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My Alien's Obsession

Page 8

by Stasia Black

  “Are they unattractive? Are you repulsed?”

  For the first time since I’ve met Shak, he actually sounds nervous.

  “No,” I say, looking him in the eye. “It was just…unexpected.”

  Understatement. Okay, I know I’ve just been rushing recklessly ahead. I meant to leave this morning and not come back. But then I kept thinking about him and every conversation we’ve ever had. Yes, he scared the crap out of me when he killed Robbie’s brother and the others…but they were killers, too. They would have raped and tortured me.

  Nothing in my life has ever been normal. Not my violent house growing up. Not the years after Mariah—

  Being with Shak, though? It’s the first time I’ve felt good in a really long time. It’s the first time I’ve ever felt free to be myself.

  So I came back. And when I’m with him, it’s so easy to forget that he’s an…you know.

  I sit down on the bed beside him so he knows I’m not rejecting him. “How do you— I mean, how do those,” I gesture in the vague direction of his still very full double erection, “work?”

  Oh God, am I really considering having sex with an alien? How am I not freaking out more? Then again, is it really so wrong that I want to wrap myself around him and lose myself in him, in every way possible?

  Besides, we can take a few steps back. We don’t have to have sex have sex. Like last night. That was the best sex of my life and he didn’t even penetrate me.

  He frowns at me. “I do not understand what you mean. From my understanding, human and Draci mating is very similar. The male becomes erect and then inserts one of his hemi-penises into the female’s vaginal passages so that they might—”

  “Okay, so wait. So you only stick in one at a time?”

  He nods as if this is obvious.

  “So why did you have two?”

  He shrugs. “We evolved this way. So have some species on your own planet.”

  What? Really? Damn. I’ll park that under things-to-Google-when-I-have-spare-time.

  “It makes the refractory time shorter between mating periods,” he continues. “With a higher sperm count in each offering.”

  Oh my God. So much information is coming at me, I can barely process. There are aliens out there with two dicks so they can keep on fucking without any waiting. Human guys’ wet dream.

  I lick my lips as I stare down his lap and the two mountainous hunks of manmeat pointing up at me.

  “Would you like to touch?”

  Damn good question. Would I?

  Curiosity killed the cat. What about the human?

  My eyes flick up to Shak’s. And it hits me. This isn’t just about sexual curiosity.

  You are Juliet and I am Shak and that is all that matters. That’s what he said last night and he’s right. This is about me and him and taking another step towards intimacy together.

  My pussy thrums at the longing I see in his eyes. Because I can tell he wants so much more than just my body. Oh he definitely wants that. But there’s more to it.

  His words from earlier come back to me, about how he discovered his reason for being when he met me. Any other guy, I’d call that a total load of bullshit.

  But Shak… There’s been something drawing me towards him from the beginning. I think it’s the same thing he’s felt, too. Maybe it’s true what they say, when you meet the one meant for you, everything clicks. What was difficult becomes easy.

  Even if that person is from a different planet?

  But I can’t turn away from Shak. Not now. So I don’t just reach for his cock. I pull him into a kiss as well.

  At first I only touch his top erection. It feels as human as any other I’ve touched before. Though larger. He’ll be a stretch.

  Oh God, am I actually going to sleep with an alien??

  The thought only intrudes for a moment, and then the next, he is kissing me so silly, there’s only me and Shak and the need for him pulsing throughout my body.

  I stroke down his thick length and get to a ridge that delineates the head of his cock. It’s more pronounced than with other men. I grip him hard and then rub my thumb over the tip of his crown.

  He groans and presses into my hand, a tiny bit of liquid leaking from his tip.

  It’s sheer and maybe reckless curiosity—along with the desire to drive him a little nuts—that has me pulling back from him and lifting my thumb to my mouth.

  His eyes dilate and he heaves out a huge breath as I suck his pre-cum off my thumb. His taste hits my tongue—

  I want her. I need her. I’ll protect her. Need her. Need her.

