Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 6

by JJ Argus

  “Legs apart, but not far apart,” he said, and push that lovely bottom of yours out for its punishment.”

  She moaned around the gag, but obeyed, her pussy spasming weakly around the dildo.

  He moved to stand to one side, though still behind her, and raised the thin rod. Courtney braced herself, swallowing repeatedly, then yelped into the gag as it whipped down across her bottom.

  She felt a surge of relief, though. It was so light and thin it only stung a little.

  She held her position, feeling the sex heat flaring around her at how nasty and wicked this was, wincing at the next blow, and the next, and the next. The blows came carefully, slowly, and stung more than the first few, but she was easily able to bear it. Her buttocks began to redden, though, becoming more and more sensitive to the fresh blows so that the pain began to mount.

  He was using his right hand to hit her. Now his left came up and slid between her legs. His fingers deftly stroked across her clitoris and Courtney grunted as it punched, her head whipping back, her hips grinding forward. His fingers slid down and gripped the dildo, kind of jamming it up a little, forcing the nose against he back wall of her pussy in steady, repetitive little grinding motions that made her legs go rubbery.

  He continued to bring the thing, whatever it was, down onto her hot, and getting hotter bottom, though, but while the pain grew worse her mind was saturated by sexual heat and her body enveloped in lust and want. She moaned dazedly into the gag as he forced pleasure and pain to twist and roil within her. Yet it was the pleasure which easily won out.

  She stared out at the city, at the other buildings, at the cars and trucks going by below, and shuddered as the blows made her bottom flare with pain.

  He paused and slowly slid the dildo down out of her - halfway - before sliding it back up inside. She cried out weakly, forced up onto her toes by the raging heat within her, sinking slowly down to her heels only as he slid the dildo back down out of her.

  “Sex slave,” he whispered into her ear.

  She groaned as the dildo jammed up deep within her.

  Then the quirt snapped across her out-thrust buttocks.

  “What are you?” he demanded, his voice a low growl. “What are you?”

  “A sex slave!” she moaned breathlessly into the gag.

  The words were heavily muffled and distorted, but seemed to satisfy him as he ground the dildo into her once more, softly, insistently, then let his thumb gently brush across her quivering, swollen clit.

  The quirt snapped across her bottom again.

  “What are you?”

  “A sex slave!” she moaned.

  Again he ground the dildo into the back wall of her sex, then let his thumb gently stroke across her clitoris.

  Then the quirt snapped across her burning bottom.

  “What are you?”

  “A sex slave!” she cried.

  He eased the dildo slowly down out of her tunnel, down, down, down, and she shuddered as it slipped out of her, as the pressure eased on her taut sex lips . He brought the dildo up before her eyes and she could see how it glistened wetly with her juices. He rubbed it across her left cheek, then her right, then brought id won to rub it across her stiff nipples before sliding it between her legs once again.

  “Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh God!” she gasped into the gag as she felt herself penetrated again, as the thick dildo slid up into her, up, up, up, UP!

  She quivered like a plucked guitar string, her breath coming in harsh, ragged little gasps, then the quirt slashed across her buttocks.

  “What are you?”

  Her mind spun and twisted, and he snapped the quirt down again, harder.

  “What are you?”

  “A sex slave!” she moaned.

  The quirt bit into her again.

  “Louder, whore.”

  “A sex slave!” she cried.

  He slid the quirt between her trembling thighs, and she shuddered as it made contact with the dildo. He angled it upwards and stroked it slowly in and out so that it sawed and rubbed lightly along her sex just to the side of the dildo.

  “Turn around, whore.”

  She almost fell, but his hand steadied her. Her skin glowed, her eyes wide as he turned her to face the room.

  “On your knees before your master, slave,” he ordered.

  Courtney all-but dropped to her knees, her rubbery legs giving way beneath her, and stared up at him.

  He reached behind her head and undid the strap there, then eased the ball gag out of her mouth. She winced and worked her mouth gently, gulping in air, then gasping in pain as he seized her hair and jerked her head back.

  “Keep your back arched, slave,” he ordered calmly.

  He slapped her cheek lightly. “Say yes, master,” he chided her.

  “Y-Y-Yes, ma-master!’ she gasped.

  God! Why was she so fucking hot!? She couldn’t remember feeling this aroused - ever!

  But she’d never been involved in such a twisted, perverse sexual game either.

  “Your name is Slave. It is the only name you require. It is the only name you will use. Do you understand, slave?”

  “Ye-yes, master!” she gasped breathlessly.

  He unzipped, the sound loud in the otherwise quiet office. He was only semi hard, but her eyes widened at the sight of him. He was thick and long, and when he held her hair and rubbed himself back and forth across her face he stiffened and thickened.

  “What are you?”

  “I’m a sex slave,” she moaned.

  He bent her back farther, then still farther, using her hair, and suddenly brought he quirt down onto one of her taut breasts. She cried out weakly even as he eased up on his grip and let her head come forward once again.

  “You forgot to say master,” he said. “Repeat your answer, whore.”

  “I-I’m a sex slave, master!” she panted.

  He chuckled low in his throat. “You will be, before I’m done with you.”

