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Claimed Page 14

by K. H. Kate

  "So this is the famous Darkness I was hearing about. Nice to meet you."

  The woman as Zach put in, Ivy was one strange woman. Intimidation roared through her soul but she was too small to carry out the pretense. Even then, there was something that made me shake her raised hand with caution.

  "Pleasures all mine." I bit out before stepping back. "You ready to do your thing?"

  She nodded and held up her hands again. I raised an eyebrow in confusion when she opened her mouth. "I need to show you rather than drawing it. It's more effective and vivid."

  Taking a breath of air, I took her inviting hands and immediately felt the jolt of power that came from her. Her eyes rolled over just as mine did.

  "I want to fight for us."

  "Don't bother coming back."

  "He brought this upon himself."

  "Emie, I'm so sorry."

  With a scream that even shook Zed, I ripped my hands away from her. Fuck, oh, fuck. I ruined it all. Why did I have to do this? Why it always have to be me!

  Zed was beside me in a second. "Lex! What is it?"

  "I think I know what I've to do." I stated with a grim expression. I wasn't proud of what I was going to do but sometimes I had to be selfish. I had to be an asshole to spare the ones I cared about.

  Starting with Emie.

  The festival was going on for hours.

  I couldn't hide behind the bar anymore. I had seen Emie just one time after I had come to a solution and yet I didn't have the nerve to finally go through it. Not that Allegra was making it any easier with all the people coming from various clans.

  She had her hands full along with Emie and Lana.

  Even Mikhail joined with his friend Aaron who looked far from calm. Nervous energy swirled around him, no wonder he was the only human who never joined a festival like this. Knocking back another drink, I had enough.

  It was now or never.

  I started walking toward them, fully intend to take Emie with me when someone bumped into me. Brushing off his apology, I was just about to take another step when I smelled it. Coel and fire.


  Turning around, my gaze locked with Mikhail. He had the same look I was harboring right now. Nodding at him, together, we followed the man with the cloak. Surprisingly the man leisurely walked, not a single step could be called fast because he was in a hurry.

  "You see him?" I heard a whisper behind me.

  "Yes." I deliberately slowed down to match his footsteps. "He's going to my side of the wing."

  "Got it."

  That was the only sign I got before I saw everything slow down, almost like the time itself had slowed down. Mikhail had his eyes on the man just like I did but where he was too busy to stop him, I let my shadows take over to catch him.

  Those formless creatures grabbed the man by the shoulder, halting him from taking another step. From the corner of my eyes, I could see some Volkios corner him but surprise, surprise, he still didn't look tense.

  "Turn around." My shadows ordered.

  He did with a shake of his head. Just then everything started moving normally and Mikhail cursed. Did he know him?


  "That's not Demos." He spat, glaring at the demon in front of us.

  The shadows screamed in disappointment. All of it was for nothing! "Who are you!"

  The demon smiled, his eyes filled with mischief. "Name's Fallon, his majesty's trusted adviser. He thanks you all for the invitation."


  He knew.


  "Where's my brother?" I saw Eros ask with a smile on his face. We couldn't really show that we wanted him. It was a double-edged sword if I ever saw one.

  "Nice to meet you after centuries, Eros. Hope he gets better hospitality than I did." I was ready to snap his neck but Mikhail shook his head.

  Damn it.

  I was out of here. They could deal with it. I had my own problems to deal with.

  I didn't care that Allegra let out a soft protest when I finally found them, gripping Emie's hands to take us far away from the crowd. I didn't even bother that I stumbled with people on my way, hearing curses all around me. I was just too in a hurry to get this over with.

  She immediately smiled when I found a corner away from everyone. "Oh, hey. What's with dragging me around?"


  "I haven't seen you since...since I got to know about Jonathan. You are not upset with me, are you? I know I look batshit crazy. I fought with 5132 for what? Silly matters? With Zach around its still awkward. Did you know I killed him when I first became a Reaper? I mean how am I supposed to act around him? How does one do in that situation?"

