Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library)

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Courtney's Boring Life (Modern Erotic Library) Page 10

by JJ Argus

  Then something slid into her mouth, rubbery, filling it much as the ball had.

  “Crawl,” Masters ordered.

  She felt a pull at her collar and began to crawl forward again, her knees starting to get a little sore against the wood.

  “Kneel,” Masters said.

  She grunted, rising up on her knees, and he or the Black woman undid the blindfold and pulled it free.

  She was kneeling before a mirror, and her eyes went wide as she stared at herself.

  The collars and restraints looked like bright, shining silver, and were speckled with rows of large diamonds that caught and reflected the light. The strap around her holding the gag in place was some kind of shiny silver fabric, and stuffing her mouth, was a huge diamond - obviously fake, as diamonds didn‘t grow that big.

  Long, narrow diamonds dangled from her nipples, and from her clit, from rings piercing her.

  They each seized one of her pigtails and pulled her to her feet, then her wrists were drawn back behind her and linked together. Courtney stared at herself in the mirror as their hands roamed freely over her body, kneading her breasts, squeezing her buttocks, and gently pushing the silver dildos in her bottom and the silver vibrator in her pussy in and out.

  Her clit stung and ached, but that didn‘t seem to matter as the powerful vibrator continued to make her muscles tremble and spasm.

  She stared at herself, at their hands roaming her body. It was the most exotic and erotic sight she had ever beheld, and she was transfixed by the sight as the two of them roused her body once more to burning depths of hunger and passion.

  .She moaned and writhed between them, her hips grinding and her back arching as their fingers taunted and teased her, as their lips and teeth and tongues made her breasts swell and her nipples burn, as they bit into her throat and shoulders and drove her into a feverish passion where nothing existed in the world but the furnace of her need.

  And then they stepped back.

  “On your knees, slut,” the woman ordered.

  They pushed her to her knees, and then unclipped her wrist restraints. She was leashed, and crawled again, moaning heatedly, eyes glassy as they had her kneel and bend and bow and prostrate herself, as the woman taunted her with the quirt, sliding it back and forth along her slit, flicking the tip at her clit so that she wined in pain again and again, until the pain turned to a hot, churning, violent heat and she actually longed for the touch of the stinging little stick.

  Below her, the weights hung, pulling on her nipples and clit, swinging and tugging again and again as she crawled, so that only the sting of the quirt against her back and buttocks and the sides of her breasts kept her from grabbing at herself.

  And then the door opened and another man entered.

  Courtney gasped and jerked up and back on her knees, but a harsh command sent her cringing back onto all fours, and then prostrate.

  The man walked up, sauntered up, smirking. He was a Black man, tall, handsome, wearing a very fine suit.

  He sat down on a chair at the end of the room as if to watch, and Masters jerked on her leash, pulling her back onto all fours. He walked her slowly across the floor towards him, and Courtney’s mind squirmed with a fierce sense of embarrassment. But it wasn’t enough to push back the fever enveloping her mind.

  “Turn, and prostrate.”

  She moaned and obeyed, turning her bottom to the nameless man, then lowering her torso to the floor, drawing her knees out and forwards so he could see her obscenely displayed, could see the dildo and vibrator sticking out of her.

  “Turn,” Masters said, tugging on her leash.

  She rose and turned on all fours, and she was led closer to the man, then up between his legs. He drew out a long, fat cock, semi-hard, as her wrists were locked together behind her back again. He pulled on the big glass end of the gag thing in her mouth and the latex ball popped out , leaving her mouth gaping wide around the metal forcing it wide. He guided her mouth down onto him, and his cock slid neatly through her parted lips.

  “Present,” Masters ordered, the quirt hitting her bottom.

  She moaned and shifted her knees apart, and she sensed, more than saw him dropping to his knees behind her. The woman dropped to her knees next to her, a hand sliding under to knead her breast, another sliding up her belly, her finger reaching for Courtney’s clit.

  Masters pulled the vibrator out and thrust himself balls-deep in a single stroke, and Courtney screamed silently as a massive orgasm tore through her mind and body. The black man pushed down on her head, and her lips slid down his thick shaft as his helmet headed cock drove down her throat. She screamed again, and again, twisting, writhing against their grip, overwhelmed by the intensity of the heat and pleasure searing her nervous system.

