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Envy Page 21

by K. T Fisher

  “As good as I can be.” He straightens himself. “As long as I keep my kids happy, I’ll live happy enough.”

  Spliff’s words make me feel sorry for my brother. I know he’s not going to be thinking about meeting someone else right now but it’s sad to hear that all he wants is his children’s happiness. I hope that eventually he will find someone else to fill his heart. Of course, I will never speak this out loud my brothers would rip me a new one for sounding like a pussy.

  Prez walks in quickly followed by Grim and as soon as they sit down my Dad hits the gavel down. He gets out his phone and places it in front of him on the dark wood table.

  “Let’s give Breaker a call.” With a tap on his phone the dialling tones sound out as he puts it on loud speaker for us all to hear.

  “Franky.” Breaker greets only a few seconds later, obviously waiting for our call. “I have you on loudspeaker so the brothers can hear you.”

  “I’m doing the same brother.” My dad replies. “Saves us repeating it to everyone.”

  “I hear ya.” Breaker laughs. “Bomber make it out to you?”

  “I’m here.” Bomber shouts out, earning a frown from Scrappy.

  “Let’s get down to it Breaker shall we?” Dad cuts in.

  “Yeah.” Breaker adds. “Just what did Prez do?”

  “He’s not your Prez anymore Breaker.” My Dad reveals.

  “The fuck?” Breaker asks, his shocked tone coming clearly from the speaker.

  “Two of our girls were kidnapped a couple of days ago. Strike and the Devils were behind it of course, but what we didn’t know was that Savage has been working with them.” Dad delivers.

  “Prez? Why would he be working the Devils?” He asks.

  “We didn’t know until we found him in the house our girls were kept in.” My dad adds.

  “How do you know he wasn’t just trying to help?” Breaker asks.

  “With his fist!?” I stand, pure rage dripping from me. “My girl was in fucking bits! Savage helped with that, his words to her was that he was the new Devils President and she would be his whore!”

  “Calm down Devlin!” My father shouts.

  “I don’t wanna hear that shit!” I slam my fist down on the wood table.

  I look over to Grim and see that he’s barely holding is shit back.

  “Sit down or you can get out!” My Dad shouts over to me and because I want to hear what’s going to happen I shut up and take my seat.

  After a few seconds of silence Breaker continues to speak.

  “From that reaction, I take your word for the truth.” Breaker admits. “We were led to believe Savage was out on private business. Is this why you returned to the UK Bomber?”

  “Yes.” Bomber adds. “I’ve been suspicious of him for a while. I needed to come here to help them out.”

  We all know that that’s a lie. He’s here on purely selfish reasons but nobody says a thing.

  “So why not give me a fucking heads up?” Breaker sounds pissed.

  “That’s down to me Breaker,” Dad interrupts. “As soon as he told me of his plans, I told him to keep it a secret. At the time we didn’t know if your Prez was working alone or not.”

  “He’s not our fucking Prez anymore.” Breaker spits. “Where’s the piece of shit now?”

  “In the warehouse but he won’t be for much longer.” Grim growls out.

  “I’m gonna need you to keep him alive for me Franky.” Breaker asks. “He’s our Prez, and I know he wronged your women, but he’s ours to punish. I can’t make it out right away but I’ll be with you within the month.”

  “I understand.” Dad admits into the phone.

  “Just make sure he’s alive.” Breaker demands, sounding like a true President.

  The phone call quickly ends after that. After a few details of when, where and how. Dad also tells him to declare his newly appointed VP when he visits in a months’ time.

  “I think it’s safe to say he didn’t know anything.” Baby points out.

  “Too bad you promised no harm to Savage Prez.” I add. “I can’t promise I will come through on that.”

  “That’s why I said he will be alive, I didn’t agree on what state he would be in.” My Dad chuckles as he puts his phone away. “Are we all in agreement that Breaker and his charter were innocent in all this?”

