Book Read Free


Page 17

by K. T Fisher

  “Food service!” Shouts Drew from the doors.

  The two men guarding the gate tonight turn to look at her. “Drew? What are you doing?”

  “My mum sent me out to give you some food!” She shouts. “I’m not allowed out there, so you will have to come to me!”

  Without another word, the men quickly make their way to Drew and I run for it. I don’t look back as I get closer to the gate. Trying to be as silent as can be. I can’t believe my luck when I actually reach the gates and turn back to see Drew handing the guys some simple sandwiches. I pull on the gate, scared that the slightest sound will alert the men of my presence. Giving one last look to the clubhouse, I squeeze through the smallest gap and run down the road. It’s dark outside, so I use the shadows to my advantage. I soon find the taxi waiting for me and he looks at me oddly when I get in, out of breath.

  “Protective brother.” Is all I can come up with.

  The taxi driver gives me a sympathetic look and turns to drive away. “So where to young lady?”

  I read the address out that’s on the piece of paper and when I do, I see the driver frowning in the reflection of the mirror.

  “No wonder you’re sneaking around.” His comment makes me wary as to where I’m walking in to.

  Thankfully, the rest of the drive is quiet, but that means that I’m consumed with guilt for leaving Brandon. I wonder if he’s read my letter yet. I hope not because that wouldn’t leave me with much time. I need to get Strike away from the location as soon as I possibly can. I don’t want Brandon and the rest of the club turning up while Strike is still there. If he’s threatening to shoot any members that turn up is true, then I need to leave with Strike as soon as I get there.

  I become very concerned when we leave the main road and find ourselves driving down a dirt road. It’s pitch black around here, no sign of anyone and the only light shining our way are the headlights from the taxi.

  “Ok, here we are.” The diver announces and I hand over the cash.

  I warily step out and come face to face with a barn type building. It’s huge and looks as if it’s two stories high. Huge wooden double doors are situated in the middle, one them slightly open and looks to be my only way in. The taxi backs down the muddy road and I’m left alone.

  “Well don’t keep me waiting.” I freeze when I hear Andrew’s voice come from inside the run down barn.

  What the fuck is he doing here?

  I cautiously step through the large wooden doors, creaking as I push them open to let some moon light shine through. Inside, this place is huge and looks like it was some sort of garage once upon a time. I spot some stairs leading upwards but it’s too dark to see exactly where and right in the middle of the space, facing me with a smug look, is my ex.

  “Well hello Andrew.” I greet with fake kindness.

  He laughs. “Well don’t you look like the club bitch.”

  This annoys me but I try not to show it. “What are you doing here?”

  “Thought I would say hello first.” He steps closer and I see a knife shine from his pocket. “You know, you have me to thank for your life.”

  “Oh really?” I laugh. “And why is that?”

  “If it wasn’t for me taking you to The Devils, you never would have found The Kings or Grim.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “So I have you to thank for me being raped and tortured, good to know.”

  He frowns at me and in that brief second, I don’t see Switch, it’s Andrew.

  “The only thing I have you to thank for is being a shit fuck with a tiny cock.” I laugh and he tenses. “I wouldn’t have had the need to find pleasure in other men, many men in fact and most were friends of yours!” I laugh.

  “Shut the fuck up Lauren.” Andrew sneers.

  “What’s wrong?” I taunt. “Don’t like hearing the truth.”

  “I will put an end to your new friends.” He threatens.

  Ignoring him, I step closer to him. “Want to hear some more truths Andrew? It was me who killed your uncle.”

  His eyes widen at hearing that I killed Demon.

  “That’s right.” I smile with glee. “I killed Demon. Loved it actually.”

  He finally makes a move, lunging towards me but thankfully for my self-defence lessons I know just what to do. I quickly step to the side, right at the last second and reach for his arm closet to me and throw him to the floor. Using his own body weight against him. I go to kick him as he crashes down, but Andrew grabs my foot and pulls me down. With a scream I land on my back and Andrew tries to get on top of me but I kick him off. My foot knocks the wind out of him and as he catches his breath, I land as many punches as I possibly can. Unfortunately, Andrew’s hits are harder than mine and when he lands a punch on my face, I fall back.

