Bareback Threesomes: Seduced By A Lesbian (No Limits Erotica Book 2)

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Bareback Threesomes: Seduced By A Lesbian (No Limits Erotica Book 2) Page 2

by Nadia Nightside

  “I don’t know,” said Ariel. “It’s sort of romantic.”

  “You’re a lesbian,” said Rebecca. “You wouldn’t understand.”

  Ariel’s sexual orientation was no secret to Rebecca, of course. Part of their continued friendship rested on the fact that they held zero secrets from one another. So Ariel had, at length, detailed to her several sexual escapades. Almost all of them were true, except the one about getting her pussy licked at the gym. Ariel had never been to a gym. You needed money to go to a gym.

  “I beg your pardon, miss lady, but I’m still a fucking woman. I can want to get pregnant and do one of the things I am biologically primed to do, man in my life or not.”

  “But how would...oh.” Rebecca nodded after a moment. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay.”

  “No, I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry, really.”

  She leaned forward, unintentionally giving Ariel a healthy view of her gorgeous pale cleavage.

  “Well, thank you. I believe you.”

  Rebecca squeezed her hand. “I really am sorry. And you know...” Rebecca shrugged, shy now. “I have fantasies about getting pregnant too. I mean, yeah, having kids and all that. Of course. Lots of people do. But the actual getting pregnant part. The changes your body goes through. All that fertility, and growth, and the know, tits and curves. It’s kind of...I don’t know. It pleases me.”


  With all the alcohol running through her system, Ariel had a little trouble not touching herself at her friend's sexy admissions. The object of all her desires was quite suddenly describing one of Ariel’s hidden, strange desires. Not even Ariel understood it all the way, and here was Rebecca—sexy Rebecca, innocent Rebecca, good girl Rebecca—talking about how hot and fun it could be to get pregnant.

  “Yeah! I don’t know what it is. I just think it’, is all. Whatever!” she threw her hands up. “How did we get on this? Angela. Right. I just think it’s too early, you know? Right? I mean, I may want it some day, but oh my god, right now? That would just be...crazy.”

  “Sure,” said Ariel, looking openly at Rebecca’s huge breasts. “Crazy.”

  Her voice wasn’t committed, though. She still hadn’t quite been able to rectify her rampant desire to be pregnant with her complete lack of desire for a man in her life.

  “If you think about it,” said Ariel, “it’s really just Angela’s business.”


  “It’s only her business. I mean, it’s nice that you care. And I know it comes from a place of affection. But...really, the only reason you care is because her path doesn’t align with some prescription that you’ve been fed by society.”

  Rebecca giggled. “God, I thought I was the one in college. What’s bringing this on?”

  Ariel was emboldened, now. Emboldened, and turned on. She closed the distance between herself and Rebecca, sliding up her friend’s body. Rebecca stiffened, but did not push her away.

  “Sometimes,” said Ariel, “I wonder what it would be like if we didn’t worry about what society thought at all.”

  They embraced. Or rather, Ariel embraced Rebecca. She felt her friend’s resistance, and pushed through it. She didn’t care. It couldn’t matter—she wouldn’t let her friend’s stupid, idiotic doubts affect the perfection of their meeting. It would all work out. Their tits pressed tight on one another. All she had to do with her hot, young body was keep kissing, and rubbing, and enjoying...and there was no doubt in her mind that Rebecca would give in.

  And then...she did. Slowly but surely, Rebecca’s mouth began to melt back into Ariel’s. Her lips urged forward, trying to suckle on Ariel’s, and her tongue probed deep into the brunette’s mouth. She wanted Ariel. Their crotches mixed heat together, sliding on top of one another.

  Slowly, Ariel pushed Rebecca back onto the couch, and kissed her harder. Rebecca’s hands pushed Ariel's tight shorts down, touching the brunette’s shockingly hot pussy.

  “Oh...oh Ariel...”

  Her fingers slid slow up into Ariel’s folds.

  “Yes, do it Rebecca. Do it, please. I want you in there. I want you...”

  Rebecca nodded, moaning affirmatives. She wanted it just as bad. Ariel’s heart leapt. They were going to be together. It was going to work. It was going to—

  Three sharp knocks sounded at the front door.

