Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 1

by JJ Argus

  Courtney's Boring Life

  By JJ Argus

  Copyright 2010

  Electronic edition

  JJ Argus has written more than 250 novels, and been published in hardcover, softcover, and innumerable magazines and digests. This work is the result of the long, hard effort and creativity of the author. Please do not post or resell it without permission.

  This story is a work of fiction. All characters are over eighteen.

  Chapter One

  Courtney was starting to believe that not only didn't she care about anything any more, but that there was no reason to have ever cared about anything in the first place. College was beyond her means, and she hated school anyway. But that left her stuck in a dead end job working in an empty building on the midnight shift answering and redirecting the very occasional phone call from overseas for a Japanese importer.

  That was fucking up her social life, but what did that matter? Her friends were shallow, superficial assholes, and all the guys she dated wanted was to fuck her and leave. Life was pointless and then you died. Big fucking deal. Why care about anything beyond that?

  At twenty, Courtney hadn't lived an awful lot of life, nor seen much of it to cause her state of jaded depression. But what she had seen and heard of it didn't give her much cause for hope. As far as she could see, you met guys, you fucked them, sometimes you had a brat, then you divorced or split up and hated each other ever after. You worked at one shitty, fucking, dead-end job after another and dealt with miserable fucking bosses that always wanted to shit on you just so you could pay the rent on some crappy little box-like apartment.

  No, there was no reason to care about much of anything.

  She took another toke and handed it on to Sarah, on her left.

  There were eight or nine of them sauntering along through the park which divided their mostly middle class suburb – and what a shitty dump it was – from the tonier neighborhood of Sutcliffe Heights with its much bigger houses, big back yard swimming pools and expensive sports cars. Tony, on her right, handed her a bottle of vodka and she took a swig, and passed that on too.

  Angela and Dave were arguing about some movie they'd seen, and its cultural references. Paul and Denise were walking along hand in hand, kissing occasionally. Larry was kicking a can along while occasionally picking up a rock and sending it snapping up through the branches of nearby trees, and Nick was sauntering along behind them, probably staring at her ass even now.

  It was a hot, sweaty night, and she was dressed for it in short shorts and a midriff baring tank top. She'd recently hacked her waist length blonde hair off at the shoulders and then dyed it black. She was wearing too much black eyeliner – deliberately – and black lipstick. And her surly attitude and acid tongue weren't making her very popular.

  Not that she cared. She was through caring about what people thought of her.

  Tony's hand came down on her ass and gave it a nice comfortable squeeze. She curled her lip in disdain that he thought he was hot stuff and that he could in any way hope she would be impressed by him. On the other hand, who gave a shit if he groped her ass? Not her. Let him think he impressed her. What did she care?

  Unfortunately he took her lack of resistance as encouragement, and sidled in closer. She didn't need his hot, sweaty body pressing against her and gave him a rough shove that sent him stumbling back.

  “Hey, baby, just trying to be nice,” he said.

  “Be nice by not sweating on me,” she said, grabbing the bottle from him again.

  He handed it over easily enough and she took another swig. Asshole probably thought if she got drunk she'd let him do her, she thought.

  They were wandering through Sutcliffe Heights now, gazing at the big houses with avarice in their eyes even while pretending to be completely unimpressed. Courtney wondered what it would be like living in a place like that, living the life of ease. They probably had servants to look after them, too. She liked the idea of snapping her fingers and having some bitch maid bring her a nice drink by the pool.

  They found the empty house Dave had discovered last week and hoped over the six foot fence around it. The place was your typical five thousand square foot mini mansion with a five car garage and a huge swimming pool. No one lived there, though, and the for sale sign on the lawn was probably why they kept the swimming pool filled.

  Several people jumped into the water, the guys after stripping off their t-shirts. Angela and Denise stripped down to their underwear, and there was a lot of laughing and joking and splashing around as she sat on the diving board and took another toke. Tony sat next to her, no doubt eager to hand her the little bottle of vodka again; fucking pervert.