  My eyes shoot open wide.

  What the hell was—? Did I just—?

  But then I can’t stop myself. I lean down and swipe the top of his cock with my tongue and there it is again. As his flavor hits my taste buds, suddenly I’m flooded with need.

  Both his and mine. It’s insane. Insatiable.

  Want inside her. Want her. Need her.

  Oh God. Need rockets through me, more powerful than I’ve ever felt before. I feel frantic with it.

  I have to have him. Now. Fucking now.

  None of my worries or hesitations about being with a man of a different species can hold up against this need. Fuck, I can barely stop in time to open the condom package and roll it down his huge erection. Have to get him in me. Have to fuck. Have to fuck. Get him fucking inside me.

  “What is that?”

  I climb on top of him and center his top cock at my center. “So I don’t get pregnant.” Or contract anything else…alien. Holy shit, what am I doing?

  But his cock teasing my pussy is already sending spasms through my tummy, the taste of his precum still on my tongue.

  Have to fuck.

  He pauses a moment, oh God—how can he be thinking about anything other than getting inside me?—and then nods. “Yes. We will do this only for pleasure, not procreation.”

  If I wasn’t so crazy with need, I might laugh at the serious expression on his face. But I need him inside me more.


  His mouth drops open the moment the head of his cock makes contact with the lips of my sex.

  “That’s it,” I hiss, shifting my hips to take more of him in, inch by inch.

  Dear Jesus, he’s stretching me. Yes. Finally. Oh God, it feels incredible. Like nothing I’ve ever—


  He surges in all the way to the hilt. I gasp for breath and he lifts up until we’re both sitting, him cradling me in his lap as I straddle him.

  He makes me feel safe even as he splits me open wider than I think I can handle. I clutch him to me and struggle to suck a deep breath in.

  “I don’t know what you’re feeling,” he breathes into my ear, sounding frustrated. His arms are wrapped around my waist just as tightly as my arms are around his neck.

  “It’s okay,” I gasp. “I just need a moment to adjust.”

  He pulls back just the slightest so he can look into my face. “Am I hurting you?”

  I shake my head.

  “Am I scaring you?

  “Shak, no.” I shake my head again and then cup his face. “No. I’ve just…never been stretched so much. My body can take it, we just need to go slow.”

  And with that, I shift my hips again, lifting up off of his shaft and oh, oh, as I do, that firm ridge of his drags against my G-spot.

  I drop back down again so that his cock punches right where I need it, that delicious, gorgeous ridge of his—

  “Oh fuck,” I cry out, hands fisting into his short hair as much as they can.

  “Juliet,” he gasps. “There it is. I can feel you.”

  And then all hell breaks loose.

  He surges up as I grind down and suddenly it’s back.

  Need her. Need her. Need taste. Need fuck.

  But more than the jumbled impression of phrases, I feel him. I feel his desperation for me. And the absolute wonder he’s feeling right now as we have sex.

  Something h
e’s never done before. Ever.

  Holy shit, he’s a virgin.

  He wasn’t lying about not being familiar with females.

  He wasn’t lying about his feelings for me, either. I can feel them.

  I grab his face and kiss him. I kiss the daylights out of him even as I continue to revel in everything that pours from him to me.

  He lived one way his whole life. His very long life. And shit, he’s been around for a long time. A really long time.

  And then he met me. There’s a clear before and after for him. I can feel all the feelings associated with each. There’s long, cold darkness in the before. And the after? After meeting me?

  Light. Joy. Fear, but only of losing me.

  And happiness. Such a well of unbridled happiness that it washes through me like a wave.

  And his pleasure. I feel that, too.

  It’s a pressure in my center that also zings up and down my spine.

  “Shak,” I cry as his ridge continues to drag against that spot inside me. “I feel you. I see you. How is this happening?”

