Snowed in for Christmas

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Snowed in for Christmas Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  “Are you driving alone in this snow?” He asks, sounding mad.

  His question pulls my eyes back to him and my heart flips over in my chest when I see him looking back at me.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m not going far,” I inform him as I wonder why I’m explaining myself.

  He frowns, his eyes scanning me and taking in my inappropriate clothing. I prefer jeans and yoga pants, so I had to drag these items from the back of my closet.

  “Take a seat,” he offers, nodding toward the living room. I murmur a thank you, then sit on the couch. It’s wood, of course, with a nice red cushion and I wonder if he made this as well. I want to ask him, to have him show me around, giving me the opportunity to learn if everything was created by him and how he does it all. I’ve never met anyone who worked with their hands. My family tends to associate with other rich snobs who believe that’s what the help is for. Why risk the chance of breaking a nail?

  I look at him as he takes a seat in the chair. “Mr. Montgomery, I’m-”

  “Forrest,” he interrupts. His tone startles me, though I manage to quickly pull myself together and straighten my shoulders which only thrusts my boobs forward, causing his gaze to fall to them before he glowers and looks away. Oh jeez, does he think I did that on purpose? My mother always told me to be mindful of my posture, so it’s become a habit. I wasn’t trying to get him to look at my breasts. Not that it bothers me… Oh, god. I need to get the hell out of here. I grab my phone and pull up the email with the contract, ready to go over the terms.

  “Mr., err Forrest. I’m here on behalf of Veronica Rockefeller to offer you a con-”

  “No,” he growls and I shoot him a glance.

  “Excuse me?” I ask, confused. Usually, the mention of Veronica or the Rockefeller name gets a warmer reception.

  “I’ve responded to her calls and emails and declined every single one of her offers. I don’t want her to sell my work nor do I want my pieces featured on her blog or whatever it is she’s running. I’m doing more than okay without her help. How many times do I have to tell her before she stops wasting my time and quits nagging me? My designs are one of a kind and will never be mass-produced. I’m not doing this for the money so I don’t care how rich you think you can make me, I’m not interested.”

  He’s almost shouting as he finishes his speech and I can see the almost sneer on his face when he takes in my fancy clothes. I know he probably assumes I’m like my family, that I’m just here to badger him as my sister has been, and his apparent disappointment hits me harder than it should.

  Anger suddenly courses through me at anyone thinking I’m the same as them, as well as at them for playing me by having me bother him so they could get their way. “They already asked you?” I shriek as Forrest leans back. He seems uncertain now, shuffling as he watches me curiously and I realize I must seem insane. I showed up late at night to offer him a deal he’s already refused, and now I’m screaming at him. Taking a deep breath, I try to get my blood pressure under control, then continue, “I’m so sorry, Mr. Montgomery. Truth be told, I don’t actually work for her and I have don’t know anything about her business. She’s my sister and I was simply driving through when my mother called and told me to stop here. She seemed to have left out the fact that they had already previously contacted you AND the fact that you had already turned them down.” Running my hands down my face, I add, “I know how rude and awful they can be and the only reason I agreed was so I didn’t have to spend as much time with them. Trust me, after this Thanksgiving, I wasn’t looking forward to being there any longer than I absolutely have to.”

  “What happened?” He asks, appearing as if he wants to punish anyone who hurt me.

  “Long story,” I mumble. I can tell he wants to protest, to pry it out of me, but I shoot him a hard look. Don’t try it, buddy.

  “If you don’t care for them, then why are you driving in a snowstorm to see them? If they treat you like crap you shouldn’t waste your time. You deserve to be treated like a queen.”

  He blushes after he says that and I stare at him with my mouth hanging open. No one has ever said anything like that to me before, let alone one of the hottest men that I have ever laid eyes on in my life. In fact, most men don’t even show any interest in me. I think about what he asked me, letting his words roll around in my head.