  I shook my head, trying to keep her calm and at the same time stop myself from asking questions. "No, that's not it..."

  This made her frown. Good, start worrying. "What is it then? What's wrong? Is it because I blocked the connection? I am so sorry! I know I was an idiot to do that but I didn't want to burden you with my emotions-"

  "That's not what I wanted to talk about."

  If it was possible, she looked even more worried. After taking a deep breath, I finally told the words I was dreading. "I can't do this anymore."

  Her shoulder tensed. "What?"

  "Jonathan was trying to protect you by lying." I didn't want to throw Jonathan under the bus but if that helped with what I wanted... "I knew what you really feel for me and I didn't want to hurt you but...after today I realized I was doing the same thing Jonathan did and it's going to hurt either way. So this is me with no filter or lie. I can't be with you anymore."

  "Are you-are you fucking kidding me right now?"

  "Do I look like I'm kidding?" My shadows begged me to not do this to her. To us. But for once I had to do what was needed to be done. So, I continued. "Or do I need to remind you, that we share souls? Tell me, Emie, shout it, don't you feel it too?"

  "My God, I can't believe this. What is wrong with you!? Are you high or something?" She yelled out, frustration clearly showing on her face.

  I forced a smirk to cover up what I was really feeling. Can't let her know, can never do that, I kept muttering in my heart. The damn thing just had to stop beating for a second to get this over with. "No. This is ME telling you what the truth is. Did you honestly believe I would've chosen you if it wasn't your mother's evil scheming? That bitch made sure to ruin my life even from the grave."

  I knew it was a low blow. She stared at me, stunned at what I just said.

  Please, you will break her!

  Shut up!

  Don't do this to our beloved.

  To make things easier, I blocked my shadows pleading. I could feel them arguing between themselves in the back of my mind but I forced myself to make sure it was done before I ended up backing out.

  She threw her hands in the air. "I can't believe you, this is all a nightmare. Yeah...that's just it."

  I brought her closer to me, tightening my grip to the point that she whimpered in pain. "This is real, Emie. Your heart is not letting you see the truth. You know we can never work."

  "I know? Or are you the only one who thinks that?" She sighed, closing her eyes. And when she opened those eyes again there was a fire I could no longer ignore. "I have had my fair share of doubts, Lex but unlike you, I have given you-us, a chance. I want to fight for us. If there's anything I have done, talk to me. Don't throw us away like that. I won't let you."

  "So you are just going to bind me to a marriage that I no longer want a part of?" I gritted out.

  "Are you listening to yourself?" She screamed, pinching my chin. I tried not to cower away. Please, listen and set us both free, I prayed over and over. "You must be drunk, yeah, that's it..."

  "I don't love you."

  Final Blow.

  Tears filled her eyes but it's like she didn't even care. "W-What?"

  "I never loved you and it's killing me to pretend otherwise. Please, I-I can't live with this guilt anymore."

  The look on h
er face was enough to know that she loathed me. She turned away from my smug face, running through figures to get away from me. Maybe even from my life. Good, that was good. It was what I wanted, it was what I deserved.

  So why was I still standing there, tears on my eyes as well?


  I hated him.

  I hated him more than I hated Demos and that was saying something. After Prophesy disappeared with those words, I wanted to seek comfort in him. I wanted to trust him, I really did.

  But after what he did...

  I went to the front window to look outside. The whole manor was busy celebrating the Blood moon. Some high-profile witches from other clans were coming and also some humans would join them. I should've been helping but here I was...pitying myself just because the great Alexei finally told me that he couldn't pretend anymore.

  How did this even happen?

  Three weeks ago, my heart had bled out in that corner and I had done all I could. Crying, freaking out, sending burning fire at every wall, even tried to wonder what my fault was. Every time I closed my eyes, his touch made me remember that it was all a lie. That made me wash my body until I was almost sure that my skin had blisters. He lied. He said he won't hurt me and yet ended up doing exactly that.