  “Babe? Hey, babe?”

  The door jimmied as he turned the knob. Luckily, it was locked.

  “Shit,” Rebecca whisper-shrieked. “It’s Holden. I can’t fucking believe it. Shit, shit shit. What am I doing?”

  She rolled out from under Rebecca, shaking her head and pulling her outfit back together.

  “He’s not supposed to be here, what the hell? Did he change his mind?”

  Laughing, Ariel slowly zipped up her hoodie. “He must have.”

  “I...” Rebecca shook her head. “I can’t...”

  Holden’s voice traveled inward once more. “Rebecca?”

  Ariel knew this could all be ruined in an instant. If Rebecca came to the wrong conclusion, or if Ariel said the wrong thing.

  “Go to him, silly,” said Ariel, her smile warm and inviting. “Your man wants to see you. And I don’t blame him.” Leaning in, she kissed Rebecca on the cheek. “I’ll be over in a moment. After I calm down from having your fingers inside of me.”

  It would have been easy, and stupid, to beg Rebecca not to go to him. Or to leave Holden. Or to promise to stay silent. Instead, Ariel played it cool. No one would have to know. Nothing would have to change. By mere allowance and enjoyment, she had shown directly that Rebecca could adore kissing a woman and being with her boyfriend at the same time.

  And that, more than anything, was what Ariel wanted.

  Rebecca, eyes wide, nodded and started downstairs.

  * * * * *

  Inside the cabin, Holden and Rebecca were playing some card game or another, catching up and enjoying one another over a few glasses of wine. Ariel didn’t want to intrude, just yet. It would not work to her advantage to make them feel awkward and uncomfortable. The more they enjoyed themselves, the more they would want to enjoy other sensations. That was how pleasure worked.

  And so, outside on the deck behind the cabin, Ariel lounged in the jacuzzi. Though the air was cold, and the wind whipped fierce around the cabin, the warmth of the water kept Ariel’s gorgeous, busty body languid and comfortable. She lay back, sighing contentedly, rather pleased with the events of the day thus far.

  Ariel worked close to sixty hours a week, and that was on the low end. As a waitress at a small diner, she picked up whatever double-shifts she could find, filling in for co-workers and supervisors alike. But, the diner was owned by a nepotistic miser. Mister Calducci. All the money he earned went directly to himself, and never back into his business. Any positions that opened either went to his children, his cousins and their children, or the friends of any of the above. The second Ariel missed one day of work, she knew she’d be fired.

  “Little girl, little girl,” Calducci would say, every time he strolled into the diner. “You’re lucky you’re pretty. Otherwise I wouldn’t try to find so many reasons to keep you around.”

  It was, in a way, her own fault. She wasn’t able to hold her tongue. When Calducci’s kid Rocko wanted to make people pay before their meals, Ariel spoke up—that would hurt her chances at any sort of a tip. Or, when Calducci’s niece Diane didn’t show up to work for three straight weeks and then shoved one of Ariel’s friends out of her shift, Ariel spoke up.

  And Calducci noticed. And he waited, biding his time, just hurting for the one chance he would need to fire Ariel. And it wasn’t just her—he would fire anyone that missed a single day of work, for any reason. Sick that day? Fired. Sick kids? Fired. Pregnant? Fired. Dead family? Fired.

  She earned just about minimum wage with all her pay and tips combined.

  All the money she earned went toward paying for rent,
utilities, and groceries. Her cell phone was a burner, bought in a convenience store when she had a particularly good night at work. She had no cable, no internet, and was lucky when she could spring for something extra, like chocolate or a hamburger. If she missed a single paycheck, she wouldn’t be able to pay rent. If she wasn’t able to pay rent, she’d be kicked out of her apartment. The only sort of place she could afford was the kind of place with a landlord—like Calducci in many ways—who didn’t give a rat’s ass about any of her reasons and explanations about money flow.