  It was fucking hot, and she considered jumping in the pool, but couldn't bring herself to bother. So what if it was hot? She didn't care.

  “Hey Courtney, get in the water!” Larry called.

  She gave him a jaundiced gaze. He just wanted to see her half naked like those other dumb bitches.

  “It's too fucking hot,” she said.

  “That doesn't make any sense, dumbass,” Dave said.

  It didn't, and she realized it. Okay, so she was a little high and a little drunk. So what? Fuck `em.

  She gave Dave the finger and he wagged his tongue at her obscenely.

  Then Nick appeared out of the semi darkness, scooped her up in his arms, and before she could do more than curse and flail her legs, threw her into the pool amid much laughter and approval.

  She popped to the surface, sputtering and cursing, her eyeliner running darkly. Tony laughed at her from the diving board and she splashed water up at him angrily so he cursed and dodged back. She swam to the low end of the pool where there were broad, rounded stairs, climbed up the first one or two, turned and sat down.

  They were such children, so fucking immature, so boring!

  She sat sullenly on the second step, in about an inch of pool water, and slouched back against the top step, glowering at them. She resented them, resented the heat, resented this big, fancy house which was so far beyond her means it wasn't even funny, and she resented Tony, who came swaggering over with the bottle in hand. Fucking asshole was determined to get her drunk.

  “What the fuck do you want?” she demanded.

  “Hey, baby, I'm just being nice,” he said, sitting down next to her and handing her the bottle.

  “Bullshit. You just want to get me drunk so you can fuck me.”

  “Why would you mind that, baby?” he said with a leer.

  She took a swig. She wasn't willing or unwilling. Fuck him. Fuck them all. She didn't give a shit any more anyway, she reminded herself.

  “At least the water's cool,” he said.

  She made a face.

  “You should strip down, baby.”

  “Yeah, you'd like that,” she sniffed.

  “Hey, your top is pretty much invisible anyway, you know.”

  She shrugged and looked down to see the truth of that. Her white tank top was pretty much see-through, and her thin lacy bra wasn't much better. Well so what? She wasn't some shy schoolgirl. So what if everyone saw her tits. They were just tits. What was the big deal about tits anyway?

  She reached down and peeled her tank top up and off, then wrung it out in her hands, letting the water pour down over her chest and cool her further.

  She reached for the bottle and Tony pulled it out of reach.

  “Give me a fucking drink, man,” she protested in irritation.

  “Nuh uh. Not unless you ask nicely.”

  “Fuck you.”

  He snickered. “You want a drink? Here, I'll give you a drink.”

  He took a swig and
then his hand was behind her head, jerking her head back a little as he crushed his lips against hers. Vodka poured into her mouth from his and she felt it trickling over her tongue and down to the back of her mouth, swallowing reflexively and finding, to her surprise, that this was in fact, an interesting way to get a drink.

  Not that she was impressed, and not that she'd admit it if she was.

  “Asshat,” she muttered.

  He lit another toke and, as with the vodka, took a deep breath, held it, then pressed his lips to hers and exhaled into her mouth. She held it in her lungs for a long few seconds, then exhaled slowly.

  Things sort of went downhill from there.

  She couldn't remember exactly when his hand had first slid into her wet shorts, or when they'd come off, or when his fingers pushed down into her panties and found that magic spot at the top of her pussy, but she really stopped caring about much of anything after that except for wanting him to keep rubbing her there.

  But when things really got confusing was when Nick turned up on her other side, biting and chewing and sucking and licking along the nape of her neck, or taking turns with Tony kissing her. Nick's hands found their way into her bra and then that was off and she was being bent back across the lip of the pool, groaning dazedly as his mouth encircled her nipple and sucked headily.

  A part of her thought she ought to put a stop to this but then she remembered that she didn't care about anything any more.