  Why have I let them treat me the way they do? I should have put my foot down a long time ago, but instead, all I’ve been doing is putting up with it, gritting my teeth, and bearing it until I can make my escape.

  He starts to speak, and I know he’s going to ask more questions, so I rush to interrupt him. This guy is way too lethal and I need to get out of here before I do something embarrassing like throw myself at him.

  “I’m sorry for disrupting your evening. I’ll tell them you’re not interested and hopefully, I can get it through their thick skulls so they don’t waste any more of your time.”

  I stand, ready to head for the door, but pause when I notice he’s not following me. He remains in the chair and I debate seeing myself out. He’s watching me with a strange expression on his face and I wish more than anything I could figure out what it means.

  “I’ll walk you to your car,” he says gruffly, rising and spinning on his heel to stride to the door and tug it open. I thank him as I step through, then wrap my arms around myself as the cold slaps me in the face once again.

  Chapter Four


  A sense of sadness envelopes me as I stand, which is strange because I enjoy being by myself and usually can’t wait for visitors to leave. However, with her, I’m less than enthused to see her go. I don’t know what it is about this girl that has me so tied up in knots. Sure, she’s beautiful, yet I’ve never felt drawn to other attractive women, not like I am to her. There’s just something to her that I feel on a molecular level.

  I’d guessed right about her purpose for being here, but judging by her outburst, she doesn’t care for them any more than I do. The anger and disgust she felt for them was written clearly on her face when she talked about them and I believed her. She seemed just as annoyed and upset about their nagging me as I am.

  She looks up at me, green eyes shining, and I let my gaze scan her curves. My mouth starts to water as I take in how snugly her dress fits across her large tits, smoothing over her rounded tummy and hips before molding perfectly to her lush ass.

  Don’t go. That surprises me so much I tense. Maybe I need to get laid? As soon as that flits through my mind, I realize that won’t help. I don’t just need to get laid. I need this girl. I need to make her mine.

  I wait for Candy to step onto the porch then I join her. God, that name. When she had switched it to Catherine, I had wanted to object. Catherine seemed too stuffy and formal for her. This girl was a treat and I couldn’t think of a more fitting name than Candy. Her voice just makes me want to eat her up even more than when I’d first laid eyes on her. I notice that Candy is already shivering, so I step closer, wanting to keep her warm, to protect her.

  We stand side by side on the front porch and stare in shock at the sight before us. Her vehicle is covered. She sighs, then takes a step forward, attempting to make her way to it, but I grab her arm to stop her movement. It’s coming down harder now, the wind whipping snow across the trees and into our faces.

  I’ve never been so happy about a snowstorm in my life.

  “Stay the night,” I suggest, still holding her arm.

  Candy bites her bottom lip, her eyes looking at her car before they return to me, then my cabin. I do my best to shield her from the worst of the weather as I wait for her decision.

  “I don’t want to be a bother. I think my family and I have taken up enough of your time,” she states, shifting on her feet, though I notice she doesn’t actually make a move to leave.

  “You could never be a bother, Candy,” I say, wanting to taste her name on my tongue.

  She blushes then, glancing away with a grin tickling her
lips. I’ve never made a woman do that before and I like seeing the flush on her cheeks, knowing it’s because of me.

  “Stay until it stops. Or at least until the sun is up, so you can see where you’re going.”

  She still seems uncertain so I crowd into her space. I tell myself it’s to block her from the snow and wind but I really just want to feel her pressed up against me.

  “Please. I couldn’t handle it if something happened to you, especially when I have the room. I promise I won’t try anything. You’ll be safe.” She whispers her okay, nodding her head to make sure that I heard her over the weather, and I smile at her. “Give me your keys. I’ll get your bag before it’s gets buried.”

  I tug on my boots after she hands them over to me, then rush to grab her small suitcase out of the trunk and hurry back. She’s waiting for me just inside the door and I place it next to the couch, locking up behind me.

