Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 8

by JJ Argus

  “Hold your position, slave,” she barked.

  Courtney almost unconsciously reinforced her position, pushing her bottom a little higher, drawing her knees slightly wider and further forward as the dildo jammed now achingly deep inside her.

  “You're going to take all twelve inches, slave-bitch,” the woman said firmly.

  Courtney shuddered at the words, partly appalled, partly aroused. She understood she was to be Masters' playtoy, and that in this game she was to play the role of a sort of sex slave. That was wild and kinky and weird and hot, but didn't really bother her, especially given the money Masters had offered. But the weird seriousness in which first Masters and now this Black woman were treating the game was making her stomach twist uncertainly.

  Another slap to her bottom made her moan as the woman jerked on her hair again, driving the dildo deeper. Courtney felt one of the woman's hands slide up and down along her ribs, along her side, then push under her to knead her breast. She felt a strange sense of submission in a way she had never expected to feel with another woman. It was almost as though the woman were actually a man, dominating her utterly, and parts of Courtney's consciousness were starting to think of her in that way, not as masculine but... in somewhat the same terms.

  The woman ground her hips slowly, and the big dildo twisted around inside Courtney's lower belly. She shuddered and drove herself back a little, wincing at the ache within her but gasping at the pleasure as the dildo slid slightly deeper.

  It ground against something painful within her, but then eased back, eased back further, then pushed forward again. Now it began to pump in and out, with small strokes, at first. The strokes began to grow in length, however, and her eyes began to narrow into slits as the sexual heat rolled through her, sapping her mind of its ability to think with any degree of clarity.

  She grunted and moaned into the gag with every stroke, her breasts now grinding back and forth beneath her a little on the mat as the black woman used her.

  Fucked her.

  Fucked her as though Courtney were her bitch.

  Dominated and used her.

  And Courtney felt her sense of submission growing deeper as the heat mounted, felt herself falling into the same mental box as she had with the guys, with Masters, as a mere receptacle of sexual attention, able to simply lay back and enjoy what others did to her with hardly a conscious thought.

  The woman yanked her hair up and back and she groaned as her chin was lifted off the floor. She gasped as her bottom was slapped again, and then moaned as a hand roughly kneaded her breast. Then the woman released her, her hands sliding up and down Courtney's body, stroking and caressing her back and sides, her hips and bottom as the dildo stroked in and out with a steady rhythm.

  “You like that, Slave-bitch? You do, don't you. I can feel how wet your pussy is. Nasty little sex slave,” the woman said in a sneering voice that accompanied s a stinging slap to her bottom.

  Courtney's pussy burned hotter, and her moisture grew to the point that she felt as though her insides were a steaming swamp. The dildo churned away at it in a hot, aching way, the nose punching against the deep, back wall of her pussy again and again and again as her eyes became glassy and the sexual hunger rolled her mind.

  “Whore,” the woman said. “You love cock, whore. Admit it. Tell me you love cock.”

  She slapped her bottom sharply and Courtney gasped.

  “Say it, whore.”

  “I-I love cock!” Courtney moaned into the gag.

  “Louder, whore.”

  Another stinging slap to her bottom made Courtney yelp.

  “I love cock!” she cried into the gag.

  The strokes became faster, and she grunted and gasped at each deep thrust, holding her body in the position she'd been given as the Black woman fucked her hard and deep. She didn't want to get away, didn't want to fight. In fact, all she wanted to do was reach back between her legs and rub her clit, for she was sure it would throw her into a monster orgasm. Yet she held her position as ordered, knowing without a thought that she would be punished if she reached back to touch herself.

  Her breaths were coming in ragged gasps so that it was difficult to breath through the ball gag. She moaned and gasped and whimpered, light-headed, as the aching pounding in her belly grew worse. God, she thought, I'm being fucked soooooo goooood!

  I”m such a whore, she thought dazedly.