  That had an ominous sound to it, but she didn’t get a chance to consider it as pushed his cock into her mouth and she gratefully folded her lips around it and began to run her tongue along the underside.

  “Knees apart, whore,” he ordered.

  Courtney shifted her knees, then again at his command. This served to lower her so that she had to look up at his cock. He moved closer, and she gurgled as he thrust down into her open mouth, the head of his cock pushing into the back of her throat.

  He pulled back, and she sucked frantically at his cock, moving her cock as much as she could up and down along the underside.

  “Get to know this cock, slave. It is the focus of your life. Pleasing this cock is your job, your duty, your calling. I will instruct you in all the little ways to make it happy, and you will learn rapidly.”

  He bunched up her hair behind her head and pulled back, his cock coming free, then, holding the base of his cock in his hand, he thrust it into her mouth again, withdrew, and thrust it in again, jamming the head against the insides of her cheeks, against the roof of her mouth, against the back of her throat, stabbing her with his hard shaft again and again.

  “You will learn to love my cock, slave. You will love it like you’ve never loved anything before. You will dedicate all your existence to making my cock happy. You will worship my cock as though it were a god to you.. Right now, you are unworthy of it. Your skills are that of a cheap little tart. But you’ll learn, little slave. You’ll learn to be a proper seductress, to use every part of your body like a skilled courtesan, all to please this cock.”

  He was straddling her, bending her back as she knelt there, her own knees wide. Now he pulled her head forward as he thrust down, and his cock slid neatly into her throat and down it all the way. She moaned weakly, coughing, gagging, but he held her face tightly pressed against him, her lips wrapped around the base of his cock.

  He held her there as the breath left her, as her chest burned and her head pounded and she began to squirm and twist and jerk in ever growin
g desperation. Then, when it seemed she must black out, he pulled free, and she gasped for breath, gulping in air as he threw her forward.

  He jerked up on her hips, slapping her bottom and spreading her legs, then pulled the dildo out of her. A moment later, his spit wet cock pushed into her and drove deep.

  At first she didn’t even care. All Courtney was concerned with was filling her lungs again and again. But as her frantic breaths finally eased she felt the steady thrusting of his cock into her belly, the steady thumping of his hips against her upraised buttocks, and began to gasp and moan in rising heat and pleasure. Her breasts were crushed below her against the carpet, and his movements were grinding her chest back and forth as his cock stabbed into her faster and harder and deeper.

  The spiraling sexual storm grew in intensity, and then shattered around her. She cried out breathlessly, gurgling and sobbing in breathless wonder as the orgasm consumed her, tearing her consciousness to pieces, turning her into little more than shattered nerve endings, a twisting, writhing, squealing animal reacting to the animal passions within her.

  It was a glorious, all-consuming orgasm, and Courtney felt as though the top of her head was going to explode as she endured howling waves of pleasure so powerful she forgot to breath, and almost fainted again. She collapsed to the floor, drooling insensibly, eyes glassy, as he finished, and she hardly paid him or anything else any attention as she lay there, moaning in languorous aftermath, exhausted.

  She didn’t see him go to the door, nor see it open. He returned, rolling something before him on the carpet, then stopping.

  He knelt beside her, and she moaned weakly as he lifted her head up by the hair. Then he stuffed the ball gag back into her mouth and drew the strap around behind her head again.

  He unclipped her wrists from her collar, then drew them forward and then back around behind her to snap together at the small of her back. Courtney hardly cared. She moaned weakly, gulping in air, trying to fit her shattered mind back together.

  She felt the touch of the dildo against her soaking, slippery sex, and moaned as it pushed into her. But she was looser now, her muscles relaxed, and it slid deep, almost fully into her before it hit the back wall of her pussy.

  He then woke her up fully by putting a pair of very painful nipple clamps on her nipples. Her eyes shot wide and she squealed, twisting and writhing on the floor as he drew back. He ignored her protests, and there was nothing Courtney could do about the clips as they bit into her tender, swollen nipples. He ignored her resistance, snapping a pair of short, elastic cords to the clips, and then fastening them to the center ring of her collar.

  “All right, slave, let’s go,” he said.

  She gasped as he pulled her to her knees. She bent over, though, for she quickly discovered that straightening up pulled the cords tauter and yanked on her sore nipples.

  Sitting before her was a large metal box on wheels. The sides were unpainted gray metal, rather like a shipping container. The box was about two feet high, two feet wide, and perhaps a few inches longer, and as she looked at it Masters bent and gripped one side. It slid smoothly up and disappeared into the roof, revealing inch wide bars. He slid the other three sides up as well. Each of them disappeared into the roof, leaving a cage before her.

  He opened one side and motioned for her to get inside. She looked up at him in disbelief and uncertainty.

  “Get in, sex slave,” he ordered, “Or are you looking for further punishment?”

  Her bottom still throbbed hotly, so she certainly wasn’t looking for that. Yet still she hesitated as she stared a the open ended cage.

  “Inside, sex slave!”

  She moaned helplessly, then bent forward, shuffling on her knees, she ducked her head into the cage, then awkwardly, shifting her weight from side to side, crawled inside.

