Hacked by Love, Part 3

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Hacked by Love, Part 3 Page 5

by Sharon Cummin

  I burst into laughter. She was hilarious. I should have known better than to attract attention to myself. She turned around and looked me up and down.

  “Who is this?” she asked. “I can only assume she's with Lance.”

  “Oh, I'm not with him,” I said quickly.

  “Is this the girl you told me about, Lucy?” Lance's grandma asked.

  “Come on, Mom,” Lucy said, as she hurried off of Lance's dad's lap, grabbed the woman's arm, and pulled her out of the room.

  Scottie Reid and a very pretty woman walked into the room. She was definitely James' mom.

  “I'm Carrie,” she said, as she walked over to me.

  “I'm Lauren,” I said.

  “How do you know Lance?” she asked.

  “We're both working on the same project,” I answered.

  “Oh,” she said, as her eyes widened.

  I looked over at Lance, and he burst into laughter. As much as I still wanted to kick his ass, I couldn't help but love hearing that laugh.

  “I'm Scott,” Scottie said.

  “Oh, she knows who you are,” Lance said. “She knows a lot about the game.”

  “Really?” Scott asked.

  “Well,” I said with a shrug. “I don't feel like I know much now. I had no idea Lance knew all of you.”

  “Did you think his mom had a thing for baseball and named him after her favorite player?” he asked.

  “Yes,” I said. “I actually did.”

  “That's too funny,” he said. “Lucy loving baseball.”

  “Don't go being sweet to her,” Lance's dad said. “She said I was an old, retired ballplayer.”

  I couldn't stop my eyes from going back to watch Lance with his niece. They were laughing and carrying on together while everyone else talked.

  “Sammie and James have loved it since they were tiny,” Scott said. “We haven't been able to get Lance on board yet. His mom didn't like it at first, but she's grown to love it.”

  “That's because she snagged the hottest one of all,” Lance's dad chimed in.

  “Whatever,” Scott said. “We haven't given up on Lance yet. Maybe you can talk some sense into him.”

  “I doubt that,” I said. “His ass is stubborn.”

  I didn't even have to look Lance's way. The man was glaring at me, I could feel it.

  “I like it,” Lance said. “I just don't live and breathe it.”

  “What got you into it?” Scott asked me.

  I was so nervous, and I was pretty sure they could all see it.

  “Don't be shy,” Scott said. “We're not special. Well, we are, but not because we play ball.”

  He had a huge smile on his face.

  “Seriously,” Lance's dad said as he looked at Lance. “How is she the one that has your balls in a twist? There is no way she's the pain-in-the-ass you told us about.”

  “Mom,” Lance yelled out. “Do something with your man.”

  “Cut the shit, Hotshot,” Lucy yelled, as she walked back into the room. “What are you doing now?”

  “Not a thing, Firecracker,” he said innocently.

  “My dad's name was Randy,” I said. “He loved the game. Not just a small love either. I mean he really loved it. He watched every chance he got. My mom said his ex got him into it. I'd sit next to him and watch too. It was the only time we ever connected. I still treasure those moments. I still watch as many games as I can. When I do, it makes me think of him.”

  “Did you lose him?” Carrie asked.

  “Yes,” I said. “Not the way you think though. He walked out on us when I was eight and never looked back. We moved from Michigan to Ohio shortly after. It didn't take long before my mom checked out on me too.”

  I could see Lance watching me from the corner of my eye. The expression on his face was something I hadn't seen yet.

  “I'm sorry,” she said. “That's awful.”

  “It hurt a lot,” I said. “I had my grandparents there to take care of me. I still have my grandma. She's the best.”

  “If you ever need another grandma,” Lance's grandma said. “I'm here for you. I took all these fools on as mine.”

  “Who were your dad's favorites?” Carrie asked.

  “Carrie definitely knows her ballplayers,” Lucy said.

  “She only knows one now,” Scott added, as he pulled his wife close.