  He doesn’t answer me but I know it’s only because he can’t. I feel what he feels and God, I don’t know how he’s managed the restraint he has so far.

  The need to fuck, to mate, is something beyond sanity.

  He flips us so that my back is on the bed. For a moment, he looks down at me, his eyes glowing with golden fire from within.

  I feel his indecision and don’t have the patience for it. I dig my nails into the skin of his back to drag him towards me. “Mate me fucking now.”

  He does. Wilder now that he has my permission.

  Was it only minutes ago that I thought him too big and too thick? Because now I need him deeper. Harder. Rougher.

  “Goddammit, I said mate me,” I yell. “Fucking harder!”

  I wrap my legs around him and fuck him helplessly. Not enough. It’s not enough. Mmm. Oh God, there it is. I can feel it. Just out of reach.

  Shak’s lips crash down onto mine as he continues pumping in and out and then ruthlessly back in again, lighting up my G spot.

  And then he reaches down between us. I feel his desire to please me. He wants it so badly, as much as he wants to cum himself.

  He strums at my clit and the contractions of pleasure start deep in my womb and then spasm outward, from G-spot to clit and then back again in the most earth-shattering orgasm.

  But then it turns out I don’t even know earth shattering.

  Because right then, Shak starts to cum, too.

  And if I thought I felt him before, it’s nothing to the out of body experience that comes over me when his cum pulses out and coats my inner walls.

  I glimpse it all. Universes and galaxies beyond my own. A planet that is lush and green. Wildflowers in spring. And then the cold. So much cold as winter comes and never leaves. As the sun goes dark. As a planet dies with its sun.

  All this combined with a mind-bending pleasure and Shak’s absolute certainty that he has found a new home.

  With me.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I hold onto Juliet, both of us shuddering occasionally in the aftermath, her tremors of pleasure running through me and mine through her. I can’t be completely certain, but I think it went both ways this time. I think she felt me just like I feel her.

  And being inside her, it went so much deeper. At the moment of climax, there was such a rush of emotions, I’m still reeling.

  These human emotions…they are of a different intensity than the Draci kind. And feeling them through Juliet? I have no words.

  But I cling to her tighter, terrified of moving.

  After several more long moments, Juliet giggles and wiggles out of my arms. “We need to clean up. You should go take care of the condom.”

  Oh. I had forgotten about that. I pull back and frown down at her.

  “I do not understand such a device is meant to prevent pregnancy,” I say, finally slipping out of her moist, wet heat and examining the shredded pieces of rubber connected to the little band around my top shaft.

  “Oh shit,” Juliet says, glancing down. “I ought to have known you’d be too much for my wimpy human condom.”

  But then she drops her head back onto the pillow with a contented sigh. “I know I ought to be more concerned about this but you just fucked me into oblivion. Go take it off and throw it away and then get your cute ass back here.”

  I do as she says, ridding myself of the shredded con dom in the bathroom. Cute ass? Is this a compliment or a critique?

  I intend to ask, but when I return to the bed, Juliet is asleep, arm slung over her head, teats raised gloriously to the sky.

  I want to mate her again. Immediately. My second penis is raring and ready to go.

  But he will have to wait.

  My goddess is sleeping. I slide into bed ever so gently, needing to touch her even if it is only while she sleeps.

  I am too awake, too aware of her, the memories of our sex too vivid in my mind.

  At least, so I think.

  But after several minutes listening to her calm, even breaths, snuggled into her warm heat, warmer than I have ever been in my entire cold and frosty existence, I too am claimed by sleep.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I wake up slowly. Leisurely. I know where I am this time. Snuggled in Shak’s embrace. After just having the most mind-blowing sex of my entire life.

  Things might just be finally looking up for me. The question is, will I embrace it? Will I allow myself to finally be happy?