  My face badly hurts and I curl into a ball covering my bloody face. Andrew laughs as I hear him stand over me. I need to do this quickly, I need to find Strike and get the both if us out of here before Brandon turns up. I can’t have The Kings of Rebellion arriving whilst The Devils could be lurking.

  Andrew grabs me, pulling me up to face him and looks at the blood covering my face with pride. “I didn’t realise how pretty blood made you.”

  My hands clench around the object in my hand as I stare at him.

  “I’m going to enjoy ending your new friends Lauren.” Andrew laughs in my face. “Especially your new fuck.”

  “Jealous?” I tease.

  “Of Grim?” He asks. “No!”

  “Of course not.” I mimic.

  “You fucking bitch! You’re only a fuck to him, do you really think he wants you?” Jealousy pours from him and it’s kind of sad really.

  “I’m his Old Lady.” I simply answer and his eyes widen just a little. Did he not know?

  One of the most loyal rules of MCs, if you hurt someone’s Old Lady, her Old Man can hurt you however he likes. It’s up to her biker how to punish you and everyone knows how Brandon likes to toy with people. He isn’t named after the Grim Reaper for nothing.

  “I’m going to kill him and every last member of The Kings. When the men are gone, the women are next.” He gleams. “Who are your friends? I can give them a message from you.”

  At that I plunge the knife into his stomach and Andrew steps back, clutching his bloody belly. He looks shocked and he should be, he didn’t realise that I had a knife. Stupid boy.

  “What have you done?” He asks.

  “Payback.” I simply answer, slowly walking towards him. “For everything you did to me.”

  Such an idiot to think that when he punched me, I was that hurt I curled up in a ball from pain. No, I was secretly reaching for knife that I hid in my boot. I know Andrew also has a knife of his own, so before he can think to get it, I make sure to run at him and stab my knife into his flesh again.

  Andrew falls to the floor, screaming from the pain. Such a pussy. I walk over to him, showing him the blood all over my knife.

  “I was thinking that you could deliver a message for me instead.” I crouch beside him. “Tell Demon I said hi.”

  I straddle Andrew, and this causes him more pain but he can’t shove me off because whenever he moves it causes him to scream. He’s already becoming pale from the blood loss.

  Looking him straight in the eye, I hold my knife above him in both hands and bring it down on him. Over and over I stab, losing myself in the rhythm until one of my hits sinks into his neck and blood leaks everywhere.

  I stare down at him. Andrew is dead, was probably dead before I even struck his neck. I got far too carried away there.

  Exhausted, I fall to the floor in a bloody mess. My chest quickly rising and falling from panting so hard. Wow, killing takes it out of you. I should be shocked at myself but honestly I’m not and I’d be lying if I said that doesn’t scare me. Of course it does, I just killed someone but do I feel guilty or bad about killing Andrew?


  I’m glad the bastard is dead. Look at what he did to me!
/>   A clapping sound suddenly breaks the silence and I tense from my lying position on the floor.

  “Well!” Comes a voice I recognise. “That was a great show!”

  I slowly sit up and see Savage, the president of The Kings of Rebellion US charter! Seeing his familiar face, I jump up and rush towards him.

  “Savage!” I laugh. “What are you doing here?”

  “Right place, right time I guess.” He shrugs and panic settles in.

  “You have to go!” I shove him. “Strike should be meeting me here.”

  “Strike?” He asks.

  “Yeah, to help save Natasha. He has her and Strike said that if any Kings member comes he will shoot them dead.” I look up at him with wide eyes. Why isn’t he moving?

  “And I’m glad you did as he asked.” Savage smiles.

