Crazy Heifer

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Crazy Heifer Page 19

by Vale, Lani Lynn

  I spread myself wider, welcoming him with an eagerness that surprised even me.

  But honestly, it shouldn’t be surprising. Anything this man did made me want him.

  Walking away? Yep. Looking at me? Double yep. Lying in bed naked? Oh, good god, I was a goner.

  And the absolute worst test of willpower? Seeing him in tight jeans, leather chaps, and his cowboy hat, shirtless and sweaty.

  We’d tested my willpower for just that yesterday as he was laughing his ass off chasing a Bronco around the corral.

  Yeah, we’d made it to the hayloft before I’d caved.

  “You’re so tight and wet,” he breathed, his mouth against my temple.

  I moaned and pulled him into me tighter.

  He laughed at my exuberance, quickening his thrusts.

  And then, before I knew it, I was coming on his cock, and he was exploding inside of me at the same time.

  When we both finally came down, I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “It’s getting quite ridiculous, how easy you can play my body,” I told him.

  He pinched my ass cheek.

  “Or maybe it’s just perfection because it’s you and me,” he suggested. “Now go to the bathroom and get cleaned up. I know that I wouldn’t mind having myself leak out of you all night, but I know that’ll make you uncomfortable.”

  It really would.

  So that was exactly what I did.

  And when I got back out, the dress bag was open, and Callum was holding a delicate white dress with lacy edges.

  “Oh, it’s beautiful,” I said as he held the gown up for me to slip into.

  I let him do all the work, not wanting to smudge my makeup or mess up my hair any more than I’d already done.

  When I was in it, the dress was zipped, and I was once again ready as I could be, I looked up at my fiancé.

  “You better get out there. I’ll walk to you.”

  He shook his head.


  “No?” I frowned.

  “There’s nobody I’d trust more than me to walk you down the aisle,” he said as he held out his hand. “Let’s go, baby.”

  And I did.

  I walked down the aisle with my husband-to-be, then married the hell out of him.


  My husband is hotter than this coffee.

  -Coffee Cup


  Five years later

  The scream had me up and out of my seat before I’d even had a chance to do much more than cross my legs.

  I slammed through the screen door, knowing without a shadow of a doubt that my baby—one of them anyway—was hurt.

  It was that type of scream.

  I knew happy screams.

  I knew pissed off screams.

  And I knew pain-filled screams.

  And the one I’d just heard was definitely a pain-filled scream.

  I scrambled around the corner of the house to see Callum on his knees in the dirt of the practice ring where he broke all the horses. In his arms was our girl, Millie.

  Millie was crying so hard that she wasn’t making sense, and the expression on my husband’s face was also one of pain. That pain being for his little girl, not because he was physically hurt.

  “It’s okay, baby,” Callum soothed our girl. “It’s only a scrape.”

  “I’m bweeeedin’!” She sniffled. “Papa, it hurwts.”

  I placed my hand over my heart as I tried to rub the pain away. Anytime one of my babies was hurt, it hurt me. Just like I knew it did Callum.

  Callum had been perfect from the moment our babies had been born. But Millie especially had her papa wrapped around her little finger.

  When our girl started to walk and talk, she’d gone from calling Callum ‘dada’ to ‘papa’ because we now shared a house with Ace, Codie, and their kids. As well as the rest of the family. And since Ace was called ‘daddy’ Millie had changed her calling Callum to papa. Even our son did it.

  I wasn’t sure if it was due to the fact that both Callum and Ace answered to ‘daddy’ at first because they couldn’t quite ascertain which kid it was calling for them or what. But it worked now, and everyone always knew who each child was looking for. It was quite ingenious of them, actually.

  “Did I do wood, Papa?” Millie asked.

  Millie still had trouble pronouncing her G’s. And when she did pronounce her G’s, it was usually always in the wrong place.

  It was adorably cute.

  “Yeah, baby,” he said. “You want to get back on?”

  Millie wiped her nose on the sleeve of Callum’s shirt, causing me to grin.

  Callum didn’t miss a beat, though. Hell, he didn’t even flinch.

  “Wes.” She nodded her head.

  In just three more months, my babies would be three. And I both loathed and celebrated the milestone ahead of us.

  The twins were getting more and more independent, and with that came the mischievous tendencies. Hell, just last week, I’d caught William in the hayloft. A hayloft in which he’d had to climb a ten-foot ladder to get to.

  Callum stood up with our girl in his arms and walked over to the sheep that so obviously had been the reason my baby was crying and bleeding.

  Sadly, it was Millie’s choice to do this. She’d begged and pleaded to be put into the pee-wee rodeo, and with that came saddling a sheep and riding it. The kid that could hold on the longest was the winner.

  My eyes strayed down the leather chaps that were framing my husband’s Wrangler-covered ass, and I licked my lips as I thought about peeling those off of him later tonight.

  “Wook at me, Mama!”

  I looked in the direction of William’s bellow and found him straddling the fence. He was at the very top, and he was holding on with his legs only. Legs that were encased in the same leather chaps, only in a much smaller and cuter size, as his father’s.