  So. She couldn’t look for a job without taking less shifts. She couldn’t take less shifts and still feed herself and pay rent. She couldn’t ask off from shifts without a month’s notice—like she had for this trip with Rebecca. Job applications had to be scribbled out in a hurry; every time she put one together, she was sacrificing rest on her tiny mattress back home. And so, if she had any sort of job search and job interview, it would have to be arranged in the four to six hours a day she wasn’t working.

  On top of that was the debt. All that debt from her mother and father. It followed after Ariel like a dragon, waiting to snatch her in its jaws. She paid off bits at a time, but could barely reach past the interest most months.

  It was a cycle. It felt endless. And Ariel wanted a way out.

  Rebecca and Holden—together—were that way out for her.

  Ariel knew she probably wasn’t as smart as her friends. They went to college, after all. And she knew that she didn’t have any connections or any wide network of people. Her family was basically non-existent; Rebecca, was, in fact, the closest thing to family she had. More like a sister than a friend.

  The only advantage that Ariel had in the world—the one advantage she knew she could use—was that she was hot. And no matter what it took, she was going to arouse Rebecca and Holden, the richest people she knew, until they were so desperate to fuck her that they’d do anything. Give her anything.

  Give her a better life.

  Today had not been an immediate home run, of course. But that hardly mattered. She had been able to kiss the girl she’d dreamed of for years now. And the kiss was hot, layered with intensity, and most important—it was returned. No one-sided, surprise affair for she and Rebecca, no. Whatever Ariel felt, Rebecca felt too...and that made her hands drift down toward her pussy as she enjoyed the bubbling sensations of the jacuzzi.

  It had been a few hours now since Holden arrived. Ariel had said hello, very polite and even a bit shy, and then slid back into the background. Holden explained how his football camp had been canceled due to the incumbent weather—a real blizzard was expected—and so he was free to hang out with the girls as he wanted.

  It took a particular kind of mind to hear that one activity was canceled due to horrible weather, and then drive up a mountain where the weather would no doubt be worse than anywhere else. But, Ariel wasn’t complaining. Indeed, she had planned out several contingencies just for this very occurrence.

  It was all very simple—she would have to fuck Holden, too. The thought didn’t fill her with any great joy, but the thought of being with a man did strike her as rather exotic.

  Even though she was a lesbian, she thought cocks were rather intriguing. From time to time, she even fantasized about them. Certainly, there was no denying that the construction of her lovely body had been designed with a cock in mind. Although, Ariel’s hot body had been constructed with all sorts of intentions in mind—all of them sexual, and none of them very much depending on solely male or female anatomy.

  She let her hands slide up and down her body, enjoying the feel of herself. With no internet and no television, Ariel’s one true pleasure in life was the way her body looked and felt. She let her fingers slide over her wet nipples through the skintight material of her bikini. Her swimsuit was bright and yellow, held together with tiny strings tied together. Her hands cupped down around her crotch, feeling the heat of the water mixing with the hot heat of her pussy.

  God, she was turned on. That episode with Rebecca had only left her wanting more and more. She couldn’t wait to try again.

  As if the universe listened in to her thoughts, the nearby cabin door opened behind her. She pretended not to notice and kept her eyes closed. Then, slowly, exquisite muscle by exquisite muscle, she stretched upward like a cat. She wanted for all eyes on her to know that the hot tub was warm, relaxing, and inviting.

  When finally she opened her eyes, she noticed that at the door, mouth agape, was Holden. Ariel had been expecting Rebecca...but giving him an erotic display had its advantages as well.

  “Hey there,” he said. “Rebecca's gone up to bed. Too much to drink. I just wanted to let you know. You”


  He nodded graciously. “Sure. Yes.”

  It was hard to stifle her laugh. In several ways, Holden and Rebecca were nearly the same person. It was easy to see how they had come together.

  Such a good boy. I wonder how he’ll take it when I’m sucking him off better than anyone else ever has. No way Rebecca has even touched his cock yet.

  “Do you want to come in?” she offered, moving aside. “There’s plenty of room, and the water feels delicious.”

  “I don’t know if I should.”

  “Don’t be silly,” she said, sliding forward. She leaned on her hands, her tits nearly popping out of her tiny bikini. Her massive globes were wet and shiny. Her fingers slid over their surface, clearly wanting him to think about what it would be like if he touched. “Please? I’d love some company. That’s why I came on this trip, after all.”