  Something is off here. I suddenly don’t feel safe alone with Savage. I remember how he spoke to me when we were staying at his clubhouse. He wanted me to stay with him and I remember he wasn’t very nice about it either.

  I step back, but Savage reaches out and grabs both my arms. “Now I have what I deserve.”

  “What?” I ask.

  My head is spinning with the shock of everything.

  “Don’t you remember how much I wanted you Lauren?” He asks me. “From the minute I saw you, I knew you would be the perfect Old Lady for me and after watching you kill Switch, you have confirmed it.”

  “I’m Grim’s Old Lady.” I tell him. “Nobody else’s, I told you before!”

  “I know what you said but honestly I don’t give a shit. I want you and that’s all that matters.” He shrugs.

  “Why are you doing this?” I frown up at him.

  “The Kings are a joke!” He shouts. “The Devils know what being an MC is all about. They’re the club for me and now, you will join me.”

  “No!” I scream, trying to pull away from him.

  He doesn’t really want me. I’m guessing he just wants to piss the club off before he takes over as The Devils President.

  My struggles are useless though. Savage is too strong!

  Just then I hear the rumble of a bike and a single headlight. Could this be Brandon? He wouldn’t come alone though would he?

  I’m wrong though because it’s Strike who walks into the barn. His eyes widen as he sees a dead Switch lying on the floor.

  “Who did this?” He asks, pointing down to him.

  “I did.” I announce proudly.

  “In that case, I’ll let you off.” He smiles. “He deserved it for giving you to Demon in this first place.”

  His words make me freeze. Is he speaking the truth? Does he actually believe that?

  “I got your message.” Strike looks to Savage but I see him frown at how his hands are tightly holding me.

  “Good, you’re just in time.” Savage inclines his head towards me. “Hold her down.”

  “No!” I scream. “Please!”

  I may have been able to handle Switch but I don’t have my knife anymore and now there’s two of them. I can’t fight them off!

  “Don’t do this! I came here I’m willing to come with you.” I plead.

  The last thing I need is for them to rape me right here. I don’t deserve this.

  I see Strike look up at Savage, silently asking if they should do this. Am I seeing things correctly? Why is Strike caring?

  “No, we need her unconscious.” Savage demands and then I see the needle that Savage is now holding.

  I begin thrashing even more. “No!”

  I was drugged so many times when I was held captive with The Devils. I don’t want to have that done again.

  As Strike holds me still, Savage holds my head to the side with one hand as he stabs into my neck with the other. I scream from the sting as I fight but I feel the effects almost instantly.

  “Shhh.” Strike calms me. “Go to sleep, you’ll be home soon.”

  “No.” I whisper.

  My body becomes numb and my eyes get heavier. Noticing the slump in my body, they both removes their hands.

  Strike wipes away my tears. “You’re back with me now.”

  I look up at Strike, wanting to argue but I have no control of my body. I can’t even talk. I just look up at him as my eyes get heavier and finally close.

  I finally have her back. Raven is back where she belongs, with me.

  I noticed she looked at me weirdly when I was trying to consider her. I’ve been doing some thinking, if I take all my stresses out on Silver and use her to be violent with, Raven can have a better time with me. I can actually care for her and that will make her stay with me.

  I wipe the tears from her face. I’m a little pissed at Savage, he’s here to be helping me and not the other way around. I should have been here sooner, I know I got carried away with Silver earlier but Venom didn’t deliver the message to me as quick as he should. I don’t know whose fault that is but I should have been here at the same time as Savage but he left the house without me.

  I let go of my anger towards Savage and look down at the beauty I hold in my arms. I won’t let her get away this time, she’s here with me to stay. The plan is to lie low for a day or two and we will return back to America right under The Kings radar.

  “There’s been a change of plan.” Savage announces.

  “Is that so?” I glare up at him.

  I understand that he’s a President in his charter but he’s with me now and I’m in charge around here. I play with Raven’s hair letting her dark locks run through my fingers.

  “I want both girls.” He declares and I laugh.

