Book Read Free


Page 18

by K. T Fisher

  “She doesn’t belong to Savage.” I spit out blood. I’d rather see her back with the fucker Grim than being with Savage.

  “You’re here because you’re a fuck up.” Venom adds. “You only have yourself to blame.”

  “I’m sorry.” I admit. I have treated him bad in the past. “I wanted to toughen you up. Be the best that you can be.”

  “And look what you created.” He spreads his arms.

  “What about Simone?” I ask in panic. “You need to protect her.”

  Unknown to almost everyone, Venom and I have a half-sister called Simone. She has a different mother, but shares our father’s blood. She knows nothing of Venom and me, and nothing of the life we live but we know all about her. She lives with her mother in a tiny two bedroomed house, goes to college and is the typical twenty year old girl. I do my best to keep her a secret and give her mother money every month to help support her. Most of it goes into a savings account for her, but she gets looked after. Her mother knows about me and is grateful for my help but agrees that Simone should know nothing about me. I would only fuck up her life. I’m a fucked up man but I know that I shouldn’t enter her life.

  “I’ll look after her.” Venom grins and a scene of dread fills me.

  “Don’t contact her Venom! She doesn’t know us or this life.”

  “Maybe I should change that.” He laughs.

  “No!” I plead.

  “I love you.” Venom ends the conversation and leans down to kiss my forehead.

  “You’re not gonna shoot me?” I ask.

  “No.” We both know I’ll bleed out. It’s his way of saying I deserve this long and painful death.

  “I love you.” I speak as loudly as I can as Venom turns his back and walks outside.

  He doesn’t turn back though and I have to watch him as he straddles my bike and rides away. Leaving me to die alone.

  With a belly full of food fit for a biker on his way to get his woman back, I give my mother a kiss goodbye.

  “Be careful.” She warns us all, before having a private moment with my dad.

  They always do this, every time he goes on a ride, they embrace each other. As I look around I see other brothers with their Old Ladies and families also. It’s part of the MC life.

  “Where’s Lauren?” Grim asks nobody in particular as he looks around.

  “I think I saw her go to your room earlier.” Elise adds as she hugs her dad, Uncle Brace.

  Frowning, Grim quickly storms towards their room. That’s odd, Lauren knows we’re going to save Natasha from Strike. Why wouldn’t she be here to see us off? Unless it’s too much for her, Natasha is her closest friend and having her snatched away by the man who also has a fucked up addiction to her must be fucking hard. Especially after Drew reported Strike saying that he would let Natasha go in exchange for Lauren, otherwise he’s coming to get her anyway and also take Drew and Elise. That will never happen, we just need to focus on getting Natasha back and no longer letting him get so close to our girls. If that means upping our security, then so fucking be it.

  Grim comes running from the hallway that leads to the bedrooms, scanning around. “Lauren?”

  Everyone looks around and he becomes angry. “Lauren!”

  “VP!” My dad shouts over to him. “What’s the matter?”

  “I can’t find Lauren.” He immediately answers. “This was on the bed.”

  In his hand he holds out a letter. I have a feeling I know exactly what has happened. By the look of dread on everyone’s faces, I’m not the only one.

  “What’s is say?” Elise asks, stepping closer to Grim.

  He hands her the letter, wiping away his tears and facing away from all of us. Elise looks down the letter and her eyes widen. When she looks back up to us, she beings to explain.

  “It’s says she has gone to find Natasha alone and to not follow. Any Kings members who show their face before she gets there, will be shot.” She wipes at her eyes, looking back to Grim and then shakes her head. “The rest is for Grim’s eyes only.”

  Elise hands the letter back to Grim and holds him in his arms. Grim lets her and wraps his own arms around Elise’s tiny frame. He kisses her forehead and folds the letter, treating it as a treasured item and tucking it away into his jacket pocket.

  “I’m going to get my woman.” He declares and I nod my head in support. When he catches me he signals me back.

  Dad steps out and places a hand on Grim’s shoulder. “We gotta take her words seriously Grim.”