  He goes around the table everyone says yes as I thought they would. It does seem pretty clear Breaker knew nothing. Although, if I was him I would be looking through my men a lot closer for the next few weeks. You never know, someone in that charter could have been helping Savage at his request. He was their president after all.

  “So, next in line.” Prez reaches under the table and shows a bunch of pictures of Strike’s dear little sister Simone.

  She looks nothing like her brothers, which is a good thing for her. She looks to have red hair, not the dyed kind but the tone that you’re born with and she’s very slim. I would say she’s pretty, but it feels odd thinking of Strike’s sister as pretty. She’s young, and the pictures that are being shown, she looks happy. No doubt that smile wouldn’t be on her face if she knew who she was related to.

  “Strike’s little sister.” Baby grins. “You know, she’s kinda hot.”

  “Baby.” Prez warns and Baby’s smug grin vanishes.

  “Some of you might not know what Grim agreed to Strike’s death wish.” Grim becomes annoyed at Dads words.

  “It wasn’t like that.” He argues. “He asked us to watch over his sister because Venom might go after her.”

  “Why would he do that though?” Tech asks.

  “Because Venom is a twisted fuck and he was held back by Strike.” I add.

  “Worse than his brother?” Neo asks not believing that at all.

  “Yes.” Grim answers, deadly serious. “Venom is young, he grew up watching Strike torture men and women he learnt and developed what he saw. The only man to hold him back was Strike, and now he’s dead.”

  “He thinks that Venom will go after his sister because he didn’t see the point in keeping her hidden.” I add.

  “But she’s not our problem.” Scrappy reminds us.

  Disagreements fly around the table until Prez calls it to an end asking for a final vote. It’s pretty close, but the vote says we do nothing. It pisses Grim off and it annoys me. An innocent girl might be in danger and we’re the only ones to warn her, but the vote is our law. She’s not our worry so therefore none of our concern. I can see why most of the brothers who voted against it, we’ve been through so much shit already. Why throw ourselves into more?

  As bad as Devlin wants to be around me all the time, he has his club responsibilities. He only has to see that everyone is back on track at the clubs after the lockdown. The Kings have two clubs in total, one is a strip club and the other is a night club. They have been closed while we were on lockdown but now they are re-opening so Devlin has gone with some other members to see that nothing has happened in the buildings and get the staff back to work. The employees obviously still get paid by Franky while on lockdown. They still have to earn a living, it’s not their fault the club who owns the building is under threat.

  Grim has also gone with them, so Lauren comes to visit me in Devlin’s room. I guess I can start to call it our room now. I stay here more than I do anywhere else now.

  “Hey.” Lauren pokes her head around the door.

  “Come in.” I shuffle up on the bed.

  I struggle a little but it feels good to move around every now and then. Otherwise I stiffen up, and that’s worse. It’s getting a little easier, but I’m still not back to normal.

  “How you doing?” She asks, sitting on the bed.

  “As good as I can be.” I roll my eyes.

  “Why don’t you come back with me?” She asks.

  Yesterday, Lauren and Grim went back home but I stayed here.

  “It’s better I stay here.” I insist. “Devlin is with me all the time, would you want Devlin at your
place that much?”

  Lauren scrunches up her face sarcastically. “God no.”

  We laugh. She loves Devlin like a brother, so also finds him annoying like one too. Just like me with Grim. Plus, I like to be here with Devlin, weirdly it’s more private.

  “Are you any better?” I ask her.

  Yesterday she stopped by to say goodbye before returning to her home. Only she said she wasn’t feeling well and ended up being sick.

  “Yeah about that.” She takes a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”

  I stare at her with wide eyes for a few seconds. “What?”

  “I’m pregnant.” She laughs.

  “You’re going to have a baby.” Tears quickly gather in my eyes. I’m so happy for her.

  “Are you pleased?” She asks, looking a little nervous.

  I gesture to my crying self. “What about this doesn’t look pleased?”

  She laughs at me again.

  “When did you find out?” I eagerly ask.

  “Grim told me.” She reveals. “The Doctor told him when we were in the hospital. They found out during some checks.”

