The Thing: from the Depths of Hell

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The Thing: from the Depths of Hell Page 7

by V Bertolaccini

  The alien believed it had many far superior science advantages, and needless to say it thought that they never had any proper portable weapons capable of destroying it or damaging it.

  In fact, they had so little on it that many people who knew it was there thought it was of a supernatural nature, and that it was beyond their powers, and them to do anything.

  Where had it come from? There were no clues found anywhere!

  What the hell was it? There was nothing remotely known or recorded anywhere about it!

  Yet most people could answer why it had gone to such lengths to get on the spacecraft, and why it wanted to destroy everyone!

  The people that had been with it the most and were the most confident with it were Don, Major Ripley, and Kruger – who had examined it before its attack against them.

  It was soon realized that all three had the best experience and knowledge of it, and they were regularly called up for help, and Colonel Pratt, who was still leading the search and possible annihilation of it, had many times contacted them for information.

  Military intelligence, investigators, scientists, explorers, and a whole range of experts of every field were bought in to take part, and everyone else aboard regularly warned and asked for help, and were given weapons to defend themselves, and to help kill it, and were asked to give locations of any sightings, and to help stop its threat to humanity and the outside world, if it used the spacecraft to return to civilization.

  Chapter 23

  The Alien Surveillance

  In the end Kruger and the paranormal scientists decided against going near or in the direct path of the alien, and located at a place where other scientists and the military had regularly occupied, where they could make an exit if it changed its path in their direction, and was still close enough to make observations of it, with cameras and vast amounts of surveillance equipment.

  The alien was predictable, since it had beaten their weapons and killed large amounts of soldiers, and mainly intended to wipe everyone out and scare the living daylights out of them doing it.

  The paranormal scientists had consultations with the other scientists and the military, and they now entirely left their minds open to what was there.

  Their next big surprise was their first view of it through powerful optical equipment, used with astrologists, to give them a real view of the alien, and what they were up against.

  Mitchel looked through it first, while Bryan watched him observing it, and he was surprised at how much he reacted.

  “This is entirely new!” Mitchel stated, and he allowed Bryan to see it, and he watched it as if he had been waiting all his life to see it, and gasped loudly, and examined what he was looking at with what can be described as staggered.

  “What do you make of it?” Major Ripley asked, walking over to them. “We so far have had nothing properly put forward on what its identity is!”

  The two scientists consulted quietly, and seemed to avoid giving a firm answer or anything that they would regret giving.

  “We do think it could be something of an mysterious nature!” Mitchel then answered. “But we do not know what the hell the thing is! We have not heard of anything like it!”

  Kruger knew that they did think it was of paranormal origins, and that they were not going to ruin their repetitions on something that could turn out to be something else, and he then heard them mutter it in a silent conversation with each other.

  What surprised him and a few others was how they reacted, and treated it, and that they had something at last, and that they had been waiting the majority of their lives for.

  The blood red devil astounded them enough to believe that they were dealing with something supernatural that had taken an ancient form, and they consulted with each other openly on what it could be, while leaving it open to anyone to add to, and for the other scientist to give their thoughts of, and that they all agreed that they thought it was new, and of an entirely new status.

  After a great deal of discussions and surveillance, and checking of readings, and of observing it through monitors, from every form of surveillance, from all the equipment everyone had set up, they all remained set on leaving it open, and they took recordings of all the information, and only admitted to that it was more advanced than anything that they had seen, and perhaps ever see.

  It was then that another discovery was found by one of the other scientists at a location near the alien, and they all moved over to where they were.

  Major approached them first, searching their faces, searching for anything – still wanting to find something to give to the others at the military control center to destroy the alien, and stop it.

  The scientist had been checking sounds at the region of the alien from different equipment around it when he had discovered something strange.

  He turned the volume up of his equipment to allow them to listen to what he had found, and was listening to, from the different places that the sounds were appearing.

  “They are appearing at the locations about the alien, from other locations, from somewhere else!”

  Chapter 24

  The Deadliest Weapons

  The military soon started using every major large weapon that they could get and their military scientists could create for them, and still the alien monster kept coming at them, going on its rampage through the spacecraft, coming straight at them to obliterate them.

  The situation was incredible, and it was beyond belief that anything such as it could have occurred after all the planning and work on the spacecraft and project, by millions over such an immense time.