  It felt good. So why the fuck not? It was nice not to care, not to have to do anything, to just lay there and let whatever happened happened. She had no responsibilities, no need to act, no need to pretend, no need to do a single fucking thing.

  She felt the waistband of her panties sliding down over her hips, and again knew a fleeting thought that she ought to do something, but didn't. They slid under her buttocks and down her legs and then off.

  Man, I'm wasted, she thought uncaringly.

  Tony's fingers were rubbing steadily at her clit, though, and that was making her breathing grow harsher and more ragged. She wriggled helplessly, grunting and gasping as Nick bit into her nipple and sucked, then bit and sucked, sending alternating waves of pain and pleasure through her system.

  She felt her legs spread and raised, pushed back so wide the tendons in her thighs ached. Her glassy eyes looked down at Tony there, his head between her legs, and she tried to sneer at his efforts. What the fuck was he trying to do, show what a hot stud he was?

  Then she felt his tongue stroke across her clit and gasped helplessly, head jerking back as he tongued her again. She felt his finger slid inside her as he licked, and grunted helplessly, feet shifting and jerking as her ankles lay on the edge of the pool.

  Go on, fuck me, you little asshole, she thought weakly.

  They'd do anything to fuck her, put up with anything to fuck her. They all wanted so badly to get their little cocks into her body. Every one of them. They were pathetic.

  But right now she wanted that cock in her for some reason.

  She gasped again and Tony looked up at her and sneered. “Yeah, bitch wants it, don't you. Don't you, bitch?”

  Fuck you, she thought in surly indignation.

  But she did.

  “Beg for it, slut!” he taunted.

  She drew her leg back and kicked him in the stomach, sending him falling, splashing back into the pool.

  “Asswhore,” she said raggedly, voice slurred.

  She pushed Nick back and sat up, then tried to stand up, but fell right back down. Nick put his arm around her, snuggling in tight, his hand between her legs now, rubbing at her clit. She pulled against him but not hard. Then a dripping Tony stood next to her, jerking his cock out of his short and pushing it against her mouth. She turned her head away and then gasped as he seized her by the hair and jerked her head back around.

  “Suck my cock, baby,” he panted.

  His cock was already in her mouth, and Courtney felt another flutter of interest as she automatically folded her lips around it and started sucking. He tightened his grip on her hair, jerking her in closer and she winced a bit. She was hemmed in by him on one side and Nick sitting on her other side, arm around her and found that she liked it, that some part of her was enjoying almost being forced.

  Assholes, she thought, ruled by their little cocks, always so desperate for sex they'd do anything for it.

  Including putting up with her. She was acting like a bitch, knew it, and liked it. I can act like a bitch all I want, she thought. As long as I've got a pussy they'll put up with it.

  She felt her hand drawn down, pulled back by a hand on her wrist, felt her limp hand rubbing against the bulge of Nick's crotch. He was so pathetic, she thought.

  She dug her nails into it just for fun and he gasped and cursed, slapping her hand away. She laughed even around Tony's cock.

  “Fucking bitch!” Nick snapped.

  She laughed again and then Tony thrust his cock deep into her mouth, almost choking her. She gagged, and her arms tried to raise up, to push him back. Nick wrapped his arms around them, pinning them to her sides, and she gurgled weakly as Tony pulled her forward by the hair and then drove his cock right down into her throat.

  That woke her up somewhat, and she jerked and spasmed against their grip, but was helpless to escape. Having Tony's big cock in her throat was uncomfortable, to say the least, and she jerked again and again, but was held tight. She'd deep throated before, but didn't do it much. Why should she? Guys were pretty pathetically easy to please without her going out of her way to do something difficult.

  “Swallow that cock, bitch!” Tony breathed.

  Well it wasn't like she had much choice. They were practically raping her. She wondered where the others were, not that they'd care about her, the bastards. Nobody cared about her except the guys who wanted to fuck her.

  She gurgled weakly, chest burning, head pounding from lack of oxygen as Tony forced his cock right into her to the hilt and held her there, jammed to the balls in her mouth and throat.

