Bright Is Her Sight_An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure

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Bright Is Her Sight_An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure Page 9

by Judith Berens

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Any chance that you are...” He looked around and leaned in to whisper, “A Jasper elf?”

  “No, not that I know of,” Izzie replied. “I was told that my parents were both Light Elves, but I never got to look into that further. I was put into an orphanage at birth, and never knew them or anything about them. The orphanage didn’t have any details. Ms. Berens seemed to know just as much about it as me.”

  “I see. Well, that was some show. Good job.”

  “Thank you, sir.” Izzie smiled and turned to leave.

  “Oh, one more thing. Would you mind, releasing your spell? Usually, I am able to, but it seems your magic is a bit stronger than mine in this instance.”

  Izzie looked at him in shock but swiped her hand. The light magic floated off the statue as if someone were taking a sheet off furniture. The energy dissipated into the air, and that was that. She nodded at Mr. Cooper, looking back at him once before running through the woods to catch up with everyone else. That had definitely not been what she expected.


  Izzie jumped over logs as she ran to catch up with her friends. She hit the tree line and trotted down the hill, slowing down next to Alison. Ethan nodded at her and smiled, unsure what to say about what had just happened. None of them had ever seen magic performed like that by someone their own age, and while it had been cool to watch, the class was nervous.

  Luke and Henry chased each other through the crowd, laughing loudly. Henry wove through the back of the group and ducked under a kid’s arm as he passed. He slowed when he got to Izzie, turning and jogging backward and flashing her a bright smile.

  “That was probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen at this school. Good work!”

  Izzie smiled shyly as her cheeks grew red, and she pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. “Thanks.”

  He ran ahead but looked back at her in wonder. Izzie pointed behind him, watching as he tripped over someone’s foot and rolled across the grass. She covered her mouth and giggled when his eyes flashed yellow and he just laid there on his back. Izzie smiled down at him as she passed, with the other students. Luke strolled up to him, out of breath, and reached down.

  “Come on, lover boy, it’s lunchtime, and I’m starving.”

  Henry kept his eyes on Izzie for another moment before slapping his hand into Luke’s and bounding to his feet. Izzie walked along quietly, smiling at the others as they talked about her spell. She still wasn’t sure where it had come from, or if she could really take credit for the outcome. At the same time, who else could it have been? She had pulled the energy into her. She looked at Ethan and cleared her throat.

  “What’s it like for you when you are pulling energy as an elf?”

  Ethan shrugged. “I dunno. Quiet for a moment, and then I just concentrate on the light. I can hear everyone around me fine. I just feel the warmth in my chest and then push it out. Why?”

  “Just curious.”

  “Is it the same for you?”

  Izzie paused for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, the same.”

  She obviously had something different going on inside her, but she didn’t want to let the others know. That, plus the wild magic she had just performed after never having done the spell before, could land her in the outcast circle really fast. She already felt like she had a hard enough time fitting in. She didn’t need constant whispers behind her back, too.

  When they reached the grounds the class went in different directions, some heading to get lunch and others taking the period to study in the library. Izzie stopped at the staircase and looked at the others, realizing she didn’t have her bag.

  “I left my things in the classroom before we went down. I’m just gonna run and grab them. I’ll meet you guys at the table.”

  Everyone nodded, and Alison grabbed Izzie’s wrist. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” She chuckled. “Just a little spent, I guess. I’m not used to doing spells.”

  Alison nodded and let go, watching Izzie’s energy as she left. She could see the confusion swirling around and hints of fear speckled throughout. From the description of her spell and the bright white her energy had turned when she was doing it, Alison knew there was more to her best friend than any of them, including Izzie, understood.

  Izzie jogged to the hallway and slowed down once she was out of her friend’s sight. She went into the empty classroom and picked up her bag, throwing it over her shoulder. On the walls were pictures of different magical creatures and she paused, looking for the Light Elves. In the center was a picture of the Light Elf king and queen with their fair skin and bright eyes. They moved slightly as if they could see her too, but Izzie knew it was just a glamour. She started to leave, but another picture caught her eye. It was an elf, very similar to the Light Elves, holding a shield made of light. Below his body was the cursive writing of his species: Jasper Elf.

  She tilted her head and stared at the picture, wondering why Mr. Cooper would think she was one of those. She hadn’t learned much about them, except they were very scarce, especially on Earth.

  “Jasper elves are interesting,” a voice said from behind her.

  Izzie turned to find Henry pulling his satchel strap over his head and across his body. “I don’t know much about them.”

  “As a shifter, it’s like I’m part of the magical community, but not really. They fascinate me. All the magicals do, but especially those. They weren’t destroyed by dark magic or beasts running around taking people out. They ultimately destroyed themselves with the light. It makes me wonder just what it’s like for them, not that I know any to ask.”

  Izzie chuckled, taking one last look at the picture and making her way out of the classroom with Henry by her side. “Are you eating lunch or going to study hall?”

  “Lunch.” Izzie laughed. “I have study period after lunch, so I don’t want to spend twice the time there.”

  “I don’t blame you. It’s too quiet in there for me. I can never focus on studying.”