  “Slave bitch! Take that cock, slave-bitch! Take it deep, you slut!”

  She suddenly felt hot breath on the back of her neck, and, startled, rolled her eyes back, her head turning before a sharp yank on her hair forced it back forward. The woman riding her had now bent forward over her body, bringing her own torso down against Courtney's back, elbows on the mat to either side of her. Courtney squirmed as the woman bit and licked at her shoulder and the nape of her neck. But then one of the woman's hands pushed in under her belly, her finger finding Courtney's clit.

  Courtney knew a moment of denial, of distaste for the woman touching her there, but it faded under the spiraling howl of pleasure that began to scream through her body. The orgasm exploded within her, and she screamed into the gag at the storm wave of intense pleasure that swept through her.

  The dildo jammed even deeper into her, the ache sucked into the wild stormwave of orgasmic sensations and disappearing as she cried out again and again, heedless of all but the pleasure tearing apart her mind.

  It was such a shattering orgasm that it almost blew her into unconsciousness. Even as it was she knelt there dazed, her eyes slitted, her mind drifting on a languorous sea of sexual high for a long minute before she started to realize who and what she was again.

  The dildo was punching her in the belly again and again, and the Black woman's hips were now striking her upraised buttocks with firm, repeated blows A part of her realized that meant the woman had gotten every inch of the dildo inside her, a foot, but she couldn't find it in herself to care. Yes, it ached, but it ached so wonderfully!

  She groaned dazedly, her mind and body both limp, and only repeated slaps on the buttocks tore her far enough out of her heat to get her to grudgingly stiffen up her position, raising her bottom once again and spreading her legs as she ought to.

  She gasped and grunted mindlessly as the dildo continued to thrust into her, as the woman's hips struck her buttocks harder and faster. The dildo was pounding into her now, the ache deep within her, yet the orgasm had not dissipated the lingering haze of sexual passion, hunger and arousal, and she felt her body beginning to burn and throb and pulse with pleasure once more under the hard, steady, forceful pounding.

  She moaned as her hair was yanked back, gasped as her bottom was struck stingingly, yet did not even consider, not even for a moment, resisting the orders barked at her, moaning and gasping and whimpering as the dildo continued to spear into her. Her body flared hotly and another massive orgasm tore through her, centered on the hot spear of power and pain ramming into her from behind.

  The woman finally stopped, ground her hips a final time against Courtney's sweating buttocks, then slowly drew the thick spear of her dildo back out from the younger woman's swollen, moist pussy. She gave her bottom another slap, then stood up and gazed down at the prostrate woman moaning on the mat before her.

  A hard push with her boot knocked Courtney over onto her side, and then prodding feet spread her legs apart. Courtney looked up at the woman, groaning weakly as the woman casually removed the straps and set the dildo aside.

  “All right, slave. Stand,” she ordered.

  Groaning, Courtney slowly sat up, then after a moment to get her head straight, grunted with effort as she pushed herself erect once more. She winced as the quirt struck her bottom, then straightened her back and drew her shoulders back.


  Courtney spread her feet on the floor and brought her hands together behind her neck.

  “Kneel. Kneel Low. Prostrate. Stand. Present for Inspection.”

  The woman s
poke the words firmly, and any slowness on Courtney's brought brought a sting from the quirt.

  After that she did more toe-touches, more stretches. The woman had her lay on the mat and draw her legs up across her shoulders one by one, then both together while she watched. Courtney rolled onto her belly and pushed her upper torso up and back repeatedly, then worked on the machine again until she was ready to drop.

  “Kneel and present for inspection,” the woman ordered.

  Courtney dropped to her knees, panting, sweating, weary. She shifted her knees apart, then brought her hands up together behind her neck as the woman picked up the strap-on again, and stepped into it. Courtney eyed her resignedly. She did feel a little aroused, but she didn't really want another hard fucking.

  But the woman evidently had other ideas. She strapped it on tightly then stepped in front of her.