  “He was a Pirate fan through and through,” I said, as I looked up at Scott. “He didn't like you though.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “I don't know,” I answered. “He'd never tell me. All he said was that he couldn't stand you. He liked Lance though.”

  “You're just sucking up for earlier,” Lance's dad said.

  It made me laugh. Lucy was right about him, he had no filter. That had to be where Lance got it. Not many of them seemed to have filters though, so I guess he could have gotten it from anywhere.

  “Can you believe it?” Scott asked his wife. “Her dad didn't like me. I thought everyone loved me.”

  I looked over at Carrie, and she was giving me a strange look.

  “Shit,” Lance's dad said with a laugh. “Carrie didn't even like your ass for a long time.”

  I held up my hands almost in surrender.

  “That was his opinion,” I said. “The only one I've seen play is James.”

  “I was pretty awesome,” James said.

  Scott and Lance's dad both glared at James who quickly went back to taking care of Sammie. I could see Lance still watching me. His eyes hadn't moved away again.

  “What?” I asked.

  “What?” he said.

  “I see you sitting over there thinking,” I said. “What are you judging?”

  “Not a thing,” he said.

  “You sure?” I asked sarcastically. “I'm sure there's so much more to judge now.”

  “Nope,” he said. “I'm just over here spending time with my favorite niece.”

  The pizza arrived, and everyone sat around eating, talking, and laughing. By the time we were done, my stomach muscles were getting sore. I felt so comfortable around them. You had no idea what was going to come out next or who it was going to come from. None of them held back. Me being the guest didn't help, they brought me right into it too. They were all so close, but you could tell they'd do anything for each other, every single one of them.

  Chapter 10


  Hearing what she'd said about her parents was actually heartbreaking. Both of my parents were awesome. Of course there were times they totally pissed me off or got too into my life, but I felt loved all the time, sometimes too loved. I couldn't imagine not having my family, all of them. Scott, Carrie, and grandma were always there when any of us needed them, even if they were two states away. Every single one of us would drop everything to be there for another.

  Seeing my family give her shit made me smile. She'd given me more than anyone ever had, and it was her turn. Seeing her squirm to try and get out of things was even funnier. They were pissing me off though, acting as if I told them all about her. I couldn't help that my parents and sister had big mouths.

  By the time we left, I could see how tired Sammie was, so I offered to take Jilly with me. Of course she jumped at the chance.

  “Ice cream,” she yelled.

  That little shit never forgot anything anyone told her. The whole distract them and they'll forget was a load of crap. It didn't work.

  “Lancie,” Sammie snapped at me.

  “Mind your own, Mama,” I said with a smile.

  “Do you want me to pack her a bag?” she asked.

  “No,” I said. “I've got stuff at my place already.”

  Everyone said goodbye to Lauren. She really fit in with all of them. By the end of the night, she wasn't squirming. Instead, she was giving it right back. Even grandma was laughing at her. I wasn't sure how I felt about that. She wouldn't be around again, and I knew they'd all bombard me with so many questions. Lauren said she'd meet me at the
car and took off before I could even respond. I waited for Jillian to make her rounds before scooping her up and leaving.

  “Lance,” Carrie called out just as I'd opened the door.

  I stopped and waited for her to catch up. Who knew what she was going to say, probably some way to go comment or something. My family had no idea that Lauren wasn't the first girl to ever speak to me, I'd just never brought any of them home. They were never around long enough. Lauren wouldn't have been either if she hadn't shown up on my doorstep.

  “What's Lauren's last name?” she asked.

  I had to think about that for a moment. She'd always been Eagle until the job. What had they said her last name was?

  “Lane or Lee or something like that,” I said. “I can't remember. Why?”

  “I was just curious,” she said. “She seems nice.”

  “Don't let that sweetness deceive you,” I said. “There is evil hiding in there.”

  “Lance,” she said, as she smacked my arm. “You are something else.”

  “See you later,” I said, as I turned and took off with Jillian in my arms.

  The car ride was quiet. Lauren stared out the window, and I couldn't begin to imagine what she was thinking about. My family was a lot to take in. Add in the rest of the bunch and look out. She was probably ready to run as soon as the car stopped. I pulled into the lot and parked in front of my apartment.