  She barely fit, with only a few inches between her shoulders and the side bars, and her face almost up against the far end when he closed the cage door behind her.

  She winced, for bending over had eased the pull of the elastic cords against her throbbing nipples, but now she had to pull her head back and that was tugging on her nipples fiercely.

  He slid the side walls down and locked them in place, then the wall over the cage door, then the back wall so she was in a black box. There were small round holes in the floor, and now, she discovered, there were narrow slits running along the middle of the metal sides. they were air slots, angled downwards so that no one could see into them without peering up from below, but even so they were so narrow all she could see was a bit of the carpet.

  And then she heard voices, and her heart skipped a beat. The secretary came in, along with two more men, and the cage started moving! She moaned, wide eyed, as stared through the little slit and saw feet and lower legs in front of her. Then the box went out the door, and out into the main hall.


  Chapter Six

  Courtney stared at the legs and feet of people passing by as the box was pushed along the hall and over to the elevators. She heard bits and pieces of conversation around her as she stared in disbelief at the shiny shoes and lower legs of people waiting at the elevator. Then the box was rolled into the elevator.

  She was in a thin metal box, tied up naked with a dildo in her pussy, right out in public among God knows how many people!

  “Hey, you wanna get lunch?” a male voice said.

  “What do you want?” another said.


  “We always go there. How about a nice salad bar?”

  There was male laughter behind her and the elevator stopped, then her box started moving, pushed out into the lobby. Then they were through and out onto the sidewalk. The roughness of the concrete hurt her knees as the box rattled along. Then it went off the curb and she yelped at the impact, falling onto her side.

  She heard a machine-like whining sound, then the box rolled forward onto something, and the whining started again. The box began to rise, as though it were on an elevator. It reached the level of the truck and was pushed forward inside. Then the door slid shut behind it.

  Her fear of discovery had eased, now that she was safely in he back of the delivery truck. Courtney didn’t try to regain her knees, which were quite sore now, but instead squirmed over onto her back. That left her laying on her bound arms, but at the same time, she could prop the back of her head on the cage bars behind her to ease the pull of the elastic cords on her nipples.

  The truck started moving and she stared up at the inside of the cage with a sense of amazement. What on earth had happened to her? She’d gone to see the big boss and come out - in a cage - naked - wrists bound, and with a big dildo inside her. She didn’t even know where she was going! She presumed it was to the big boss’s home, no doubt some sort of fabulous mansion - which interested her quite a bit, but the gall of the man to force her into a cage like this - naked!

  This whole thing was so fucking bizarre she could hardly believe it wasn’t some sort of dark fantasy. Was this really happening to her? Was this her dull, boring, nothing-ever-happens life?!

  And what was the pervert going to do to her once she got to his place? Slave girl, he called her. Sex slave. Did he have a harem somewhere. Was she going to lay around by a pool, in some sort of Arabian nights outfit? Just think of the money, Courtney, she told herself. Then again, it wasn’t like her life was so incredibly exciting it couldn’t stand some major changes. Almost anything would be better.

  And this was such a hot, incredible, sexy experience that she told herself she needed to just… just live it, just enjoy it, embrace it. How often did wild things like this happen to a girl? She’d have an amazing story to tell people one day.

  Besides, after what those guys had done to her the last week what more could Masters do? At least he was clean and mature and intelligent, and maybe he had a really fancy house she could stay at for a while.

  She squirmed a little, trying to get as comfortable as she could. She could still hear th
e two delivery guy talking up in the front of the truck, though faintly. That too was bizarre. If she made noises they’d come back and see what was in the delivery case, and then… and then… ? God knows but she didn’t want to see it.

  She had very little room in the cramped container. Her knees were up and back a little, spread as wide as they could, which wasn’t very. Her stiletto heels were pressed against her buttocks, and whenever she moved they glanced against the dildo sticking out of her, giving her a hot little shudder that, with the deeply erotic nature of what was happening to her, began to set her pussy to bubbling and her lower belly to thrumming once again. She found herself pressing the sides of her heels against the dildo in a rhythmic fashion, pressing the nose against the deepest part of her pussy with a continuous off and on kind of pressure. She squirmed and moaned into the gag, rolling her head back. That, of course, pulled the cords more sharply against her throbbing, swollen, aching nipples.

  That stung, but not like it used to. The spirally sexual heat within her began to consume all other sensations, twisting and adapting them, like a hurricane, sucking them in and using them to increase its own force. Without conscious thought, she began to nod her head back continually, tugging on her nipples in the same way as she pressed against the base of the dildo. She also closed her thighs as much as she could, tightening her pussy around the thing. Her pussy throbbed, her nipples ached, and the intensity of the desire within her grew.

  With no direct contact with her clitoris, however, the heat turned into a fever which made her with and moan and twist in passion for much longer than would normally have been the case given her excitement. When she finally did climax she stiffened, then bucked uncontrollably, her head thrashing as she gurgled helplessly, her pussy spasming wildly around the dildo as the orgasm churned her mind to a dazed froth.

  The orgasm left her weary, gasping for breath, eyes slitted. Yet it did not sate her, not completely, and she felt her hunger beginning to build once again soon after.


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