  “How did she even know where to go?” My brother asks, furious.

  I look around at everyone, seeing if I notice anyone’s guilty looking faces. But all my brothers are looking right at their VP, their sympathetic looks obvious to see.

  “We don’t know, but we have to listen to what she said.” My dad repeats. “We have to be more prepared, they know we will come to get the girls.”

  “Some of us will stay here.” Spliff announces, looking towards Travis. He has his kids to think about, he can’t be risking his life when his kids have just lost their mother.

  Dad calls the room to attention. “Brothers who are prepared to come with us, step forward.”

  Almost all brother take a step forward, so he has to choose who has to stay and protect the clubhouse and family members inside.

  When that’s settled, Grim still doesn’t look pleased. “We gotta hurry. Both of them could be in danger.”

  “They might not be there any long.” I add which panics Grim more. I get it, I’m feeling exactly the same.

  “How the fuck does she know where Strike is?” He asks again.

  “I can answer that.” Drew announces and everyone stops talking.

  “What?” I ask, confused at our little sister.

  Drew begins to cry. “When Strike was here, he gave me a piece of paper and ordered I gave it to Lauren when we were alone. He said if I didn’t he would hurt Natasha and come back to take revenge on the women of the club.” At this she cries and our mum goes to hold her but Drew steps away. “No! I need to say this.”

  “Drew, what was on the paper?” My dad asks.

  “It was the address he wanted Lauren to meet him at. I wasn’t allowed to tell any of you, he said if anyone apart from Lauren showed up they would be killed. What should I have done?” She cries. “If I had told you, you would have gone there and gotten yourselves killed or tell Lauren to then save everyone else? I had to think of the families.”

  Drew buries her face into her hands, sobbing and I feel for her. I really do. She was torn between two choices that were both impossible.

  “Drew.” My Dad pulls her close to him. “Nobody blames you, you couldn’t have chosen and as far as I’m concerned you did the right thing.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Grim roars.

  Drew’s eyes widen and I push him back a little. “Calm down.”

  “Calm down?” He frowns at me. “She sent Lauren into the hands of the fucker who tortured her!”

  “And she’s not the only one!” I remind him. “What was she supposed to do?”

  “Not give her the address!” Grim shouts back.

  “And let him come here and potentially hurt anyone here? Have you forgotten there’s children here?” At this Grim looks around at everyone listening to us.

  Hanging his head, he storms outside and after a certain look from my Dad, I decide to follow Grim out. We’re both anxious to get our women back.

  “I’m sorry brother.” I say as soon as we’re outside.

  “No.” Grim stops me. “You don’t need to apologise. I fucked up. I love them both, Natasha is like a sister to me and Lauren, well she’s my fucking old lady. I don’t know what’s happening or what to fucking do.”

  “We’re getting them back.” I growl. “They haven’t won! They’re our women, our old ladies and we won’t let that fuck take them away from us or hurt any other women. “

  “Let’s go.” Grim announces and my dad walks ou
t with brothers walking behind them.

  They all look pissed, nobody hurts a member of our club, female or male, it doesn’t fucking matter.

  As I straddle my bike, feeling the familiar vibrations under me I swear to kill anyone who fucking harms Natasha. I feel like fucking shit that I didn’t protect her right. I should have been by her side, rather than talking with my dad and arranging to meet her back at the bedroom. I will take out my guilt on someone else, hopefully Strike.

  Natasha is my woman and if anyone harms a hair on her beautiful body they’re dead.

  Now that we know the threat, we are extra prepared for what’s waiting for us. Drew slowly walks out and hands a piece of paper to Grim. Nodding to her he looks at it and when she whispers something to him, he grabs her into a hug and then climbs onto his bike. My Dad signals and we ride out leaving our other brothers to take care of the families left behind.

  My dad raises his hand and we all slow to a stop. When he gets of his bike we all cut our engines to hear what he has to say.

  “We stop here, we don’t want to alert anyone with the bikes.”