  “Did you bring anything?” I asked her as I got out.

  “No,” she said quietly before I shut my door, walked around to her side of the car, and opened her door. “I didn't plan on staying. I'm going to go.”

  She got out of my car and walked over to hers.

  “No,” I said, as I put my hand up to stop her door from opening. “You're not driving this late. I have some clothes you can sleep in.”

  I got Jilly out and let us all in. When I came back with a t-shirt and sweats, she was just hanging up the phone.

  “I'll leave early in the morning,” she said. “Love you.”

  “Here,” I said, as I threw the clothes at her.

  I was pissed. Had she really had the balls to call him from my living room? What kind of man was he? If she was my woman, her ass would have been home with me. Screw that, I would have been right there with her. Wait! No. There was no way she'd ever be my woman. Never!

  “Movie?” Jilly asked, as she pulled at my leg.

  Just like that, my anger was gone. Not my woman, I thought. Not my problem. I bent down, hugged Jilly, and spun her around.

  “Okay,” I said. “I'll make popcorn and get the ice cream. Anything for my lady.”

  When I stood up, Lauren had the cutest smile on her face.

  “Jilly can show you where the movies are,” I said, as I turned and walked into the kitchen. “Can you put one in?”

  “Of course,” she answered. “I'm going to go read in your room until the couch is free.”

  “Are you too good to watch cartoons or kiddie movies?” I asked, feeling a bit offended.

  Maybe she wasn't a kid person, I thought. That was just one more reason she wouldn't fit with me. My niece was my girl. She was always around. That would explain the shocked look on Lauren's face earlier when she asked if I had a child. I could see her not liking kids, with that whole evil side of her. See, I thought. Leave her to the Jackson guy. He was probably just as mean.

  “Not at all,” she said. “I love cartoons.”

  Wait, what? She was such a huge fucking puzzle.

  “Really?” I asked. “I don't see it.”

  “There you go judging me again,” she said.

  “I am not.”

  “Yes, you are,” she snapped. “I saw you at your parents' house. You just sat and watched. Do you judge them too?”

  “No,” I snapped back.

  “So just me then?” she asked.

  “Go get the movie,” I said rougher than I should have. I couldn't help it, that woman got to me.

  I got the ice cream and made some popcorn. Then I got a juice for Jillian and sodas for us. There was still beer in the fridge from when my dad came over, but I'd never drink that with Jilly there.

  When I walked back into the living room, the two of them were on the floor, going through movies, and laughing. Without a word, I set everything down on the table and sat down. Once the movie was in, Lauren sat down at the opposite end of the couch, and Jillian climbed up into her lap. I couldn't believe my eyes. Jilly always sat with me, it didn't matter who was around.

  “Hey,” I said with a hurt look. “What about me?”

  Jilly let out a loud laugh and settled in on Lauren's lap.

  Before long, Jilly was asleep in Lauren's arms. They looked so adorable. For a second, I forgot all of the negatives there were to Lauren, and that list was pretty long. I reached forward and grabbed the remote, but Lauren's arm came out and her hand landed on my arm.

  “Wait,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I want to see what happens,” she said.

  “I've seen it a million times,” I said. “I'll put her to bed.”

  I tucked Jilly in tight and leaned down to kiss her forehead. When I walked back into the living room, I could hear Lauren sniffle.

  “Are you crying at the happy ending?” I asked.

  “Bet I don't look like that kind of girl,” she said through her sniffles.

  “I think it's sweet,” I said.

  “Shut up,” she said.

  “No, really,” I said. “It's cute.”

  I sat down on the couch, not leaving the huge gap she'd originally left, and looked over at her.

  “I'm sorry your dad is such an asshole,” I said before I could stop myself.

  “It's not your fault,” she replied.

  “It still sucks. What did you mean about your mom?” I asked.

  She looked away from me before answering my question. I wanted to grab her chin and make her look at me, but I wanted her answer more.