  Even though they were reducing the amount of deaths more and more, by persuading everyone to leave danger zones, the next problem was that it would vanish and reappear at a new location, with a new course, and shift so fast that they could barely keep up with it, and clear people from its path, and if they placed all the people in the one place, or places, to avoid it, it could massacre them all, and they were best separated, and given locations to avoid, but many never followed their instructions, and even argued with them over it, not realizing the truth, even after continues media coverage, and deaths.

  So, as many soon predicted, it was not long before they started using banned weapons, due to the deadliness and destructive powers of them, and Kruger was brought in to witness many military scientists start work and building highly secretive G1 weapons that had been given names such as antimatter weapons to cover their true powers and source of powers, which were the most deadly weapons available, and the military then banned him from seeing the rest of their construction, due to the secretiveness of all the weapons involved in the operation, which he was sure had been created from a plan that was to be used back home.

  Instead of using just one G1 weapon at a time they decided to use the whole lot simultaneously, with as much force, and different types of force, as they could hurl against it, to wipe it out or at least seriously damage it.

  They intended to use an energy field around it, to hold the explosion into the region to give it more impact and contain the explosion and anything deadly given off.

  From the scientists working on the project he soon gathered that they were the most powerful weapons they could build there!

  They had an incredible magnitude, and their destructive power was immense, and beyond the imaginable, and if they never contained them the spacecraft would probably be completely disintegrated, into nothing, and they would all die there, out in the void, without people back home ever realizing the truth.

  If they sent out a miniature pod back to the Earth they would not hear what had happened for centuries, because of the slowness of normal space vehicles.

  He helped the other scientists and military choose the region that it was to be used in, which would do the least amount of damage to the ship, and where they could close off from the rest of the ship, and after the explosions had been detonated.

  Chapter 25

  The New Detection System
r />   There was something strange about the alien and the way the two paranormal scientists insisted something of a paranormal nature existed, especially after considering that he had not actually heard them come out with anything that existed there, and their work showed how accurate they were and always insisted in keeping to the facts and only showing what truly was there.

  He did have a great passion for the new and fantastic, and the investigation of paranormal activity was really interesting, when done correctly, and there at least looked as though there could be something truly there, and not the stuff that appeared on the media, which was just a joke.

  He believed there were strange phenomena that had not be fully explained, and he had come across small occurrences himself, but not hauntings and such like.

  Though he had never properly proven the existence of anything of a supernatural nature he had still investigated everything of that nature that he had come across in the media. Could this thing that they consider is an alien be from beyond this realm of the universe, and be some form supernatural being?

  It was incredible that nobody really investigated anything of that nature, and that all the scientists aboard avoided it and only considered it when it was brought up. Yet he did see their point of view, and that there was barely any real evidence of anything. Take the two paranormal scientists! They could barely even establish anything, and jumped at the chance of finding something that actually was there.

  They were there to investigate anything in that region that could be missed, and might be missed out by other scientists who avoided checking or wasting their funds on.

  The two scientists were accurate in their investigations, and checked everything, and had built up the most advanced research paranormal establishment that there was, containing the most highly advanced equipment that there was available, which they had aboard.

  On arriving at their laboratory, after they had left a message asking him to come over, as they had something, he saw that they had put together something.

  A vast assembly of equipment was all fitted together on a table, and the surrounding room was in a mess, with equipment and tools left everywhere, and it was clear that they had been at work building it for a great deal of time.

  All their assistants were still running about altering and adjusting things, and reading information on various things.

  The thing was beyond him! He could barely guess what parts of it were for! Yet it interested him greatly, especially with their interest in it, and their reactions to it, and as though they had been waiting all their lives to create it, and had not because of some unknown reason, and the fact that they never had all their technology available to use. And it clearly could damage the equipment that they were using with it, as well as part of it, and the fact that it was expensive stuff, and perhaps the only stuff available on the ship.

  They were there to investigate what other scientists could not, and do it to a greater degree than ever before, and he was positive by their reactions that they had never had their day, and encounter with anything for them to them use their stuff properly on, and they had even considered that they might never come upon anything, and achieve their goal, and that it would be left for the people who followed them someday to find and get marked in the history books for, even though they would be remembered for creating the stuff, and setting up their group.

  If only they could just find something that had gone undetected by everyone else, with their detection methods and equipment!

  He staggered when he considered what they could come up with, as they had advanced far further than he had even imagined, and the place was packed solid with ever form of equipment possible, and it went beyond his imagination what they might do.

  It was like an experiment to them to see what would happen if they pushed beyond the boundaries of natural science, and out it to the supernatural.

