Peter Drucker's Way to the Top

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Peter Drucker's Way to the Top Page 27

by William Cohen

  ownership of, 254–255

  plan introduction, 194

  problems and opportunities, 194

  resources, 192

  review of, 191

  setting big goals, 186–187

  situational analysis, 194

  strategy for plan implementation, 195–196

  strategy principles, 196–202

  tactics, 195

  unexpected circumstances, 203–204

  Grand Hyatt, 247

  De Grasse, Francois, 253

  Green Bay Packers, 39–40, 271

  Groves, General, 77

  Gulf War, 53

  Gutenberg, 234


  Hackworth, David, 77

  Haig, Jr., Alexander, 53

  Hamburg University, 10

  Hamilton, Alexander, 97

  Hamilton, Booz Allen, 198–199

  Hansen, Mark Victor, 99, 100

  Happiness research, 271–273

  Harry, Prince, 45

  Hart, Hornell, 271

  Hart, Liddell, 200

  Harvard, 78, 214, 218, 227, 231, 250

  Harvard Business Review, 7, 227

  Haughton, Daniel, 69

  Heisman Trophy, 272–273

  Henry, Patrick, 49–50

  Hesselbein, Frances, 9, 35, 43

  Hill, Napoleon, 185

  Hippocrates, 73

  “Hit ‘em Where They Ain’t,” 228–229

  Hitler, Adolf, 16, 65, 84, 105, 112, 191, 192, 269

  Hodgson, Peter, 212

  Home Laughlin China Co., 158–159

  Honour, defined, 63

  Hopkins, Claude, 95, 96

  Horns of a dilemma, 199–200

  Humiliation of Drucker, 11–12

  Hundred Years War, 166

  Hussein, Saddam, 126

  Hyatt Hotels, 247

  Hypnosis, 127–128, 185–186


  IBM, 21, 24–27, 136, 139, 140, 144, 146, 213

  ICS, Inc., 21, 26, 27, 213

  Idea, ownership of, 254–255

  Imitation, creative, 24–26

  Implementation of plans, 100–101

  Impossible, daring. See Daring the impossible for extraordinary achievements

  Incongruities as source of innovation opportunity, 213–215

  Indiana Jones movie, 82

  Indirection influence strategy, 247–248

  Industrial College of the Armed Forces, 9

  Industry structures as source of innovation opportunity, 216–217

  Influence on others

  communication, 244–251

  competing vice presidents, 242–243

  Drucker as man of application, not theory, 241–242

  German colonels, 243–244

  ownership of ideas, strategies and goals, 254–255

  work as fun, 251–254

  Inland Laboratories, 165, 166

  Innovation, 209–221

  bright ideas, 210–211

  change leaders, 209–210

  creative imitation, 25–26

  demographics as opportunity, 217–218

  follow the way of, 230

  incongruities as opportunity, 213–215

  industry and market structures as opportunity, 216–217

  new knowledge as opportunity, 219–221

  perception changes as opportunity, 218–219

  personal, 210

  process need as opportunity, 215–216

  unexpected source of opportunity, 212

  Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Drucker), 21, 228

  Institute of Leader Arts, 275, 277


  code of values, 72

  defined, 62

  leadership traits, 53

  Internet, 220

  Intron Therapeutics, 165

  Involvement influence strategy, 254

  Israel, 246–247

  Iverson, Ken, 142–143


  Jackson, Andrew, 210

  Jackson, Ira, 61


  bribes, 69–72

  ethics, 63, 72

  quality of goods, 89

  ringi technique, 254

  Jaws movie, 82

  J.C. Penney, 91

  Jenner, Bruce, 180

  Jerusalem, 246

  Jesus, 136

  JetStar, 173

  The Jewish Question in Germany (Drucker), 105

  Joan of Arc, 167

  Jobs, Steve, 13, 24

  Johnson, President, 245

  Jossey-Bass, 9

  Journal of Marketing, 220

  Juggling, 95–96

  Jung, Carl, 81

  Juran, 89

  Jurassic Park movie, 82