  William had begged and pleaded for them, and we’d finally broken down and gotten them at the rodeo last month that Uncle Banks had competed at in South Texas.

  “You better not fall off of that, William Malloy,” I growled.

  Will’s eyes immediately went wide, and his hands once again found the pole beneath him. He knew when Mama wasn’t playing.

  Callum, who hadn’t noticed me until now, offered me a wink.

  I crossed my arms and tried not to yank my baby out of his arms and tell her she couldn’t compete in the upcoming rodeo if she was going to continue to get hurt.

  Turning from me, Callum once again gathered up the reins on the ewe, settled our girl on her back, and then handed her the reins.

  “Remember what Uncle Banks told you about holding on with your legs?” Callum asked.

  Millie gave a nod of haughtiness that only a two-year-old could master, and gave the signal that she was ready.

  Callum let her go as well as the rope, and the ewe was off.

  Millie screamed. Will and Callum yelled. I placed my hands over my mouth and prayed that she’d be all right.

  She was more than all right.

  After holding on as long as she could manage, she fell to the ground, rolled, and then started screaming.

  “Yayyyyy!” she cried out, running in excited circles.

  Grinning at my girl’s excitement, I turned to her daddy. The man that I loved with all my heart.

  I found him only a few yards away, walking toward me in his dusty boots, cowboy hat, and sweat-stained t-shirt.

  I licked my lips, causing him to shoot me a grin.

  And when he was close enough, I tilted my chin up and waited.

  He didn’t disappoint.

  Pushing his hat up so it wouldn’t nail me between the eyes, he pressed his lips to mine.

  He growled.

  “What have you been eating, baby?”

  I grinned. “Testing out new cake flavors.”

  His grin turned wicked. “You know I’
m more than capable of helping you with that.”

  My lips twitched.

  He ‘helped’ me by tasting each and every icing flavor. By licking it off of my body.

  And he’d done this more than once.

  Only because I told him how much I enjoyed him taste-testing my new flavors.

  “You know how much I like helping you with that,” he teased.

  And I did.

  However, I’d done it while I was at work, so it wasn’t like I could call him up there to test them out with Candy only a room away.

  Candy and my partnership had gone splendidly. Not only did we work together, but we also made one hell of a business.

  We were booming and also considering a secondary location in the next city over.

  “What the absolute hell is this?”

  I looked over to find Ace standing there holding a cat.

  I bit my lip.

  “Uhh,” I said. “That wasn’t me. That was your wife.”

  He frowned. “My wife knows better.”

  “Your wife knows a lot of things,” Codie said as she rounded the corner with another cat. “But don’t worry, I got that one a friend.”

  Ace groaned and looked at the other cat.

  “You damn well know that I’m not cleaning out the litter box for these bastards,” Ace said to his very pregnant wife. “They’re outside cats, right?”

  Codie rolled her eyes. “Of course.”

  Callum’s hand smoothed over my own distended belly.

  This time, Codie and I would be racing to the finish line together.

  We were both due any day now, but so far, I was still in the lead based solely on my due date.

  “What’s for dinner?” he asked as he pressed in to feel our son kick.

  “Cheesy macaroni, steak, asparagus, and chocolate sheet cake.” I grinned. “Well, minus one piece.”

  He threw his head back and laughed, then pulled me into his arms and turned me so that we could watch Millie running around the corral chasing after the ewe.

  “I’m not sure how the hell I got this lucky,” he said softly. “But I’d go through hell over and over again as long as you were there in the end.”

  I pressed my face into my man’s chest, then promptly burst into tears.

  I wasn’t going to pretend that I’d fixed Callum.

  I didn’t think there was any fixing the Valentine boys.

  What I did know was that I was doing my best to make sure that he never saw sorrow like he’d witnessed ever again.

  One day at a time.

  One good memory. One kiss. One hug. One smile.

  All of it, just to see him smile.

  What’s Next?

  Maybe Swearing Will Help



  Dear Math, please grow up and solve your own problems.

  -Sincerely, Ford


  Ten years ago

  High School

  “Hey, GMC.”

  I stiffened and turned to find none other than Ashe Trammel standing behind me, her arms crossed over her chest, pushing her cleavage up, staring at me with a look of amusement on her face.

  “What?” I asked stiffly.

  “You do realize, right, that this is a school and not a brothel?” she asked, her eyes on my girlfriend, Linnett.

  Linnett sneered at Ashe.

  Ashe, however, was unfazed by either of our glares.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  I was a senior this year and should be living it up.

  Yet, every fucking time I turned the corner, there was Soot, making my life a living hell.

  “I need a ride to the clubhouse today,” she said. “My car broke down on the way to school. My dad said you wouldn’t mind giving me a ride home.”

  I gritted my teeth.

  “We can’t—” Linnett started to say, but I interrupted her.

  “What’s wrong with your car?” I asked.

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. I called my dad to come help me, but he was on a call. Mom was at work.”

  I sighed. “Where did you leave it?”

  She narrowed her eyes.

  “What does it matter?” she asked.

  Linnett growled in frustration, already annoyed by Ashe.