  “Thanks for this. I really wasn’t looking forward to trying to drive in that,” she informs me, nodding to the front door.

  “No problem. I only have the one room, so you can take that. I’ll sleep on the couch.”

  “I can’t let you do that. I’ll take it. Besides, I’m smaller.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t mind.”

  “Positive,” she assures me with a smile.

  “I’ll get you some blankets,” I say, hearing her call out a thank you as I head down the hall. Reaching my room, I dig through my closet, then return to the living room after finding what I’m looking for. Candy is staring at her suitcase with an almost sad expression and I want to fix whatever is wrong.

  “What is it?” I ask, startling her.

  “I just realized I don’t have any normal clothes. I have to dress up around my family, so that’s all I packed.”

  “You can borrow some of mine,” I instantly chime in, loving the idea of seeing her in my clothes.

  I toss my findings onto the couch before I dart back to my room where I choose one of my t-shirts and a pair of sweatpants. Dashing once more into the living room, I pass them to Candy and set about preparing her bed for the night.

  “Oh! I can do that Forrest.” She tries to object, though I already have the sheet on and am working on the blanket.

  “I’ve got it. You can change in my room if you want.”

  Candy watches me a second, then sighs and grabs the borrowed clothes. I try to push thoughts of her naked in my bedroom out of my head as I finish. As I’m plumping the pillow, she stands at my side and I bite back a groan when I realize she’s only wearing my white shirt, meaning the pants were too big on her. It hangs almost to her knees, and the material is stretched across her chest to the point I can see her nipples.

  I’ve been rock hard since the minute I opened the door and saw her standing on my porch. I’m starting to wonder if it’ll ever go away. Her hair is now free and it’s longer than I had imagined. It hangs halfway down her back and I see that she’s wiped off most of her makeup. She looks better like this, more natural, and I can tell that this is the real her.

  Walking to the fireplace, I stoke the flames and add another log. I want her to be warm, of course, but I also need a minute to try to get my erection under control. Images of Candy taking my cock between her soft lips enters my mind and I clear my throat. At this rate, my zipper will be tattooed on my cock before I can get back to my bedroom. I have to get out of here.

  “Let me know if you need anything.”

  “Okay. Thanks, Forrest,” she responds, then whispers, “Good night.”

  “Good night, Candy,” I reply just as softly, then lean against my now closed door. I either need a cold shower or to jerk off.

  Probably both.

  Chapter Five


  I don’t know how long I lay on the couch, tossing and turning. There’s an ache between my legs that I’ve never felt before. A dull, pounding ache that is slowly driving me insane. I can just barely make out the living room from the light coming through the front window. Forrest left the outside light on for me and it shines dimly, outlining the blizzard outside.

  The cabin is cozy with the fire still burning, although it’s grown smaller as the night has gone on. My body tenses, begging to be near Forrest again, when the bed squeaks.

  Will he come in here? I hope so. I like talking to him, having his eyes on me. All of a sudden the light outside goes off and I hear the heater die, telling me we must have lost power, which isn’t a surprise with how heavily it’s coming down out there. I wonder if I should put another log on since I don’t want it to get freezing cold in here.

  I toss the blankets off and my nipples pebble instantly in the cooler air. I fumble for my phone and turn on the flashlight before I look around for more firewood, cursing quietly when I hit the leg of a table.

  “Dammit!” I shout as I bend over to rub it just as the bedroom door jerks open behind me. Forrest inhales sharply and I realize that his shirt has ridden up and is showing my lacy black thong. I stand upright and spin to face him, wondering if he can see how red my cheeks are in the dim light.

  “Are you okay?” He asks, clearing his throat.

  “Yeah, just stubbed my toe. The power went out, so my plan was to find more wood.”