  Masters began fucking her while the woman continued to knead her breast and stroke her clit. The orgasm was consuming her. It went on and on and on, rising and peaking, subsiding, then rising and peaking again, and again, and again, until she thought she must surely die, but didn’t care. Her belly ached, her chest burned, and orgasms hammered through her like the thundering cars of an out-of-control freight train.

  They left her limp, dazed, gasping, moaning, eyes slitted.

  Chapter Nine

  When she had recovered, the leash tugged her to all fours, and she was led over before where the Black man sat. Masters handed him the leash and Courtney shuddered as his dark eyes bored into her. He pulled on the leash, drawing her up and into his lap like a fisherman reeling in a catch. He reached behind her neck and undid the gag, then pulled on the diamond. It was attached to a black spongy ball which pulled slowly from her mouth.

  “Pleasure me, slut,” he ordered.

  Sick! Courtney's mind spun with the order, yet when he grasped her wrist and placed her hand against his bulging groin she began to rub it at his direction, and when he took his hand away she thought of how the Black woman had mocked her oral sex skills and felt a dark sense of determination. She licked at the hardness through his trousers, mouthed him through the thing fabric, then slowly reached for his belt.

  She undid his belt, opened his trousers, and tugged his pants down slowly, inhaling sharply as his thick black cock sprang up hungrily. Her face reddened as he looked at her, as the others looked at her, but then she reached for it and ran her fingers lightly across the surface. She leaned in, breasts pillowed against the chair as she licked slowly along his inner thighs, as she mouthed and sucked on his balls, as she traced her tongue around and around the head and ran it along the bottom of the shaft.

  Then she widened her lips and took him into her mouth, bobbing slowly up and down, taking him deeper and deeper with each stroke until he was buried in her throat and her nose was jammed against his groin. He sighed and pulled on the pigtails, forcing her in deep and holding her, then he eased up on them, beginning to thrust in and out of her mouth.

  Behind her, she felt the quirt caressing her sex, stroking up and down against her hot, swollen flesh. She shuddered as the vibrator was pushed deep into her pussy once again, and wondered if there were some numerical limit on how many orgasms a girl could have in a day. The vibrator pumped slowly in and out, in and out, occasionally brushing across her clit as whoever worked it pulled it free.

  He pulled her back, finally, and she gasped as he raised his fist, the one which held the leash. The collar forced her up and forward, and without words he forced her to straddle him as he sat there. He held his cock up and she sank slowly down onto it, groaning helplessly as it pushed deep into her belly.

  She should have resisted, should have said no, should have been more hideously embarrassed as she fucked a man she didn't know in front of two more she hardly knew. But none of that really mattered. Courtney began to ride the Black man's cock, gasping, whimpering, moaning as he alternatively sucked and chewed on her nipples, squeezed her breasts, and dug his finger into her buttocks to help her rise and fall.

  She rode faster, harder, gasping, head poundi
ng with need, body burning with passion and lust, her slick pussy riding up and down on the bloated shaft underneath her until, with a long, stuttering sob that turned into a helpless cry of pleasure, she came.

  * * * * * *

  “Obey, slave-bitch.”


  “Obey, slave.”


  Words she heard again and again assailed her ears as Courtney went through the positions again, did her stretching exercises, then exercised to the point of collapse.

  Now it was the Black an guiding her, ordering her, and at the end of it all he had her crawl, leashed, to the back of the room, where he opened a door into a large bathroom. The room had an Asian style toilet, which is to say, it had a wide slit in the floor instead of the traditional American sit-down toilet. Courtney had no idea what it was even as she was led over to it and positioned above.

  “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” he asked.

  She did, of course. In fact, she had been squirming for half an hour, but afraid to speak.

  “Then do so now. Right there,” he said.

  Courtney stared up at him in disbelief.

  “From here, you'll go back into your cage for several hours of rest. If you don't go now you won't go for some time.”

  Courtney flushed, and looked down.

  “Now, Slave-bitch! We don't have all day,” he snapped.

  Courtney started, then, face burning, she released her bladder and peeed into the slit as he looked down at her.

  “Good dog,” he said, afterward, petting her head.

  He led her over to the corner, where a high counter sat.

  “Climb up on here and kneel in the dog position.”

  She obeyed. The table had six inch high sides and a drain in the corner. The Black man turned on a hand shower and warm water gushed out over Courtney's head and shoulders.

  It felt – good.