  “Are you ready to eat, slave?” the woman asked.

  Courtney blinked in confusion at the sudden question, for she hadn't been given any questions as yet. She nodded hesitantly.

  “And drink?”

  She nodded again.

  “I will remove your gag, and after this you will be permitted to eat and drink. If you say one word, even start to speak a word, you will be punished and I will put it back in and you won't eat or drink anything the rest of the day. Do you understand, slave?”

  Courtney felt another flare of resentment, but nodded, eager to get the gag out of her mouth. The woman reached behind her and unfastened the strap, then eased the gag out of her mouth. Courtney worked her aching jaw and then stared at the latex cock before her.

  “That's right, slave. Let's see what your oral skills are like,” the woman said, pushing the dildo forward.

  Reluctantly, Courtney allowed the thing into her mouth, sucking and licking at it as the woman pushed it deeper and deeper. It was so thick, however, she could barely stretch her lips wide around it, and thought she considered bringing her hand forward she decided the woman would want her to keep both of them behind her neck.

  The woman reached down and gripped her hair, then pulled her forward, and when the thick dildo pushed into her throat she gagged and choked, her hands instinctively coming forward to push the woman back.

  “You are a bloody useless little whore,” the woman said with a sniff.

  “It's too thick!” Courtney protested, coughing and gulping in air.

  That got her hair pulled and she yelped in protest as she was forced up onto her feet. Then her wrists restraints were locked together in front of her and a chain attached which went up through a ring in the ceiling high overhead. She had not even seen it before, but now the woman pressed a small button on the wall and the chain pulled firmly on Courtney's wrists until her arms were straight up above her.

  The woman then went to the corner cupboard and returned with a large butt-plug, lubing it as she walked. Courtney stared at her anxiously, and then gasped as she felt the pressure against her anus.


  Courtney gulped and shifted her legs apart and gasped as she felt the thing slowly forced into her bottom and then moaned as it spread her opening wider and wider, then let it slap closed, or almost closed, behind it.

  “What are you?”

  Courtney wasn't sure what the woman meant for a long moment, then she remembered as the woman went to the corner cupboard and returned with a whip in hand. Courtney stared at it anxiously as the woman let the long, thin laces slip through her fingers.

  “Uhm, uhm, a slave?” she gulped.

  “Were you not told to keep your mouth shut? Were you not warned to say not a single word?”

  “But you asked me!” she protested.

  The woman shook her head, got the gag, and forced it back into Courtney's mouth.

  “Have you ever been flogged?” the woman asked.

  It was a redundant question given Courtney's gag.

  “I'm sure you'll enjoy the experience, and learn henceforth, how to obey and how to remain silent.”

  Courtney moaned into the gag, eyes rolling. The woman couldn't be serious! The little quirt thing was tiny, but this, this thing looked like, well, like a real whip! It looked like it would hurt horribly! There was no way Courtney was going to agree to that kind of thing, no matter how well the job paid!

  Yet even now the woman was clipping chains to her ankle restraints, and then pulling her legs wider still, so that her body was stiff and taut and her heels were barely touching the floor. She locked the chains in place, and Courtney felt a sudden chill, realizing that in addition to not being able to protest she could not resist in any way! She pulled against the chains, starting to grow really afraid, and then the flog cut down across her back and she screamed, back arching.

  Yet, she realized almost immediately, it actually didn't hurt very much. She felt a huge easing of her anxiety as she understood the woman was only playing with her. That was such a relief! She winced a bit at the next blow, but the little stings of the thin laces weren't even as bad as the quirt, though admittedly there were more of them.

  “What are you?”

  Courtney rolled her eyes back. She was gagged, so how did the stupid woman expect her to respond?

  The woman was suddenly before her, gripping her left nipple and pinching it hard. Courtney squealed and twisted in pain but could do nothing to dislodge the woman's cruel fingers.

  “What are you?” the woman demanded.