  His stance shifted, but his gaze fell firmly on Ariel’s rack. “I thought it was to hang out with Rebecca?”

  He was wavering. Ariel knew she had him. The same way that she knew she had complete control of a customer at her restaurant, that he would give her a massive tip just because she smiled at all his lame jokes.

  “Come on. How shallow do you think I am? She won’t shut up about you. You’re important to her. So,” she tossed her thick, wet hair back casually, pretending not to be aware of how her tits were thrust forward even more, “that means you’re important to me. So let me get to know you. Please?”

  “Sure. Sure, okay.” He looked around for a minute. “Let me just uh, go find my bathing suit and a towel.”

  She laughed. “Come on! It’s not our cabin. Who cares if it gets a little wet while we walk around later? Just wear your undies. I don’t care. I’ll get a towel for you afterward.”

  “You’ll get the towel?”

  “Of course.” She stood up slightly, pretending to be offended. “I mean, aren’t you used to women doing what you ask? You’re so handsome, after all.”

  He blushed harder, his thick biceps flexing in his sweater.

  “Come on in,” urged Ariel. “The water’s so warm...”

  Slowly, he took off his sweater. Ariel let her eyes boggle a bit. He was fucking ripped. His abs were stacked high up into his chest, and his pecs looked molded from stone. His biceps, thick and veiny, bulged with strength. And that wasn’t the only bulging going on. As he removed his pants, she discovered that he wore tight black briefs, but the darkness of the color couldn’t disguise his very real half-hard cock. Or at least, Ariel guessed that it was half-hard. She couldn’t even imagine how large it must be if it was all the way soft and still left such a big impression in the fabric.

  Slowly, he slid into the water. He tried to sit across from Ariel, but she wouldn't allow it, coming close.

  “God, you’re built.” She put a hand on his chest, feeling. “Can I?”

  He might have refused, had her hands not already been on him. That was why, of course, she had touched him before asking. Now that he felt the softness of her touch, it was harder to push her away.

  “Hey...” he coughed. “Come on, now. I thought Rebecca said know.”


  “That you were a lesbian.”

  “Oh, I totally a

  “But...I mean. Come on.”


  She slid her hand further down his hard body, watching him squirm. It was fun to play dumb. It was even more fun to feel the rippling strength he held behind his abs and thighs.

  “I don’t want to cause any trouble, okay? Because Rebecca clearly thinks the world of you. But you’ know you’re fucking hitting on me, don’t you?”

  “Oh. Yeah. I guess I am.” She shrugged, letting her hand slide past his abs, just over his cock. “I’m just really, really interested in what your cock tastes like. And the best way to find out seems like to get you horny enough to want me to suck your cock. That’s all.”

  She said it so innocently that Holden, for a few seconds, seemed to be considering her request with the gravest of sincerity. As if she had said—oh yes, I only need twenty dollars to pay for gas. Won’t you help me out?

  “I...jesus fuck, but you are sexy. You are...”

  He shook his head, and tried to get up. But Ariel wrapped one hand around his bulge, stroking it slow through his briefs.

  “God, you’re big all over, aren’t you? What a sexy boyfriend Rebecca got herself.”

  “Why...why would you want to taste my cock? That doesn’t make sense.”

  “Oh, I love cock.”

  “Rebecca said you were a lesbian, though.”

  She smiled. He already wasn’t aware that he was repeating himself.

  “And I am. But I still love cock.”

  “But you’re a lesbian.”

  Ariel sighed. “So we have established.”

  “Lesbians like pussy if they like anything. They don’t like cock.”

  “I am emotionally a lesbian. If I want to marry anyone, it’s a girl. But I still love cock. Here, I’ll show you.”

  She slid forward and pushed her head under the water. Slowly, she pushed his boxers down and wrapped her mouth around his wet cock. It was rather unusual, trying to suck something underwater—but very fun. She liked the meat of it, the thickness and length. It felt right to wrap her mouth around something like her life depended on it. His cock got hard very quickly, shoving toward the back of her mouth and into her throat.


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