  How could I trust him again?

  Dammit. It was unfair. The heartbreak was worse than any physical pain I had endured. How could his heart not break along with mine? We were supposed to be beloved, weren't we?

  His part of the soul was still crying in pain in my heart but the owner of the soul had no intention to ever listen to that. I suddenly felt very stupid. Why did even I believe that bastard's acts? I knew he was phony. He lied to get what he wanted on a daily basis for God's sake. I should be proud that finally, he broke me from my blissful trance.

  Happiness had no place for people like us.

  With that thought in mind, I shrugged off the pain I was clutching into for weeks. It was time to act like an adult and deal with it. My eyes looked lifeless in the mirror but I ignored that. From the closet, I chose the darkest color I could find and wore them quickly.


  I could almost pass off as normal.

  Outside was chaotic. I saw Allegra rushing around making preparations in between fussing over Lex's disappearance. A smile of mirth filled my face. He couldn't even bear to see his mistake every day that he ran like a coward. The only thing keeping me sane was his pet demon's message every day about their whereabouts until even that stopped. The more Allegra worried about him, the more annoyed I felt.

  "Emeline, dear?"

  Startled, I turned around to see it was an old member of the Riverside clan. They were one of the allies who didn't judge me for who I was.


  The woman smiled in return, holding up some heavy boxes where the ingredients for the celebration were. "I need to send these things in the grand hall but as you can see, my hands are full of other works so..."

  "No problem. I'll send them to their places." With a barely there smile, I carried the things in the hall room. The girls working there gave me a nasty glare which I clearly avoided until someone actually came up to me with a scowl.

  "Hey, you!"

  Keep walking, something in me said as I deliberately ignored her.

  "I'm talking to you, Reaper! Didn't you hear anything? What do I even expect from a disrespectful vulgar creature? You are the reason Alexei ran for the hills. You bitch!"

  I stopped walking, the words for once not registering in my head. I made him leave? Was that what everyone believed? The Coven too?

  I turned around, fury overwhelming my rational mind. "What did you just say?"

  The girl smiled slowly. "You heard me. You were too much for him to handle. No wonder he took off at the first chance he got."

  As if that was not humiliating enough, the girl circled me, letting out those words of poison. "Darkness needs Light, Emeline, not a freaking woman who lives off to souls. You are a Reaper, a living breathing danger to him."

  Wrong move.

  The hand that was near me, I broke it without thinking, making the girl cry out in pain. It wasn't just the insults that made me angry, oh no, it was the fact that she was implying Lex didn't deserve me.

  "You better watch out that vulgar mouth, kid. I don't want anything to happen to you accidentally. I'm a living breathing danger after all." I spat out, leaving the crying girl sprawled out on the floor.

  "That was intense." 5132 said, coming to join my side. Ever since I broke down in front of her that day, she kind of started to follow me around everywhere. The only two people who knew what happened were her and Zedkiel. She swore to hunt him down but oh well...he disappeared before anyone could beat him to black and blue.

  "It was nothing." My fist clenched. "Okay, it was something. She was insulting me for well...being me and she thought I didn't deserve him."

  Her expression turned grim. "What?"

  "Yeah, forget about it. I was just angry in general." I said shrugging.

  "Oh, Darn! I forgot. I was here to let you know that tonight you're going to have to give a speech on behalf of the Moon clan."

  I stared at her in surprise. "But...Zed is the clan leader. It's his responsibility."

  "Zedkiel's not going to be present. He is going after Alexei after he closes up the Demos problem. The bodies are increasing, Emie. One of these days, he's coming here. I can feel it. Now, get ready and good luck!" She hollered, leaving me with a horrifying realization.

  I was standing among the crowd, waiting for my turn to come. I was in a Lilac gown with my hair in a small bun. Fear had me grip the glass of my drink tightly. The only silver lighting at that moment was that the clan leader of the Red clan wasn't present there. Somehow Zach and Ivy managed to make Ivy the representative who already gave her speech along with Allegra.