  KA-BAR knife, 143

  Karrass, Chester, 254

  Keeler, Wee Willie, 228–229

  Kelleher, Herb, 153

  Kennedy, Jack, 245

  Kentucky Fried Chicken, 83

  Kettering, Charles, 216

  Kim, W. Chan, 26, 229

  King, Martin Luther, 91

  Knowledge, 77–85

  in business, 79–80

  experts, 82–83

  leadership traits, 54

  learning from experience, 83–84

  never stop learning, 84–85

  people as individuals, 81–82

  as source of innovation opportunity, 219–221

  victory and success, 78–79

  Korean War, 77

  Kotchian, Carl, 69

  Kotler, Philip, 26, 230

  Kyes, William, 37–38

  Kyropaidaia, 121


  Laine, Erick, 143–144

  Lands’ End, Inc., 141–142

  Langer, Ellen, 250

  Laventhol, David, 125, 126

  Law and ethics, 68–69

  Laws of leadership, 51–55

  Lay-offs, 137–138, 140–143

  Leader, change, 209–210


  battlefield, 49–51

  essence of success, 55–56

  knowledge, 79–80

  opportunities for, 43

  success, 51–55

  Universal Laws of Leadership, 55, 56

  Leading, betting out in front, 166

  Lenart, Lou, 263–265

  Lever Brothers, 201–205

  Levitt, Theodore, 231

  Lincoln, Abraham, 196, 271

  Lockheed Aircraft, 69–70

  Lombardi, Vince, 39–40, 271

  Los Angeles Times, 41, 107, 125, 198

  Louis, Dickson, 125

  Luth, Wolfgang, 78–79

  Lutz, Robert, 53

  Lyft, 2

  Lying, exceptions to, 67–68


  MacArthur, Douglas, 55, 78

  Malden Mills, 137, 138, 144

  Malek, Fred, 213–214

  Management by objectives (MBO), 191

  Management Challenges for the 21st Century (Drucker), 229

  The Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton), 154

  Managers, corporate, 270

  Marchiony, Italo, 28

  Market structures as source of innovation opportunity, 216–217

  Marketing, 225–237

  career application of, 230

  concept, 231–233

  Drucker’s methodology, 225–228

  Drucker’s rules, 228–230

  marketing orientation, 235–236

  orientation, 235–236

  product orientation, 234–235

  production orientation, 234

  sales orientation, 235

  sales techniques, 230–231

  self-management, 233

  selling vs., 231–233

  social responsibility, 236–237

  Markets, unserved, 22–26

  Markle, Meghan, 45

  Marshall, George C., 246

  Mary Kay Ash Cosmetics, 29–30

  Mary Kay Cosmetics, 44

  Mauborgne, Renée, 26, 229

  Maxims (Bonapa
rte), 106

  McGovern, R. Gordon, 236

  McGregor, Douglas, 13

  Meet the Press, 214

  Mein Kampf (My Struggle) (Hitler), 16

  Mental rehearsal, 127

  Method used by Drucker, 13–14

  Methods to reach success, 8

  Microsoft, 123, 197


  achieving the impossible, 36–38

  American War of Independence, 253

  Battle of Cunaxa, 121

  battlefield leadership, 49–51

  Cold War, 64

  expecting positive results, 121–123, 125–127

  Gulf War, 53

  Hundred Years War, 166

  Korean War, 77

  Operation Desert Storm, 127

  Revolutionary War, 50

  risk analysis, 263–265

  War of 1812, 210

  World War I, 9, 55, 84, 163, 243

  World War II, 65, 78, 79, 84, 112, 212

  Miller, Maryanne, 168–169

  Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M), 140–141, 144

  Minorities and expecting success, 126–127

  Mirror test, 73

  Mission and people, concern for, 154–155

  MIT, 41, 42, 138

  Montgomery, Marshall, 79

  Morality, defined, 62

  Morita, Akio, 154

  Mouton, Jane, 154

  Mura, Agnes, 170

  My Life in Advertising (Hopkins), 95

  Myers, Isabel, 81

  Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), 81


  Nance, David, 165

  Napoleon, 51