  “Funny you should say that, because I’ve been thinking the same thing. They are both rightfully mine and they will stay that way.” I look up to his frowning face. “We can arrange to have another of The Kings girls brought over for you. That Drew girl seemed good and there’s another blonde beauty that used to belong to The Devils. I could have them both captured for you.”

  “No, I want the two we already have.” Savage moans.

  “This was my fucking plan!” I roar. “You came to me!”

  “And I knew how hard working you are, together we have got her back.” Savage agrees.

  Who is he fucking kidding? I would have gotten Raven back without him here with me.

  “Let me make this clear.” I carefully set Raven down so I have my hands free. “Raven has always been mine, she will never be with you as long as I’m alive.”

  Savage stands and I follow. Both of us facing each other in a rage.

  “This needs to be settled.” Savage clenches his fists beside him and I prepare myself for a fight.

  “You’re a dead man Savage.” I grin.

  I’m eager to see his blood dripping on the floor and mixing with Switch’s.

  The roar of bike alerts me and I see Savage tense as well. Who the fuck is here?

  Both is us are blinded by the bright lights of their headlights and when they’re switched off and I see my men climb from their bikes, my grin spreads wider. My men have come to have my back, as usual. They step into the barn, taking in the scene in front of them as they spread themselves out, and I gloat in pride.

  I laugh in happiness. “Looks like only one of us is getting what we want.”

  “It seems so.” He answers, not looking at all worried.

  “Fucking shoot him boys!” I order, but nothing happens.

  I frown around at them and Savage laughs.

  “What the fuck are you standing there for?” I shout at them all. “Fucking shoot him!”

  “Oh dear Strike.” Savage laughs at me. “Seems the men have chosen a new leader.”

  “The fuck?” I look around, finally realising what’s happening here.

  “The girls are mine.” Savage leans down and picks Raven up.

  I go to take her from him but he shakes his head, looking around at the guns aimed at me. “I wouldn’t step closer if I were you.”

  “She’s mine!” I shout, dread settling i

  I watch as Raven’s limp body is in his arms. He’s a dirty fucking rat, he doesn’t deserve to fucking touch her.

  “The Kings will come for you.” I warn. “Grim loves her, he won’t let you have her.”

  “Then I’ll kill him too.” He turns his back to me and begins walking towards the doors.

  I run towards him, but before I even reach him shots are fired and I’m gunned to the ground. My back burns from the bullets and I feel the warmness of my blood oozing from my back. I watch from the floor as a large truck pulls up and Savage carefully places Raven in the back.

  Someone steps from the driver’s side, and I’m stunned to see Venom nod to Savage and then walk towards me. He looks down and shakes his head. “You never make things easy for yourself, do you?”

  “Venom?” I cough. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I trust you to finish the job.” Savage announces, looking to Venom.

  The men who fucking betrayed me, follow Savage out to get on their bikes. “Fucking bastards!” I shout at them. “See you all in fucking hell!”

  They don’t listen they just get on their bikes and follow the truck that Savage drives away. My fucking woman in the back.

  Venom kneels beside my dying body. I’m not an idiot I know I will die here tonight. I can’t believe my own brother has betrayed me. I’m in agony and I’m not surprised because I was shot over ten times.

  Whether my brother gives me the dying shot or not, tonight will be my last.

  “Why?” I manage to ask Venom.

  “You treat me like shit.” He honestly answers. “I’m fucking sick of it, all the men were glad to follow Savage because he doesn’t shit in his own backyard.”

  “He’s a rat.” I growl out.

  “Maybe but he’s the best we have.” I get his insult. Having a rat as a president is better than me.

  “Do you know how it feels to be disrespected by your own flesh and blood every fucking day of your life?” He shouts in my face. “I’ve had enough! You treat dogs better than me, even your fucking whores!”

  “Raven isn’t a whore.” I snap.

  “No, she’s the president’s old lady.” He answers and I roar in both pain and anger.


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