  “A slave! A slave!” Courtney cried into the gag.

  It was heavily muffled and distorted, but the words seemed to satisfy the woman. She realized Courtney's sore nipple and moved behind her again.

  “You must learn to obey, slave,” she said.

  The flog struck Courtney's back again and she winced. Another blow landed, and another, and another, and Courtney's anxiety began to rise again. The repeated blows were heating up her back and making it increasingly sensitive to the ones which followed. Just as the stings grew to the point of actual pain, as she twisted and writhed with growing desperation, the woman shifted her position forward and the flog landed with a splat across Courtney's belly and abdomen.

  She squealed more in surprise than pain, then again as the next blow landed across her taut breasts. Yet they didn't really hurt – much.

  It was outrageous the woman would flog her on her boobs, though, she thought indignantly. It was sick, nasty, depraved!

  “What are you?”

  “A slave!” Courtney cried, her mouth twisting around the thick gag.

  The next blow slid down and landed between her legs, and she yelped and twisted helplessly.

  “What are you?”

  “A slave!” Courtney moaned into the gag.

  More blows landed across her breasts, across her belly, and between her legs, and she shuddered and moaned, head back against her arms, whimpering a little at how helpless she was as her front heated in the same way her back did, and became more sensitive to the fresh blows.

  God, this was so nasty! This was so fucking depraved and, and, cruel and wicked!

  She shuddered as the woman paused and her hand thrust in between Courtney's legs. She cupped the girl's sex and her thumb stroked up across her clit again and again. Courtney turned her head away, flushed, moaning, unable to repress the sudden wild heat which spilled through her nervous system as the woman's thumb stroked her now swollen, sensitive clit.

  The woman moved behind her and fresh blows struck her back. Courtney moaned, and shuddered as the pain began to mount again.

  “What are you?” she demanded after every blow.

  “A slave!” Courtney moaned helplessly.

  The woman began flogging her breasts again, her belly and abdomen, and then swinging the flog up between her legs so that she gurgled and sobbed in a wild tumult of pain and and growing heat.

  The woman stopped, fingering her again, one, two, then three fingers pushing up into her hot, swampy pussy as her thumb stroked across her clit. Courtney's face burned furiously
as her hips began to grind against the woman of their own volition.

  “What are you?” the woman demanded.

  “A slave,” Courtney moaned.

  The woman moved behind her and Courtney felt the sudden pressure of the butt plug being withdrawn, pushing her sphincter open from the insides, sliding slowly out of her body – and then pushing right back in again. It slid out a second time, and then slid back in again, half sucked up by her internal muscles. Again and again the woman pulled on it, then let her anal muscles suck it back inside.

  “What are you?' she demanded.

  “A slave!” Courtney moaned.

  A hand slid around her hip and fingers began to stroke her clitoris as the butt-plug pulled in and was sucked out.

  “What are you?”

  “A slave!” she groaned.

  The woman withdrew, and the flog cut across her back again.

  She shuddered and arched against the pain, a nearly feverish heat taking hold of her hapless mind now as her pussy throbbed and burned with hunger and need.

  The flog lashed her bottom and thighs, then her breasts and belly and pussy. The pain was growing much worse so that her eyes filled with tears and she writhed and twisted and cried out at each blow. Her skin felt scoured and burned and she whimpered and then sobbed as blow followed blow, her voice breaking each time she was required to try to answer the woman's repeated question.

  Yet when the woman's hand slid between her legs and began to stroke and massage her, despite the pain in her sensitized pussy, her hips bucked forward violently and she shuddered and strained at the wild flaring heat and pleasure.

  “Does the slave want to be fucked?” the woman asked coolly.

  Courtney moaned helplessly and then gasped as her head was yanked back by the hair.

  “Does the slave want to be fucked?” the woman asked again.

  “Yessssss,” Courtney moaned into the gag.

  “The correct answer is – This slave begs to be fucked, mistress,” she said coldly.


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