  “Yeah, I like to study in comfort on my bed with a drink,” she replied. “But it can’t hurt to have the extra time, I guess.”

  “Definitely not, especially with Botanicals. I just can’t seem to remember all the species and subspecies.”

  “There are a lot of them.”

  Henry opened the cafeteria door, holding it for Izzie as they walked in. He looked across the room at his usual table and back at Izzie. He was nervous, and he wasn’t sure how to calm himself enough to talk to her. She smiled awkwardly glancing at her friends.

  “Well, I guess I’ll see you after lunch.” She smiled.

  “Uh, yeah, I’ll see you.”

  Izzie turned and started walking away, kind of disappointed that that was all he’d said. He looked around, running his hand through his hair and giving himself a pep talk. Finally, he put out his hand and called Izzie back.

  “Wait! I, uh… There was something I wanted to ask you.”

  Izzie tilted her head and nodded. “Okay.”

  “I was wondering… If you aren’t busy and don’t already have a date...well, I was wondering if you would go to the Valentine’s Dance with me?”

  Izzie smiled slightly, trying not to show too much excitement. That was exactly what she had been hoping for. She wanted to go with him but hadn’t thought he was interested in her. She swallowed hard and nodded.

  “I would love to go with you.”

  He let out a deep breath. “Good. That’s awesome. We can talk about the details later?”

  “Sure.” She giggled.

  “Awesome.” He patted the back of his hand into his palm. He had a huge smile on his face, and his cheeks were glowing red. “Then I’ll see you later. Have a good lunch.”

  “You too.” She laughed, watching him trip over a chair leg, apologize to the kid in the chair, and make his way over to his table, glancing back at her with excitement.

  She laughed, feeling the butterflies in her stomach. She had the h
ugest crush on Henry. It definitely wasn’t a secret to everyone else, but she hadn’t thought anything would ever come out of it. He was a jock and a shifter and had friends all over the school. She was a misfit orphan who hung out with the other misfits, and had never been very good at sports.

  Alison looked up as Izzie pulled out her chair and sat down. She could see a different color in her energy at that moment. There was excitement and even love floating around in there, so Henry must have just asked her to the dance. Alison thought it was fantastic, even though she still had no one to take her. It didn’t matter since her friend was happy, and it was something Izzie had really needed. She had been so stressed about her family, her memories, and everything else that she needed a moment to be the teenager neither of them had really had the chance to be yet. They hadn’t had a normal upbringing like the others, and worrying was commonplace for them.

  “Well, it looks like somebody here has a date to the Valentine’s Dance.” Kathleen smirked. “Do you have a dress?”

  Izzie frowned, remembering that she had to find something to wear. “No, and I don’t really have the money either. I’m sure I can find something in what I have.”

  “Nonsense!” Kathleen exclaimed. “We will make sure you are the belle of the ball—next to me, of course.”

  “I found a dress while I was on Christmas break,” Emma told them excitedly. “It was in the window of this shop at home, and I just knew it would be perfect. I got matching jewelry for it too.”

  “What color?” Kathleen asked.

  “Red, of course.”

  Kathleen groaned. “Does your date know you will be wearing red, so he doesn’t buy you some crazy corsage and mess up the whole thing?”

  “Emma, you have a date?” Alison asked.

  “Kind of. Peter and I are going as friends, right, Peter?”

  “Yep. Figured it would be a lot less awkward that way.”

  Kathleen grimaced. “Isn’t that cute.”

  Peter shook his head, chuckling. “How about you, Kathleen? Who is the lucky guy?”

  “No one. I am going alone by choice. The guy I wanted to come is busy doing something unimportant, I’m sure, so I will go alone. There isn’t anyone here I am interested in having take me anyway. I don’t need some upperclassman drooling all over me, making me feel like I have to kiss him or something.”

  “Is this because no one asked you?” Ethan teased.

  “Oh sure, you tease me. That’s rich. If it were me, after the stunt you pulled, I wouldn’t even come.”

  “What happened?” Aya asked.

  “Nothing,” Ethan grumbled.

  “It was actually really entertaining if you weren’t Ethan. He walked straight up to Grace Hollowby and blurted it out. Actually, he more like shouted it in a frightening tone, then got really red and just walked off.”

  “Grace Hollowby is like the girl all the guys want to date, but she is shy and usually just turns them down. Did you really think screaming at her would help?”

  Ethan crossed his arms. “I freaked, okay? I got up to her and there were seniors in the background, and I just lost it. I didn’t mean to scare her.”

  Kathleen was rolling in her chair laughing at that point. “You should have seen her face! She looked like she was either going to cry or cast a spell on you. I’ve heard she is incredibly talented but tries not to show off because she doesn’t want people to know—why, I will never understand. That is what gets you the contacts, the friends, and the opportunities when you graduate. She should flaunt that shit.”

  “Not everyone wants the world to know what kind of magic they have,” Izzie replied. “Some people just want to live their lives.”

  “Oh, yes, you’re one to talk. You just about lifted off the ground today out in the woods. The professor looked like he was going to crap his pants. Seriously, if you are growing that much in your magic every year, by the time you are a senior you will be more powerful than Leira Berens—or you’ll blow yourself up by accident. Either way, you will be known to everyone.”