  “Hello!” Interrupts a loud voice.

  Drew, Elise and Maci appear in the room and ask me how I’m doing. I look between Lauren and the girls, thinking about what to do. I want to baby talk with Lauren, but I don’t know if they already know.

  “I have something to say.” Lauren says and I do a little happy dance inside.

  All three girls stand still, waiting to hear what Lauren has to say.

  “You’re pregnant.” Elise gasps, before Lauren even says anything.

  “What?” Drew and Maci ask together.

  “How did you know?” Lauren laughs.

  “You said that you have something to say, that usually only means one thing.” She grins.

  I swear that girl has some mad secret super power.

  Maci shuts the door behind her and we all gather around and talk excitedly about Lauren and Grim’s baby. I can’t believe they’re going to have a baby.

  “So exciting!” Elise claps. “We’re going to be aunts!”

  “Speaking of exciting news.” Drew adds. “Now that lockdown is over I’ve been able to visit the salon.”

  I look up at her with wide eyes. “How does it look?”

  “There’s boxes everywhere.” She rolls her eyes. “They were delivered just before lockdown and there’s a lot but I was like a woman on a mission yesterday and tackled the mess. Most of them were the chairs we picked out and the tables but it’s looking good!”

  “Wow.” I get a rush of excitement. “Did you have a sneak peek at the apartment?”

  “Obviously.” Drew laughs. “The kitchen looks gorgeous!”

  “I can’t wait to see it.” I really can’t, it’s too bad that I can hardly walk for too long. I can’t wait to see it for myself.

  I’m also saving my energy for something special but I’m not telling the girls because they won’t understand, well maybe Lauren would but I don’t want her telling anyone. I will just keep my mouth shut and think about what I’m going to do. Every time I do my belly fills with excited nerves.

  The next morning, I’m feeling well enough to eat breakfast in the kitchen. Devlin has nipped out because Franky needed him, so I’m taking advantage and doing this by myself.

  When I make it to the kitchen, I’m a little out of breath and Laura comes rushing towards me.

  “Oh honey.” She says as she helps me to a seat. “What are you doing up?”

  “I wanted some breakfast.” I try to say without breathing so heavily.

  “Where’s Devlin?” She asks, not looking happy.

  “Franky needed him but I’m fine.” I insist.

  Forgiving her son for leaving me alone, Laura offers to make me my breakfast. I don’t really have a choice, so I ask her for some toast. Whilst I’m eating at the small table, minding my own business Laura and June go about their routine I hear some interesting whispers.

  I stay as quiet as possible so they will carry on talking and hopefully forget I’m here.

  “Breaker is now The US charters President.” Laura whispers to June.

  “He will make a good leader.” June agrees. “Who has he made VP?”

  “Franky doesn’t know yet but he has until he comes here to get Savage to tell him who he has appointed.” Laura replies.

  So Breaker has now taken over Savage’s place as the US Kings charter and from what I’ve just overheard, Breaker is on his way here to take Savage away. That means I will have to bring my plans forward. I was hoping to carry this out when I was fully healed but that doesn’t matter now. I have to do this before Breaker takes Savage away.

  I walk towards the two women and hand over my empty plate, they stop talking as soon as I approach them.

  “Thank you for the breakfast.” I sweetly smile not letting on that I heard a single word.

  They both visibly relax. “No problem sweetie.” June smiles.

  “You want me to walk you back?” Laura asks but as I open my mouth a voice comes from behind me.

  “No need.” My eyes stay glued to Laura as she smirks. “What the hell are you doing Tash?”

  Laura and June busy themselves and I turn to face Devlin. looks fucking edible today not that he doesn’t every day, but right now he has this edge about him. Probably because he’s pissed off at me. His eyes are dark as they frown at me and his jaw is tense. Devlin is not a happy biker.

  “I was hungry.” I pointed out.

  “I told you I was bringing something back for you.” He argues. “You’re not well.”

  “I’m ok for a little walk Devlin.” I say but even as I talk I become a little weak.

