by TB Markinson
“I’m not chasing anyone!”
“You know, you’re being much more vocal than usual. Do you need a lecture about how to keep a poker face?” His face went completely blank as an example. “It helps not just with your personal life but in business.”
“What business? Grad school?” Mom clearly enjoyed seeing her only child in the hot seat since she skipped taking a potshot at Roger, her favorite target.
“Hey, I’ve been writing. My advisor and Dr. Brown think my latest story is a great addition to my thesis.”
“Jake’s read it but not me? Why haven’t you sent me the draft yet?” Mom eyed me menacingly over the rim of her glass.
“Cutting the apron strings.” I pantomimed snipping them with scissors.
“Careful, Cori. Don’t let your ego ruin you. Praise is great, but don’t mistake that for success. Being an author involves brutal honesty.” She let that sink in. “I’ve respected your request not to persuade my publisher or agent to pick you up. But, let me help you this way. We all know you’ll never take a job from Roger—too many exes to avoid.”
I let the exes comment roll off my back. Quite simply, that was the best way to handle her barbs to avoid the deathblow. But I took her words about honesty to heart. Mom told it how it was, but she also guided me, usually in the right direction, at least when it came to writing. Not many newbies could include Nell Tisdale in their beta group, and I’d be a fool to allow my independence to interfere with the opportunity.
“And, let’s not forget you’ve been one of my beta readers for how long now?”
“Years.” Sighing, I sipped my water. “I’ll email it first thing tomorrow.”
“Not tonight?” Mom pretended to crack a whip, accompanied by a zapping sound. “Oh, that’s right. You’ve been beckoned.”
I laughed. “Yes, I have. And clearly dinner is over.” I tossed my napkin on the table and cleared my dishes to the kitchen.
Rinsing them at the sink, I looked out the window to see the darkening sky. Footsteps put me on alert. Was Mom coming in for round two?
“Don’t let their teasing get to you.” Dad put an arm around my waist. “They mean well.”
“Thanks. You’re a special man to put up with Mom.”
“Don’t I know it?” He jerked his thumb to his chest. “You know, she used to beckon me, and I went running every time. Still do.” He winked, taking my water glass from my hand and swatting my ass. “Now, scoot.”
I hugged him and exited the house via the garage. Mom, Barb, and Roger stood on the veranda overlooking the driveway. All of them with shit-eating grins on their faces as I backed out.
“I’ll never live this down if Kat and I flame out before the first year,” I muttered.
Chapter Thirteen
Kat greeted me at the door. Before saying hello, she yanked me inside, forcing me against the closed door and kissing me passionately.
She pulled away too soon, running a hand down the front of my shirt. “You’re bad for me.”
I crinkled my brow. “How so?”
Kat twirled around and pointed to her easel. “Because I haven’t been able to touch my paints all day. When I don’t finish a painting, I don’t get paid.”
I placed an innocent hand on my chest. “And that’s my fault?”
“Not to get all cliché on your ass, but I can’t get you out of my mind.” Her sheepish smile held a hint of deviousness.
It was my turn to kiss her, taking it slow, enjoying not the possession but the feel and taste of her. If I wasn’t careful, I’d start to crave her even more than I already did. Who was I kidding? How could I stop myself from wanting more?
“I just endured a meal filled with ridicule because my family thinks I’m under your spell.”
She tugged on the drawstrings of my gray Harvard hoodie, pulling me closer to her. “Are you saying you aren’t?”
“To them, absolutely.”
“And to me?” She rested her forehead against mine.
“I’m all yours. Do with me what you will.”
“Good. Sit here.” She shoved me into a beat-up recliner stashed in the corner by the door. “I need to get some work done, and the only way I can is with you here.”
I laughed. “You called me over to sit and look pretty so you can work.”
“Is that a problem?” The cocky slant of her head spoke to me more than her words.
I licked my lips. “Nope. But…”
She widened her eyes, giving me access to her thoughts. “Yes, Cori?” God, I loved how she said my name.
“I’m not good at just sitting.”
“Are you trying to imply something?”
I put my hands up. “Not trying to interfere with your work. I respect it. Just saying, sitting and being quiet isn’t my strength.”
Kat nodded as if she hadn’t considered that. Tapping her fingers against her lips, she contemplated the issue. “I have the perfect solution. How about you read this?” She rummaged through a stack of library books, retrieving a copy of The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. “Time to cut your teeth on a true writer from Dickens’s time period.”
“Just because I prefer Dickens doesn’t mean I haven’t read anything by Mr. Collins.”
“Mr. Collins.” She laughed. “So formal. I much prefer Wilkie.” The way she said it turned me on. Was that her intent? Or was it simply the fact that anything Kat did was sexy as hell? “Now, do you want a drink? I have some beer. Water. Soy milk.”
“Beer works.”
She strutted to the fridge, the twist of her hips elevating my temperature. “I had a feeling,” she said, rubbernecking over her shoulder and gauging her impact on me.
“I wish the walk was a mile longer.”
“I bet you do.”
“I have a feeling you like putting on your Kat show for my benefit.”