  “That’s not true! It was a fluke.”

  Alison patted her on the leg and smiled, reminding her that it didn’t matter either way. She was going to be who she was, whatever or whoever that was.

  That night Izzie couldn’t sleep for anything, and Alison had had a good meditation after classes were over and everyone had gone to the library to study. She had stayed behind in their room and sat on her bed, letting her body rest and getting her energy back up to par. By the time the girls came up after dinner, Alison was wired. So, after everyone else had fallen asleep, the two of them threw on sweaters and their coats, since it was still dipping into the 20s at night, and headed out for a walk.

  The grounds were quiet and peaceful, and Alison could hear the geese flying overhead in the distance. It wouldn’t be long until the full swing of rebirth was underfoot and everyone could pack away the heavy jackets. As the girls walked, they talked about classes and their friends. When they reached a moment of contemplation between conversations, Alison stopped Izzie.

  “I just want to make sure you are okay. I know that spell took a toll on you.”

  “I’m fine, really. It was just interesting, that’s all. I didn’t know I had that kind of magic in me.”

  “Shay told me once that our magic is infinite, it just depends on the person and how much they allow it in them. Maybe you are really open to it now.”

  “That might be it, especially since I’ve been doing my best to get any information I could on myself. I could also just be really good at cloaking spells and terrible at everything else.”

  The girls started walking again and Alison rolled her eyes. “You are definitely not terrible at everything else. Remember the flowers in Botanicals? That was talent.”

  Izzie shrugged her shoulders, looking at the barn in the distance. The lights were on inside, and the door was open. Horace was brushing one of the horses.

  “Oh, good, Horace is at the horse barn. I wanted to see the horses anyway. I heard one of them is pregnant.”

  They made their way down to the barn, making sure to make enough noise not to startle the groundsman. The barn cat, the same one from the bonfire, came trotting through the barn like he owned the place, head high, tail swishing. Alison could see the feline energy and bent down, putting her hand out. The cat mewed and rubbed the corners of its mouth against her fingers.

  “Hey! Out for another night stroll, I see.” Horace smiled.

  “Is this the pregnant horse?” Izzie asked, looking at its big belly in wonder.

  “This is her. Her name is Marigold, and she is due around late March or early April.”

  “She’s beautiful but big. How long do horses carry their babies?”

  “Eleven to twelve months,” Horace replied. “This was a surprise. We thought she was too old for more babies, but it seems she still has some oomph in her.”

  Izzie walked up, sticking out her hand and letting the horse sniff her. Horace handed Izzie a carrot and she fed it to Marigold, rubbing her forelock. She seemed to like Izzie, letting her run her hands along her belly and press against the massive lump below. Most of the time she was skittish with that, not wanting people to touch her, but not Izzie. Horace watched curiously. It was almost as if she could speak to them; like her magic soothed them. He had only seen that from Alison, but he could tell Izzie’s powers were growing.

  “So, how are the dance preparations coming? I’ve heard everyone talking about it.” Horace chuckled.

  “Good.” Izzie smiled. “I have a date for the dance now. Ethan scared an upperclassman while asking, and Kathleen is too important to go with anyone.”

  Horace laughed. “I remember my first dance. It was awkward as hell. I stepped all over my date’s feet when we were dancing. Of course, there was no magic. I was in a regular high school, but they decorated it really nice. I think the first one I went to was the spring formal. I was way too shy and awkward for the winter one, and finally
after almost a year had gotten enough courage to ask the girl I wanted to go with.”

  “At least you got to go with someone you liked!”

  “She said no. I ended up going with a friend of my mom’s daughter. She was really into science fiction and comic books and wore Chucks, pants, and a tuxedo shirt to the dance.”

  Alison giggled. “That’s funny. Hey, you remember it, so it couldn’t have been that terrible.”

  “Or he remembers it because it really was that bad.”

  Horace grimaced. “Probably the latter. I didn’t live it down at school for about two years. The girl actually ended up going on to be like this super-hot national cosplayer, dressing up and traveling the country as different Anime characters. Strange career, but everyone knew her in that circle, and she was happy.”

  Izzie smiled. “That’s really all that matters in the end.”

  “What about you, Alison? You have a date?”

  Alison blushed and shook her head, still petting the cat. “No, no one asked me.”

  “That’s all right,” Izzie replied. “We can both go with Henry. He will understand, and he’ll have two gorgeous ladies on his arm.”

  “That sounds like a win for him,” Horace agreed.

  Alison wasn’t so sure.


  That Saturday night the level of excitement, nerves, and every other emotion were practically bursting from the old Georgian mansion on the hill. Everyone in the school was bursting at the seams to get to the dance, let loose, and even possibly make a love connection. It was the first full-school social event, and they had transformed the cafeteria into a dancehall. The seniors had worked tirelessly through the day, magically putting up every decoration on their list. Some were physical decorations, while the rest were glamours. Even Horace was there, putting out the freshly cut roses they had spent so much time cultivating in the greenhouses over the winter. He had been almost sad to cut them, but he knew that in a matter of months he would have to replant them anyway.


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