  "Now, I do apologize as the clan leader of the Moon Clan of New Orleans is not here as well so I'm calling Ms. Emeline Deshayes on his behalf. Please, come forward." I could see people whispering around hearing my last name, mother's last name. 5132 gave me a thumbs up the closer I walked to the stage.

  I took the microphone and cleared my throat. Just get this over with. "Hello my fellow guests and clan members, I'm Emeline Deshayes from the Moon Clan. I'd like to thank you all for coming here today in this joyous moment. As for all of us witches, a new moon means a new beginning, a time for harvest but I say, it doesn't have to be. Not all New moon will bring happiness, some of them will bring tragedy and you would want to know why. You would be devastated, you would keep trying to find some answers and again I say you don't have to.

  Look at me! I know some of you recognized me by my last name. all your curiosity, yes, I'm the daughter of Keisha Deshayes. But sometimes family doesn't make people who they are. I've been living in a clan for as long as I can remember. I was once an innocent witch, deprive of spells. But some people for power tried to sacrifice me, they said it was prophesied. How can you run from your own prophesy, right? But I survived and with that came the truth.

  The truth of me being a Reaper.

  And if you think that made me weak then no, it didn't. That pain, the agony, the betrayal made me stronger. Yes, I should never have to go through that but I did. I met new people. Made friends and made a family of my own. I've been to Hell and came back. I lost myself but I didn't give up. So, as the New Moon rises today, I'd like to say that, maybe not every beginning will be great but as time went on we'll see that even the smallest light can bring greatness forth in the darkness.

  With that, I'm finishing my speech. Welcome to the Coven."

  I walked down the stage faster after saying those words. I could hear people clapping but I was long gone to care about that. I needed Lex. Even if I could lie to everybody or myself but I needed him with me today. When people were seeing me as the daughter of a maniac, I wanted him to tell me that it was OK.

  That he would always be
my shadow.

  But he wasn't.

  Suddenly a hand reached out to grab my shoulder. Startled, I spun around.

  "Sorry. I said your name a few times but you seemed lost in your thoughts." Zach explained. With the awkwardness still there, I didn't know how to answer.

  "Uh, nothing. Just..."

  "Overwhelmed?" He said, chuckling. I nodded half-heartedly.

  "You know...Alexei loves you. That idiot can lie all he wants but his face says it all." Love? I wanted to laugh at his face. Lex couldn't be any clearer even if he wanted to.

  "You weren't there to hear him that night." The bitter smile and a sharp nod were Zach all got before I walked outside.

  As my feet took me to the woods, trying to forget everything, the air around me picked up. As if that wasn't worse enough, I heard footballs of another person on my trail. Zach? No, the scent was all wrong. I whipped around, trying to see who was following me when a shadow rummaged from the trees.


  No. He wasn't in his human form. I tried not to notice how my hands trembled to see him again.

  "Why are you here?" I asked loudly.

  For a second there was no answer. Then his voice filled the silent night. "Are you still holding onto hope? D-Don't. There's no point."

  "Like there's no point in lying anymore?" I let out a mocking grin. "Go on. Tell a lie."

  "I want to hurt you so bad but I am trying not to. Y-You don't deserve it."

  I had been afraid of him plenty of times but his shadows never scared me. They didn't hurt me like their vessel did but right now I couldn't ignore his words. Those shadows looked bigger somehow.


  Meaner. What a joke. "A lie, Darkness. Tell me a lie. Come on!"

  He looked toward the sky, a broken laugh leaving from his lips. "I don't want to hurt you. But I will if you don't run."

  Then there was the white hot pain blinding me. Crying out at the unexpected attack, I turned around to move when he ran straight into me. Damn him! Since when did he learn to trick me like this? I closed my eyes and tried to quash the panic rising from the pit of my stomach. I could run. I had done it before and I could do it again.


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