  The Black man soaked her, then soaped her up. His big hands moved over her body, spreading the soap, scrubbing her as she knelt obediently. Despite all the orgasms she'd already had the touch of his skin on her slick, soapy body roused her once again, though perhaps, she thought, she had never really lost her sense of hunger. It had only diminished.

  She groaned and arched her back as his soapy fingers worked back and forth over her pussy, over her clit, but he pulled back, then, shampooing her hair instead.

  He rinsed her off, and then ordered her to open her mouth as she brushed her teeth.

  She emerged from the bathroom pleasantly, refreshingly clean, her hair shining, and he led her to the cage and had her go inside, locked her wrists together behind her, then locked her in.

  Courtney sighed, settled down and after a bit of time, fell asleep.

  * * * * *

  She learned to walk - naked, in the five inch heels, to dance naked, to strip, and to obey. And she learned it in just two days. She learned to straddle Masters, or the Black man, or even the Black woman, straddle them, grind herself against them, let her stiff nipples stroke ever so lightly up and down across their faces and down their chests. And she learned to give oral sex to a woman. In fact, the most uncomfortable part of the two days was when the Black woman got naked and took her to a real bed, and there, writhing and twisting on the silk sheets, she spent hours teaching Courtney things she did not really want to know, but had little choice but to learn.

  The heat bore her on. The heat never faded completely, so that despite her distaste for sex with another woman she found herself feverishly excited regardless. The woman ground her own pussy against Courtney’s, driving her into gasping, shuddering orgasm, then rode her face until Courtney could hardly work her jaw or move her tongue any more. Then she took her, doggy style, with a strap-on, and again, despite Courtney’s by then active dislike of the woman, despite her resentment, she forced her into repeated climaxes as she thrust her big black dildo into the trembling girl’s belly again and again.

  The two days were filled with sex, degradation, and obedience.

  And pleasure, wild, thrilling, white hot passionate pleasure.

  But her education was far from complete.

  The third day she moved to a luxurious bedroom, one which had her gasping and running awed fingers across rich fabric and furniture. The closet was filled with beautiful outfits for business and parties, the dressers crammed with lingerie.

  She went to work with Masters, in the back seat of a limousine, and took instructions from the woman there in how to handle incoming calls and correspondence, how to arrange meetings, the proper way to prepare Masters coffee, and how to operate the office equipment.

  Each day she would work for Masters as a sort of receptionist and assistant, wearing sleek, but beautiful business outfits. Her day might or might not include hiking up her short skirt and giving him a lap dance, or performing oral sex on a visiting colleague of his.

  Each evening she returned to his penthouse apartment, stripped, donned the collar and restraints, and learned to obey, to give pleasure, and to receive it.

  Nothing stopped her from leaving, but the thought never entered her mind. Exchange all this luxury and excitement for a drab little apartment and some crude young men pawing, groping and using her? Why on earth should she? She didn't enjoy everything she did, especially giving sexual pleasure to women, but that was only an occasional challenge. For the most part, she felt herself perfectly comfortable as Masters slave-bitch, as his playtoy, as a wanton whore.

  And after all, it paid well.


  * * * * *

  Have praise, suggestions or complaints? [email protected]

  Erotic stories & novels by JJ Argus

  Zoe's New Job * Working For The Smiths * What I Learned in College * Two Teachers * Twenty Nine * Tomb of Darkness * The Wolf Girl * The Submission Game * The Student Librarian *The Straight Girl * The Secretary * The President's Slave Girl * The New Neighbors * The Nerd Girls * The Mouse * The Master's Choice * The Interview * The Girls in the Band * The General's Aide * The Director * The Debt Slave * The Dark Passage * The Challenge * The Butler * The Banker Babe* The Arrangement * Stripped! *Stocks and Bonds * Sir * Slave of the Vampires * Rich Man's Yacht * Personal Services * Nigger's Girl * Mr. Black's Personal Assistant * Mister Stirling's Chauffeur * Miranda's Tower * Masters Fine Leather * Kayla's Submission * Journey into Slavery * Into The Past * In the Vampire's Lair * In The Summer Heat * Her Very Own Pirate * Fiona's Need * Erin's Four Masters * Emily's Debt * * Courtney's Boring Life * Courtney Gets Caught * Chained Heat * Bound in Red Tape * Biker Bitch * Behind the Mask * An English Girl in China * A Slave to the Pack *Owned by the Pack * An Office Affair * A Life of Slavery * A Darker Shade of Gray * A Dark Spirit * A Dark Desert Heat * Anything *




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