  The temperature inside is already beginning to drop, causing me to shiver. Though that may have more to do with the heat in his eyes as they rake over my body. My nipples tighten and my breasts feel heavy and achy. I wonder if we’re both mentally playing out the same fantasies. Unfortunately, he seems to snap out of it as he looks away from me and clears his throat.

  “Why don’t you just sleep with me? It’ll be easier to heat the one room, then I’ll bring in wood in the morning and try to figure out why the generator didn’t kick in.”

  I debate his suggestion for a minute. I really want to sleep in the same bed as him and it’s not just because I want to stay warm. “Okay,” I say as I grab one of the blankets I’d been using.

  He seems surprised I agreed so quickly, but I want to do this. I want to feel him next to me, shifting on the mattress and brushing against my body. I’ve never slept with anyone and I want him to be my first. I follow him and watch as he kneels to toss logs on the fire in his room before moving to the side of the bed.

  We stare across the mattress as we pull the covers back and slip under them, then hunker down. He rolls onto his side and I do the same so we’re facing each other. I feel warmer already and sigh as I shift closer.

  He seems tense and I know it’s because I’m in here. Not wanting him to be uncomfortable, I turn onto my other side, assuming it’ll help him relax. I tug the blankets around my chin and wiggle as I settle in.

  Something pokes me in the ass and I freeze, sucking in a breath when Forrest groans softly behind me. Warmth floods between my legs and I rush to smother my own reaction as I realize it was his erection, that he’s hard for me.

  He clears his throat, shifting away to put some space between us but I follow him, desperate to feel him against me. I press into him, his warmth and hard body feels heavenly and my eyes finally start to droop.

  I tuck my hands under my chin, smiling contentedly as I let his heat and the warm room lull me into slumber. Before it does, though, I feel his heavy arm wrap tentatively around my waist, tugging me to him before we both fall asleep.

  Chapter Six


  Growing up, I was too socially awkward to attract the opposite sex, which means I’ve never done anything like this. Having Candy in my arms is perfect, and I find myself feeling thankful I’m a twenty-four-year-old virgin. It wouldn’t have felt right to be intimate with anyone but her.

  My arms tighten around her waist and I bury my face in her soft hair, breathing in her cinnamon scent. She also smells a little like me which I love, more than likely from my clothes, which reminds me of how beautiful she looked standing in the living room earlier, the light from the fire flickering behind her. When I first walked out and she was bent over,
I thought I was dreaming as I’d never seen anything so tempting. I almost came in my boxers then and there when I realized I could make out the strip of fabric between the globes of her ass. Her tits strained against the soft material and I could see her cute little nipples poking it. I wanted to suck those sweet peaks into my mouth. I try to picture what they’d feel like against my tongue and moan.

  I clear my throat, pushing those thoughts out of my head. I’ve never felt such a strong connection to another person. My father taught me everything he knew about woodworking, passing his knowledge and passion for it down to me. Sadly, he passed from cancer a couple weeks after I turned nineteen. I began my first internship soon after that, and since then, I’ve been on my own. He was so happy I was picked for it and I know if he could see me now, he’d be proud of me. He would love Candy, too.

  Candy shifts and I tuck her closer, making sure she’s warm before once more resting my face in the crook of her shoulder, letting thoughts of our future together lull me to sleep.


  I wake up the next morning with her still plastered to my side and smile, thinking how easily I could get used to starting our days like this. Then my stomach drops when I remember she’ll be leaving later, my hold on her instinctively tightens, not wanting anyone to try and take her from me. However, when she stretches, I’m forced to loosen my grip. I grumble under my breath but stop when she rolls over and blinks up at me.

  “Mornin’,” she mumbles in a voice gone raspy from lack of use.

  “Morning,” I respond, beaming when she turns and hides her face in my neck.

  Her leg drapes across mine and her hands rest on my chest. She cuddles into me and I feel like I’m floating as my arms encircle her again. She must be able to feel how right this is between us, too. Her breathing evens out again and I let her sleep on me while I run my fingers through her soft hair.


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