  The dark sky of the void through the porthole now showed him the abyss of billions of light years of blackness that there was between there and the Earth, and the dangers of their exploration, and he considered if he would ever arrive home.

  “Well, we have finished!” Mitchel announced, dragging himself away from his work on the equipment.

  It was incredible! He realized that he had been there for an hour and they still had not notified him what they were doing, and what it was for.

  Bryan marched over, with a smile, and patted his arm.

  “We are here to help you!” he announced. “We do not want all our work being ruined, and all our valuable stuff available everywhere before we have properly used it!”

  Kruger did see their point of view!

  “You’re correct, of course,” he replied. “And you should be paid for the invention and sale of the equipment, and make all the major findings ...”

  Both scientists thanked him, and were surprised that he had even realized what they had done.

  “As one of the leading scientists on aliens here, your work interests me greatly!” he informed them, even though they knew what he was about anyway.

  “You’ll love this then ...” Bryan replied, looking at their invention, completed and ready for action.

  Kruger examined their scientists and the equipment carefully, and tried again at estimating what they were doing, and left it until they either told him or showed him its use, and he was sure that it was the latter, as it might be better just to show it.

  They silently considered what to tell him!

  “When we finished checking outside,” Bryan stated, “we realized that we could come up with something to use in the spacecraft to check the alien ...

  “Well, after we saw the alien, and heard those sounds, which appeared all around it, at specific regions, we realized we should!”

  “So you can properly check the alien further?” Kruger replied.

  “We can check it within other dimensions ... And those sounds that appeared all around it ...”

  Chapter 26

  The Multidimensional Equipment

  Once they had safely moved all the equipment over to a region near the alien, other scientist joined them, and Major Ripley arrived, and stood wondering, looking worried, and occasionally examined the equipment, confused.

  Major Ripley was still worried about the weapons that they were going to use there, as well as just about the entire military, especially those dealing with it, and the magnitude of weapons, and they had clearly started thinking of the alien as being a less of a danger now.

  The whole ship knew of the affair, and people were relocating to the opposite side of the ship, for safety.

  Finally Major Ripley moved up close to the equipment, and asked, “Well, are you going to give us something about what this is about?”

  “It is basically to check the alien further than before,” Mitchel replied. “It is also a more accurate way of detecting where it is, and what is with it!”

  “So you should theoretically be able to detect anything around here as well?”

  “Yes! And all over the spacecraft! It can properly check the whole spacecraft for it, and anything like it!”

  Kruger sensed that there was something else that they were not saying, but he would only need to wait for a while for them to tell him what.

  While Mitchel considered what to say next they examined the information screens on the equipment, and he wondered if the stuff worked anything like the stuff for detecting neutrinos, and he considered what it was.

  “We found something new out in the void!” Bryan continued, updating Major Ripley and the other scientists on what they had found. “And we have not seen anything like it before! It is totally unknown, and has intelligence!”

  “A life form that exists in space, and that void?”

  “We do not know if it is a life form, or what it is, but it exists multidimensionally!”

  All the scientist looked over, fascinated, and Major Ripley also became fascinated too.

  “You mean there are definitely outer di
mensions? And you have equipment that can detect outer dimensions? I never knew all that stuff actually existed! I have not seen it proven to exist!”

  “Exactly! This is the first of its kind! And it is confidential, of course.”

  “Of course! It is new then, and it needs to be checked out in the field, and we may also come up with other finds before anyone else does!”

  “Correct! You get it now!”

  “Could this alien monster, running around the ship, be connected to it?”

  “That could explain where it came from!”

  “It had to have come from somewhere!”

  “Exactly! And that is why we wish you to know of our classified equipment! We have barely done full research on it!”

  Chapter 27

  Multidimensional Presence

  By some phenomenon the instruments scanning the alien showed it in outer dimensions with incredible levels of energy, and all the scientists studied the recordings that they gave them fascinated.

  “So this thing exists in other dimensions then!” Major Ripley asked, and got his confirmation, taking out his communicator to call the military control center of it and all the other findings.

  Kruger noticed some form of powerful magnetic influence from it, and realized that it had confused him, and that he would have to get answers from the two scientists about it.

  “What could create such power?” he asked Mitchel, observing him understanding the information more.

  “This thing is tremendous! I can now see why you had a hard time destroying it. The majority of it is in the other dimensions, and it is not made of normal matter. It is mainly energy to us, but it is far more in its own dimensions.”


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