  Devlin must notice this as he grabs me and lowers me to the chair I was just sat on. “I don’t care what you think Tash, I want to take care of you but you’re not making it easy.”

  “I hate this.” I lower my head as a single tear falls.

  Devlin gently holds my head kissing me and being the rock I’ve become to lean on. “Let’s get you settled.”

  “Can we stay in the TV room?” I ask. “Just for a little bit.”

  The thought of staying in the bedroom makes me feel a little claustrophobic.

  “Ok, but you tell me as soon as you wanna lie down.” He insists.

  I salute him as he begins to help me back up. As annoying as he can be, I love that he’s so serious about taking care of me. Besides, if I’m going to bring my plan forward I’ll need all the strength I can muster.

  Sitting amongst everyone else is a nice change from hiding away in the bedroom but I don’t last for the rest of the day. I’m not totally wiped but I need to save my energy.

  Devlin decides to carry me to the bedroom, earning him a few winks and hollers from his club brothers. I can’t help but laugh. Devlin settles me gently on the bed, locking the door behind us.

  When he turns to face me, I see a certain look in his eyes and my body automatically responds. He wants me, but I can tell he’s scared.

  “Come here.” I reach out my arm towards him.

  Devlin sits beside me on the bed but I grab his arm and pull lightly tug on his arm to lie down. I don’t pull him hard because that would hurt me, but he understands what I mean, so lies down.

  “Kiss me.” I ask, my voice low and he can obviously hear the want in the tone of my voice.

  “Tash.” He groans as I lean closer, lightly licking his bottom lip.

  I’ve never been this forward with him before and it feels exciting. I’ve always been afraid of what he would think of me and my scars but recent events have shown me that he doesn’t care. Devlin loves me for who I am, it’s about time I let go of my fears and show Devlin how much I want him. He’s a big, strong guy and I know he loves sex. Every man in his freaking club loves sex, what man doesn’t? Besides, I’ve been here long enough to have heard the many rumours about certain men and Devlin is one of them. I’ve heard from how big he supposedly is, cer
tain piercings and how much of a good time in the bedroom is. Obviously it’s not nice hearing the club whores whispers about that but at least I know that he no longer entertains them. I totally trust him.

  “Please.” I beg him, stroking his arm seductively.

  “But,” He begins to argue.

  “I need you.” I whisper into his ear cutting him off.

  He groans as my hand glides down to his cock, unfortunately it’s covered by his jeans, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel it’s hardness. My insides quiver as I stroke it, I want him to free himself and show me his cock. I want to see if some of the rumours are true.

  “You need to rest.” Devlin says.

  “No,” I begin to argue but stop as he leans up and looks down at me.

  “Let me do the work.” He smirks down at me and my stomach ties in knots as excitement fills me.

  Biting down on my lip, I watch as Devlin removes my jeans. His eyes stare at my underwear, red lace, I’m so glad I chose these this morning!

  “You sure about this?” He asks me and I nod, I want nothing more.

  “I love you.” I reply letting him know I want this as much as he does.

  His face turns serious, carefully leaning over my body kissing me with so much emotion I could cry. Leaving me gasping, he disappears down my body and rids me of my red lace thong. I try to keep my worries buried but without thinking, my legs close. Devlin frowns and looks up to me in question. When he sees the tears in my eyes he’s immediately by my side.

  “Babe?” He asks.

  “Ignore me.” I wipe away the tears.

  “You’re crying.” He points out. “I’m not ignoring that babe.”

  “I’m just being silly.” I insist.

  “Tell me why you’re crying. You want to stop?”

  “No.” I sniffle. “It’s just, I hate how I look.”

  Devlin tilts his head to the side in an adorable manner. “I don’t understand babe.”

  Taking a deep breath, I come clean about the fears I’ve been hiding from him for a long while now.

  “Strike gave me some scars that I didn’t want you to see.” I admit. “It’s why I tried to keep you away for so long, I was scared you would run away disgusted.”


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