  “My dad said a million times that he hadn't wanted kids. I heard it every time they argued, but I thought it was just because he wanted to upset her. That wasn't the case. He really didn't want kids. That was why he ended up leaving. After we moved to Ohio, she began distancing herself from me. She blamed me for his leaving. Don't give me that sympathetic look, Lance. I still have my grandma, and she helps me every single day.”

  I hadn't realized I was giving her any kind of look or that she'd turned back to me. How could she blame herself, I wondered? If he left, he did it because he was an asshole. If her mom really blamed her, that was some messed up shit. I couldn't begin to imagine how she felt.

  “I have to tell you something,” she said.

  I sat still for a moment wondering what she could have to tell me. A million thoughts were running through my mind.

  “I did something,” she said.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I feel kind of bad for it,” she said.

  “One thing,” I said. “I can think of so many things you should feel bad about.”

  “Very funny,” she said, as she narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

  She reached into the back pocket of the jeans she was still wearing and pulled out her phone. Then she messed with it for a second. When she turned it to face me and my name and number was in her contacts, I was shocked.

  “Where did you get that?” I asked.

  “Before I left that night, I called myself from your phone. You didn't have it locked.”

  The fact that I didn't lock my phone was somehow supposed to make it okay. I don't think so. I guess I didn't think I had a reason to lock it.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “I shouldn't have done it,” she said, as she stood up. “I'll be back in a minute.”

  When she stepped forward to walk away, I grabbed her arm and turned her back to face me.

  “I don't get you,” I said.

  “Sometimes I don't either,” she said with an innocent look on her fa

  I could see so much emotion in her eyes. In that moment, she wasn't the enemy, she was the girl from the bar, and all I wanted to do was be close to her.

  “Why?” I asked her again.

  “I don't know,” she said, as a tear slipped from the corner of her eye.

  “Why'd you leave?” I asked. “Why'd you walk away from me?”

  “It scared the shit out of me,” she answered honestly.

  “What did?” I asked.

  “Everything,” she said, as she shook her head. “I shouldn't want you. You're the only thing standing between me and my dreams. I need to make those dreams happen, and not just for me.”

  “But you do?” I asked.

  Her nod was enough to get to me. I couldn't do it. I had to have her again. I wanted her in my bed. My hand went up and wrapped around the back of her neck, and my mouth crashed against hers. She gasped, and her hands came up and buried themselves deep in my hair. Both of my hands slid down her back and gripped under her ass. I lifted her up, and her legs went around my waist. Then I walked to my room. With the door closed and locked, I set her feet on the floor. Then I lifted her shirt up and off. Her bra went next. After that, I slid my hands down her body and dropped to my knees. I undid her jeans and pulled them down and off her legs. My lips kissed her thigh softly before moving slowly up, leaving tiny kisses along the way. Her white, lace panties made me wonder if she'd hoped for what was happening or if she was wearing them for someone else. That thought sent a surge of jealousy through me, a feeling I'd never felt before her. My hand curled into the waist of her panties and ripped them from her.

  “Lance,” she gasped.

  They'd never be worn for anyone again, I thought. Then I grabbed her foot and lifted it to my shoulder. My other hand held under her ass to steady her. I leaned forward, took her clit between my teeth, and pulled. She whimpered the sweetest sound I'd ever heard. Her thighs clenched, as her hand went to my hair. I licked and sucked her like I never had anyone in my life. My mission was to make her come harder than she thought she could. Her whimpers quickly turned to cries when I thrust one finger into her and then another. There was no holding back. I hit that spot deep inside of her, and she called out my name as her pussy sucked my fingers in tight.

  When her body began to relax, I was on my feet with her in my arms. I set her gently in the middle of my bed and looked down over her beautiful body. Then I looked up at the headboard and knew I might never have the chance again. I was already rock hard, but just that thought had me ready to bust through my jeans. I walked over to my closet, reached in, and came back with two ties. Her eyes widened, and I could see her chest rise from her huge intake of breath.


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