  None of us argue, we all park up and get our weapons sorted ready for the silent walk.

  “Keep a fucking look out.” Grim warns us all.

  Savage, Cuts and Ryder sneak to the left and hold their guns high, ready to take on anyone while Baby, Uncle Brace and College do the same to the right. Everyone else scatters around, silently looking into the dark on alert.

  “What did Drew give you?” I whisper to Grim.

  “The address, she wanted to make sure we were going the right way.”

  Nodding, I fall silent again and focus on the task. I have to get my baby back.

  We come to a long dirt road, and Grim decides to lead the way. Silently walking up, we scan the area and listen out for anything. It seems pretty empty, until we reach a large clearing and a barn appears. The doors are slightly open and we all raise our guns, looking around. While everyone stands guard, Grim and I are the ones to carefully take a peek inside and what I see turns my stomach.

  Prospects shine torches from behind us and light the room. When I get a clear sight, I freeze. Blood is every fucking where! Splatted on the walls and covering the floor. It looks like someone had thrown red paint everywhere. I pray that doesn’t belong to either of the girls.

  “Shit.” Grim curses and I spin to look at him.

  Grim is looking down to the floor as he nearly trips over something. He orders the Prospects to light his way and I’m shocked to see a dead Switch lying on the floor.

  “Fuck.” Switch looks like he had a violent death.

  “Fucker deserved to die.” Grim spits to the floor. “I’m just gutted I didn’t get the pleasure.”

  Of course I know all about Switch and his involvement with Lauren being handed to The Devils. I hate the fucker, Lauren means a lot to me and anyone who dares to hurt her deals with the club.

  I hear a moan from my right. “What was that?”

  “I heard it too.” Scrappy comes to my side.

  “Shine the lights!” I order the Prospects and when I see Strike lying on the floor in a bloody mess, I don’t know what to do. It’s a mixture between finish the bastard off, or get some information from him.

  “The fuck is he doing here?” Grim asks. “He should be with the girls.”

  “Then who does have them?” I dare to ask.

  Grim’s face darkens and he storms over to Strike. The men continue to stand guard and more torches are shone inside to make sure there’s nobody hiding in the barn with us.

  “Wake up mother fucker!” Shout Grim, kicking Strike.

  Strike groans in pain. “Fuck you.” He chokes.

  “Where is she?” He leans down next to him.

  “I don’t know.” He laughs.

  I decide I’ve quickly had enough of this. I storm over and crouch down beside Grim, careful to not touch any blood.

  “Listen you fucker!” I poke him with my gun which makes him squeal like a bitch. “Tell me where you have taken the girls!”

  “I don’t know.” He coughs.

  “Fucking liar!” Grim shouts, hitting him around the head. “Tell me where they are or I’ll end you right now!”

  “Are you fucking blind?” He coughs again. “I’m dying anyway.”

  “Then you better start talking quick!” I shout. “I’ll make your death more fucking painful than it is already!”

  With a punch to his side he shouts loudly and then starts to pant, catching his breath. He really is going to die soon.

  “I don’t know where Raven is.” He groans.

  “Lauren.” Grim snaps.

  Strike looks to Grim annoyingly. “I don’t know where she is.”

  “Where’s Natasha?” I ask and he laughs.

  “I don’t need to tell you fucks anything.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong.” I click my fingers and dad walks in, holding the photos of Strike’s beloved sister. “Tell us, or she gets hurt.”

  My dad shows him the photos and as soon as he does, Strike kicks off. “Where did you get that?”

  “We have our own sources.” Grim grins down at him. “Now fucking tell me everything.”

  “If I do.” Strike winces. “You promise to not harm Simone?”

  My dad nods. “Agreed, if you tell us everything. Including Savage.”

  Strike’s eyes widen. “You knew.”

  “Of course we fucking did!” Grim laughs.

  “He came to me.” Strike tells us. “He called me and said that he wanted Silver, but when we got her he decided that he wanted her and Raven. He turned my club against me and is now The Devils President.”