  Maybe before big existential questions, I should focus on the basics. Like brushing my teeth. My hand slaps over my mouth. Dear God, I didn’t brush my teeth this morning. I meant to, right after I got back with the doughnuts and coffee but well… Certain distractions got in my way.

  I slip out of bed carefully, not wanting to wake Shak, and hurry to the bathroom.

  Hmm. I try to stretch out my body’s kinks as I walk. I feel weird. A little off.

  Uh, yeah, remember how big he was? You’ll probably be walking bowlegged for a week.

  I giggle quietly as I gently shut the bathroom door closed behind me. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

  I flip the light on and turn towards the mirror.


  I stumble backwards into the door.

  You’re dreaming. This is just a weird dream.

  I rush to the counter and stare in the mirror.

  And scream.

  Then I began to claw at my arms.

  My skin begins to peel away, revealing shimmering golden scales beneath.

  The next second the door is thrown open. “Juliet, what is wrong?”

  I twirl and expose my peeling arms to him. “This is what’s wrong!” I screech in horror. “What did you do to me?”

  His eyes go wide as saucers as he looks me up and down. “I did not— We did not know—”

  But then a huge smile breaks across his face. “They said I could not do it. But here you are! Do you know what a miracle this is?” He kisses my forehead and then tries to kiss my lips but I jerk away and then shove him hard in the chest.

  What the hell is he celebrating for? “What are you talking about?” I shout. I scratch at my neck and more skin comes away. Fuck, fuck, FUCK!

  “My seed has planted. I can scent the growth hormones. You carry my progeny.”


  “We did not expect this outcome, but the progeny must be altering you as its host to create a hospitable growth environment.”

  It’s host? I back away from him. I am not pregnant. I can’t have a alien baby. And if I am… My hands go to my stomach in horror. “You have to get this thing out of me. Look what it’s doing to me!”

  I turn again to the mirror, tears in my eyes at my peeling skin and the lizard-like golden scales shining through.

  Shak pulls back, the happy gleam in his eyes going dark. “You do not want my o

  I look at him like he’s crazy. Is he seriously asking me that right now? “We met a week ago and you’re an alien. No, I don’t want your fucking offspring!”

  And the way he was talking earlier… “Was this your intention all along? To get me pregnant? You lying, manipulative bastard!”

  His face is blank, though. The man who I thought was so honest and transparent now gives nothing away.

  Which is enough answer in and of itself. He did. He did mean to get me pregnant. All of this was just a bullshit scam. This is what the Draci really want. To impregnate human women. Or maybe this was just an experiment. Pick the most pathetic human you can find and trick her into being an experimental incubator. Then see what happens.

  I can’t stand to look at Shak right now. I push past him and head for my go bag I always had packed when I was with Robbie.

  Shit. Robbie.

  He didn’t just suddenly disappear.

  I spin and look back at Shak. “You killed Robbie, didn’t you?”

  His jaw flexes but he doesn’t look at me. “Yes.”

  That’s all he says, just yes. He was the one who broke into the apartment. He’s a murderer and a manipulator. He even told me so, but did I listen? God, I’ll never learn. I’m an asshole magnet and now— Now—

  I look down at my skin that’s being shed like a snake’s.

  “And how did you know that his MC was at my apartment that night?” My voice is so high-pitched I’m all but screeching. “How did you know to come rescue me?”

  “I was watching your apartment. From the roof of the flower shop.”

  Oh shit, I’m going to be sick. “You were stalking me?!”

  “Stalking? Like a hunter does prey?”

  I no longer find his language confusion adorable. “Yes. Exactly like that.”

  “You are not prey. I was protecting you.”

  “I didn’t need—”

  “You did. That male hit you and you were knocked to the floor.”

  He saw that, too? I shake with humiliation and fury that he witnessed that moment— And then he got to Robbie, killed him, and didn’t tell me, so I was still terrified all the time that Robbie would be coming for me when all the while he was dead. Dead because he was hurting me…or because he was competition that Shak needed out of the way?


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