  National Bank of the United States, 210

  National Football League (NFL), 40

  Naughton, Daniel J., 69

  Nazism, 105

  NBC, 198

  Negotiation influence strategy, 252–253

  Netflix, 2

  New York Times, 113, 271

  New York University, 21, 98, 106, 227, 228, 259, 270

  The New Managerial Grid (Blake & Mouton), 154

  Newman, Paul, 99

  Newsweek, 154


  ecological, 26–27

  marketing, 213

  specialized, 26–27

  Nightingale Corporation, 186

  Nixon, 213

  Northwestern University, 230

  Nucor Corporation, 142–143


  Obama, Barack, 45, 196

  Objectives, 194

  Office of executives and employees, 157–158

  Ohio Precision Castings, 110

  Olympics, 39, 169–171, 180, 280

  Online executive education, 218

  Operation Desert Storm, 127


  demographics, 217–218

  goals, 194, 202–203

  incongruities, 213–215

  industry and market structures, 216–217

  new knowledge, 219–221

  perception changes, 218–219

  process need, 215–216

  risk as, 265

  unexpected source of, 212

  Organizational readiness inspection (ORI), 36, 38


  Pan American Airways, 209

  Pascal, Blaise, 63

  Pastiak, Grace, 113–114

  Patterson, George, 109–111

  Patton, George, 184

  Peak Performers (Garfield), 128

  Peale, Norman Vincent, 91, 271, 272

  Pearl Harbor, 64

  Penicillin, 220

  Perception changes as source of innovation opportunity, 218–219

  Perot, Ross, 53

  Personal responsibility, 144–145, 152–153

  Persuasion influence strategy, 251–252

  Peter Drucker on Consulting (Cohen), 277

  Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management, 2–3, 11, 15, 61

  Physical fitness as confidence builder, 184–185

  Pierce, John, 25

  Plan. See also Goals

  development, 99–100

  goals and objectives, 194

  implementation, 195–196

  introduction, 194

  organizing, 193–194

  reaching goals, 193–194

  Polartec LLC, 138

  Pope, 246

  Positive attitude. See Attitude, positive

  Positive results. See Expecting positive results

  Positive thinkers, 124–125

  Pour Your Heart Into It (Schultz), 156

  Powell, Colin, 125–127, 213–214

  The Power of Positive Thinking (Peale), 91, 271

  Powers, Francis Gary, 64

  The Practical Drucker (Cohen), 15

  The Practice of Management (Drucker), 23, 121, 191

  Predictions, 12–13

  Pricing, 28–29

  PrimalScream, 106–108

  Princeton, 78

  Printing press, 234

  Prisoner’s Dilemma, 199–200

  Pritchard, Beth, 168

  Process need as source of innovation opportunity, 215–216

  Proctor & Gamble (P&G), 202, 203, 204

  Product orientation, 234–235

  Production orientation, 234

  Profit, ethics of, 66–67

  Promotion of expectations, 100–101

  Prudence, ethics of, 65–66

  Public work beginning with public humiliation, 11–12


  Quality circles, 89

  Quinn, Jr., William T., 200


  Reagan, Ronald, 169, 171

  Redirection influence strategy, 249

  Repudiation influence strategy, 249–250

  Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), 126

  Resources, planning and strategy, 192


  duty before self, 152–153

  personal, 144–145, 210

  social, 63–64, 151, 236–237

  Revolutionary War, 50

  Risk, 259–265

  affordable, 260

  analysis, 261–262, 263–265

  business or profession, 260, 261

  calculated, 259–260

  cannot afford not to take, 260

  categories, 260–262

  commitment and, 116–117

  fear and, 262–263

  not affordable, 260, 261–262

  opportunities, 265

  success and, 115–116

  Robbins, Tony, 93, 183, 241, 262

