thing straight. I want this job. You want to graduate. I don’t know what your problem has been until now. I don’t know if you didn’t read the textbook or if you did read it but found it unintelligible. Frankly, it is unintelligible, but either way, I don’t care. Tonight you’re going to learn everything you need to know to ace that test tomorrow, and you’re going to learn it from me.”

  Her green eyes widened as he spoke, and her full lips opened slightly in shock. Better she figure this out now. He would not accept less than her complete focus. Even with that, he didn’t know if she had what it took to save her own ass and his future.

  “That means you will pay attention, you will work harder than you’ve ever had to work, and you will complete every drill I give you. I’ve got a lot riding on this, so don’t think I’ll go easy on you just because everyone else in your life probably has. This is serious shit, and I won’t tolerate any half-assed effort. You got that?”

  She rubbed her tongue across her top teeth as her eyes narrowed on him. “Anything else?”

  He bent to pick up her book bag and swung it over his shoulder. “No, that’s it. Let’s go to the library.”

  “Not yet.”

  Brock had never seen green eyes blaze like this. Even Carly’s long blond hair twit
ched with fury. She poked one long, manicured, coral-colored nail into his chest as she spoke, her voice low and deep. “I have as much at stake here as you do, mister. I will devote 100 percent of myself to this, exactly the way I do with everything, but if you ever talk to me like that again, I’ll make you wish you’d never laid eyes on me. You got that?”

  His groin twitched with each word and poke of her finger. He’d never been so turned on in his life. Maybe he’d misjudged her after all. Maybe she did have what it took.

  “I got that.”

  “Good.” She pulled the book bag off his shoulder and yanked it onto hers. “Then let’s go.”


  “But none of this was in the professor’s textbook.” Carly snatched her test paper from his hand and stared down at the questions. “I read it. I studied it. None of this shit was in there.”

  “Would you please stop saying that? I know it’s not in there, but it is going to be on the exam. That means you have to know it.”

  Brock shifted through the stack of anatomy textbooks lying open all over the table. Carly’s perfume was driving him insane—something musky and sweet mixed with the smells of the library’s reference section deep in the basement. Damn, she smelled like sex. Images of shoving her into a shower with some of that scentless soap made for hunters flashed into his mind. Problem was, the image of him climbing in with her kept flashing around with it.

  Carly was hot, no use denying it, and she felt about Professor Harold just as he did. Unfortunately, she seemed more interested in griping about what a roadblock the professor was than in finding a way around. If she didn’t start focusing on this shit, she’d never get that A on tomorrow’s exam.

  He found the old, dusty textbook he was looking for and dropped it in front of her. She was going to learn this, one way or another. If he had to hook her up to a computer and feed the information through a steel pole into the back of her skull, a la The Matrix, she would master this.

  Flipping the book open, he pointed to the sketch of a human skeleton. “Can we start with the basics? That’s a thigh bone—the femur. It’s the longest, strongest, and largest bone in the human body.”

  “The bone in Professor Harold’s head is the largest bone in his body,” she muttered as she stared at the drawing. “I don’t know how he expects us to learn any of this from his textbook.”


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