  “Shit.” Dad groans.

  “Why?” Growls Grim.

  “Because he said your club is full of pussies.” He laughs, which earns him another punch.

  “When I turned up, Savage was already here and letting Raven know exactly what he wanted. He gave her some anaesthesia to knock her out so she was easy to move from here to the house.” Strike reveals.

  “Is Natasha there?” I ask eagerly.

  “Yeah Silver is there.” I fucking hate his pet names for them but I need him to talk. I don’t know how much longer he has.

  “Where are they?” Grim asks.

  “If I tell you, will you do something for me?” Strike asks.

  “Fuck no!” I shout. “Just fucking tell us!”

  Strike frowns. “Silver has been beaten and is in a bad way. Savage wants Raven as his Old Lady and Silver as his play thing.”

  “We’ll do it.” Growls Grim.

  “Grim.” My dad warns.

  “I need to find her!” Grim shouts back.

  “Help my sister, Simone doesn’t know anything about this life. She doesn’t even know I exist and it’s better that way, but I have a feeling Venom will do something.”

  “It’s his sister.” I point out.

  “He betrayed me, I don’t want him doing the same to Simone.” He groans.

  Strike has shocked me. It’s surprising a man like him could actually care for someone, and keeping himself a secret to his sister is the best thing he has done for her.

  “We’ll do what we can.” Grim nods.

  “I guess that’s the best I’m going to get.” Strike then tells us the address where he says Natasha and Lauren are being held.

  Grim and I stand quickly, eager to get to our women.

  “What happened to Switch?” I ask him before we leave.

  “Raven killed him.” He laughs and I turn to see Grim grinning across at Switch’s dead body.

  I’ve been waiting for Strike to return to my room for a while now. When he left my room after giving me a lovely beating the place went quiet and now all of a sudden I can hear voices again. The men are pretty loud and I don’t think they’re concerned for themselves at all. Their music is loud obviously not caring that The Kings could be searching for me.

  I’ve tried to clean myself u
p as much as I possibly can with no water or mirror. So there’s probably no difference but I’ve had nothing else to do.

  I hear footsteps walking closer to the room I’m being kept in. I sit up on the bed in preparation for Strike. Fuck knows what he’s going to do to me this time.

  However, when Savage walks in I’m in shock. He’s the president of the US Kings of Rebellion charter, so what’s he doing here?

  “Savage?” I ask, looking him over. I be careful to not stretch my bottom lip too much as the cut Strike gave to me keeps reopening.

  “So you do remember me.” He grins.

  Warning bells ring out loud in my head. “Of course.”

  He looks pretty pleased with himself, definitely not here to help me.

  “You dirty rat.” The disgust in my voice is obvious to anyone, but Savage laughs anyway.

  “You have me all figured out don’t you?” He smirks and sits on the end of the bed. His eyes gliding over me. “Looks like Strike welcomed you back.”

  His hands reach out to touch my blood covered face and I lean back. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Don’t be like that.” He laughs. “You have me to thank for Strike never touching you again.”

  “What?” I ask.

  “Strike will never touch or harm you again.” He repeats.

  I don’t say anything, staying silent and not knowing how to take his words.

  “In fact, you won’t see him ever again.” He adds.

  “Why?” I ask.

  “You don’t seem happy.” He frowns. “You should be thanking me.”

  “What have you done?”

  Savage laughs. “Had him killed.”

  Even though Strike is an evil man, hearing that Savage has had him killed hits me hard. I will never get used to hearing about murder.

  “Strike’s dead?” I ask.

  “And that now makes you mine.” He boasts.

  “I don’t belong to you.” I snap.

  “Oh but you do.” He leans closer. “You know, I don’t know who is better. You or Lauren.”

  Hearing Lauren’s name, I freeze. It’s the way he said her name, I didn’t like it. “Lauren?”

  “Oh yes.” He laughs. “I forgot to say, she’s joined us.”


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