  “You like that, slut? You like all that cock?” Nick taunted.

  A part of her did, actually. A big part of her.

  Tony eased back and she was able to breath, gasping and coughing, saliva pouring out over her lower lip as she gulped in air.

  She grunted as Nick forced a finger inside her, then a second, then a third, all while holding her tight against him. Tony pressed his cock against her mouth but she closed her lips, still gulping in air as best she could.

  “Suck that cock, slut,” he demanded in a harsh whisper.

  Suddenly fingers were on her nipples, both of them, pinching and twisting. The heat mounted, the stinging burning sensation as her nipples were squeezed and twisted, and she cried out weakly, her mouth forced open so Tony could slide his spit-wet cock through her lips and over her tongue.

  His slick cock slid across her lips and tongue and she gurgled weakly as she felt Nick's three fingers push deep into her pussy. A part of her flared angrily but another part felt a sudden rush of heat at the nastiness of what was happening. It wasn't like she was a virgin by any means, but she'd kept her sexual habits pretty mainstream, for the most part out of concern for her reputation.

  On the other hand, she reminded herself, she didn't care what anyone thought of her any more, so she should do whatever the fuck she wanted.

  She angled her head up and bobbed her lips on Tony's cock a little as she sucked. He bunched up her wet hair above her head and then pulled her forward, and she drew in a shaky breath before his cock pushed into her throat again. Fuck this was nasty and hot!

  They were whispering something to each other, their voices hash, excited. She hardly paid any attention. Then she gasped as Tony pulled on her hair, forcing her to twist around. Nick let her, and they rolled her over as Tony pulled her forward by the hair.

  Gasping, she found herself on her hands and knees as Tony knelt before her, guiding her mouth back onto his cock. She gasped in pain as a hand slapped against
her bare bottom, and felt her legs forced apart. Her heat and excitement mounted as she sucked Tony's cock, and felt Nick's fingers pushing into her again, roughly now, thrusting in and out painfully. Still, heat rolled over her and she moaned around Tony's cock.

  In the shadows under a tree, Nick mounted her, his cock pushing down the tight, wet tunnel of her pussy as Tony thrust deep into her throat. Courtney gurgled weakly, her skin flaring with heat and excitement. Two guys doing her at once!? That was so wild! So slutty! So kinky! She felt alive for the first time all day and dug her fingers into the soft grass as she rolled her hips up and back at Tony.

  Yeah! Yeah! Do me! Fuck me!” she thought excitedly.

  Tony was fucking into her mouth, and holding her hair steadily. She pushed a hand up to ease his stroke and he slapped it away. Then her mind was rolled by a sudden wave of heat as Nick jammed himself into her to the balls and started to thrust. God! He was fucking her hard! He was fucking her good!

  She winced and gasped as Tony yanked on her hair, then Nick seized her wrists and pulled them down along her sides, then up behind her back. Heat flared even hotter within her as the two controlled her, as they used her roughly. She moaned around Tony's cock and he pulled it out, rubbing it over her face as she gulped in breaths.

  “You like that, slut? You like that cock?” he purred.

  Courtney grunted and gasped as Nick's hips slapped against her upraised buttocks. Her head thrashed weakly and her hair pulled out of Tony's grasp but he seized it again, forcefully forcing her head up and back as his cock pushed into her mouth.

  He thrust himself deep into her throat and then using both hands on her head, held her in place as he fucked her just as fast and hard as Nick was fucking her from behind. Courtney's gurgled and grunted and gasped helplessly, her mind rolling and eyes glazing over until suddenly he pulled out completely. She stared through glassy eyes, not really seeing or understanding, dazed, as his come sprayed over her face.

  Then, laughing, he released her hair and her head fell low. She groaned weakly, face on the grass now as Nick continued to ride her. Her wrists were pinned together up beneath her shoulder blades as Nick's cock thrust into her again and again.


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