She thrust the cold bottle into my hand, condensation already dripping down the sides. “That’s very possible.” She shoved me into the chair. “Now be quiet.”
I puffed out my cheeks.
“Something on your mind?” She picked up a paintbrush.
“Not sure I should admit it.”
“Yes, you should.” She mixed some paints on the pallet.
“I could get used to this.”
“Which part? Watching? Sometimes painting with me? Being bossed around? Being here?” Kat mimed she could go on.
“Yes.” I cracked the book open to page one.
Her laughter was comforting. “Good to know. Please don’t keep those thoughts to yourself. Not from me.”
“What thoughts do you keep to yourself?” I pulled the lever on the recliner, elevating my feet and settling in for the long haul.
“I don’t.”
“Come on. Nothing?”
She peered around the canvas. “Not really.”
“Not buying that. I know you’re an open book, but everyone has something they don’t talk about.”
She dabbed her forehead with the back of her hand, still clutching the brush. “Like what?”
“Your family, for one.”
She stood absolutely still, the color draining from her face. “You have me there.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” I lowered the book to my lap. “Do you want to talk about them?”
“Not really. Not now.”
I took a swallow of beer, giving her time.
She disappeared behind the canvas. “Not tonight. But…”
“Yes?” I prodded with gentleness in my tone.
“I will. I promise.”
“Good.” I took another drink. “Speaking of families, my aunt asked if you’d like to help set up a show next weekend, and she’s having a social at the gallery on Thursday.”
Kat peered around the easel, her smile curious. “What show? I’m terrible about keeping up with all the goings on in the art world.”
“No idea. I
t’s something we do whenever she needs help. Even my father is coming, and he’s not a handyman. More like a menace. You’ve been warned.” I made my voice sound grave.
“Will it be dangerous?” Her voice and eyes said she was joking, but the way she held her arms showed some vulnerability.
“I’ll protect you.”
“Will you slay dragons for me?”
“Of course. Even imaginary ones.”
She stopped working again to pin me with serious eyes. “I don’t understand it, but when you speak like that, I feel better.”
“Ah, every beautiful woman wants a caveman.” I winked at her.
“Not sure you qualify as one. Not many drive a Mercedes.”
“Did you watch my awesome parallel parking skills?” I jerked a thumb toward the street.
“I happened to be in a window.”
“Like a princess.”
“Not sure about that. Now read because I’m not getting much done and I need to get this done. A girl has to eat and pay rent.”
“Not to mention shop.” I eyed a Victoria’s Secret bag in the corner and wondered if she had new panties on under her torn jeans.
“Everyone needs a hobby.”
The time passed pleasantly. Kat painted. I read. She didn’t seem to mind when I helped myself to another beer in the fridge. Actually, I wasn’t even sure she noticed.
After my third, I heard her set her pallet and brush down. She pulled the fingertips of her right hand down with her left, repeating the process for the other hand. Then she bent over, stretching her back.
“Most don’t know it helps to stay in shape. Standing on one’s feet is tiring.” Kat cracked her neck.
“I’m not sure about my skills, but I think I can manage a semi-decent massage.”
“Is that right?” Her eyes sparkled. She perched on the arm of the chair, slipping the book out of my hand. “Not bad,” she said when she noticed I’d read roughly ninety pages.
“I only have a smidge of caveman in me.” I held my forefinger and thumb half an inch apart.
“I prefer knights to cavemen anyway.” She winked. “Now for the rest of the night.” She craned her neck to eye the empty beer bottles on the other side of the chair. “It appears I can’t let you drive home in this condition.”
“My mom wouldn’t take it well if I crashed her car.”
“It’s your mom’s car?”
“Yep. Most of the time, I use public transportation.”
She smiled. “I like that.”
“My being environmentally friendly?”
“Partly. I’m a fanatic about recycling. But, I was referring to you not being so spoiled.”
“Are you kidding me? My mom would sit me across her lap if I acted like a brat.”
She quirked her eyebrow. “That does give me an idea.”
I pulled her onto my lap.
She didn’t fight me. “This isn’t entirely what I had in mind.”
“It’s what I’ve wanted to do all night.”
“Manhandle me?” She played with the strands of hair that had escaped from the ponytail on the back of my neck.
“Hold you in my arms. They feel so empty without you.”
“What about your lips?” she asked, her tone purposefully sexy.
“Completely neglected.”
She inched closer. “I might be able to help with that.”
“You’re the only one who can.”
Kat pulled back, smiling. “Is that so?”
I swallowed. “Yes.”
She put a finger to her chin. “Seems I have the upper hand.”
I laughed. “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
Kat wrapped her arms around my neck. “Are you calling me a tyrant?”
“You may be using your power over me.”
She hopped off my lap. “Let’s see what I can get you to do.” She opened the doors and yanked down the Murphy bed. Glancing over her shoulder, she said, “Don’t look too happy. It’s not what you think.”
I stood, stretching my arms and feigning a massive yawn. “It appears to be a bed.”