  I’d been dealing with Ashe for a long time, so her suspicion didn’t annoy me as much as it did Linnett.

  “It matters because I might be able to go fix your car at lunch,” I answered. “If you tell me where it is.”

  She mumbled something I didn’t quite catch.

  “I’m sorry, what?” I asked.

  She rolled her head around on her neck, then said, “It’s on the highway. On-ramp. Right where I would’ve gotten on to get to school.”

  I stared at her blankly for a few moments, then narrowed my eyes.

  “You died on the highway and had to walk to school from there?” I asked incredulously.

  She shrugged. “It wasn’t a big deal. I was going to track practice anyway, and I just used that time to run instead.”

  I pinched the bridge of my nose, causing Linnett’s arm to dislodge from mine.

  “You ran on the highway, in the dark, and your father didn’t care?” I asked for clarification.

  She sighed. “Yes.”

  “What the fuck, Ashe?!” I growled, throwing my hands up. “Why the fuck would you go and do a thing like that?”

  She narrowed her eyes.

  “It’s not like I wanted to do that,” she countered. “It was that or go back home, and I knew I couldn’t go back home because we have that test today in calculus. The one that we stayed up for hours studying for.”

  “Wait a minute,” Linnett said slowly. “You studied with her instead of coming over to my house and studying?”

  Linnett was getting mad now, I could tell.

  I ignored her and held out my hands.

  “Give me the keys. If I can get it running, I’ll get Linnett to drive it back,” I said.

  “I’m not going anywhere with you,” Linnett denied. “Not after you lied to me and told me that you were too busy to come study with me.”

  Ashe turned her head and narrowed her eyes at Linnett.

  “Maybe he wanted to actually get some studying done,” she said smartly. “Maybe he knew that if he went over to your house, you would just make him suck your face instead of studying. And he needs to pass this test, or he’s going to fail.”

  Linnett narrowed her eyes at Ashe.

  “You’re just jealous that Ford actually likes me,” Linnett sneered. “Instead of doing shit for you just because he’s told or because he feels sorry for you.”

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Ashe asked, her hands now fisting at her thighs.

  I knew exactly what Linnett was about to do before she even did it.

  “Linnett, don’t,” I ordered.

  But Linnett didn’t listen.

  Instead, she opened her fucking mouth.

  By this point, half the senior hallway was listening to us.

  “He told me that y’all made a bet,” Linnett said, sidestepping my arm. “That if you won, he had to teach you how to kiss. And if he won, you would cover for him anytime he wanted to sneak out of the house. So…how long have you been covering for him now? A few months? Have you learned to kiss yet? Or did you just Hoover vacuum someone’s face and hope that you did it right?”

  The entire senior hallway broke out in laughter.

  Ashe’s pained eyes turned to me.

  “How could you?” she asked.

  I opened my mouth to tell her I hadn’t meant for it to get out but closed it just as fast.

  Apologies wouldn’t help anymore.

  “I’ll teach you how to kiss, Soot Face.”

  Ashe turned to survey the captain of the football team. Colin Wilson.

  I narrowed my eyes at him and took
a threatening step forward.

  Linnett caught my arm and hauled me back.

  I whispered to Linnett.

  “Ashe is right,” I said softly. “If I didn’t study, I would’ve failed. And I can’t fail. I have to pass to play, and you know that.”

  Linnett pouted.

  “And I don’t appreciate you telling her about that kissing thing. You promised if I told you that you wouldn’t say a word. You’re making it to where I can’t trust you.”

  Linnett looked contrite.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, pushing her body into me.

  I curved my arm around her shoulders and tugged her into me.

  “You have to be nice to Ashe,” I said. “She’s like a sister to me.”

  Linnett snorted. “Some sister. She treats you like trash.”

  “She doesn’t,” I said. “She doesn’t do anything to me that I don’t do to her.”

  She rolled her eyes at my words.

  “Whatever,” she said. “You really don’t think you’ll pass that test?”

  I shook my head.

  “Nope,” I sighed. “Calculus just jumbles up in my brain. I don’t know why, but it just does.”

  What else is next?

  Chute Yeah

  Book 3 in The Valentine Boys Series

  Chapter 1

  Have you ever put two and two together and come up with fifteen reasons to smack a motherfucker?

  -Banks to Callum


  Fifteen years ago

  “Come on, let’s do it,” I said as I humped the massive thing into the hallway of the school.

  It was eerie being here after hours.

  Honestly, if I hadn’t been so pissed off at my big brother, I probably wouldn’t be doing this right now.

  But Ace had said that I wasn’t allowed to pull off a senior prank since I wasn’t a senior, and shit had gone downhill from there.

  Which was how it led me to now, standing in the middle of the senior hallway at school, with a three-foot-tall, two foot in diameter, massive dildo. It was even skin-colored, paired with quite a few veins, as well as the biggest pair of balls that I’d ever seen.

  “You got the lube?” I asked Callum.

  He rolled his eyes and produced about four bottles from his pants pocket.

  “Excellent,” I said, unearthing the massive dong from my box. “Spencer, you got the glue?”


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