  Roberto, Richard, 40, 41, 42

  Rochambeau, Jean, 253

  Rolls-Royce, 216–217

  Roman, Charles, 97–98

  Rommel, Erwin, 79

  Rooney, Phillip, 171–172

  Roosevelt, President, 65

  Rosenstein, Bruce, 7

  Royal Air Force, 187


  Saddleback Church, 8, 35

  St. John’s Church, 49

  Salary cutting, 153


  career application of, 230

  marketing vs., 231–233

  orientation, 235

  way to the top requirements, 230–231

  Sanders, Harland, 83–84

  Sarah Lawrence College, 105

  Savage, Glenn R., 96

  S.C. Johnson, 230

  Schindler’s List movie, 82

  Schultz, Howard, 156–157, 213

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 198

  Schwarzkopf, H. Norman, 53

  Scientific Advertising (Hopkins), 95

  Scott Paper, 138

  Secret of Drucker, 8–10

  Self-confidence, 179–187

  crawling before walking, 180–181

  development of, 124, 182

  disadvantages turned into advantages, 185–186

  in one area, carried over into others, 182–183

  physical fitness as confidence builder, 184–185

  setting big goals, 186–187

  small successes and working up,

  Self-development, 13–14

  Self-hypnosis, 127–128

  Self-management, 233

  Selkin, Carol, 41

  Sequencing of strategy, 200–201

  Shackleton, Ernest Henry, 186–187

  Shao, Minglo, 8

  Sharing the pain, 156

  Shell Oil, 259

  Sheth, Jagdish, 227

  Shinseki, Eric, 9

  Shriver, Maria, 198

  Siciliano, Angelo, 97

  Sierra Engineering Company, 26

  Silly Putty, 212

  Situational analysis, 194

  Situational ethics, 63–64

  Slavery, 68–69

  Smith, Fred, 90–91

  Smith, Michael J., 141–142

  Social reality of customers, 29–30

  Social responsibility, 63–64, 151, 236–237

  Solar car competition, 40–42

  Sony Corporation, 25, 154

  The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, 10

  Southwest Airlines, 153

  Specialized niche, 26–27

  Speech-giving and visualization, 129

  Spielberg, Steven, 82–83

  Spry, 203–204

  Stahl, Friedrich Julius, 105

  Stanford University, 41, 42, 214, 218

  Starbucks, 156–157, 213

  The State Street Corporation, 145

  Stock market prediction, 11–12

  Stone, W. Clement, 115–116, 196


  commit to objective, 196

  direction, 245–247

  do the unexpected, 198

  enlistment, 250–251

  exploiting success, 201–202

  feedback and adjust strategies, 101

  indirect route to your objective, 200

  indirection, 247–248

  involvement, 254

  keeping things simple, 198–199

  Lever Brothers example, 201–205

  negotiation, 252–253

  opportunity and strategy, 202–203

  ownership of, 254–255

  persuasion, 251–252

  plan implementation, 195–196

  planning, 195

  positioning for success, 197

  principles, 196–202

  putting adversaries on the horns of a dilemma, 199–200

  redirection, 249

  repudiation, 249–250

  seize the initiative, 196–197

  timing and sequencing, 200–201

  using resources effectively, 197


  essence of, 55–56

  positioning for, 163

  Sullivan, G. Craig, 96–97

  Super Glue, 212


  Ta, Jennie, 277


  German colonels, 243–244

  planning, 195

  Tai-Pan (Clavell), 248

  Tellabs, 113

  Tenure at universities, 225–227

  Theory X, 13

  Theory Y, 13

  Theory Z, 89

  Think and Grow Rich (Hill), 185 3M, 140–141, 144

  Time Magazine, 138, 169, 171

  Timing of strategy, 200–201

  The Tonight Show, 198

  Total quality management (TQM), 89

  Total Quality (TQ) Management, 130

  Townsend, Robert, 101

  Toys “R” Us, 209


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