“Your powers of perception are astounding.” She slipped out of her jeans, revealing shockingly white lace panties contrasting well with her tanned legs. Her tank top disappeared along with her simple white bra. “Are you coming to bed?”
I kicked off my flip-flops, shed my shorts, and cast my shirt onto the recliner.
Kat slinked behind me, unclasping my bra. Getting on her knees, she slid my cotton underwear down my legs. “It must take hours to explore every inch of you.”
The sensation of goose bumps spreading over my skin prevented me from speaking.
“I’m willing to bet you aren’t cold, but just in case, let me warm you up.” She pushed me onto the bed, not bothering to pull back the thin slate-colored duvet. Kat lay on top of me, resting her head on my chest. “You okay? Your heart is pounding away.”
I ran my fingers through her silky dark hair. “I think so, but if I have a heart attack, it’ll be all your fault.”
She propped her head onto an elbow, running her other hand over my chest and stomach. “What have I done?”
I leaned up and kissed her. “Your existence sends me into a tizzy.”
Kat’s mouth made its way to the hollow of my throat. Licking and nipping her way to my nipple, she asked in a breathy voice, “Does this help your symptoms?”
I sucked in a breath, squeezing my eyes shut. “Yes.”
She moved to my other nipple. “I probably should let you in on a secret.”
“What could that be?” I kept my eyes closed, unconcerned by what she had to reveal.
“This isn’t going to end the way you think it will.” Her knee separated my legs, her hip rubbing against me.
“It’s starting off wonderfully. Why script the ending?” I pulled her lips to my mouth. “Kiss me, please.”
Her expression seemed to toy with making me beg. “If I do, will you do what I ask?”
“Honey, you can get me to walk through Downtown Crossing on all fours barking like a dog in broad daylight.”
Her soft laughter tickled my senses. “That would be something to see.” Her lips brushed against mine. “But I’m not sure I want to share you. Not yet.”
“And I’m the caveman?” I joked.
“This may surprise you, but I do believe in some traditional aspects of relationships.” She nipped my earlobe. “If you sleep with me, you agree to sleep with only me.”
I nodded as if that was obvious. “Who in their right mind would ever want another woman?”
Her face hovered over mine. “I’m not kidding. I don’t condone cheating.”
The forceful way she said it made it clear someone had broken her heart by stepping out. “Neither do I. It’s a sensitive subject for me.”
She scrunched her forehead but didn’t pursue the topic. How could I explain Barb and Roger’s relationship, not to mention the Annie mess? I had never cheated on anyone, but the whole Annie situation was doing a number on my head. While Annie and I had an agreement, it was painfully clear she thought our relationship was heading somewhere, resulting in Annie getting hurt.
I cupped the side of her face. “What other rules should I know?”
“I don’t do things halfway. If I decide to do it, I’m all in.”
“I’m the same. Let me show you.”
“Tonight?” She waggled her brows. The way her panties rubbed against my clit brought me one step closer to her.
“Over time, Kat.”
Something in her expression changed, erasing the cloud that appeared when she brought up cheating. “In that case, maybe you’re ready.”
“For what?”
“To make love. I had planned on making you masturbate for me and that’s all.”
There wasn’t a clock nearby, but I ventured, “The night is young. Let’s see where we go from here
.” My hand slipped down my front.
She widened her eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am.”
My knuckle skimmed the warmth seeping through her undergarment. Then, I parted my pussy lips. “You’ve made me so wet.”
Kat repositioned to the side, taking my nipple in her mouth but watching the action down south. “I’m pretty sure it’s a team effort.” She bit down hard on my nipple, causing my back to arch off the bed. “Don’t stop, please.” The begging in her tone initiated a squirt of juice to lubricate my fingers.
“Tell me what you want. Rub my clit or inside?”
“Circle your clit. Soft and slow.” There was a hitch in her voice.
It was swollen and wet. “I don’t normally do this.” My head sunk into the comforter.
“You don’t masturbate?” There was a renewed energy to her tone.
I chuckled softly. “Of course, I do that. I mean, I don’t usually with an audience. And never as the first time.”
“Ah.” She stroked my nipple with her tongue, trailing it upward, not stopping until she reached my bottom lip, tugging it with her teeth. “I like experiencing a first with you.”
“This is our second first. Art therapy. Now…”
She jerked her head to my fingers. “Go inside. Not far.”
A shudder went through me.
My muscles contracted around my finger.
“Add another.” Her hand snaked down my front, raking through my pubic hair. “That’s right. Go in deeper.”
Both of us watched.
“I want a taste,” she said.
Before I could react, she skimmed her finger over my bulging lips and proceeded to lick her finger like it was an ice cream cone. “Would you like a taste?”
I nodded.
I expected she’d offer me a sample of my juices, but she reached under her panties, and from how far her wrist went in, I was certain she delved deep.
“Jesus!” I exclaimed.
“It’s only fair this way,” she said, her eyelashes fluttering coquettishly.
Her finger entered my mouth, and my free hand held it in place as I sucked every drop. “Jesus,” I repeated when she managed to pull it out.
“I’m starting to think you like me.”